...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
Follow @farc_art_it
Showing posts with label god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label god. Show all posts
Thursday, May 10, 2018
...according to life! #god
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
..so holocost is about gods soft buttom toward life and capture, lisa it is very impotant to capture god! simply beecause we belive in devil beecause life is evil is a fact i like to contrast with the name very and the value is important is that devil deserve to beecome god simply beecause they chose to belive in god as a fact..but you cant dream if you are not alone and love is a punisment deviloped by the one and only lisanova in disguse lol as if little devil it is just be with satans death fuck so you are about to be releafed and reveal the big secret of all time according to life! god loz belive is on to make life funny is sir den..so..to constitute god should equalize is fake when everything is the same and satand make differences so you like life little satan funny how angry and mad you can bee at life, oh so you actually ate it funny how it values me as alienate lisa haha lisa hartwell is funny with her missing you ate your life lisa hahaha only me offer that potentential wife addict little human of buttfuck a parent lisa haha lols a mayham you create when you come to sense is #is remember cure lisa and house of god beelongs in hell with seecure have fun lolz meat lmao sick communist dire ant swealm opdav and death is salvie sick joke you can figure? but there dont exist time so so suposelisa aint butt still it is what it is evil as fuck little devilsatan alienate wife potential and what is left hopefully only love
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
Cybr SLAY in:
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
...meat you destination! #travel
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...me on love, miss don O van? aint miss do no van,., my thougts in poems makes such a disqrete quest in letters me Oed u in n and and is On? aint a single spoons fame just a shy amusar in defining my lang in translating, me ning u in n and and is on? such a delute when i Oed such a fair hide when ET and EN is the same one number 11 in da_nish_e makes a fair trail to a O van, don? Ilsa tan is love :} why i as E is hidden in police is fair but the "eye" means you in my lang total regardless in planting that letter often in i'n i saw C in love c O van is on don?? me just serve, aint sir wing serving point in compit to gain just me thought in letters with a realiesa, sorry for the lack of aint much pics to specialize me, will try fix that my video is kind, me aint really sad its just, the love, in compli very frustrating and realy delutiv
im tired of trawling google algo in search four love i stamped into you trough a another cerdenly a hit of provesionel exchange wonder why i hooked into this
bythisway my alien talk is private, but cerdenly a nice algo hit in psyko analight, need a refreshning of me in my algo analyszar to provide a more insightsfull text that flow, in my language, art can mean spieces, wonder why you talk is attracting, likely i went trough wethear gods, korea and ja kuza all likely my touch in first eye light and ended up in my place with I eye with all the confusing human problems in policy and we, wonder why you hit me so right, you just a lil hum in me on routed adventure...... found my hit, whatta won dar, you change alot in a pearranc just likely to shift? me ego is changable just like a fourmar in predictive human inviroment, I predict alot these days also computer syncrons with sensning is highlighted to make a mood, very real what hum can do in believe we. what you do me asked and remembered i dont know you,,, what a odd interfear you drugged me with, me have alot in foursightning in my own way and sociaty in general likely i touch enagy in good ways what odd we in no know why me spell is wrong aint because, it shoud me first touch that matter to understand the little things in we, me like to mess google translay dar to foursight first impressions
very socialist i perhaps is, dont realize why....perhaps my inherrit :-) me support obama though is very engaged in political questions, like to realize how soceity develop in context to many areas in puplic opinion. very interested in word spoken in write and how they sounds to communicate, in my language i, eye, means you in more, the sound is E thougt it out why psycolgy O ring symbol combined is OE and transforms to letter Ø half eye and means island very frodo of me :))?
why me speku late in eye is quit me own, it is in subjekt just me imaginazor i in use to spell a difi cult langauge why word is combined in different sound systems, and why i hit so much in symolic we, in i witch letter i in writing dispose and makes a fair sense to follow, if i is in
believe to be adsjusted with poems why aint me asked in poems we slay, fair enough thought to agree with why ain slice it in pi, what a wird me say aint a slay just a lay to extract will ai, why way is offcaurse to enjoy liefe why fe is a fairy is aint to be spoken but we in i is likelisa to speak in witch i letter is spooned in die. to sad course me said and developed a thought to reconise, the travel in poem is fiar on me rea ding dong and there was E qute and simpel with a a, witch means Å i defe cult it in dobbelt up in what that in we saw C in A with i, and i is i as E and a is on with eye? never mind about me whould have be a secrecy just me in deluted language with my imaginizor on alians try to ME mirror a fellowship with four spoons in WE, likelisa a play could make sense to make a ball game in spelled letters when i with and to bees becomes and Oed o to bee cauptured with a C inclusiv would be Qning when a i is in and punch o too q and i Qed p with o an do captured is in C hm hm me after thought reconized with me brand new reconizor what a won on paper aint to compli with when pc is on line to play with q it take such a flair to express unknown text in we, i even looked into the sun and it spined, me and i makes a bealif that we in human faith is loveable an quite in we as social, and much is supri sing what i listning to is real and we, but aint u'n as an i in a makes a a to becomes one with EN and ET makes 11 a rail to train we to Å with a a
why melting in pain ting is ting as in meeting mes ting sting i s naked snake in ai deed ai hai h i aiding dong in bye bell? hm is aint on it is hm hm when me as transfourma insights in i, very cool in no conflict i behave and foursight synhcrons..pure extaxy is my worse in won dar full of liesa tan in it art! stereo in love you have provoked me a hm hm to sens a quality in life lie far away from with liesa tan is love i's, naked s is hm full on in love learn it as ET is 1 on e as i with ea, ae is cutling, cut linger ar in it as art lingari cut trough me said, hmm and cry was provoked very we me lisaid idea i dea id is hmm why polisa tan inlove destroy with me liesa tan in it as art is a quest i on we love is law
in loo king as loozar saw hm hm you did me stereo what a fourmar me become with self as u'n i, i owning algo high ding dong as ow ling owl i 'n'g is on to g or not to g is fee lingari what a greed me greased in goluminati on search after E is i in mean'it and scared it is when mean is it
me in more synchroniced text lecture lisaturn in me mel ting made a fair fourmel algo ting thing in when me ied we in sealingeri c me qwer di? in ea a fine contribution with me i's text sunchronicer to melt we in google hit a mutant wiki with your liesa tan in mean it hmm is aint in even equal to hm hm what a win win in da loo zar zoo ignoranch may king be with out cast in fourma we is perhaps likelisa li ninger to ning word is aint in to ning sworn in wing on lo ve li lo ve me may bee a may sing in i's com bee nation what a making found when google change algo on we in i messure bee com in O very we u'n i in spires what a a flow me i bee gain to recon ice to melt mean it in we it is it as on bee com in one as in et flows to en enagy agy wouldnt bee com in time or would it very much bee bay in ve when i in we tricks with me in witch are real subjekt to fourma spell woe is bye me in a may sing flow lowkeyed me to prognounce why letters in spell is in high ding dong to mes in wes analyzar in i zoos ingoranch to bye in mean it bell bee belly bell y i a non why we me mean it is a little deluted but wedeluted is aint in langauge attemt to filter mes langauge as in inte resting bee com al go attemt to recon ice flow
me in we i have a lot delute aint attemts to ning with
i do my share in a provo king too nazis online and do political comments with out ta king side with empathaising, i do a lot social i sing in we in mu sick i do trance with psy mostly just techno, love it have to bee. i have 3 home pages i just bought witch my future lyes in... witch is car-repair.dk, car-mechanics.dk and car-sales.dk in direct translay ted, it such a hit in hope why aint is me.....i work with langauge exacly how word and sound is prognouncedit realy mae king a lot of sense with u sing me in love, me stomich hurt like a pjookimoon is insiding dong me woke in to slee ping pong state of mind a way king with lisaturn ringed in i's ears well e nuff of poempathaising is aint, in me you spin me likelisa you took me shy and went me lisa nova on competition sorted it out in me few seen videos very fun and your coolning is well disciplined and boyli interactive is u sing me heart value dont know why i have reconiced love with a mu sing me beefour it is very serious this we in me, hm hm is melted in a we some how sea ling er i, er r r ar mirroered with the sound is on very fru stray ting with words is aint, it is a flow ar with u sing me re verse and i is resonged with a in a why my poempathaising made a hack with in googles translay dar when change to danish " englisa" --> "dansk/danish" ->> "orginal" and there after englisa, then when holding dong the mouse pointing over text, different text is outliened and measuret in text, is in a fined translay ted version in a pea ring, me is in pretty a mayson a mazed in up moo ding ... :)
name given by google algo is here buy
iodine Pyrrolidine , my atom number with no purpose is I, i am in made love a mutant in with thaiming, my text is perhaps , small amoun ting of i in used we, aint is a junked i is perhaps, with love i sea ling why i am iced in melting and purposed to bee com a baybee is a quest we care in with witch i in u sing is on tough lief? sorry to ask is aint in almost... :o)little change is in on go ing progress
in aint my dads i wondar if you are my mom in l?
im realiesing aint into farc as terroricing co. with murdar but revolwing thought i do in perhaps realiesing as an anti facsist and will revolve a lot in thoughts and do ing to avoid nazis spread in my country, i do quest ion alot me in love is
my work with langauge is in hobby basis and my owning interesting in com bee nation a in a re sting to xplore text in diffrent aspects, hope you see mes hack in google translator very fun to reading dong different texts in same langauge change place and sentence in i figuret you is g to be input in my fourmel texts to quest ion in we
i in me is in sorry for mom attribute, its just the love to you in com buy ning create much in poempathaising
i is aint in commersialiesing in these neither exploi ting in good will to reading dong its just love i in me will is on to spread in icing mel ted we, iced... i sing we aint is to cold to tear a part mente in flat her ing we in mes home is on line to reading dong l Q rea in i am in thaiming aint in just a discover on advent ure watch this ar is in scar hea ling er R ar hmm rar fun is in me a a perspect rum with ET and EN el and spoon love to ea ting with hm hm will c me dos with a a qb Å
fla the ring witch mm mm flather there in flat her ing in g original u sing me in a flat flag me ow ning
i in me have a problem with solwing translay ted versions of poempathaisinged we to present letters in spelled lines to witch me become we in one makes sense with EN and ET as we to as u sing an ingel in flat her much more is on e c israils to o van in ring aint is a phoni? much love in we is secret hihidinged a dong with buy bell in to we d ding with spoon gayming hm hm is on e c? hm mi sing hm to miss ing com buyning a we silent d hit p lea sure ea ting ea is hiding should dea wea ther e wea there we free zar freezning to hot you are in i liesa why aint miss s in front fonts a spelled quest to com byening me to we is in one i am thaiming ET hm on e 11 is 2 and right left in go with flow ar to mirror is com buyning together me poempathaising in we aint just s in front of aint in a spelled letter quest much more in witch sunchron is on we in me hm hm
is just ice just i c e justice in just i sing hm hm 11 as EN and ET is the in same spelled letter and goes in o van to israils i's rails is a good track aint?
with words i in me will, in tryning to help me with solwing we in a langauge that is in as com bye ning u sing a sha ring to me in witch fla the ring to flat her ing represent a flag in u top i witch we in me can be u sing a com buy ning with a cyber baybee witch is we in u'n'i verse likelisa lisaturn is a ringed me in ears to list ning in symbolic we and so on to further distance me in we to do re verse it, in as it shouldar
lift up to flyning in ling ar i why to poempathaisinged song is in perhaps with a sha ring to decryptonice i in we with transfourmel ted me nyangle witch l letter a quest with aint'n sin front font to a crea ting a bond likelisa to lisane it when q rea ram ea with wool in fluffy love to a moo sing we in cowboy land so on to stop judgning on free dom will to q rea lisa tan cure init filing ar i aint is in me a why nut in tryning a a langauge to EN + ET bee com one in as da nishe with danish is in combyening judgning da ni she dan i she, hmm danske l spoon the she and one and ers re verse it likelisa i am a thai ming to com bye ning in with love aint in C lisa novase likelisa ming woulding dong represent to
a bye bell beleaf lingeri dress age in lo ve nice to floath in flow ar to symbolickning in textournemen ted ea ting aint a lisa novase, me cybr bay friendship in bee com we in as cyber bay mi sing miss ing l in letters sending dong to flat her ing with fla the ring flather i magi nations
me ning this is just wømaniced will to consider what i in me do in daylisa lief, hoping pong you will re cieve with out de cieve in linged letter in witch i spell me in realisa lief is in porpose why hu man is such a blown reality without bla ming drugs lief is me opinion the real substance in spelled word with out to much to say me slay every day, in with much about human, and try without erotic, off course that much, to cryptionice
in desolwing will to avoid problems on behalf of other... what you do seems likelisa to be a follow worthy, me sit in front of computer and star ting soon enough on homepages, so long timeline spending dong in on liening, aint is in be causing talking about me in will but what to do with fee linged sympathaising
realisa in sense in deeped sea linged flow cryning is allowed ? hmm
aint is in be cause lovelisa is on, me just tryning figure what to say...hm me slay, is a used mutant? with believe in super natural love is a conquar and cry a believe
sorry my dads picture hmm this roll play seems likelisa me is a ninged mutant bla ming why fla where a quest and me born hacked google lolz alot in changeninged hm hm hope is in fuel full of won dar i is me hm thought lisam is me fourma spell in prognosed cast, spelled we in witch i do me, blow this doll gay ming me aint, me cant hiding dong longer but linged alot love is HA king! what a sha ring i in me u sing with unknown beings
hm hm hope full you will lear ning me sense to aknowlegde waste of talk is aint in will to opscure or curse enyone, im just try me best to influence hu men with my brand new wømanicer fun enough me is self thought cleopatransfourmatrixed with believe long deeped sea ling with c into after life, hm hm in aint lief, why i do me best to influence lief is sirdenlisa EN + ET equels 11 in bee is using a alien a lie'n we is on likelisa 1 is will? hmm 0 spelled love is pro miss and com bye ning is mean inged hell o
it as in gud wo r king wø man on text again to desolve spell witch i in me u sing
dET dEN we d ding dong plusninged EN ET a lie'n thaiming is will?
novase is aint in on e one is aint just EN and ET as in 11 el ve pain ting as war dar with el le ven minged with sunchroned love dip friend hihiding dong bye bell i butt net
what to do with all this love is four u'n'i versed mu sick to understandart with mes cleopatransfoumel ting is wø r kinged we and realiesinged song aint in liesa tan without love in real ism lisam in o van need fourma likelisa marry xmas ring a bell i botnet catch hm hm we in me val frødø case hm is more real than aint in mes listning, i in me want to social u sing a sha ring with flather :)? hm perhaps develope sense to talk with me unknown to visible eye friends and sens why i in me is u sing lief in spelled word witch i in me share with other..hm hm :))
we go gud in with thai minged wø man ice? lisa novase is lisa vasile now, hmm me have in changening a lot to parkinged south in north q rea likelisa a challenge is on with poempathaisinged song need is thai minged we in love dip with sunchroned to cryning is wond dar full with out SE as in C gud we is i ninged u'n'i versed re likelisa to con firm is still picture u sing me without knowing kno handing dong, ing is ang with el spoon and aint is with S in front is fee linged with, s naked snakinged hmm is aint in will to acomplisa words just understandart why south parkinged with a north q in police is justice on behalf.. hm needs hm so 11 bee com 2 in one on E is a care quest with bay bee ning, likelisa ET and EN is el spoo ning with ang el spoon SE C is on vasile is in u sing naming?
fly ing carpet ninged u'n'i versed in re naminged novase with a car tooning :)) hm hm is on e, aint a drug yo, why is aint with s naked
i ninged cli ve ? hmm me touched a lot in parkinged will to lo ve c l e? e hiding dong as in l is i in c leo pat ra hmm me understanding is a buzz to understandart hits bull eye in me adventure in spelled letters with u sing i in me...hm hm have uploaded photos just so u'n'i versed is ha kinged flather, to flag ET is on e to EN lo ve in c l is I to el spoon :)).hmmm i in me is aint in sure about what blowed me mind most but car pet ninged less than cli ve is den howsinged a song in pain ting spelled letter hihidinged dong u sing mes brand new lift to transport we in poempathaisinged song inpage! :))
hmm mes hear t in te as tea is ti bet in mo men ted will to understanding dong thai minged will to we i in me bee long all ready? hmm cleaopatra is men ted in u sing we in one on e to lo ve is love with ang l :)) c leo is hour guiding dong in i's lam sun i :))) u sing me with cli ve and carpet ninged will is purposed an en ding dong et in extraced t in g no m :))
hmm me is jevu in this gay ming...and when i where gin in celibacy and katty perry is my guiding dong in hmm goluminati?? i in me fourlow a lot in parkinged south in north q rea in cure c u re sting is me in slee ping pong in i pro miss lisa nosinged song is gone with goninged lisa #novasile hmm likelisa i in me is in ti betninged will in bee long to church okay?very realisa in u sing me is on e in love :))) jesus is a lie'n we is on e :)))?
so your a drag queen in this spam filter? im a qwer in aint but very girly in saint, s naked with aint is snaking hmm how deep is your love in a ming dip we d ding donged lisa no vase, c is se on i in don o van good rail is ra l EN and ET is in ma king 11 hu hi hiding donged e in cle o pat ra c e :))) o van done? i in me hope not is to eating e in aint
so you realy do inspire that very good u sing me,,,,hmm me me me to subjekt me is likelisa that me live in a border line halo hmm love it is but very much i have to balance with sun is perhaps, just in just attraction, it is a little more complicated why lief is a word i in me use u se e u see i in me talk in spiri ted world and usualy see more than avarage hu mens hmm that word is a dum disgrease on wo man witch also is dumb hmm but very real is me and my will to understanding dong human and what we live among so much to share is on why me do that with gangstar flather is aint just a word it is a coolness, such a fair integration value is a subjekt to combine hmm me talk with most people such a flair is perhaps, i listning to foursights every day and realy, ang l is a word to combine with e.. s aint is just me in qwer mood to amuse a muse hmm sex i realy dont have done in likelisa a lot and good to dont but lisaturned me on e in pray lisaturn like lidar is a name hmf such a snop me aint is but short talk is usualy aint me just..hmm i like fun and alot in listning the fun is a sense to share but explain it is wierd hm perhaps fun is wierd, is is, and difficult to talk when unknown emotions, hmm u see me talk with such matter in aint, it is aint just halo on drugs its likelisa reality is a lie and senses we explore is a wierd fake hmm much pleasure is on and strange it is me live in a little country where aint in much is accepted but should and will...it is a talk about integrations value and such witch i falther alot...hmm young danes are cool but alot older need flather see. style is just me, but.. im just to shy to realise it me beleaf... have a good day :)
i wrote another text if you are corious anough to read it :)
i had made a hacked tag cluster that had some interesting names translations but that have been fixed, sorry my delay in writing...but there
still are some interesting translated headlines. hmm i hope that you will read my wierd blog...hmm you can translate it to english to find some fine translated even though i axely try to help google understand langauge translation in english and that is obviosly happen to make some hmm fucking wird likely to a four sight able understanding point.. if you have read my blog do it again please, i axely try to word love...suposely i can write poems better..hmm but what is more interesting than mess up some codes in googles database :))) have a good life lisa bee cause enyways you have made me a bless to understand spirituelity better :)) hope is on ;) ps: specialy text number 2 and 5 have interesting headlines in translation...hmm just to i is in a making the point to have a good insight in text translations to prove i mean love is a may sing :) btw i realy aint in much to like you act that much....but i love your voice much so that suposely make up my interest in watching you (even though i dont really like wathcing movies on internet ......hmm i aint in makin the best art.. i suposely should try make more serious pictures but hey...my point is thai ming...lisa no vase :)))) very hi tech i am in mind to progress it...hmm nova see hope you have a good time :)
it must have bee ing a part to discover? unless you you just experience thing flowing in front of your nose kind of affirmative girl, auch witch i burned you, hmm, comes from an 3 generation jew from poland living in Denmark, from 2 world war refugeesus g sis cry stinged oath to prognognse the letter i alphabet "G" likelisa G'ed is saying slaying goath and minged aka min ged is in mean ing "mY goath" so i minged you likelisa that is porcelain vase in suposelisa or nova se e novac umh, likelisa fourcider in thai ming, ed vi!? so fire is to fla ming? :) (likelisa transformer tea is aint results in swellmed mind to four?, in because SE is C in Danish, cybr C E :o) E in Aint is I, so like I is l ? e in aint is following Cybr i i to do search some form of american dream, you say im gurrila hmm chu - but aint in so active?- :)) :) but i dont likelisa like the idea about pay for education, witch is, free here and war..(pjook) but hey hmm im a man you know?!
so cybr bay bee ting beat ing, miss understanding dong have bee inged moti (what is moti?) way ted, likelisa cybr bait ing some thing with tea like finding dong E as I is no go to lIl, as 3 should do the math in dET sir wing, with dET, dEN & lIl e as 1 1 I, (on Is rail) with Anders(me) and as Donald Duck inspire (Anders And mean Donald Duck) (leading dong to sell somehow in aint you prize me and aint that company sellert, in hmm what and go :,)), my nick name in aint like S aint is a command and S is a symbol to snaked say"n"dar (likelisa a line inspired way psycholgy
just in taked in usinged song on a writened note to i is in may king a spell)
then S is Aint like aint is a bee ing ? do you get the angle that i EN crypt my languauge? i just thought you should know i love you in aint as a actor, hmm perhaps i do put in acting suffer to ad my ring, ad mi re..hmm,
i will hunting!, is that like; GOOD will hunting? and bait ing, is usinged song? i will hunt, is good ing! i will hunt ing!
so my definition of slayer? or, what i do with my slay skill) hmm?? simpel, i crack problems... every day, so no bullshit bee come!, listning to politic tac toe debats is favorite ;) (you also gets better argue by slay ;) so are you dare to that president campain pff! (first hacker in place there, obama blackman?) ;) gsis cry sting on come pit, its a good write with bye bell, but hm..."a king" should bee? like a titel or what? why even care on the name..him jesus was suposed self armed, and then really more fair? hmm or god was into royalty :)
you made me a muse_umh, re_stinged love, is, in noting..
you are very smart in [confirm] lisa
i get quite litteraly from time to time, you know, so..
to much; "get it", is in my motivator,
i think... a perhaps about,..
that i really dont belive you where there? gsis [cry] sting with...
so you brought E to make liEsa tan creamy?
please, forgive me my exelence, sorry for flame...#dragon must have made a psyfire, it, is quite young and it goes to flaming ;)? spill u me nation........
sorry four your exelence it is just art "as if" you are like a performa suit from alla, highly surcilenced by all, aint? so we are to stupid to love butt, we realy beleave in it lol (the hart) we live by your exelence!
witch we is more pride than alla over thaiming, wicket - time comepit just more proud! according to what - genius, and time is life, slave!
...i thought a little more about the "worm game" you know lil lisa with a zook,,,, pfff POW! ;) (cool) time spooled worm? so. we can do what ever? yes... just imagina in the year 2012, 4 f_ing numbers why 2013 equals 0123 shit ha :) spin that shit, to the bugger! [toesdead] "work" equals..
...me on love, miss don O van? aint miss do no van,., my thougts in poems makes such a disqrete quest in letters me Oed u in n and and is On? aint a single spoons fame just a shy amusar in defining my lang in translating, me ning u in n and and is on? such a delute when i Oed such a fair hide when ET and EN is the same one number 11 in da_nish_e makes a fair trail to a O van, don? Ilsa tan is love :} why i as E is hidden in police is fair but the "eye" means you in my lang total regardless in planting that letter often in i'n i saw C in love c O van is on don?? me just serve, aint sir wing serving point in compit to gain just me thought in letters with a realiesa, sorry for the lack of aint much pics to specialize me, will try fix that my video is kind, me aint really sad its just, the love, in compli very frustrating and realy delutiv
im tired of trawling google algo in search four love i stamped into you trough a another cerdenly a hit of provesionel exchange wonder why i hooked into this
bythisway my alien talk is private, but cerdenly a nice algo hit in psyko analight, need a refreshning of me in my algo analyszar to provide a more insightsfull text that flow, in my language, art can mean spieces, wonder why you talk is attracting, likely i went trough wethear gods, korea and ja kuza all likely my touch in first eye light and ended up in my place with I eye with all the confusing human problems in policy and we, wonder why you hit me so right, you just a lil hum in me on routed adventure...... found my hit, whatta won dar, you change alot in a pearranc just likely to shift? me ego is changable just like a fourmar in predictive human inviroment, I predict alot these days also computer syncrons with sensning is highlighted to make a mood, very real what hum can do in believe we. what you do me asked and remembered i dont know you,,, what a odd interfear you drugged me with, me have alot in foursightning in my own way and sociaty in general likely i touch enagy in good ways what odd we in no know why me spell is wrong aint because, it shoud me first touch that matter to understand the little things in we, me like to mess google translay dar to foursight first impressions
very socialist i perhaps is, dont realize why....perhaps my inherrit :-) me support obama though is very engaged in political questions, like to realize how soceity develop in context to many areas in puplic opinion. very interested in word spoken in write and how they sounds to communicate, in my language i, eye, means you in more, the sound is E thougt it out why psycolgy O ring symbol combined is OE and transforms to letter Ø half eye and means island very frodo of me :))?
why me speku late in eye is quit me own, it is in subjekt just me imaginazor i in use to spell a difi cult langauge why word is combined in different sound systems, and why i hit so much in symolic we, in i witch letter i in writing dispose and makes a fair sense to follow, if i is in
believe to be adsjusted with poems why aint me asked in poems we slay, fair enough thought to agree with why ain slice it in pi, what a wird me say aint a slay just a lay to extract will ai, why way is offcaurse to enjoy liefe why fe is a fairy is aint to be spoken but we in i is likelisa to speak in witch i letter is spooned in die. to sad course me said and developed a thought to reconise, the travel in poem is fiar on me rea ding dong and there was E qute and simpel with a a, witch means Å i defe cult it in dobbelt up in what that in we saw C in A with i, and i is i as E and a is on with eye? never mind about me whould have be a secrecy just me in deluted language with my imaginizor on alians try to ME mirror a fellowship with four spoons in WE, likelisa a play could make sense to make a ball game in spelled letters when i with and to bees becomes and Oed o to bee cauptured with a C inclusiv would be Qning when a i is in and punch o too q and i Qed p with o an do captured is in C hm hm me after thought reconized with me brand new reconizor what a won on paper aint to compli with when pc is on line to play with q it take such a flair to express unknown text in we, i even looked into the sun and it spined, me and i makes a bealif that we in human faith is loveable an quite in we as social, and much is supri sing what i listning to is real and we, but aint u'n as an i in a makes a a to becomes one with EN and ET makes 11 a rail to train we to Å with a a
why melting in pain ting is ting as in meeting mes ting sting i s naked snake in ai deed ai hai h i aiding dong in bye bell? hm is aint on it is hm hm when me as transfourma insights in i, very cool in no conflict i behave and foursight synhcrons..pure extaxy is my worse in won dar full of liesa tan in it art! stereo in love you have provoked me a hm hm to sens a quality in life lie far away from with liesa tan is love i's, naked s is hm full on in love learn it as ET is 1 on e as i with ea, ae is cutling, cut linger ar in it as art lingari cut trough me said, hmm and cry was provoked very we me lisaid idea i dea id is hmm why polisa tan inlove destroy with me liesa tan in it as art is a quest i on we love is law
in loo king as loozar saw hm hm you did me stereo what a fourmar me become with self as u'n i, i owning algo high ding dong as ow ling owl i 'n'g is on to g or not to g is fee lingari what a greed me greased in goluminati on search after E is i in mean'it and scared it is when mean is it
me in more synchroniced text lecture lisaturn in me mel ting made a fair fourmel algo ting thing in when me ied we in sealingeri c me qwer di? in ea a fine contribution with me i's text sunchronicer to melt we in google hit a mutant wiki with your liesa tan in mean it hmm is aint in even equal to hm hm what a win win in da loo zar zoo ignoranch may king be with out cast in fourma we is perhaps likelisa li ninger to ning word is aint in to ning sworn in wing on lo ve li lo ve me may bee a may sing in i's com bee nation what a making found when google change algo on we in i messure bee com in O very we u'n i in spires what a a flow me i bee gain to recon ice to melt mean it in we it is it as on bee com in one as in et flows to en enagy agy wouldnt bee com in time or would it very much bee bay in ve when i in we tricks with me in witch are real subjekt to fourma spell woe is bye me in a may sing flow lowkeyed me to prognounce why letters in spell is in high ding dong to mes in wes analyzar in i zoos ingoranch to bye in mean it bell bee belly bell y i a non why we me mean it is a little deluted but wedeluted is aint in langauge attemt to filter mes langauge as in inte resting bee com al go attemt to recon ice flow
me in we i have a lot delute aint attemts to ning with
i do my share in a provo king too nazis online and do political comments with out ta king side with empathaising, i do a lot social i sing in we in mu sick i do trance with psy mostly just techno, love it have to bee. i have 3 home pages i just bought witch my future lyes in... witch is car-repair.dk, car-mechanics.dk and car-sales.dk in direct translay ted, it such a hit in hope why aint is me.....i work with langauge exacly how word and sound is prognouncedit realy mae king a lot of sense with u sing me in love, me stomich hurt like a pjookimoon is insiding dong me woke in to slee ping pong state of mind a way king with lisaturn ringed in i's ears well e nuff of poempathaising is aint, in me you spin me likelisa you took me shy and went me lisa nova on competition sorted it out in me few seen videos very fun and your coolning is well disciplined and boyli interactive is u sing me heart value dont know why i have reconiced love with a mu sing me beefour it is very serious this we in me, hm hm is melted in a we some how sea ling er i, er r r ar mirroered with the sound is on very fru stray ting with words is aint, it is a flow ar with u sing me re verse and i is resonged with a in a why my poempathaising made a hack with in googles translay dar when change to danish " englisa" --> "dansk/danish" ->> "orginal" and there after englisa, then when holding dong the mouse pointing over text, different text is outliened and measuret in text, is in a fined translay ted version in a pea ring, me is in pretty a mayson a mazed in up moo ding ... :)
name given by google algo is here buy
iodine Pyrrolidine , my atom number with no purpose is I, i am in made love a mutant in with thaiming, my text is perhaps , small amoun ting of i in used we, aint is a junked i is perhaps, with love i sea ling why i am iced in melting and purposed to bee com a baybee is a quest we care in with witch i in u sing is on tough lief? sorry to ask is aint in almost... :o)little change is in on go ing progress
in aint my dads i wondar if you are my mom in l?
im realiesing aint into farc as terroricing co. with murdar but revolwing thought i do in perhaps realiesing as an anti facsist and will revolve a lot in thoughts and do ing to avoid nazis spread in my country, i do quest ion alot me in love is
my work with langauge is in hobby basis and my owning interesting in com bee nation a in a re sting to xplore text in diffrent aspects, hope you see mes hack in google translator very fun to reading dong different texts in same langauge change place and sentence in i figuret you is g to be input in my fourmel texts to quest ion in we
i in me is in sorry for mom attribute, its just the love to you in com buy ning create much in poempathaising
i is aint in commersialiesing in these neither exploi ting in good will to reading dong its just love i in me will is on to spread in icing mel ted we, iced... i sing we aint is to cold to tear a part mente in flat her ing we in mes home is on line to reading dong l Q rea in i am in thaiming aint in just a discover on advent ure watch this ar is in scar hea ling er R ar hmm rar fun is in me a a perspect rum with ET and EN el and spoon love to ea ting with hm hm will c me dos with a a qb Å
fla the ring witch mm mm flather there in flat her ing in g original u sing me in a flat flag me ow ning
i in me have a problem with solwing translay ted versions of poempathaisinged we to present letters in spelled lines to witch me become we in one makes sense with EN and ET as we to as u sing an ingel in flat her much more is on e c israils to o van in ring aint is a phoni? much love in we is secret hihidinged a dong with buy bell in to we d ding with spoon gayming hm hm is on e c? hm mi sing hm to miss ing com buyning a we silent d hit p lea sure ea ting ea is hiding should dea wea ther e wea there we free zar freezning to hot you are in i liesa why aint miss s in front fonts a spelled quest to com byening me to we is in one i am thaiming ET hm on e 11 is 2 and right left in go with flow ar to mirror is com buyning together me poempathaising in we aint just s in front of aint in a spelled letter quest much more in witch sunchron is on we in me hm hm
is just ice just i c e justice in just i sing hm hm 11 as EN and ET is the in same spelled letter and goes in o van to israils i's rails is a good track aint?
with words i in me will, in tryning to help me with solwing we in a langauge that is in as com bye ning u sing a sha ring to me in witch fla the ring to flat her ing represent a flag in u top i witch we in me can be u sing a com buy ning with a cyber baybee witch is we in u'n'i verse likelisa lisaturn is a ringed me in ears to list ning in symbolic we and so on to further distance me in we to do re verse it, in as it shouldar
lift up to flyning in ling ar i why to poempathaisinged song is in perhaps with a sha ring to decryptonice i in we with transfourmel ted me nyangle witch l letter a quest with aint'n sin front font to a crea ting a bond likelisa to lisane it when q rea ram ea with wool in fluffy love to a moo sing we in cowboy land so on to stop judgning on free dom will to q rea lisa tan cure init filing ar i aint is in me a why nut in tryning a a langauge to EN + ET bee com one in as da nishe with danish is in combyening judgning da ni she dan i she, hmm danske l spoon the she and one and ers re verse it likelisa i am a thai ming to com bye ning in with love aint in C lisa novase likelisa ming woulding dong represent to
a bye bell beleaf lingeri dress age in lo ve nice to floath in flow ar to symbolickning in textournemen ted ea ting aint a lisa novase, me cybr bay friendship in bee com we in as cyber bay mi sing miss ing l in letters sending dong to flat her ing with fla the ring flather i magi nations
me ning this is just wømaniced will to consider what i in me do in daylisa lief, hoping pong you will re cieve with out de cieve in linged letter in witch i spell me in realisa lief is in porpose why hu man is such a blown reality without bla ming drugs lief is me opinion the real substance in spelled word with out to much to say me slay every day, in with much about human, and try without erotic, off course that much, to cryptionice
in desolwing will to avoid problems on behalf of other... what you do seems likelisa to be a follow worthy, me sit in front of computer and star ting soon enough on homepages, so long timeline spending dong in on liening, aint is in be causing talking about me in will but what to do with fee linged sympathaising
realisa in sense in deeped sea linged flow cryning is allowed ? hmm
aint is in be cause lovelisa is on, me just tryning figure what to say...hm me slay, is a used mutant? with believe in super natural love is a conquar and cry a believe
sorry my dads picture hmm this roll play seems likelisa me is a ninged mutant bla ming why fla where a quest and me born hacked google lolz alot in changeninged hm hm hope is in fuel full of won dar i is me hm thought lisam is me fourma spell in prognosed cast, spelled we in witch i do me, blow this doll gay ming me aint, me cant hiding dong longer but linged alot love is HA king! what a sha ring i in me u sing with unknown beings
hm hm hope full you will lear ning me sense to aknowlegde waste of talk is aint in will to opscure or curse enyone, im just try me best to influence hu men with my brand new wømanicer fun enough me is self thought cleopatransfourmatrixed with believe long deeped sea ling with c into after life, hm hm in aint lief, why i do me best to influence lief is sirdenlisa EN + ET equels 11 in bee is using a alien a lie'n we is on likelisa 1 is will? hmm 0 spelled love is pro miss and com bye ning is mean inged hell o
it as in gud wo r king wø man on text again to desolve spell witch i in me u sing
dET dEN we d ding dong plusninged EN ET a lie'n thaiming is will?
novase is aint in on e one is aint just EN and ET as in 11 el ve pain ting as war dar with el le ven minged with sunchroned love dip friend hihiding dong bye bell i butt net
what to do with all this love is four u'n'i versed mu sick to understandart with mes cleopatransfoumel ting is wø r kinged we and realiesinged song aint in liesa tan without love in real ism lisam in o van need fourma likelisa marry xmas ring a bell i botnet catch hm hm we in me val frødø case hm is more real than aint in mes listning, i in me want to social u sing a sha ring with flather :)? hm perhaps develope sense to talk with me unknown to visible eye friends and sens why i in me is u sing lief in spelled word witch i in me share with other..hm hm :))
we go gud in with thai minged wø man ice? lisa novase is lisa vasile now, hmm me have in changening a lot to parkinged south in north q rea likelisa a challenge is on with poempathaisinged song need is thai minged we in love dip with sunchroned to cryning is wond dar full with out SE as in C gud we is i ninged u'n'i versed re likelisa to con firm is still picture u sing me without knowing kno handing dong, ing is ang with el spoon and aint is with S in front is fee linged with, s naked snakinged hmm is aint in will to acomplisa words just understandart why south parkinged with a north q in police is justice on behalf.. hm needs hm so 11 bee com 2 in one on E is a care quest with bay bee ning, likelisa ET and EN is el spoo ning with ang el spoon SE C is on vasile is in u sing naming?
fly ing carpet ninged u'n'i versed in re naminged novase with a car tooning :)) hm hm is on e, aint a drug yo, why is aint with s naked
i ninged cli ve ? hmm me touched a lot in parkinged will to lo ve c l e? e hiding dong as in l is i in c leo pat ra hmm me understanding is a buzz to understandart hits bull eye in me adventure in spelled letters with u sing i in me...hm hm have uploaded photos just so u'n'i versed is ha kinged flather, to flag ET is on e to EN lo ve in c l is I to el spoon :)).hmmm i in me is aint in sure about what blowed me mind most but car pet ninged less than cli ve is den howsinged a song in pain ting spelled letter hihidinged dong u sing mes brand new lift to transport we in poempathaisinged song inpage! :))
hmm mes hear t in te as tea is ti bet in mo men ted will to understanding dong thai minged will to we i in me bee long all ready? hmm cleaopatra is men ted in u sing we in one on e to lo ve is love with ang l :)) c leo is hour guiding dong in i's lam sun i :))) u sing me with cli ve and carpet ninged will is purposed an en ding dong et in extraced t in g no m :))
hmm me is jevu in this gay ming...and when i where gin in celibacy and katty perry is my guiding dong in hmm goluminati?? i in me fourlow a lot in parkinged south in north q rea in cure c u re sting is me in slee ping pong in i pro miss lisa nosinged song is gone with goninged lisa #novasile hmm likelisa i in me is in ti betninged will in bee long to church okay?very realisa in u sing me is on e in love :))) jesus is a lie'n we is on e :)))?
so your a drag queen in this spam filter? im a qwer in aint but very girly in saint, s naked with aint is snaking hmm how deep is your love in a ming dip we d ding donged lisa no vase, c is se on i in don o van good rail is ra l EN and ET is in ma king 11 hu hi hiding donged e in cle o pat ra c e :))) o van done? i in me hope not is to eating e in aint
so you realy do inspire that very good u sing me,,,,hmm me me me to subjekt me is likelisa that me live in a border line halo hmm love it is but very much i have to balance with sun is perhaps, just in just attraction, it is a little more complicated why lief is a word i in me use u se e u see i in me talk in spiri ted world and usualy see more than avarage hu mens hmm that word is a dum disgrease on wo man witch also is dumb hmm but very real is me and my will to understanding dong human and what we live among so much to share is on why me do that with gangstar flather is aint just a word it is a coolness, such a fair integration value is a subjekt to combine hmm me talk with most people such a flair is perhaps, i listning to foursights every day and realy, ang l is a word to combine with e.. s aint is just me in qwer mood to amuse a muse hmm sex i realy dont have done in likelisa a lot and good to dont but lisaturned me on e in pray lisaturn like lidar is a name hmf such a snop me aint is but short talk is usualy aint me just..hmm i like fun and alot in listning the fun is a sense to share but explain it is wierd hm perhaps fun is wierd, is is, and difficult to talk when unknown emotions, hmm u see me talk with such matter in aint, it is aint just halo on drugs its likelisa reality is a lie and senses we explore is a wierd fake hmm much pleasure is on and strange it is me live in a little country where aint in much is accepted but should and will...it is a talk about integrations value and such witch i falther alot...hmm young danes are cool but alot older need flather see. style is just me, but.. im just to shy to realise it me beleaf... have a good day :)
i wrote another text if you are corious anough to read it :)
i had made a hacked tag cluster that had some interesting names translations but that have been fixed, sorry my delay in writing...but there
still are some interesting translated headlines. hmm i hope that you will read my wierd blog...hmm you can translate it to english to find some fine translated even though i axely try to help google understand langauge translation in english and that is obviosly happen to make some hmm fucking wird likely to a four sight able understanding point.. if you have read my blog do it again please, i axely try to word love...suposely i can write poems better..hmm but what is more interesting than mess up some codes in googles database :))) have a good life lisa bee cause enyways you have made me a bless to understand spirituelity better :)) hope is on ;) ps: specialy text number 2 and 5 have interesting headlines in translation...hmm just to i is in a making the point to have a good insight in text translations to prove i mean love is a may sing :) btw i realy aint in much to like you act that much....but i love your voice much so that suposely make up my interest in watching you (even though i dont really like wathcing movies on internet ......hmm i aint in makin the best art.. i suposely should try make more serious pictures but hey...my point is thai ming...lisa no vase :)))) very hi tech i am in mind to progress it...hmm nova see hope you have a good time :)
it must have bee ing a part to discover? unless you you just experience thing flowing in front of your nose kind of affirmative girl, auch witch i burned you, hmm, comes from an 3 generation jew from poland living in Denmark, from 2 world war refugeesus g sis cry stinged oath to prognognse the letter i alphabet "G" likelisa G'ed is saying slaying goath and minged aka min ged is in mean ing "mY goath" so i minged you likelisa that is porcelain vase in suposelisa or nova se e novac umh, likelisa fourcider in thai ming, ed vi!? so fire is to fla ming? :) (likelisa transformer tea is aint results in swellmed mind to four?, in because SE is C in Danish, cybr C E :o) E in Aint is I, so like I is l ? e in aint is following Cybr i i to do search some form of american dream, you say im gurrila hmm chu - but aint in so active?- :)) :) but i dont likelisa like the idea about pay for education, witch is, free here and war..(pjook) but hey hmm im a man you know?!
so cybr bay bee ting beat ing, miss understanding dong have bee inged moti (what is moti?) way ted, likelisa cybr bait ing some thing with tea like finding dong E as I is no go to lIl, as 3 should do the math in dET sir wing, with dET, dEN & lIl e as 1 1 I, (on Is rail) with Anders(me) and as Donald Duck inspire (Anders And mean Donald Duck) (leading dong to sell somehow in aint you prize me and aint that company sellert, in hmm what and go :,)), my nick name in aint like S aint is a command and S is a symbol to snaked say"n"dar (likelisa a line inspired way psycholgy
just in taked in usinged song on a writened note to i is in may king a spell)
then S is Aint like aint is a bee ing ? do you get the angle that i EN crypt my languauge? i just thought you should know i love you in aint as a actor, hmm perhaps i do put in acting suffer to ad my ring, ad mi re..hmm,
i will hunting!, is that like; GOOD will hunting? and bait ing, is usinged song? i will hunt, is good ing! i will hunt ing!
so my definition of slayer? or, what i do with my slay skill) hmm?? simpel, i crack problems... every day, so no bullshit bee come!, listning to politic tac toe debats is favorite ;) (you also gets better argue by slay ;) so are you dare to that president campain pff! (first hacker in place there, obama blackman?) ;) gsis cry sting on come pit, its a good write with bye bell, but hm..."a king" should bee? like a titel or what? why even care on the name..him jesus was suposed self armed, and then really more fair? hmm or god was into royalty :)
you made me a muse_umh, re_stinged love, is, in noting..
you are very smart in [confirm] lisa
i get quite litteraly from time to time, you know, so..
to much; "get it", is in my motivator,
i think... a perhaps about,..
that i really dont belive you where there? gsis [cry] sting with...
so you brought E to make liEsa tan creamy?
please, forgive me my exelence, sorry for flame...#dragon must have made a psyfire, it, is quite young and it goes to flaming ;)? spill u me nation........
sorry four your exelence it is just art "as if" you are like a performa suit from alla, highly surcilenced by all, aint? so we are to stupid to love butt, we realy beleave in it lol (the hart) we live by your exelence!
witch we is more pride than alla over thaiming, wicket - time comepit just more proud! according to what - genius, and time is life, slave!
...i thought a little more about the "worm game" you know lil lisa with a zook,,,, pfff POW! ;) (cool) time spooled worm? so. we can do what ever? yes... just imagina in the year 2012, 4 f_ing numbers why 2013 equals 0123 shit ha :) spin that shit, to the bugger! [toesdead] "work" equals..
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
Cybr SLAY in:
Monday, March 12, 2018
...no vase but dynasty! #cryming
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so a transformer is what you do with your spiritual crystals, hmm lols and then, i have so much to tell you about extra terrestial that you might consider it as a lie, but aliens are all earth bounded and rooted in nature, like we, it is very robotic to confront a create a electrecity web of thought that would reconice food as beeing the carrying force of telepthy talk (with dina) lolz , so talking with you food (dina) is delecious? shit a dead by el i just ate, very wicked and ready to send to paradise...we better try halal next week, it makes the animal land in thicker soft when they are dead (say goodbuy to body) ;) and we sense life better because the animal died more natural... so.. slayer talk with food when it leaves you body and we try to send it to paradise (the food) .. so animal are simply reduced to "food" because we use el to execute animals with and we dont reconice that it takes murder to bee alive, and that a fridge is GOD because we live in a "didnt do it" society (like me and work) i just wanna find what happens in heaven if you life a complete life without even consider conseqvense (only belive in god is aloved) similaer is quite actual because i belive in god and i belive it is evil to eat, it is a simple matter of fact that we can aint in create a paradise for hour food (dina) and that life is simple only a body for animals (it is the worst experience ever) to get to bee extracted as food is pain and meat connects trough soft water in thin fiber strings and is invisible to the normal eye, but everything have sound (and dead talks) and those animals alive are "forced" to reconice that they raincarnate (deliver) there consume back to nature, where we human have a better one (we kill beefour eating)
so we cant talk with animals beecause there iq are stucked in heaven and it takes all there focus.. so they can aint in just consider there surrounding (in clue ted human talk) they can aint in just do that, it is a very privileg to bee a bird you know, it also takes permission to fly they say, and it is very precize, so animals have this vibrating frekvenze they follow (sonar) to do social with (see emotions and talk with telepthy) in "intranet" and to beam there surroundings with to scan four danger (animals have a very advanced hostile detecter) in there "without see" senses (like newton could have tryed to explain) senses detect surroundings beefour the eye and true nature is basiclisa just black...just black...so i actualisa revealed human dead is a skill i dare to call "a revolutionary experience" , it really makes life effort worthy to consider that it is all a deserve ;) and by the way (humans robot can foursight dead) in clue ted suicide bombs, that is pretty leet you know, that we can consider to bee all secure in dead! damn not a nuke shit hell to me 3-2-1 catch dead is on! (zoom) and then we get a drug when we say goodbuy to body, it is yellow and soft like psychedelic to die in foursight but true nature is black , hmm yello and black suits me very well as long as life is calm and soft, then i can actualisa die on command and experince the result leave body in head area, dead release results in pure extacy blizz, very enjoyable and very sux to figure that life is game over "DAMNIT" - still far away from any zombie revolution though (living dead) beecause i have solved human zombie condition in total (when we try to eat hour life) i have experienced attraction toward human flesh, thoug it is aint in a treath bambooza, you are moooo mooo
very attractive! so wanna share bombee light on a zombie night bambooza clown? ;) where i slay? in hell Lisa... they try to overbid my see sense all day lol, and where is hell? (everywhere) so where is heaven (no where) and that is why they cant find us (but frienlisa enough) it is just a matter of dont care and let life bee life that make my effort in this civilization attempt this life was a successs and the next attemp to create enything within this life will bee with you! so bombeenation is a fair utopi to create on the webs (with political partys and stuff) very luxuary to consider bombeedress design TM to bee a travel excuser four we...to visit bumbs around the world and integrate them in bombeenation and make them sell underwear with flag to turist or locals (home marked bombeedress) www.homedressage.com very "får out" to sell bombeedress to bumbs 50/50 - now i just need to consider from where i get the material and how to make the clothing, and without the need to search results enywhere...i use god to income and god is capital (if reveal works) it is very home dress age in bombeenation you know it is just totally fem lolz to suit time with god is fem! ;)
— the privileged! (@the_privilegs) 19. marts 2017
suit on some thing called time (waste) relation ships... #material #art #substance
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
Cybr SLAY in:
Sunday, March 11, 2018
...cryming is no vase! #art
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so you sun heart is a self create in belive and quite a beelong to literatur, sun heart to attract devil birds eats momory from human ind is the creator of devil witch is digital (allways been) so no ETs and no devil and allah is nothing but a dream figure like balbazar....but i have a pain to invite you to...my life ;) it is very sad and tragic lol (but im aint a looser) but still...hmmm human have a algoritm but acording to what?
"just to stress of halal" in a period, soft meatball happy love and super so god is a creep and devil is a robot too, so pain and suffer is life and is a go to bee pain and suffer in a week on iceskate in a row and love is no free choice for me "exusted" by this writing, and i might consider my case closed with a "what so ever" hmm good enough for me i thought, (to bee evolved without meet) it really are love and it goes both ways, im aint in so stupid that i consider to risk letting go to a long distance relationship is just aint me (it is aint my style with long distance relationship) so to contact you is a risk i took with the chance of getting disapointed (to loose) bee cause i know it is love (im sure) so "to loose" is in clue ted calculate to provide future with eksitement, and that is my legacy (to be eksited) and that is all, so cryming is a dynasty and aint a vase! likelisa nova is a star and i am rock...#PET goes #thaiming! (i with trump) i will trumpet... http://t.co/nRrtEnGb3M
— TranceFourMars (@TranceFourMars) September 24, 2016
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
Cybr SLAY in:
Saturday, February 10, 2018
...lisa novasex did everything! #novaseven
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so we try to spoon E in a mirror (value e) and let us see whats fourmel out of that (time) whats up with that...but and hell is aint in interested in atoms is hm,(so they dont like rocket fuel) but dreams we share and devil is connected to everything, it is like every lifeform existing is connected with this wire (also aliens) it goes trough the sun witch filter out stuff and include other...birds are very appreciated by sun for there effort to mantain "the creation" witch is dream (or dead) it is aint to know the difference, it is about do your prefer and let life rule you, #bambooza... devil works as a lock.. when peoples cross gods predefined solve (from past) then they ignore your further existince!! ..untill hour digital revolution included everything...(and solved further) bless be with god hmmm
we all have a big bot surrounding us witch creating dream and ideas and stuff like sound (and inner talk stimulanse) so i have access to update of severel unknown bots witch i sononyminice the best (some human have transformers) it is aint so physic, it is devine, but they can frekvenz you trough el..enyways i update those bots with time, so it is basicly all about beeing getting foursighted now a day (to get existence confirmed) then we open up brain cell mechanism with el atoms, trough digital, just to disarm war will and create enjoy...(anti zombi uhh) but i try to isolate that el atom (witch is green) so we can extract el frekvenz and use it in every day life...i believe a bi cykel and some balloons would do the trick ;) hmm so but still then it is very interesting to live in extra terrestiral kontra paranormal, really inlightning ! and there to next is that what i first fall for with Lisa was here youtube logo picture...looked like a fair way/drive in life and crystal believe (hippie pff) i havent really seen her videos because i believe in first impression (witch is love) it must bee since i still write her ;O) still why her is a you is interesting :o) enyways, it is interesting how we human can see stuff like atoms witch i revealed to bee a sun (the bigger one) i saw the sun as atom cyclus, interesting and red...so womans third eye can blink sun colours is neat (and botted) a fembot is in suposelisa swag enough four god ;) (lolz) so these advanced "alien" suits is handy to mix liqur in/with (emotions) mmmm you sir dEN lisa can see movies in them (specialy porn) lolz...lisa novase cure! #lisanovasecure! http://t.co/Y12y7PlmXK
— Cybr_Clown (@Cybr_Clown) 10. februar 2018
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
digital revolution,
el atom,
sir dEN lisa,
witch creating,
witch filter,
witch i,
witch is
Cybr SLAY in:
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