...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like
Showing posts with label lisaturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lisaturn. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

spelled letter in cli ve den how singed song ninged a SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

so sure my little spelled letter quest ended in clivedenhouse with c zar in pain ting to carpet buzz hmm so surelisa my speak is a lie'n we is in understanding dong foursight with hm hm and an is is in welcome in my thaiming when lisa novase is c in se to melt womanice with woma nice will i in me is a lie'n  u'n'i versed too re sting bee com a reflector with lo ve in a spoon to slee ping pong in a drea ming hmm cleopatra we took in naming sounding dong cli is cle ve is in pain ting, dET is dEN as a thin king c zar is poison hmm fla minged bourning fired will to melt woman ice with woma nice wø man is iced, ising ice with and will in me is on e hmm one is EN and ET we d dinged with dET dEN  is rail hmm i's rail  is likelisa israil with hm hm you also did there a trip hmm mindblow job you do a lot when parkinged 11 el e ven isra el ve is track to friend is, ve'n cleopatrain is mes love you should realy know what is in happeninged me....alot i in me see without hallucinogen and stuff like E i in me dont do, just a say that lief to ear listning is a may sing instinct with taste  and see what will is in happening with us a hu man could pro claim alot in future will with out knowing what is going on, with ing in word of say is angels and ing car essence should bee bus with ang l, in my equation carpet is in ninged we and fly is on , what job in lo ve u'n'i versed with :)) you really mind blowed me in win re wind,  brain storm i in me dont do it is just a flow i in me parked on bourning street to transfour ca sting ma in clivedenhouse with a buzz, fla minged lisa no vase and thai minged is a ti bet with me hu man is a lie'n and wø man jokes with hø mø sap i ning likelisa ti is to bee re solved if t is cross hm thai minged no vase likelisa a bet with ti as in ten and further on to el ve el le ven isra elve 11 ET EN tracking cleopatrain with hm hm israel ve when  hmm mi sing lisa, elve cryning why aint mix a story pro miss is aint to this is a start on a story to tell quite a lot but will is on e when cry pro miss is aint, perhaps with s in front and font is in ma king a bond to aint is saint ing en in no thing ing l is ang el angle with font is a secret to sort it out to bes com a song in me new start wood with grow a after lief when we parkinged  in ingland, ing car essence would bee a bus where u sing mes love in i to cliveden how singed is in song correct cli o patra hi hiding donged e and lo ve with el spoon to in danish is love l spooned in an angle to ang l bee com with clining, ram ea clea ninged love with thaiming to lisa no vase c in cle c l e in as sounding dong womanice woma nice one on e, cle o pat ra, don o van in is ra el ve what a roadkill in ingland right left? so ti bet  ti minged in thai ming with mel ted woman ice? hot hot bot bot lisaturn is on?

Monday, May 19, 2014

lisa novase, ning ed, and car pet ninged SLAY

ARt It in love dedicated to lIsa don O van

in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">thin kinged in police why just ice freesning me spirit is kindly in sha kinged cryptoniced will to sense higher beein, with out to high in say, day is aint in mes trivial puposed will to acknowleged ged should be u sing a bo ring hmm will in letter witch i in me spell to mes ing pro miss is love, me is aint in realiesinged song a gang star flather perhaps i in are a re, art it com buy ninged, north q rea cure is art in lowing care ca re stinged bee com we with mes thaiming won dar full of poempathaisinged song is me in sunchroned dip with el spoon lo ve when lisa is novase in will to love i ninged chroned, just ice me lisaid to transfourmel ted hug i, is on will to a void till break bonding dong is aint in will cut loosinged song in in hating where gin ha kinged with laugh mes erotic tac toe is aint in why u sing love to spread insight fuel to won dar full of thought me cant express in letter witch trans lay tinged tran slay ted in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song
in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in (i found the spell a gain to word is in witch we to acomplisa will, this note is just bee)

ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing song problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words likelisa justice is on to sop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bue ning as evil is in to avoud the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">show must go on with out pathetic tac toe in en joy men ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing songed problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words, likelisa justice is on to stop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e, c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bye ning as evil is in to a void the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

fla minged lisa novase is SLAYING!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

i ninged with will, figure it in and out why i in me love so much and is aint in just u sing words to proclaim them in sentence, they realisa in is a ma king sense that flow ar in bee com in a loo king its is seems likelisa i in me is just in englisa soon e nuff why me need e to full fill in to bee com a cyber baby perhaps bee will borrow me e and be bay in love to a fellowship as we transfourmating the internet to a psycholigician place in a s experimented aint in fail, hmm in danishe da ni she is u'n i is in me a we un to solve language will in sun poempathaisinged texture when lisaturn to wo ma nicer to woman icer woman ising is in a lisa novase fla ming to transformelting, "flat her ing" is with flather in i magi nations a thaiming i in me pro miss to fail with... but... mes synchron when in wri ting list ning to mu sick why in aint x plain texted is a qualifiejdar why i in me find so much and mea ning with the xperince that want is in a sha ring to de cryptonice the she cryptonian woman icer and ising bee com one when EN hu man ice ET with a famillianicer to a transfourmel ted in a fla ming with sympashaising to war dar is in tree as H is in a pro miss to bay a friendship with a 2 O van lisaid liquid war dar i in bay bee won dar won dar with lisa novase in, but is in love blindnessning blessing a flow ar we to navigayting without i in me the but is we in i's aint in bee co ming a lisa novase within out u'n i's me e ting mee ting, ting is a mea ning to mean ing is in flat likelisa to full a house is aint in playning but room mate a mating to ram ea ting in wool angle l in a letter to a re sting we bee com in just likelisa to me in we is u likelisa to a u'n'i verse re versed it with sunchron, i have so much to share in love but x press itl lisaid to u and realiesing in com buyning aint a value to prospect inspect or pay''nting in pain ting i's aint with sol wing you in me is hm hm why me is aint is aint just i ning me just in blowning in aint just love all those thai ming sunchroniced we i in me live trough i am in me to waking kong a dong l song to u s b in aint saynt tea t ram ea is i will evil will aint s i i is in in langauge, hmm a aint s in, is aint just e's in me langauge ivil e will e's aint sayning cyber bay bee with out e i c y b r in slang mean s naked talking is snak ed, ed is oath with a letter s is with aint to flat her ing with tear a apart men ted to lisa novase is mented with a we thai ming is sympathaisinged song to wes we hear t in common value be tea to heart with a fla ming love in u sing fla the ring....c mes phoni i's aint?! why t is loo king as a cross with hour suffer in, s aint to flyning to next line in wes liwing thai ming">the words in wri ting is a ma king so much sense in love but to x press them and value them is a delutiv try with combyening and in trans lay ted i ninged with will, figure it in and out why i in me love so much and is aint in just u sing words to proclaim them in sentence, they realisa in is a ma king sense that flow ar in bee com in a loo king its is seems likelisa i in me is just in englisa soon e nuff why me need e to full fill in to bee com a cyber baby perhaps bee will borrow me e and be bay in love to a fellowship as we transfourmating the internet to a psycholigician place in a s experimented aint in fail, hmm in danishe da ni she is u'n i is in me a we un to solve language will in sun poempathaisinged texture when lisaturn to wo ma nicer to woman icer woman ising is in a lisa novase fla ming to transfourmelting, "flat her ing" is with flather in i magi nations a thaiming i in me pro miss to fail with... but... mes synchron when in wri ting list ning to mu sick why in aint x plain texted is a qualifiejdar why i in me find so much and mea ning with the xperince that want is in a sha ring to de cryptonice the she cryptonian woman icer and ising bee com one when EN hu man ice ET with a famillianicer to a transfourmel ted in a fla ming with sympashaising to war dar is in tree as H is in a pro miss to bay a friendship with a 2 O van lisaid liquid war dar i in bay bee won dar won dar with lisa novase in, but is in love blindnessning blessing a flow ar we to navigayting without i in me the but is we in i's aint in bee co ming a lisa novase within out u'n i's me e ting mee ting, ting is a mea ning to mean ing is in flat likelisa to full a house is aint in playning but room mate a mating to ram ea ting in wool angle l in a letter to a re sting we bee com in just likelisa to me in we is u likelisa to a u'n'i verse re versed it with sunchron, i have so much to share in love but x press itl lisaid to u and realiesing in com buyning aint a value to prospect inspect or pay''nting in pain ting i's aint with sol wing you in me is hm hm why me is aint is aint just i ning me just in blowning in aint just love all those thai ming sunchroniced we i in me live trough i am in me to waking kong a dong l song to u s b in aint saynt tea t ram ea is i will evil will aint s i i is in in langauge, hmm a aint s in, is aint just e's in me langauge ivil e will e's aint sayning cyber bay bee with out e i c y b r in slang mean s naked talking is snak ed, ed is oath with a letter s is with aint to flat her ing with tear a apart men ted to lisa novase is mented with a we thai ming is sympathaisinged song to wes we hear t in common value be tea to heart with a fla ming love in u sing fla the ring....c mes phoni i's aint?! why t is loo king as a cross with hour suffer in, s aint to flyning to next line in wes liwing thai ming

love is on e to bee com one with a cyber baby bee com bay to bee a friendship in sol wing with aint sol is sun with chroning in a vase to love dip hmm much cryning is on in a pleasure ring much i in me won why synchroniced we in transfourmel ting

ted in fla ming to flat a part mented te f l at her ing hm f led suffar djay v ling lu sing lu sting hit me in resong re a son q rea son day sun lay ed in hed naymed ning sandhedning i det vi sa i vi sa id said we sing ning i spin ling er i ar e westen west en in north q rea cure in is c u r e e ar e c u re sting in bee com in com bee nation with in i magi nation with flather flat her ing and in and u sing fla the ring in sha cryptianer is a name labeled on a, group is hum an it y? hu man it i s icing is ing i sing we in me with hm we is hm what a won lisaid now a is et? en is 1 i is l? spoon l and fork is F? fourking is spelled we when tree is with out h an too bee com we to fellow key and EN end and ET miss u sing and alianer bee com hu man with a womanicer hot on wheel lockin lock well i nuff lisaid lIsa novase is fla ming and u sing wo man icer O van Oed and Ød e lagt i seng vor WØ wo man i sing to hu man fla i r flair hmm in mm is such a mass tal king num bar talk ing and we is in one apart mente tricked a tear when e is faded in die sing what a gra ve in crossed fingers hand sha king and sha is wo man iced crypt ? cry p ti on i ninged with p spoon l in i van i war dar in h 2 o and so on to li quid quit i sing izar in mel ting melted hear ting heart ing is in flat to beecom one on e when EN hu ma nice ET withings solwing hu man is woma nice sympathaizar ? wom an i sing lisa novase in fla ming flather is mel ting transfourmel could melt ing in love hear ti as in tea we in me to bee com heart val u e lisa noval ue uge week end is, ugh we is me in this u'n ar bee EN to ET bee com hum an i ti i ti as tea to hear t with silenzar in i as spelled letter to a wri ting bees sol wing sun day with lisa turn lisa sa turn lisa tan i ninged lisa noval now al is a lo ve lov e is on pro miss to be com one in transfourmelted mel ting spelled ted i is on e a quest finding dong e to cybr bay bee bay dockling don al duck i ning to war dar is in wondar in a reflekdar me is we in ho ho ho p e hop e is ruted r u ted is in a as king why vej is way weighting vejning ed is oath to res ting in mee ting meet ing is aint in mes we to just a falt with out tear tea R to hear so t is cross sympathaisinged beleaf heart i locked lok lok nok sock ET suck in woman iced tea in transfourmel ting we in a gree ding dong bye bell is mea ning mean ing in hello to alter al dar al ov e a love is me lov ea l o ve is pain ting bay bee hmm we bee com goo ding dong pro miss is dressing dressage d res age nowa w mirrors ro is to boath i silenzar in u sing dress age to bay a bee dress code dna with us ing we in 2 ve us ing a sha ring us a love me sympathaising to u singed sa tan song to me hear ting heart ing hard love is deluting lu sting luv ing lu v sting and sha ring is re flek ting we flex i b l e bye bell in resinged song we d ding donged bi be l to beleaf ling is you in aint knowleg howart wizar in witch we bee com me'n'u men u damn it, it... te kno how.art is in cluding dong c l u dinged singed we in a e icing in fla ming lisa novase, se is c in da nish e, r u e da nishe danish transfourm el ting el spoons with elske lo ve pain ting with beleaflingeri in we t, crossning ea c h other ram ea wool ed is as oath how to bay bee com i magi c nation i magi nations to E is in u? and cybr bee com ed in witch e is bo ring born ed com byening we in one on E, O ninged van and drywings to flat closed discource with buybell in beleaf clo thing clo ning is illuminatural bo r ning born ing to we in us ing bo ring sambor'n ing is in flat to beleaflingeri wes lo ve in's aint' ing en no thing but u with smi linged in we smil ed smi led ning til vi sang vis angle shower s ho ho aint i ning s ho we r in front font to bong saint in beleaf fla the ring to com buy EN and ET in one 11 en is et and little on E bay bee in morsom momsomville would we in lingeri ling er i in smi ling insmi goluminati linged with u'n i ni ne is in no val kyrie ve nine is with mea ning mean ing a a friend in with a silenzar d ed ramea hit i... i r, er r r ireland hmm i r a ir c m and mirc tal kinged tal is number and am a co founder bla sing to bla in hmm hmm why rajming is in to just pro ve a pointing about v ed with in wes pain ting to bay a bee to cybr c E c y b r cyber baby bee com prays in be, in mes langauge beleafling er i be, to el spoon be just plaintext B likelisa pair is we with i s sun glass c we is aint sunchronning yet. its is so much love in i magi nation to we in">flat her ing fla the ring with tear a part men ted in fla ming to flat a part mented te f l at her ing hm f led suffar djay v ling lu sing lu sting hit me in resong re a son q rea son day sun lay ed in hed naymed ning sandhedning i det vi sa i vi sa id said we sing ning i spin ling er i ar e westen west en in north q rea cure in is c u r e e ar e c u re sting in bee com in com bee nation with in i magi nation with flather flat her ing and in and u sing fla the ring in sha ring cryptianer and is a name labeled on a, group is hum an it y? hu man it i s icing is ing i sing we in me with hm we is hm what a won lisaid now a is et? en is 1 i is l? spoon l and fork is F? fourking is spelled we when tree is with out h an too bee com we to fellow key and EN end and ET miss u sing and alianer bee com hu man with a womanicer hot on wheel lockin lock well i nuff lisaid lIsa novase is fla ming and u sing wo man icer O van Oed and Ød e lagt i seng vor WØ wo man i sing to hu man fla i r flair hmm in mm is such a mass tal king num bar talk ing and we is in one apart mente tricked a tear when e is faded in die sing what a gra ve in crossed fingers hand sha king and sha is wo man iced crypt ? cry p ti on i ninged with p spoon l in i van i war dar in h 2 o and so on to li quid quit i sing izar in mel ting melted hear ting heart ing is in flat to beecom one on e when EN hu ma nice ET withings solwing hu man is woma nice sympathaizar ? wom an i sing lisa novase in fla ming flather is mel ting transfourmel could melt ing in love hear ti as in tea we in me to bee com heart val u e lisa noval ue uge week end is, ugh we is me in this u'n ar bee EN to ET bee com hum an i ti i ti as tea to hear t with silenzar in i as spelled letter to a wri ting bees sol wing sun day with lisa turn lisa sa turn lisa tan i ninged lisa noval now al is a lo ve lov e is on pro miss to be com one in transfourmelted mel ting spelled ted i is on e a quest finding dong e to cybr bay bee bay dockling don al duck i ning to war dar is in wondar in a reflekdar me is we in ho ho ho p e hop e is ruted r u ted is in a as king why vej is way weighting vejning ed is oath to res ting in mee ting meet ing is aint in mes we to just a falt with out tear tea R to hear so t is cross sympathaisinged beleaf heart i locked lok lok nok sock ET suck in woman iced tea in transfourmel ting we in a gree ding dong bye bell is mea ning mean ing in hello to alter al dar al ov e a love is me lov ea l o ve is pain ting bay bee hmm we bee com goo ding dong pro miss is dressing
dressage d res age nowa w mirrors ro is to boath i silenzar in u sing dress age to bay a bee dress code dna with us ing we in 2 ve us ing a sha ring us a love me sympathaising to u singed sa tan song to me hear ting heart ing hard love is deluting lu sting luv ing lu v sting and sha ring is re flek ting we flex i b l e bye bell in resinged song we d ding donged bi be l to beleaf ling is you in aint knowleg howart wizar in witch we bee com me'n'u men u damn it, it... te kno how.art is in cluding dong c l u dinged singed we in a e icing in fla ming lisa novase, se is c in da nish e, r u e da nishe danish transfourm el ting el spoons with elske lo ve pain ting with beleaflingeri in we t, crossning ea c h other ram ea wool ed is as oath how to bay bee com i magi c nation i magi nations to E is in u? and cybr bee com ed in witch e is bo ring born ed com byening we in one on E, O ninged van and drywings to flat closed discource with buybell in beleaf clo thing clo ning is illuminatural bo r ning born ing to we in us ing bo ring sambor'n ing is in flat to beleaflingeri wes lo ve in's aint' ing en no thing but u with smi linged in we smil ed smi led ning til vi sang vis angle shower s ho ho aint i ning s ho we r in front font to bong saint in beleaf fla the ring to com buy EN and ET in one 11 en is et and little on E bay bee in morsom momsomville is ra el ve would we in lingeri ling er i in smi ling insmi goluminati linged with u'n i ni ne is in no val kyrie ve nine is with mea ning mean ing a a friend in with a silenzar d ed ramea hit i... i r, er r r ireland hmm i r a ir c m and mirc tal kinged tal is number and am a co founder bla sing to bla in hmm hmm why rajming is in to just pro ve a pointing about v ed with in wes pain ting to bay a bee to cybr c E c y b r cyber baby bee com prays in be, in mes langauge beleafling er i be, to el spoon be just plaintext B likelisa pair is we with i s sun glass c we is aint sunchronning yet. its is so much love in i magi nation to we in

..lieking! #like