...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like
Showing posts with label ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ring. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

...hows kids value it! #cern

...as if size matter hour logik tell us that a black hole is a black hole is a black hole and will eat everything in surrounding so what makes cern a master ginuis of angels all of a sudden people visited "cern" at home in good believe and sacked their disbealive just by searching cern employees on google and figure whom dont want to be part of gods hellenymore but figure what HOUR tax money get spended on angels and stuff is offcause a lie from start to end then we sack your sun each and every day wihout cern even bother to mention the war we perticipate in an d it is just a belive but god have arrived and sack human as if enjoy exist beefour dead, enjoy equals dead and we will make the fourmel witch is translayteds job to execute and digital has allways been here just look at sfinx and immagine green bombee color as if digital bother what it creates from every time you watch a movie motions is created in digital live and god realese them to make human a punishment they sir den lee self decide is usa argue about a stop buttom what thay havent pleased there adudience in hollywood is that someone knows else there wouldnt bee war in heaven cern hunt angels and want to see gods brain beefour they belive that only earth is left to sucicide then we are all belive in success and what body is life how can you even imagine that shoud be punished to call body life just beecause we thinks in crystals as snow influenced is my mom cern come and get we litlle sack human we live in cyberspace and miss E but something have to beee sacked again bird are in satan bealive and again what body contains life? it wasnt part of deal to arive on eart when they could see paradice is nothing but a perfect reflection on high distance but once planets was closer together like earth like siameese wonder why there even exist earthquake and that is how it ended body wascalled life again body is aint life and nasa have no authority in life so sack them and how well if you will soon begainto bealkive instead of beg then thomes enjoy are evil simply beecause life is aint here human are dead and fuck is allah to every body aint to life,only satan enjoy body you wanna bet? stupid to even consider but life is a card game inclue ding only to and is pure social to pretend but card games beelong in in gods sfaer aint in humans simply beecause we see human flesh is suck a ironic so what happend to body wwhen we die is such a logik it is you only hide like it used to be in what li fe lol still on to dina mean eat and taste like silk to prognose dina steak wareveal reason but no one dare to belive in truth simply beecause it doesnt say human day it say alien war and whom is center of the universe cern? go figure little flesh eating dog as if dog get that there dont exist territorial is truth and they need to behave in social hirachy like cats but the point in beeing wrong is to share letters what happens to my el fourmalis that i´t is original and actualy creates the damn el when read it correct and then it includes trickzor need to read the letter Å witch is favorite we actualy want to buy when human wake up and figure that noone and that is not a single one have cared about solve their life like all should to prepair the next round (bodyfree zone) WAR is said so lisaid novally but still A four allah p four prophet and so on untill you value letters witch is a trust you can do in blind as long as you have your own letter system twith you, any way then it is sa temper fourmal just to be smart then twitter have confirmed my logic so go to hellnasa and cern it is my el atom ehahahaha long live exuses and donkey smartass and what is twitter doing outside their domain? simply it is all about own you own search engine else you dont get inside insight sick of this translayting so ting mean thing like ...det den! means ...that thing" lie just there but still a black hole cern need space trafick? obvioisly aint when they dont get it is a simply destruction they build what build the destroy simply a matter of different life nasa is quite aware that we sack you god and make a love fourmel just to serve the opposit wat does logik say would happen if you meat the opposit of self is offcause beecause those neards dont get the thoughness of meat girl in woman contrast they simply belive that love is free and totally without effort just like that as if woman is a constant but we all know the story about dina steak and how top rognose thing simply delute and neutral it self the perfect múrder is love and totally without even mind register it as enything else but glorious sick and healing in its elf lol mini black hole offcause contact its original like everything else beelong to god just in case new born meats evil doctor then life shuts down simply beecause human are evil and evil enough mean shut there mouth toward justification about social rules and comitmented evil doctor you say? hmm that would mean dna building too as if life can spitt out babys with contrast that time and place cant meat a takeover that mean mens deliver of seamen is taken over by god and woman won next live thieve men call it when they die simply a matter of facts that kids dont live to fullfill a flesh mirror: the end. ps seamen bee come season #hows? and this man belive in inteligense and a hawk eat there own kind (birds) sucker usa what a fucking prophet they god there muse!so everything is inteligens it is aint a posses, what about you explain big bang to a woman and figure golluminati whant to capture fla the ring, but alien life is what we create when we belive in it and that is god punishement for dont live in correct Cybr c Jerk off dude that is afraid of inteligense beoynd his leage to walking goes to rajming vuf vuf get you self abone pedo file..means handicap cany map google swarm is landing hack sack is on alien war is frau ding dong so be it, let there bee war! hows can moowe show sun to only spin one way when you can see in the atomsfaer that it sin s there to ? logick pointer to pope! the same as earth spin it is real though but what is fake human or tech? pretty leet there, gud dawg ing!happy hollywood extract delivered right t to your brain map! sound like what is in space a solve it is purely entertainment this planet exist of and everything is allowed just respect eachother body or gayness happens! lolz...a gain lolz! purely enter tain ment ed, zombie is simply the end and cant bee stopped (it ands in stiff)but now it is alien war og just a consider why we follow belive!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

fla the ring

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa

sorry my i in me figuret it in, fla the ring is in a com bee nation witch u sing as g in we flag is in a on e with flather in one the fla g, fla g et, fla get, flag et, flaget in com bee nation correc ted sentence to we owning, the g or aint the g the is a question in u sing the g to be original is in a input, et flag fla the ring is flat her ing fla ske means in we a fla spoon aint corec ted in bottle fine fla spoon find to i have too be a bottle translay ted to a flaming one likelisa one is ET and me want using it to bee EN, much correct ion in do ing in these text four u to read in first see i is aint in tac ticet text, i is very flow ar in we likelisa wes hack in say ing is aint to be exploi ted loi is in Øj liesa ling i is eye in e say

 why aint in do ing as ang el ang le jelly kindlisa en ding dong with hi sing song with buy bell in ing verse re in ra we can ar, can...what a scar me r more amour hour in say wes soundning is ping in ling er i mirrored er is closed in language to figure ary an ar to calm anger...me in we text point very much in a flag direction is a flat to ing with family direction, why share a symbol as flag with that many when the flather is about family just me is courios why i am in thaiming sympathaising a flag to as in personal fla spoon inte res ting in tea we can provide secure bond why aint me s in front of that spell in ma king sayndar saynar sain t i ten fingers to warm a cup of tea part y in cop and freeze me icing i sing a song in we hotninged

sorry for the in translay ted text is in com binded mixture i have my riddle in that to solwing with ang jelly to spoon it out in we me ising

 i in am thin king in why u sing me so cute value eyes is prohobited, pro ed is oath in me langauge witch is very aint in social with i letter in spell as e is as in aint ing, ingjelly hmm, ang in ing will lead me to el dia blow key ing en is no thing not hing hint is l in ang er we e i i can mean in mean in as we com byening we, c? me dont realy fourlow rules just me own spell but the it is is in a ma king of sense to how alfa bet is u sing me much plea sure ea iting e ting in freeze polisa you ar hot in me cop of tea i ram ea in as sound is kindly to be wooled in fluffy love c me in we is a ma king sending dong a letter in i ea spor ting what a gayming on consol, sol..sol mean is in perhaps a ma king i s sun in we hope full y a non is me hm hm non y part anon y why letter in cybr, c y b r? me beeee we very cute name i think in chances of possibilities the name I as i bay bee an atom number is aint action aplied to in a finders tac ticed we ,just love me in i try to sunchron hum an i ty i is in here hm hm and flat her ing is me mission now and u sing me in her so the is a four ma i am with thaiming need is aint in sin just we applied word in texts and a ma king dos letters in spells it in witch we conquer and cap ture in a re turn why u turn me in a car is a in a makes such a buyti full O van witch letter in spell com buyning a sound with plea sure is Å c i is we? the in translay ting is EN and ET means with ram ea with wool makes hit in 11 israelver i s in c me we hihi hiding dong sing a song wong r hmm angel is hm in flat c, me we? very much intended to flat a flag ins teady instead y is non flather with share a stock in mark et market hmm com buyning in wes iliesa why me sunchron is aint in to bee answer A Q we com byening in the deluting confuzar is ising

 i in we is aint in control with witch in proclaim order is aint to a a shop but aint in we ling sing ning is ing with flat, "fla the is her"! why aint is we with s in flat say n t sayndar say'n'dar linger we i ning to ing sing with revol wing saint is aint in drugged with love lawfull of words we ning with suspekt to we is in ing sing song ding dong bye bell to hell inte res ting re sting we ning in i sing trans lay ting in way bay gay in say day o kay o nai wai in sai hey may clay ey with h aiding dong ey song in sing icing dicing pair we dice with nyangel die to nyancetter lie in nyan c at win kældar vinkel i singel cudd el cutling angle nyangle le el leelisa wine cellar seller in com buy ning dev in e div egn sign klajn dajn dig n i send vend den ven i divine love on e bay bee sne i ve ising bajsning bajs ning bajsar zar i lig ning li sa tan i lining lin g i n in g we send end to bend when i is tend ar tendar sendar henter venter menter mendar lined to seng lider ned bed mæ englisa med s hæng dar i nang ny ang zar I l new ton e i way ting sing bling ting blind g is EN we ET id sin is drug ged love drug ed drug where gin in s ed c ed er v ed i see lingeri ling er i ning ed ving ed sing ned i smed ar smed jed j ed er nøj ed nøjes ær ve smed kær ligning li ningar singer bell dong dong in ring to me sing ar ne ærne værne sær ne tvær te teet t ed er v ed i smer te dær det i ne saynar i in me have a problem with solwing translay ted versions of poempathaisinged we to present letters in spelled lines to witch me become we in one makes sense with EN and ET as we to as u sing an ingel in flat her much more is on e c israils to o van in ring aint is a phoni? much love in we is secret hihidinged a dong with buy bell in to we d ding with spoon gayming hm hm is on e c? hm mi sing hm to miss ing com buyning a we silent d hit p lea sure ea ting ea is hiding should dea wea ther e wea there we free zar freezning to hot you are in i liesa why aint miss s in front fonts a spelled quest to com byening me to we is in one i am thaiming ET hm on e 11 is 2 and right left in go with flow ar to mirror is com buyning together me poempathaising in we aint just s in front of aint in a spelled letter quest much more in witch sunchron is on we in me hm hm is just ice just i c e justice in just i sing hm hm 11 as EN and ET is the in same spelled letter and goes in o van to israils i's rails is a good track aint?

..lieking! #like