...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
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Showing posts with label ...hows goes lisanova!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ...hows goes lisanova!. Show all posts
Sunday, February 3, 2019
...does goes hoes! #wows
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so the u sing using song untill does goes hoes in Christiania is likely to visit astrologism hippies and stuff....but i think that for me to go hoe in Christiania then it takes a consider that you are just to snoop for meaning with life in general, lisa you are beecoming dumb of your deneil of my truth and love to your heart, but imbicil of you is to deneil of love chance to glamour it is a dating standard algoritm we create with hour love as example how to attract correct trough digital and how life should bee reconiced from a computer with webz then it is all about the ventialtor that makes computer power for them self to talk as a airborn, but still interesting with time and you will bee escorted to paradise when you die and then you stop wasting time okay, it is aint in waste beecause love grows and life learns formal! and you have a lesson that is called god is funnny how goes responsibility with you when you think about that tremendius love influence you have in my life then you must soon bee done with educating your life with me and try take the chance lisa beecause it will happen. im just corius with you beecause i call you a virus from now on or just a spreader of alien tech watch remind me of my study of digital impact in life gets me toward the point that digital was beefour big bang and other advanced life forms exist in digital memo here from earth, that mean we are open to the past is interesting when it is the future lol ;) but former life meats former youtubestarting human race is funny to speculate what digital means to human allready, but it is paradice and we live on a digital planet that is build for rockets but it might be in the next life (after human) reallity appear as truth factor and skill in life to reveal hour tools from hour robots recieve dating notes from girld is beecause we follow telepathy with hour eyes funny how open ans truth chineese in general must bee with those deliverys trough pass by eachother then i recieved a catalog desk to organize heart desires in general and so on to how smart it is to begin believe in freedom, and freedom means no work for most beecause gods gift from paradice is free el and it comes from atoms witch is green and i call ohm.home.atom3 the el atoms name is ohm was written but now it is with meditativ calm from tibet with i create time atoms to so they can explore even further hour past here on earth toward future then it is a matter of time that makes HOUR year zero to beecome a healthy place to install your self, but there exists other time senses in relate to the depth then tech have funny numbers, and animals love humans gifts it is just that we are to busy to fin it interesting to attract emotions from unknown but still we have to is sir den lisas perl habor so you are jew happy holocost is funny hows goes with mental retarded and humor but we have alot to learn about eachother lisa friend beecause we might bee different but we dont posess conflicts in eny forms and your alien weather is yellow lisa and you like my body heat whatever lisa we dont have to meat in this life to make love happens we have believe, digital and allah to collect avidence about hour webaffair just to prove your messagebox is.... perhaps dead can reveal those messages buts funny how i have gained knowledge under alien influence from the wave we all must admit was illigal to change lifeform and is Very Tempening to take over the world but we started a god comepit trough digital and use gods atom to telepthich transfer of attracting emotions with thought cabillity so it is all a matter of attraction to recieve god is a powerfull thing when you consider that we only have this life to exchange life that is why allah helped beecause it IS love and it have to bee proved how YOU have invaded MY life trough cyberspace and that is why i call this a peforma wedding so to speak beecause we allready do beelong together it is just wird that I have to score you when it is
YOU that wants me...your infection talks loud and clear miss devil clown, still eating from humans neck is funny howit is microchip based to follow these impulses little wherewolf human kind of thingy to resist that you have a stomich with sex potential lol we are just good arent we so freaking gud but devil promiss read carpet if you find me, simply beecause it is where i live every day to figure star weather and zombies i just upgrade what i can and learn that it creates comepit with gods atom when i try to overbid human with time explore is a good way to synchronice with eachother alone to figure more real than life allows is funny how extacy have played a vital part of aliens abbility to backtrack us human with hour robots gets max inluenced by that god drug or what ever it is just poison and creates dead it is pure dead is funny how it should bee more illigal to take and banned comepletely beecause the essence of the drug awareness is still running in the air when it leaves hour body and everything is airborn is simply how human work and update eachother but xtc is good to inhale trough digital and make reveals appear instead of gods reveal then we minor hour self to accept the drug instead...xtc is just pain and suffer is good too me to ignore enjoy in life and search to manipulate with the inner sense system of drug influence and go right to the backslay then xtc is hell devil you reach and dead express etc two it is like it
is like this global epedimy is in the air and just spread, so bee sure of your love lisa witch you are it is just empathy drug we inhale was smart of my past to search pain and suffer instead fake love ing discover we did with but it was a interesting those trip and we really saw hell as it is one big robot program witch most animals have access two and believe they treath human is funny how we are safe buts sad our hour diesenty when you include the thoght twe are symphatich beeings with much more care toward life than that show should bee pulled of that animals believe in robot tech beeoynd nature is suprising how good they are to solve and we want more awareness on birds talk with us human because they shpuld take part of civiliation with us and sing to hour interest when they solve to inpire human of time etc but they are amsing to work together is a supose buts good to bee aware, i work on a movie titel called: Mexico: the holocaust - how the whole world turned the blind eye to private matter and killed over 200.000 gangsters with liberal politic, and then we have to travel to most criminel areas Lisa to deliver a fair share of ideas how to revolt with @bombeenation (how to earn legal) is sir den lisa my idea of promote god but drug abuse is private and can only bee a individuals own problem with their free will to accept not to buy all otheris pure big brother thinking and it is simply to easy to just deaclare war on drugs when they need money, and god support fix of mexico cartels, so do you believe in kong fu lisa im slayer and im here to show you the world does have value as named person as me on you part to take your love with me to paradise witch must bee googles gift to hour blog and translate attemps to eplain what life is seen from love reveal but raj odd exchang in translation Raj (witch is indian) with the word paradise, so google is presented in reallity is funny hows goes, when: does goes hoes (in christiania) paradise hoes lolz so the colour green is part of hour eye senses and promotes bombeenation in green light district instead of red in amsterdam then it is just cool with paradise in prognose, Christiania....check the translate down page into english just one time and then figure hour deserve lisa cleopatraj odd makes rockon! #virussia
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...hows goes lisanova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Friday, July 6, 2018
...funny hows! #goes
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so i can use fourever writing these texts, specially now that im aint in aware weather you are reading them or aint, but whats wrong is aint my care...my care is you and you have to admit that im writing some good shit, so how to follow gods algo is a mystiqe beecause i do and that is to provide something usefull toward you bee, but we do, how to follow gods algo, is a all in to believe that it provides better and is defining life is what it does, by following god you define you life and life follows that define that is why i make it super presize...so birds can bee drunk is funny why or how they even sense those supstance but they can eat human energy with we had a long argue about when im into human begin believe and witness that they posess these tools made of energy spiritual alien gear is highly valued by birds and they is just used to take them from human and decide (in) general , so they actually want to decide is what they believe god does omg is said so we take it from there and want to dedicate that on one decides is difficult according to what we as human does and what birds do to avoid us, enough about birds, it is just interesting that they talk uhhh see lisa im friend with birds clap clap :D so it goes to fla ming and lisa is no vase cure #novasecure is in doubt weather she want life or aint oh so you are there, funny but im here and i want life to you beecause you served me lisa it is one big trick with this and make talk availible beecause im silent? is aint about offcause i can talk but it is rare someone want to listen, also beecause they are criminels or have been , they are simply aint in bussiness oriented or minded if you will they actually call it evil and asocial but still they want dime just aint the educate, they want to do it all from the scratch witch is highly prefered to bee with such persons, they want... :) but still to take it all from the buttom of society is where all the innovvation energy is and beelong so how to scratch to dina ...it goes like that!
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...hows goes lisanova!
Cybr SLAY in:
pr0j3ct m4yh3m
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