...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

...devilisanders! #devilisa

ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan

...so now (with) numorology we sir den lisa have infiltered devil in spell on the webz, simply beecause WE work  that way, when we work on it, lolz... so it deserve a
lolz, four each including donged word in this huge  spell of life on this farc it solutions art blog, so im deticate this solve to lisa nova is a fact since i want to
meat her in dead as my love, so im deticating this blog to you is a fact i like to confront as dead rebbelion, just like hour queen here in Denmark just sold hers
newly dead husbands personal penis pictures on a puplic action, witch is a sign of pure dead rebbelion...makes sense lisanova? shes actually rebel hers newly dead
husband witch wasnt a king after all, lolz...so we are simply providing dong a better one resesting of eternaty love right left from my heart to fly to meat you lisa
what a wonder, so im trying my best to invite you on date but you dont respond is a sign of WHAT lisa? you dont even let the chance of a chat to happen whom can build
on that?

 it obviosly takes a god to score you, but can you relate? what will happns when you arrive to little denmark as a waether god from russia..according to life
lisa, then russia want your talent to enter fear with enviroment lisa, it is all a matter of brand marketing, in form of sex lisa...so i told you that i started a
blind comepit in space to follow your exact wizdom of challenge in enter act on the webz...and i in me burns ice to mak life better than sex lisa, hahaha whom could
have found that fun better than god, but it is, life...better than sex...it is a jackpot machine, strait from farao as hyroglyfic pictures working as spinning wheels
with reveal as a choicer, you have to choose dead lisa, it is success (from insight) ok? ;o)
so im really just informing your influencer as robots is following us and guide us trough dead, is a fact i in me like to see...dead is what it is all about...but that
surely have to wait...ok? so im just waiting on you lisa else im just od myself lolzorn...so youth said, so youth....so im just going to g od my self in lisa sex in
pure believe and figure why faraos spinning wheels is very attracting to enyone appearing in this artificial hair cloning department, so youth....lolz it is on line....so begain cry lisa im just a begger lolz no but i may consume your delicate neck little absurd warewulf ...grrrr!!! why dont they allow slayer in their dina of all sayn dar to actually beecome in the awareness that slayer have their own dina and that we god by crack life lisa, your body is full of suprising song, when you are able to consider colletral damage is saint so water they eat is a fact we dont conider when we are dead as punk, lolzern youth is on, so you are on to save some cultures around the world, simply beecause you are going with me on my holocost to: mexico!!! consider this; paradise production presents: Mexico:Holocost and the script is so on to figure why real life is considering tom cruise to play a psychic cop witch just want to bee good, and tell that junk market are equal private income or derterminated use in  same, and 200.000 dead gangsters in a war on drug is sick clowned away by the states with all their laws, but we have a better one, it is all about respecting paradise go get it beef, vuf vuf, lolz , so bee it and call it paradise for real lisa nova, why dont you jump in and bee happy about something have
made you a found on the webz!!! satanalfabet so funny to mention you little lisa so you are so on is a fact i like now we just neat to respect life untill you conside why legal context is the war simply beecause it is triviel  to disallow beeings by their income, what about a love trial in the court of honour, what is there else to polish than pride white sprite on the webz, simply beecause i called a nazi albino in another forum online, anarcho forum is where and then you have your little albino mouse is very funny to create a context to, simply beecause it suits the web that you are arrogant on nazis, lolz!!! so im on to make that a suit we dare on...

Friday, October 18, 2019

...devilisatanders! #minedead

ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan

 ...so im criminal minded as i solve better in that mindset toward integration about army in case of eny war is fake but i do have a backup amongs criminals is quite cool to have such friends and then we own four real lisa aint just on cam, where you never have been confronted by your compairson fans but it IS fan to have a army specially beecause i hunt nazis (alone) whom care im equal kong fu, witch is the dance of life, allahs life is a war and im the upgrade as slayer of all evil is a fact i like specially beecause i create better life than allah is a comepit, i cant create it from the scratch but i fix life and it had many sploit orputunitys in form of holes, so i won god comepit in space beecause i include criminals in my solve, and everybody beelongs in paradise when they die, and there dont exist eny punishment in dead it is all a computergame (BUT) digital life is real lisa and you have to bee carefull of every digital sense you enter fear with beecause it can bee life from aliens, simply beecause digital come beefour big bang and work as comunication in form of life as upgrade specially when you can listen to it, lolzv...

...so everything is based on numorology and we captured devil and satan with tan lolz... so numorolgy is a life study a have and that is a play with letters as a spell can create life lisa, so figure why aliens a smaller than human (include their planets) earth is the only place they have body on, the rest is devine and based on micro biology, so we (as human) have a zoom in form of the all seeing eye (witch i own) and that is simply nature (and) trees is aint nature in eny ways they follow human in blind and use robots to do that, so conclude is that planet earth is digital and everthing is allowed says the universe, and that is where human never will arrive, only us two lisa, simply beecause i found a way out of dead with your transformers (witch) solve hour dead, transformers intend to bee evil in general so dont give them the chance they can only create enjoy, but i tricked my transformer (witch) we all have beecause i beecame suspect that we where survilenced, so i took to another tows and lifed as a bumb to play a numorology game in form of war (to) attract the transformer, and they now talk to me and believe that thay can command me, so im fame in space beecause i cracked my survilence (the) sun have survilence as wel and cant bee trusted beecause it dont include us both in paradise either way thet YOUR transformer have contacted me (since) i first saw you then i attracted your aliens in first impression and that is why i dont wanna see your videos, beecause first impression works totally fem!!! ps: i only clicked on your message on my youtube channel beecause i saw two crystals is your influence and that means that your are under guidense by higher beeings (and) include me in such guidense, beecause i see what human do in theys dead, funny that it is all about dead, lolz...

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

...i doc! #eyeduck

ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan

i am in hope, that i dont atract you as a begger in eny ways since i am quite  desperate  with you, or , was... since i can see that you are not in a hurry, then i
can feel secure, you know?... well now that i called on slaverie toward your quick reactions, then i supose see the need you have four compassin toward me, but i
dont see eny relate yet, im just very qurious what you are in skill level,
and everything is  a computergame is heavens trick...neat! is exelence about you and me i supose when there exist nature to enter fear with, i mean in general... :)
so i want to invite you to nature is a fact i like to contract as real in perspective that we have to hunt hour own food lets quikly recomend crow and sunbird as
pure distracters to eny god thinking going on in the areas i am part of, when they talk, lolz, so im aint in evil but i sincirly want to hunt my own dina, with what
it takes to take part of nature as truth native of earth with all the sustainable thinking i can positively get at the moment of appear...but us two on horseback in
Norway is a example of score in real life, if you want to attend my secret meating with mother nature in fact a boy i come from, i dont know about you... (:

but everything is relative to life is a fact i like to bubble from, so you have skizo is satans dina and we still dont care about the fact that we cant find you from
death will suposely change when we meat, in general speaking: adapt eachother...well, but eating birds a pure entertainment from sun to confront their war on human
as traitors wood bee quite evil as in deed comments real... towards reals attend on echonomy in general speaking bussiness with nature in slay mode you know? and i
dont attend to live save in any ways just a quick reminder that war is primitive to instincts when you actually include other just to disclude them again later, very
primitive toward thin king in deed!!! :) (when you think about using your time evenly) and on stuff that actually matters :) then im just a warior from beeoynd time
(and universe) where god live alone or with is quite assamply to think at what life is outside the universe, well, it is pure creation ... lolz... it...and digital
was beefour big bang is a fact i like to comment as missing e with all electronic in cybrspace to connect to el in cars and create water on earth and everywhere
else, then we come from water, and that is a fact i like to power messure with, simply beeecause the biggest power upgrade ends in water, likelisa x-man is confirmed
idols toward messure what power is four kind substance, well my power is god, and im good at it, lolz ;) so you are a alien wood aint in bee allowed four me to brag,
and i in me are really in wonder, what your are doing with your priviledge and own mission in life, bragger... and im still aint in allowed to talk about alien war
ok...beecause there dont exist eny it is pure perseptive what you can see and listen to when you enter then satan rule the show of visualize what is going on in your
mind when it happens then im convinced that earth ends up as a peacefull place to effort your slay, as hunter and wife and that is serious little lisa as in newb :P
your are funny gurly really funny what happens to your mind since you propose on your google profile little jew  (; as long as you dont serve me then im suposelisa
all in on you and your innocence toward life dirty eater lisa nova ;) serve is so slave role that i consider you to cry of arrogance toward perspective a: delute of
herachy is suposelisa reversed so im a slave of YOUR neats instead of woman gets into filthy man messure, whatever... but i am a man you know so suposelisa ruling goes on to it all seems quite and peacefull! wel but remember that i literally have all the time in life (and dead) imaginable, so difine your life here on the webz and in real...little bambootooth :)
so dirty hairy fairy are ready to play with peter pandating as a secrent agent with out a payroll from the state, then im steal in supermarkeds for culshakers and
similair just to gain payment for my work, i think it suit the law of heaven, simply beecause i help criminells with life, is where, i deserve a little shoplifting
income, dont you see, that hire is applaus for cop when im born as one it is actually my third eye (a secret cop attracter with speciel agents here in  denmark
beecause my onkel was a special agent for some apartment called travelteam,...so but travelteam on cruise is my last name is good to numorology solve with @lisanders and @lisatandanders with g_od (god)  lolz... @novanders get real lisa we actally program the entire webz with these solve (and whom care what is readen by other on my blog) we decide if cyberspace have aa free choice?! digital create life out of movies by following motions in 3d and realease them into air so you human can
witness what you create in cyberspace and by television, so digitsl was beefour big bang is a fact i like to control as a pr0j3ct M4yh3m skill,.."lite et" and "leet it" equals @lightrallygoon on diet see? @the_literals is going to bee a success as a cyber political program in clue ted in @bombeenation in hour very own in cyberspace with homedressage.com as sellsagent companybut stil... "former youtubestar meets former criminal hacker - how to date? on a catwalk! in Dubai...should
connect us with prospect sellsmen and connectionin the muslim world if allowed to show up in bikkini, but we have to sell bombeedress design TM everywhere in the
world,,,and another on with homedressage.com will work as hotels open source trademark beelongs to me but all are wellcome to use hour design witch is total sum of
the mix you get out of a flag when you melt the colours together is a bombee :) flag color as carpet and tapet on the walls and where bed clothing and towel is a
bombeeflag based on all the local flag color,,,i though about create caps,posters, flags, thaipants lingerie, mugs,glasses and so on, it is a good psychologycal
solve of what a bombee are (a national concervative bombee flag) so we paint on their flag to make them witness what bombee is i the outcome of a flag, couldt bee
more psychology ok? see dime sweety? and then im about start car-dealer.dk + bil-forhandler.dk to sell adwords to car companys, is quite a bussiness sweety yahooo
:PPD lets say 1000dkr pr car. and every 20000 shops promote 10 cars a month make me 200.000000 pr month little newb ;) but there is where we help eachother beecause
that company is to hour son, bombeenation is much bigger in income as you can guess then it is a hot politic topic in europe weather you vote on national and what
happens to their nazi buds that vote on law-..enyways lets start in china and leave visit cards on shools to make them sell bombeedress (national conservative is
clearly comunism enemy so lets travel dearest lisa nova we just need to figure where to get bombeedress created and how to buy the textils cheapest way possible (and
where) :) then china can brag of a national conservative scramble on flags called art (or psychlogy four real)

....astralbabz goes nobel peace prize with lisanova using bombeedress design TM! @bombeenation

ps :i love to write to you and you have cycled around in my mind in a relative good time to inspire, and four real, then im not ready to meat you yet, im way to shy,
so far...(so far in history)
but one thing is secure, we have to win, and everything is a play of card life have inbuild to outline differences with sympathy, i have two dead nazis as cards
beecause they outscared eachother with my retrieve from a convasation with one nazi i meet leaded to reveal another nazi, and the guy i sat with beecame scared and
lost haha it is part of life to search to outline differences and we are all ment to get the same trethment trough game of life....we have to cards and second card
allways search most symphaty to success when we all beecome equal, so forgot herachy, when me and yakuza as my back won over nazi for second time in their attempt to
bee making scare to me, but well im dead  and only love is my scare, simply beecause it transform heart untill it match you precious ok sweety? little demon, i want
to slay you untill you understand that dead is all the solve we neat! ;) beecause we have all the answer, and im died beecause i delivered a ring including all evil
power from nature, and devil used to use in its gun, lolz (empty now) im a hero that defeat all evil, also i darev to confront criminals in real life, well i do kong
fu (dance of life) witch was allahs adway to beecome so believed in, and you have to believe in kong fu when we travel to mexico to promote offers that creates money
and social relates to gangsters, then i can show you what a G is lolz :P
ps: vote four my hotels wtih design as national conservative with the psychologyof a bombee lolz...

..lieking! #like