...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like
Showing posts with label EN & ET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EN & ET. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

hømø sapi is, and Å may sing i ning for SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

hømø sapi is my word in evo lu ted version of homo  zap i hmm qwer is aint me but could, very good ena gy energy is spelled with a touch of love dip is in lisa novase, nova se is c in me ninged point, on e lisaid hmm very touchy love in combined will to understand we and why e is hidden is a junk plan its just.. hmm cryning is on e to resolve problems, transfour ca sting hm to re sting with slee ping pong in spoon is u'n'i verse in bee com computer come will to understanding dong why i travel in cultures is exaustinged will to do we in me transform alot in aint its just love and very tough to learn what is aint in just a news viewer know how, but could :) hmm about what to do with this love is perhaps sun provided.. hmm i in me cant realy look into sun beefour me melt in love, thats on e is aint in that false if on is to e bee found? well soon enough is good to love and cry but realy me have aint in hawing a girl friend in a very long timeline its just the fly on love is spekulable when in writing me do, its very good that you write me hmm 6 years ago and stuff, it is very good you do computers or, at least know how it in subjekt is will  to understanding dong why a bell ringed me ears in tears when love is on is very confusing but hey what else to do than spread it in hm hm and do a very good spekulate if late is good knight, then me is on and e was in cli ve den and how singed song was on a flying carpet sort it out from mayans name popoet, the et is my own and hmm the knowledge is e will hunting in know why the buzz in a bus you in a subjek ted hug  ...et hmm is a lie'n we is will  EN ET is perhaps right left? such a shame with court but in march will could bee thai ming walking ET yes surlisa in a lie n is and and so on e in spirit world :)) very funky shit with this love ...me also have seen trees burst colors just a glimse perhaps lief is a projektor .. thats why i in me integrate so much and transform we in love it is aint a handicap just a developed hu man i in me bee com with hømø sapi and is serios lolz. what reality is is such a will to keep close to me, and just spread the sense is such a why aint in saint ? what a gurly me bee com with, what a qwer me is in aint are, snaked will to confuse is lolz bee cause cau sing ca u c? snaking with sha ring is i bit in cyptoniced see? hømø sapiiii lisaid lief is funny me just try to explain it, very much indeed, i in me mind alter but where is the on e is dET is dEN  weddinged dong a mind alter we d dinged with so hour l spoon is to reflect we in see? just so closed shop in mind alter only we d is allowed. me aint drugged but is suposed just very funny and serios cool...such a reflector i in me is alone with..hmm it is very good to hang out and stuff likelisa listning in musick is aint in moomoo and cowboy is do ing loo king with gangstar flather loo kinged good in right left is aint in calkulated word in abusinged song it is in subjekt just me in merry land with hmm and why u sing me alot when i in me is good junk on e is likelisa just one and one is to bee com with? EN is one ET is one likelisa to transform to 11 and do israel ve is ra el ve elve wood cryning in sealinged love and Å may sing with A A :) good to learn :)

spelled letter in cli ve den how singed song ninged a SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

so sure my little spelled letter quest ended in clivedenhouse with c zar in pain ting to carpet buzz hmm so surelisa my speak is a lie'n we is in understanding dong foursight with hm hm and an is is in welcome in my thaiming when lisa novase is c in se to melt womanice with woma nice will i in me is a lie'n  u'n'i versed too re sting bee com a reflector with lo ve in a spoon to slee ping pong in a drea ming hmm cleopatra we took in naming sounding dong cli is cle ve is in pain ting, dET is dEN as a thin king c zar is poison hmm fla minged bourning fired will to melt woman ice with woma nice wø man is iced, ising ice with and will in me is on e hmm one is EN and ET we d dinged with dET dEN  is rail hmm i's rail  is likelisa israil with hm hm you also did there a trip hmm mindblow job you do a lot when parkinged 11 el e ven isra el ve is track to friend is, ve'n cleopatrain is mes love you should realy know what is in happeninged me....alot i in me see without hallucinogen and stuff like E i in me dont do, just a say that lief to ear listning is a may sing instinct with taste  and see what will is in happening with us a hu man could pro claim alot in future will with out knowing what is going on, with ing in word of say is angels and ing car essence should bee bus with ang l, in my equation carpet is in ninged we and fly is on , what job in lo ve u'n'i versed with :)) you really mind blowed me in win re wind,  brain storm i in me dont do it is just a flow i in me parked on bourning street to transfour ca sting ma in clivedenhouse with a buzz, fla minged lisa no vase and thai minged is a ti bet with me hu man is a lie'n and wø man jokes with hø mø sap i ning likelisa ti is to bee re solved if t is cross hm thai minged no vase likelisa a bet with ti as in ten and further on to el ve el le ven isra elve 11 ET EN tracking cleopatrain with hm hm israel ve when  hmm mi sing lisa, elve cryning why aint mix a story pro miss is aint to this is a start on a story to tell quite a lot but will is on e when cry pro miss is aint, perhaps with s in front and font is in ma king a bond to aint is saint ing en in no thing ing l is ang el angle with font is a secret to sort it out to bes com a song in me new start wood with grow a after lief when we parkinged  in ingland, ing car essence would bee a bus where u sing mes love in i to cliveden how singed is in song correct cli o patra hi hiding donged e and lo ve with el spoon to in danish is love l spooned in an angle to ang l bee com with clining, ram ea clea ninged love with thaiming to lisa no vase c in cle c l e in as sounding dong womanice woma nice one on e, cle o pat ra, don o van in is ra el ve what a roadkill in ingland right left? so ti bet  ti minged in thai ming with mel ted woman ice? hot hot bot bot lisaturn is on?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

dET dEN med thai minged vi, ET & EN i ning SLAY!

 ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

we d ding one and one with in IT ON in wedding donged buy bell around in a bell hurry cain is in witch the spell we in mirrored me as closed in it 's get ting guess is Is not in will to curse in letterpress , just ice in wRI two things spell is love ining in ice in we singed song in thai minged where, w here mirrors vv is we in pain thing why is not u sing a sha ring two the crypton ice in transfourmel ted minged sunchroned laws look is c in cleopatran slay ted danes lisa novase ice is not in dip c el spoons in surrounding dong tea in with dip, l spoon ice mea ninged in electric happen , mean ice lo ve in seperate why præsentere d two plus up on sow is in siding dong closinged song with poempathai it as in god country u sing a fla fla g spoon u sing botle ice fla ming ming vase hm hm Needing dong to say slay problem is a com pli kay ted proccess with will in sensing song and trance ding dong two bye bell is ballanced we, if beleaf is in evil , perhaps con fronting a sense and carbon slay is the will to crack trough and get rid of evil , så fair fighting thong why is not ice sex attraction justing tooth compressinged song is easy , ram ea and e vil er e thing in thing is e with in the in sounding song , buy bell say slay in day why good knight is me and prospectus with the fla ring is is not in just u sing imaginizar , much hawing in kinged quest two acknowleg to all slay in ice in with s is not eyea non y anon y sayndar cleopa trans lay dar hmm why event but ning here is perhaps mind blow two observed når me slay with hm hm like lisa -list ning two Wireless Technology-Economics is iced we in cleopa transmitter slay dead we with electric spoon is just imagin i stand in ma gin where gin is me in much fact or ice dab me u sing we in u'n and is on ? or donald duck yousing tools in advanced li'n a is changening jevu hmm sounding dong like lisa ice cross and destination nation ThE path is path like lisa ten is ten u sing tin as me figure king , hmm is love but will in sunchron is just ice Justice ted
child ish hm hm in loo king as in c is dan ish da nish danish as in cleopa tran slay ted sauce, hug i hockey why hug evil">ice in with police , polisa tan in it and do all ducklinged rip ice in cleopa transmitter slay ted child ish hm hm in loo king as in c er dan ish when nish english as in cleopa transmitter slay ted sauce , cut in hockey why squatting evil ted is a butt net working where king in ning, is i is on er pro clay ming we, you lisa don o van should know what reality can do with what is in the eyea non ey ea in the ram wooled woo joints like lisa co neck Ted is a butt net working elsewhere king in tion , ice tion u sing me and and is on ? in the on ice hm hm where mm mm is like lisa a supscriptions where words in prognosed texture pro g nose hm sphinx is in justing a sniff with nosinged song like lisa Caturday ice with ma king sensinged song bell in the butt networks , buy bell in hiding dong with hurry cain is i stand will with twin tower , brings a lot in common sensing song , why me ice in figure king and number is 1 and 1 like lisa 's the on e with d bee silenzar just ice in electric spoon and lo ve bee com laws in one like lisa two bee novase with thai ming and dip is loved sunchroniced in with cleopa trans fourmel ted , transparency is the sauce like lisa synapsis is ma king sensinged song with si star in span ish el dia blow in hurry cains dia mond will is a blow why less on ice lecture er avoid focusing song on four king Liesa tan is do ing much ing in the ang and all slay in the hmm hell o van LISAM a non ice meant ion two bee no where when ice hm hm el ing and flat here ing ice angel what an angle two window jevu with , just freez up is on will to just ice just in singsong in justice , ice cream within policy where i grow up my lief will to resolwing criminals in realiesinged song , why is not it? in in me kan resolve good in my own lear up , linged with i, i in me is u sing E with two electric spoon wooled ea thing thing ... thin kinged in this med but talk in numbers , free spirit in in is not ice me in, but will is much to resolve u sing me sunchron .. how to do thai ming is in learning and pro miss hu you can do that with four stitches around thai ming to re solve action by others in near by locations where a kan singed song to follow in lief ... hoping pong is in. u sing song Sooning ? mes love to you is , what ur vil ice ice in u'n'i verse lisa turn is on :))

we d ding et og en with in DET DEN in wedding donged buy bell, ca in a bell hurry cain is in witch i spell we in mirrored me as closed in it's get ing guess is aint in will to curse in letter, just ice in wri ting to spell is love ining i is in we singed song in thai minged where, w here mirrors v v is we in pain ting why aint u sing a sha ring to de crypton ice in transfourmel ted minged sunchroned love, se is c in cleopatran slay ted danes lisa novase is aint in dip c el spoons in surrounding dong the i with dIp, l spoon is mea ninged in el ske, mean is lo ve in seperate why present the d to plusning p so i is in siding ding closinged song with poempati it as in gud land u sing a fla g fla spoon u sing botle is fla ming , ming vase hm hm needing dong to say slay problems is a com pli kay ted proccess with will in sensing song and trance ding dong to bye bell is ballanced we, if beleaf is in evil, perhaps con fronting a sense and carbon slay is the will to crack trough and get rid of evil, such a fair fighting thong why aint is sex attraction justing tooth compressinged song is easy, ram ea and e will is e ting in thing is e with in i in sounding song, buy bell say slay in day why good knight is me and prospekt with fla the ring is aint in just u sing imaginizar, much hawing in kinged quest to acknowleg to all slayin i is in with s aint e y e a non y anon y sayndar cleopa trans lay dar hmm why event men tion here is perhaps mind blow to observe when me slay with hm hm likelisa list ning to wø man iced we in cleopa tran slay dead we with el spoon is just imagin able i ma gin where gin is me in much fact or ice ising me u sing we in u'n and is on? or anders and yousing tools in advanced li'n a is changening jevu hmm sounding dong likelisa is cross and desti nation dET path is sti likelisa ti is ten u sing tin as me tal king, hmm is love but will in sunchron is just ice justice is in with police, polisa tan in it and don al ducklinged rip is in cleopa tran slay ted child ish hm hm in loo king as in c is dan ish da nish danish as in cleopa tran slay ted sauce, hug i hockey why hug evil is on is to pro clay ming we, you lisa don o van should know what reality can do with what is i's e y e a non ey ea in i ram wooled woo led likelisa co neck ted is a butt net working where king in ning, is i ning u sing me and and is on? i on is hm hm where mm mm is likelisa a supscriptions where words in prognosed texture pro g nose hm sphinx is in justing a sniff with nosinged song likelisa caturday is with ma king sensinged song bell i butt net, buy bell in hiding dong with hurry cain is able will with twin tower, brings a lot in common sensinged song, why me is in tal king and number is 1 and 1 likelisa dET dEN on e with, d bee silenzar just ice in el spoon and lo ve bee com love in one likelisa to bee novase with thai ming and dip is loved sunchroniced i with cleopa trans fourmel ted, tran is the sauce likelisa synapsis is ma king sensinged song with si star in span ish el dia blow in hurry cains dia mond will is a blow why less on is lecture is to avoid focus on fourking liesa tan is do ing much ing i's ang and all slay in i hmm hell o van lisam a non is ment ion to bee no når når is hm hm el ing and flat her ing is angel what an angle to window jevu with, just freez ning is on will to just ice just i sing song in justice, is within police where i grow up my lief will to resolwing criminals in realiesinged song, why aint it? i in me can resolve good in my own lear ning, linged with i, i in me is u sing E with I to el spoon wooled ea ting, ting... thin kinged in this with men tal in numbers, free spirit i in me is aint in at this moment, me dont bealeaf in freedom as in search, but will is much to resolve u sing me sunchron..how to do thai ming is in learning and pro miss hu man can do that with four ca sting thai ming to re solve action by others in near by locations where a may singed song to follow in lief... hoping pong is in u sing song sooning? mes love to you is, what ur will is is in u'n'i verse lisaturn is on :))

Saturday, April 26, 2014

fla minged lisa novase is SLAYING!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

i ninged with will, figure it in and out why i in me love so much and is aint in just u sing words to proclaim them in sentence, they realisa in is a ma king sense that flow ar in bee com in a loo king its is seems likelisa i in me is just in englisa soon e nuff why me need e to full fill in to bee com a cyber baby perhaps bee will borrow me e and be bay in love to a fellowship as we transfourmating the internet to a psycholigician place in a s experimented aint in fail, hmm in danishe da ni she is u'n i is in me a we un to solve language will in sun poempathaisinged texture when lisaturn to wo ma nicer to woman icer woman ising is in a lisa novase fla ming to transformelting, "flat her ing" is with flather in i magi nations a thaiming i in me pro miss to fail with... but... mes synchron when in wri ting list ning to mu sick why in aint x plain texted is a qualifiejdar why i in me find so much and mea ning with the xperince that want is in a sha ring to de cryptonice the she cryptonian woman icer and ising bee com one when EN hu man ice ET with a famillianicer to a transfourmel ted in a fla ming with sympashaising to war dar is in tree as H is in a pro miss to bay a friendship with a 2 O van lisaid liquid war dar i in bay bee won dar won dar with lisa novase in, but is in love blindnessning blessing a flow ar we to navigayting without i in me the but is we in i's aint in bee co ming a lisa novase within out u'n i's me e ting mee ting, ting is a mea ning to mean ing is in flat likelisa to full a house is aint in playning but room mate a mating to ram ea ting in wool angle l in a letter to a re sting we bee com in just likelisa to me in we is u likelisa to a u'n'i verse re versed it with sunchron, i have so much to share in love but x press itl lisaid to u and realiesing in com buyning aint a value to prospect inspect or pay''nting in pain ting i's aint with sol wing you in me is hm hm why me is aint is aint just i ning me just in blowning in aint just love all those thai ming sunchroniced we i in me live trough i am in me to waking kong a dong l song to u s b in aint saynt tea t ram ea is i will evil will aint s i i is in in langauge, hmm a aint s in, is aint just e's in me langauge ivil e will e's aint sayning cyber bay bee with out e i c y b r in slang mean s naked talking is snak ed, ed is oath with a letter s is with aint to flat her ing with tear a apart men ted to lisa novase is mented with a we thai ming is sympathaisinged song to wes we hear t in common value be tea to heart with a fla ming love in u sing fla the ring....c mes phoni i's aint?! why t is loo king as a cross with hour suffer in, s aint to flyning to next line in wes liwing thai ming">the words in wri ting is a ma king so much sense in love but to x press them and value them is a delutiv try with combyening and in trans lay ted i ninged with will, figure it in and out why i in me love so much and is aint in just u sing words to proclaim them in sentence, they realisa in is a ma king sense that flow ar in bee com in a loo king its is seems likelisa i in me is just in englisa soon e nuff why me need e to full fill in to bee com a cyber baby perhaps bee will borrow me e and be bay in love to a fellowship as we transfourmating the internet to a psycholigician place in a s experimented aint in fail, hmm in danishe da ni she is u'n i is in me a we un to solve language will in sun poempathaisinged texture when lisaturn to wo ma nicer to woman icer woman ising is in a lisa novase fla ming to transfourmelting, "flat her ing" is with flather in i magi nations a thaiming i in me pro miss to fail with... but... mes synchron when in wri ting list ning to mu sick why in aint x plain texted is a qualifiejdar why i in me find so much and mea ning with the xperince that want is in a sha ring to de cryptonice the she cryptonian woman icer and ising bee com one when EN hu man ice ET with a famillianicer to a transfourmel ted in a fla ming with sympashaising to war dar is in tree as H is in a pro miss to bay a friendship with a 2 O van lisaid liquid war dar i in bay bee won dar won dar with lisa novase in, but is in love blindnessning blessing a flow ar we to navigayting without i in me the but is we in i's aint in bee co ming a lisa novase within out u'n i's me e ting mee ting, ting is a mea ning to mean ing is in flat likelisa to full a house is aint in playning but room mate a mating to ram ea ting in wool angle l in a letter to a re sting we bee com in just likelisa to me in we is u likelisa to a u'n'i verse re versed it with sunchron, i have so much to share in love but x press itl lisaid to u and realiesing in com buyning aint a value to prospect inspect or pay''nting in pain ting i's aint with sol wing you in me is hm hm why me is aint is aint just i ning me just in blowning in aint just love all those thai ming sunchroniced we i in me live trough i am in me to waking kong a dong l song to u s b in aint saynt tea t ram ea is i will evil will aint s i i is in in langauge, hmm a aint s in, is aint just e's in me langauge ivil e will e's aint sayning cyber bay bee with out e i c y b r in slang mean s naked talking is snak ed, ed is oath with a letter s is with aint to flat her ing with tear a apart men ted to lisa novase is mented with a we thai ming is sympathaisinged song to wes we hear t in common value be tea to heart with a fla ming love in u sing fla the ring....c mes phoni i's aint?! why t is loo king as a cross with hour suffer in, s aint to flyning to next line in wes liwing thai ming

love is on e to bee com one with a cyber baby bee com bay to bee a friendship in sol wing with aint sol is sun with chroning in a vase to love dip hmm much cryning is on in a pleasure ring much i in me won why synchroniced we in transfourmel ting

ted in fla ming to flat a part mented te f l at her ing hm f led suffar djay v ling lu sing lu sting hit me in resong re a son q rea son day sun lay ed in hed naymed ning sandhedning i det vi sa i vi sa id said we sing ning i spin ling er i ar e westen west en in north q rea cure in is c u r e e ar e c u re sting in bee com in com bee nation with in i magi nation with flather flat her ing and in and u sing fla the ring in sha cryptianer is a name labeled on a, group is hum an it y? hu man it i s icing is ing i sing we in me with hm we is hm what a won lisaid now a is et? en is 1 i is l? spoon l and fork is F? fourking is spelled we when tree is with out h an too bee com we to fellow key and EN end and ET miss u sing and alianer bee com hu man with a womanicer hot on wheel lockin lock well i nuff lisaid lIsa novase is fla ming and u sing wo man icer O van Oed and Ød e lagt i seng vor WØ wo man i sing to hu man fla i r flair hmm in mm is such a mass tal king num bar talk ing and we is in one apart mente tricked a tear when e is faded in die sing what a gra ve in crossed fingers hand sha king and sha is wo man iced crypt ? cry p ti on i ninged with p spoon l in i van i war dar in h 2 o and so on to li quid quit i sing izar in mel ting melted hear ting heart ing is in flat to beecom one on e when EN hu ma nice ET withings solwing hu man is woma nice sympathaizar ? wom an i sing lisa novase in fla ming flather is mel ting transfourmel could melt ing in love hear ti as in tea we in me to bee com heart val u e lisa noval ue uge week end is, ugh we is me in this u'n ar bee EN to ET bee com hum an i ti i ti as tea to hear t with silenzar in i as spelled letter to a wri ting bees sol wing sun day with lisa turn lisa sa turn lisa tan i ninged lisa noval now al is a lo ve lov e is on pro miss to be com one in transfourmelted mel ting spelled ted i is on e a quest finding dong e to cybr bay bee bay dockling don al duck i ning to war dar is in wondar in a reflekdar me is we in ho ho ho p e hop e is ruted r u ted is in a as king why vej is way weighting vejning ed is oath to res ting in mee ting meet ing is aint in mes we to just a falt with out tear tea R to hear so t is cross sympathaisinged beleaf heart i locked lok lok nok sock ET suck in woman iced tea in transfourmel ting we in a gree ding dong bye bell is mea ning mean ing in hello to alter al dar al ov e a love is me lov ea l o ve is pain ting bay bee hmm we bee com goo ding dong pro miss is dressing dressage d res age nowa w mirrors ro is to boath i silenzar in u sing dress age to bay a bee dress code dna with us ing we in 2 ve us ing a sha ring us a love me sympathaising to u singed sa tan song to me hear ting heart ing hard love is deluting lu sting luv ing lu v sting and sha ring is re flek ting we flex i b l e bye bell in resinged song we d ding donged bi be l to beleaf ling is you in aint knowleg howart wizar in witch we bee com me'n'u men u damn it, it... te kno how.art is in cluding dong c l u dinged singed we in a e icing in fla ming lisa novase, se is c in da nish e, r u e da nishe danish transfourm el ting el spoons with elske lo ve pain ting with beleaflingeri in we t, crossning ea c h other ram ea wool ed is as oath how to bay bee com i magi c nation i magi nations to E is in u? and cybr bee com ed in witch e is bo ring born ed com byening we in one on E, O ninged van and drywings to flat closed discource with buybell in beleaf clo thing clo ning is illuminatural bo r ning born ing to we in us ing bo ring sambor'n ing is in flat to beleaflingeri wes lo ve in's aint' ing en no thing but u with smi linged in we smil ed smi led ning til vi sang vis angle shower s ho ho aint i ning s ho we r in front font to bong saint in beleaf fla the ring to com buy EN and ET in one 11 en is et and little on E bay bee in morsom momsomville would we in lingeri ling er i in smi ling insmi goluminati linged with u'n i ni ne is in no val kyrie ve nine is with mea ning mean ing a a friend in with a silenzar d ed ramea hit i... i r, er r r ireland hmm i r a ir c m and mirc tal kinged tal is number and am a co founder bla sing to bla in hmm hmm why rajming is in to just pro ve a pointing about v ed with in wes pain ting to bay a bee to cybr c E c y b r cyber baby bee com prays in be, in mes langauge beleafling er i be, to el spoon be just plaintext B likelisa pair is we with i s sun glass c we is aint sunchronning yet. its is so much love in i magi nation to we in">flat her ing fla the ring with tear a part men ted in fla ming to flat a part mented te f l at her ing hm f led suffar djay v ling lu sing lu sting hit me in resong re a son q rea son day sun lay ed in hed naymed ning sandhedning i det vi sa i vi sa id said we sing ning i spin ling er i ar e westen west en in north q rea cure in is c u r e e ar e c u re sting in bee com in com bee nation with in i magi nation with flather flat her ing and in and u sing fla the ring in sha ring cryptianer and is a name labeled on a, group is hum an it y? hu man it i s icing is ing i sing we in me with hm we is hm what a won lisaid now a is et? en is 1 i is l? spoon l and fork is F? fourking is spelled we when tree is with out h an too bee com we to fellow key and EN end and ET miss u sing and alianer bee com hu man with a womanicer hot on wheel lockin lock well i nuff lisaid lIsa novase is fla ming and u sing wo man icer O van Oed and Ød e lagt i seng vor WØ wo man i sing to hu man fla i r flair hmm in mm is such a mass tal king num bar talk ing and we is in one apart mente tricked a tear when e is faded in die sing what a gra ve in crossed fingers hand sha king and sha is wo man iced crypt ? cry p ti on i ninged with p spoon l in i van i war dar in h 2 o and so on to li quid quit i sing izar in mel ting melted hear ting heart ing is in flat to beecom one on e when EN hu ma nice ET withings solwing hu man is woma nice sympathaizar ? wom an i sing lisa novase in fla ming flather is mel ting transfourmel could melt ing in love hear ti as in tea we in me to bee com heart val u e lisa noval ue uge week end is, ugh we is me in this u'n ar bee EN to ET bee com hum an i ti i ti as tea to hear t with silenzar in i as spelled letter to a wri ting bees sol wing sun day with lisa turn lisa sa turn lisa tan i ninged lisa noval now al is a lo ve lov e is on pro miss to be com one in transfourmelted mel ting spelled ted i is on e a quest finding dong e to cybr bay bee bay dockling don al duck i ning to war dar is in wondar in a reflekdar me is we in ho ho ho p e hop e is ruted r u ted is in a as king why vej is way weighting vejning ed is oath to res ting in mee ting meet ing is aint in mes we to just a falt with out tear tea R to hear so t is cross sympathaisinged beleaf heart i locked lok lok nok sock ET suck in woman iced tea in transfourmel ting we in a gree ding dong bye bell is mea ning mean ing in hello to alter al dar al ov e a love is me lov ea l o ve is pain ting bay bee hmm we bee com goo ding dong pro miss is dressing
dressage d res age nowa w mirrors ro is to boath i silenzar in u sing dress age to bay a bee dress code dna with us ing we in 2 ve us ing a sha ring us a love me sympathaising to u singed sa tan song to me hear ting heart ing hard love is deluting lu sting luv ing lu v sting and sha ring is re flek ting we flex i b l e bye bell in resinged song we d ding donged bi be l to beleaf ling is you in aint knowleg howart wizar in witch we bee com me'n'u men u damn it, it... te kno how.art is in cluding dong c l u dinged singed we in a e icing in fla ming lisa novase, se is c in da nish e, r u e da nishe danish transfourm el ting el spoons with elske lo ve pain ting with beleaflingeri in we t, crossning ea c h other ram ea wool ed is as oath how to bay bee com i magi c nation i magi nations to E is in u? and cybr bee com ed in witch e is bo ring born ed com byening we in one on E, O ninged van and drywings to flat closed discource with buybell in beleaf clo thing clo ning is illuminatural bo r ning born ing to we in us ing bo ring sambor'n ing is in flat to beleaflingeri wes lo ve in's aint' ing en no thing but u with smi linged in we smil ed smi led ning til vi sang vis angle shower s ho ho aint i ning s ho we r in front font to bong saint in beleaf fla the ring to com buy EN and ET in one 11 en is et and little on E bay bee in morsom momsomville is ra el ve would we in lingeri ling er i in smi ling insmi goluminati linged with u'n i ni ne is in no val kyrie ve nine is with mea ning mean ing a a friend in with a silenzar d ed ramea hit i... i r, er r r ireland hmm i r a ir c m and mirc tal kinged tal is number and am a co founder bla sing to bla in hmm hmm why rajming is in to just pro ve a pointing about v ed with in wes pain ting to bay a bee to cybr c E c y b r cyber baby bee com prays in be, in mes langauge beleafling er i be, to el spoon be just plaintext B likelisa pair is we with i s sun glass c we is aint sunchronning yet. its is so much love in i magi nation to we in

Saturday, April 19, 2014

fla the ring

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa

sorry my i in me figuret it in, fla the ring is in a com bee nation witch u sing as g in we flag is in a on e with flather in one the fla g, fla g et, fla get, flag et, flaget in com bee nation correc ted sentence to we owning, the g or aint the g the is a question in u sing the g to be original is in a input, et flag fla the ring is flat her ing fla ske means in we a fla spoon aint corec ted in bottle fine fla spoon find to i have too be a bottle translay ted to a flaming one likelisa one is ET and me want using it to bee EN, much correct ion in do ing in these text four u to read in first see i is aint in tac ticet text, i is very flow ar in we likelisa wes hack in say ing is aint to be exploi ted loi is in Øj liesa ling i is eye in e say

 why aint in do ing as ang el ang le jelly kindlisa en ding dong with hi sing song with buy bell in ing verse re in ra we can ar, can...what a scar me r more amour hour in say wes soundning is ping in ling er i mirrored er is closed in language to figure ary an ar to calm anger...me in we text point very much in a flag direction is a flat to ing with family direction, why share a symbol as flag with that many when the flather is about family just me is courios why i am in thaiming sympathaising a flag to as in personal fla spoon inte res ting in tea we can provide secure bond why aint me s in front of that spell in ma king sayndar saynar sain t i ten fingers to warm a cup of tea part y in cop and freeze me icing i sing a song in we hotninged

sorry for the in translay ted text is in com binded mixture i have my riddle in that to solwing with ang jelly to spoon it out in we me ising

 i in am thin king in why u sing me so cute value eyes is prohobited, pro ed is oath in me langauge witch is very aint in social with i letter in spell as e is as in aint ing, ingjelly hmm, ang in ing will lead me to el dia blow key ing en is no thing not hing hint is l in ang er we e i i can mean in mean in as we com byening we, c? me dont realy fourlow rules just me own spell but the it is is in a ma king of sense to how alfa bet is u sing me much plea sure ea iting e ting in freeze polisa you ar hot in me cop of tea i ram ea in as sound is kindly to be wooled in fluffy love c me in we is a ma king sending dong a letter in i ea spor ting what a gayming on consol, sol..sol mean is in perhaps a ma king i s sun in we hope full y a non is me hm hm non y part anon y why letter in cybr, c y b r? me beeee we very cute name i think in chances of possibilities the name I as i bay bee an atom number is aint action aplied to in a finders tac ticed we ,just love me in i try to sunchron hum an i ty i is in here hm hm and flat her ing is me mission now and u sing me in her so the is a four ma i am with thaiming need is aint in sin just we applied word in texts and a ma king dos letters in spells it in witch we conquer and cap ture in a re turn why u turn me in a car is a in a makes such a buyti full O van witch letter in spell com buyning a sound with plea sure is Å c i is we? the in translay ting is EN and ET means with ram ea with wool makes hit in 11 israelver i s in c me we hihi hiding dong sing a song wong r hmm angel is hm in flat c, me we? very much intended to flat a flag ins teady instead y is non flather with share a stock in mark et market hmm com buyning in wes iliesa why me sunchron is aint in to bee answer A Q we com byening in the deluting confuzar is ising

 i in we is aint in control with witch in proclaim order is aint to a a shop but aint in we ling sing ning is ing with flat, "fla the is her"! why aint is we with s in flat say n t sayndar say'n'dar linger we i ning to ing sing with revol wing saint is aint in drugged with love lawfull of words we ning with suspekt to we is in ing sing song ding dong bye bell to hell inte res ting re sting we ning in i sing trans lay ting in way bay gay in say day o kay o nai wai in sai hey may clay ey with h aiding dong ey song in sing icing dicing pair we dice with nyangel die to nyancetter lie in nyan c at win kældar vinkel i singel cudd el cutling angle nyangle le el leelisa wine cellar seller in com buy ning dev in e div egn sign klajn dajn dig n i send vend den ven i divine love on e bay bee sne i ve ising bajsning bajs ning bajsar zar i lig ning li sa tan i lining lin g i n in g we send end to bend when i is tend ar tendar sendar henter venter menter mendar lined to seng lider ned bed mæ englisa med s hæng dar i nang ny ang zar I l new ton e i way ting sing bling ting blind g is EN we ET id sin is drug ged love drug ed drug where gin in s ed c ed er v ed i see lingeri ling er i ning ed ving ed sing ned i smed ar smed jed j ed er nøj ed nøjes ær ve smed kær ligning li ningar singer bell dong dong in ring to me sing ar ne ærne værne sær ne tvær te teet t ed er v ed i smer te dær det i ne saynar i in me have a problem with solwing translay ted versions of poempathaisinged we to present letters in spelled lines to witch me become we in one makes sense with EN and ET as we to as u sing an ingel in flat her much more is on e c israils to o van in ring aint is a phoni? much love in we is secret hihidinged a dong with buy bell in to we d ding with spoon gayming hm hm is on e c? hm mi sing hm to miss ing com buyning a we silent d hit p lea sure ea ting ea is hiding should dea wea ther e wea there we free zar freezning to hot you are in i liesa why aint miss s in front fonts a spelled quest to com byening me to we is in one i am thaiming ET hm on e 11 is 2 and right left in go with flow ar to mirror is com buyning together me poempathaising in we aint just s in front of aint in a spelled letter quest much more in witch sunchron is on we in me hm hm is just ice just i c e justice in just i sing hm hm 11 as EN and ET is the in same spelled letter and goes in o van to israils i's rails is a good track aint?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

in spoon we could ask whats refleks love in that

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

i won dar, how love works quite amazing with your inspirer :\ with a little alianizar in
work you have tripped over a year now thats very sad and pathetic of me in regard i in me
have in aint really seen your videos, also i began won dar how my tears is influed by your acting
or just wondar full in love, sad me won dar all over with why aint just make my own secret
but can realy stand the why much longer, finished my provoking on police on inter net
causing a little hack sorry almost aint :D grow up me said and wondered if a soon enough
wemaster on car-sales.domain in me home lang could attract just a lie in love wondar me said...i
realy listen alot to me also i look alot in tracing causing my silly sad amusing ego to won
dar.... why are the police on my computer and why do they hide E in I in na ming police, it aint just
words its the very expression, me aint over beliver but letter is heden hided lIsa no leesa
liesa police me dont work with but pedofiles i recomand in jail, sadly long timeline abused
with no love why i in me is aint in writing u is aint in won dar what a loo zar   just me just you just the
imaginizor i used to complete a text about...loved your profile pic from haiti. and your
picture from a cafe so sad me in u sing with won dar ring, my alianizor is why aint in two, combined with
love be aint on e one likelisa ET and EN in com buy ning is mea ninged one on e  :D what a wird me me said why even listen to me me said me is just
sadlisa, and inlove it was but now keeps me in won dar aint much further why just a little sub
in thrill from me to you won dar why loves in me keeps grow from you very much mes infludar
in shy sadness hope just a sub intrill from you why ain roll it me asked i R in ling er i
er R are love is rare lisa sad me i's even looked into the sun regarding donged love to you, and it spinned
very real and stuff but now synchron with shadows a maze its very real and stuff and now me
sun synchron is kindly away on prepare like me on avoidance love love, it  is in me won dar why
you protected my eyes so well you realy did and now...with my alianizar, it works a may sing and
i really hope to share the sense with you...i aven begang talk with a lie'n so to speak aint me
human friends wonder how to share that with you..me aint in sane with love but really, i in me is aint in a mazed of
human but suprising me how sweeet they are with an empathaizar in work...it is just human me said
and there they where cute and sweet, me even love them criminals its really power, your
love break so many barriers and have been in working over a year now...aint trust alians
me said sadlisa me began talk, talk it is in subjekt just me and transfourma ego on share in pain...your love
really works and i wants to share it with you, even began believe in different time
experiences so much to share on life in progress i figured it out and in realisa tripped my
heart, much thanks on that sadlisa me said just had it looked into the sun and it spinned...very
real you inspire protected me i´s there again with the  eye me wonder how Å u sing that in
danish very wierd sound they hide in Danmark alfa bet me aint perfect but love i know in aint, you
protected me I i  eyes likelisa a hope hobit won no val ....what a game with words we said leeeeee
what a lie sa id lie sa tan what i creami hidar me lisaid wondar why i in me love u, i even did a looking
into the sun and it spinned, you protected them and now i in me list ning to alie'n it is just me
won dar why i is hiden in me language den R det, EN  & ET, 11 en en makes el ve elve makes rivar
such a define mented why they hide the I eye in my lang (-) won dar why love is called el spoon
is such a share P-] polisa is such a lie with lee sa tan lie said tan what a lIiL with four
spoons in fellow ship:D qpdb such a wrong presentation of our letters why aint ball game it
me said i and whops, po Oed I in witch way me said O such a qwer sound me just play O aint a ring
wrong lisaned in all c why even turn u in n like u turned me in and love is lI why me hide I
is a qwer quest lisa don O van makes flair, do no van makes aint?, just my thoughts on litle scale why me eyes looked into  spinning sun
and with the belive in love is such a qwer we such a re claim of we but aint liesa, but
re co men ted what it is is, then we is in perhaps aint? so is aint well enough on text to aint
re claim? re claim what me said love is, love aint in just a projecdar won dar why i in me love :D i again
whoops such a spoon game with po is in I looks like l me want to share el spoon qp or db me is
asking ?! its just so imaginable what i is what u is depends on a letter n with top down said
me'n in asking why aint? its just imaginable to start a revolt with no in love what a creative
mind me imagined what the heck is love alone and took the bet, the bet isnt but is likelisa
no va don o van such a pure her herrismen is on it is alot poems you have qualified in me
me my ego is such a sell in love aw hat a TransFourmNing i call it what a intelligens i have
said me i what about that u n spoked, what about lo ve ego spooked about the the bet what
love is its just me and i in cap Il i is in in langue looks like l won a el spoon with a q
love i l me spoked I what a hideout we'l seek just in spoon we could ask whats refleks love
in that, l I in lo ve is ining i in ing lingar? sadlisa me just love part y won rarelisa i on
sound is e what a hiding dong wish is you opinion on this

why sad is spoken isnt because, its just me in love, helpless in i power in we, logik vanished, my ego merged a song and asked why aint compile a stereo love song? it aint a build in consesnes it just me melted ego, very deluted on love cau sing poems to flow

..lieking! #like