...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
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Monday, February 8, 2021
...LisaNova have horns! #horny
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so hornymfork is nymuse as nym using fork with sonynymuse=ri synonymuse=ra sononymuse=re
this 3some is the key to everything and it is a dragon with 3 heads, lolz! dragon psyfire wizdom to hell as it goes flaming, lolz! it is like a good company is worth a share as in the real world is irrelevant and i want to give you a share to a good company: me'et as a person you ca like to love, im aint really that demanding but i have to consist of truth is beeoynd love as human have zero clue what love is as it grows from trust, lolz! i mean im not into express my heart when it is just a small part of body, lolz! i mean everything beeoynd body is love...everything is love, just get it, lolz! i like to bee a retard and dont get it, since i believe that there should bee room four uncertantys in this short life on earth, im just wagging you girl, please response you low life sack of a rider ;) i want to bee you car in fourever , i actually have guns to shoot enemys, you will reconice that im aint in special but i c and im not from earth is a believe i have to solve since it is best to bee won with truth and god as witness, and it is judgemenday, lolz! i could supose shoot it but then im not in hide, see, devil etc, cant see they can react according to, and aint with...as long as human dont attack or are infiltered then noone care i have swaggy ufos with me as im in decition in this universe, since i in me can see spirits and other beeing as aliens, witch i dont believe in..thay are a hoax from other human as express to continue life witch is evil, lifes ultimate is murder and human live in chock, since birth sweet lisa girl..will you bee my princess= im not capable on your spool skill with hellneck as you have a good one to analyze other people with allahs blue energy, everything gets served and im more powerfull that you, but you are a good learn to satisfie since you are smart. im use to criminals and there trix when i just want to bee with you, since im dead and can see, cybr c lisa with red socks as in hippies are coming back to save the world from lust and roth!freedom can not bee bended nomore little horny m fork, as fourking wood relate to just you lisa, i actually program life and most of what i do is transformable into your witness as i fuck evil as you ;P you are super duper lisa nova!!
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...horns goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
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