ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan with "you" in bee ing skizo would bee the same as donald trump mentioned you as insane okay that wount happen is the supose we figure lolz but still synchrons lisa you can actually recieve syncrons from persons trough cyberspace! :) digital is life like you and me and angelick is also there in cyberspace, the world of electronic ;) where E is miss ing okay sorry four that sweety...but humans algo says E equals miss ing and is everything to human, okay just wait cryming dynasty will conquar ;)
enyways. im sooo sorry four my entrance toward you im not a shamed (i
really needed that expression) but still i might god the wrong impression of you and you should recieve my apology !
so did it work? (my holocost) have you recieved enything evil or just amazed in waves? (called life) so CybrSpace is a life with miss ing as main figure E as, in the real world where human die...but sorry four waste of your time precious !! comepletely uninteresting must bee but a slight miscalculate is sir den lisa ;) sorry four that!
it is all first impression so i havent really seen your videos and i still have it going you simply have to replay to me one day soon enough Lisa (in this life) so i tryed as a contentgoal to fix a ettiquette four us in blind so bee it and reconice how enguiness ...does goes with using fourk! so devil have a fourking farc problem beecause we connected hell to these poems so we have a comitment toward human kind, to fix this performa wedding in fast run toward human kind super with numorology calm bee nation 0123=2013 så fix login four robots in hell is programable to we, it really rules Lisa ;) calm weather is pro miss....
so i tryed to spool my own dream is a fact i like to consider as own? just 2sec i did a rewind is funny how gel is hour dream modulator, so i have fixed dreams and categorized them as life wants to seem obviously and humans everything about is miss ing=E :) funny how cryming dynasty will get its vocal from the tuner some day soon enough including your extacy rehab young miss is a calebrate beecause im an expert quite literally so it was hell four you precious but with miss ing as a mortal mark from god would prove E to bee delivered to hour dynasty (dreams and creation skills) it is really crusial about getting the point about life so no one get hurts or dssimilair imbicile tings in a relaytionsip but miss ing is you as CybrSpace is missing E as you and that is really actual in hell beecause we try to connect to the web trough prezise time syncron and capture (or creation) of moment (creation is favorite) but to realize thaat miss ing is human destiny (or) sphaere to live in / with
so just fourgive me on my miscalculation of you and it is aint in waste of time to do first impressions over that period of time and time is own as in tin king all day explaning to me time dance is under development lol (and) the progress of time in sound/voice is brilliant to take over youtube with and such is funny how goes my domain where the visit card from would provide if we get robbed okay hour travel to poor are relevant why i practice slay is quite relevant two...but i didnt now you have something i want since you dont answer, but react when it is sharpe and hit you beecause you are a score!!! ;P
and i literally have all the time i can think off , and so do you miss!
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
Follow @farc_art_it
Monday, November 26, 2018
...worryfree cocktail! #gel i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...miss ing LisaNova!
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