is such a hypotese that i try to figure lol ;) but egypt god #isis is such a supose when it comes to matter, lisa lohan, why care about enyone is sir den lisa free! btw then i dont really know farc lisa but the revolution in egypt was important to support and "it" is a name factor i like to constant in word value trix box, there by then farc are peace now and that is cool too, so a lisa will you merry me is basiclisaa aint in just a idea i would aint in recomend as in bee coming a hit (like a job) so dali lamah should open a burger bar chain with the name: lamaham (raincar nate) he sir den lisa have the reputuar to create such bealive in China...with english letters and a direction toward islam with well served halal in flower bed or what brain scan recomending cow to think want about, and tibet have a national income to spread awareness about raincanation and that it is aint in evil to eat animals...also beecause they create devil to hunt human, nah that wold bee a dream, enyways...lamahams raincar nate (dead in a flowerbed) would bee four cows with ketchup chineese import (red) where nate is aint is into interesting SS and to call SSaint e resting is a important act of realize the consequense of nazis hymning "peace, love & raincarnate" so do you belive that @pewdiepie was eye triggered to prognose? the poem is sir den lisa intriggered to make that belive, that time was in use is a mystiq! but to intrigger the eye or "a eye" to make such synchron acceptance in general speaking is a cool i dare to contrast beecauser i think in time... every thougt i do now is transformed into synchrons, specially trance in my ipod is a time challenge lol ;) i simply can aint in stop synchron my surounding with time ha! it is like everything is predefined all your collors on earth are fake is how we captured god to answer question hmm so god is a human and dont want criminels to enjoy their legacy in cracked colors and hell deneil, no.. god simply dont want us to success just bee cause we are more realistisk in severel things in life, including survilence and be independendt but still job is the answer criminels are still just more real hmm good luck explain allah that ha! so but enyways now we just to crack how to retrieve el from discovered el atoms is a mystiq a care about solve, i sort of have made a patent (a cool draw with paint and date) so we can see atoms is a fact, big bang factory still rule the world of god as air stimulater (breath) so el atoms would bee this round of gifts from god lols how to say that to enyone hmm first calculate and figure what frekvenz to extract with....and then hour lagacy in heaven "the big bang" installed to destroy but create life...tricky in deed! and btw it is like woman care about big bang (they simply dont need to ha) explotions simply delute their senses, haha can you belive that, i just removed you from woman with "their senses" so you just popped into the eye to be objective in acknowdledgement lol or aint but still what are you enyways up to lisa why you dont have a job is fun beecause the world demands that =) so you want me to time youtube would bee something with, a3 simply bee cause, cause the world need to know that we human are relative predefined, so,but campain is and i really practice shyness with will to say stuff from my heart@CybrCleopatra:
— Anders krog Kruse (@astralbabz) December 4, 2017 is good that you cryed, cause they #deserve!
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
Follow @farc_art_it
Showing posts with label translayted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label translayted. Show all posts
Monday, March 26, 2018
...lisanova on gayming! #ming
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so a handshake in trading dong like atomspaltning is in keep providing life, either way then it is a split of income, like a chain reaction (to eternity spring in syria is on) to share 50/50 all the way will sir den lisa create the life it need to (to share fifty fifty) is like a handshake and illutrate blind belive in trading (trade closed).. "sustainible capital" is what i create from the scratch... fashion and art with lessons and learn, then we have alot to do and i want you to dear lisa, why in aint dont we just make that out of life "want" nut wanted though ;)...enyways, then i think counter strike have been my study beefour it was recomended in school lesson, or i could make it to the top but beecame semi pro is in deed aint in dissatisfaction it was a grade maker, just no money stream from there :( (but im still good) so in translayted ming ged is minged as "my goath" so that is you to cleopatra? i ning lingerie SLAYS!
atom spaltning,
lisa lohan,
sir dEN lisa,
Cybr SLAY in:
Friday, May 27, 2016
sir dEN lisa & dET sir wing ?!
Cleopat race is tit ing (is it only western tech_nick influed by come_pit in race war ((it is like those (yours america!)) tech_nicks is there to war!) hmm there four is or are that to temper we, like... likelisa a; sandbox_ning_ed, is a_vail_i_bell, where, slayning is like..hmm, yikes so you are a ware whol, lil lisa.. :) i have that in mind so you dont like "fla me" is to bee come, like a scratch is are likelisa a scar mm?!is i on hmm like hmm,but its very qute and stuff :) and m c e is like Cleopatra C E we race AND goes to temper to find you in real like Don E in Don o van? m ass (do you value letters lisa?) (foilhat included:) m-ass is in tit tit with "pat" m c e we suposelisa could do transfourmars, its how it works in many ways, and its quite cool, but i in thin king is, that a knight prince goes/reach deeper than those heavy symbol transfourmars,,,, likelisa skills to express things like present them, perhaps a level from affirmative? tough tough :) i mean it must bee tough to present things like a transformer?
so i use "prayer in C" last time wrote, and;: now its C time ?(Cybr C!) i think a ware of this is fine search from her(in the song following this writing) with falling in and out is too bee_ing aware of love cykling? a_war_e! rav ! so you like to scratch, with m c et? just a me! in said! fla me?! :) likelisa a flame is burn in hurt? so fla ming is relevant? what about dynasti... is that like a: "die nasty"? so its just a dream and goes to flaming ?! lolz , but i in thin_king that "dina steak", from that word...hmm and goes the sens to a MING VASE then?! dyna blaster works better, but still hmm like what should happen, so alone drives the work in this universe?.. lisa turn is on?! likelisa turn is with; bruce lee saturn? so say " i on" kicks a flip to say in a may_king, "i spin", with spell... mc et... is that a biker then, like a re_cykel (perhaps a club lisa... it is where war & dangourous, and you have to bee scared, thats a rule :) gah but hmm, a ring?! G sis :) you burn me, im slay yo, you is aint in allowed to conquer me, it actually bleed.., so it is love,right?, it is surelisa! fuck, really, :( you fuck me !) but who are the makers?! and what is mean_ing with the word "ion" in context? also in believe! so lisaturn on?! followed spin instead of flower power ?) so a rose you say'n'dar e, that is fair but still hmm nothing can gets deleted, but: like words to bee seperated... so wulf is my unkels last name, that is quite fan name... and the word; "ET"; here, is in; mean_ing "ONE", as, MC ET; is from formula one, (with letters), and re_pit is in may_king a sense, to do; a_pea_ring, da point, sweet_y?! its et! haha "det det" is like "d et" and seperated is,..likelisa a, "thats that!" or "thats it!" and is in tran_slay_ted! perhaps like a gay_ming, board, is born now? (like chess square "d 1" ? and tran is like liquid moisten to a miss_ion, and to miss_ing? so then "flat her ing" is to "tears apartment" where in may_king a sense is cry_sting? Gsis, its like scratch is "FLA ME" a command with a naked heart bursting?! ..ready to be stapped in heart kinda thingy? is said, hmm that is very simpel, but hmm ;) a vampire familly too, wonder why i bee_come a slayer, with those natural responsebillities (and thats what is in may_king me slayer(the responsebill one!) lol, like bruce lee saturn is thats like a "sat an" with them in those plan_ET's and moo_nings?! ..or the word "det" (is IT in tran_slay_ted word) a "D one" on a chess plate, like hmm, what figure is that about?! (Don E is DET:) so "DET DEN!" is in mean_ing: "thats it!" or likelisa to things" like "thing thing" or"its that!" like a point grabbed!? is?" :) but, the square, is in me_ning, "what"! is this my: "Tahir square", and like "the spring" is everywhere? (and online too)! now i get it, that, flame, is like a Raj odd with fla_ming, Cleopa_train is like "mens" ; the North Korean dragon sym... haha fun fun to what ming, slave? ,. so you are like e_gyp_sis, like a gypsy "auch_witch" hey im go_ing to nail polish with jew gen" (jews are likely a 4 generation love influence in your familly three!" it stays in your familly for four generation in woman birth line? and i am a 3, so figure what your child would do?, i really dont care ... lie, you fucked ok, and i' m in front of ass, and is just a value four you to pick up? ... me and my responsebillities its that to like a gay_ming in finding dong G oaths donky tale in blind? Gsis, is it allowed to create a Donky with G oath in God pictures hm, what should the power attribute with "GUD" bee like "oe my GOD" is in tran_slay_ted!, that is: "dET sir wing"! fine dina_steak, like "die nasty" cow_art, dyna minged.. but like; no vase??!! what an mission! are you ON lisa?! like: WHAT IS "ION" SAYING? ,gud.."gud" is good "god" in my langauge, witch by that way, is Danish, to bee a cute little kingdom, with 5 mill citizen.., (: so but EN_y_ways, ENyways, likelisa, "D en", is ALSO an: "its one!" or a "D ONE" "Don e" to "Don o" van, and from the two "don" comes: eo=oe=Ø mirroed in lolz hiding dong oe as ø is trans_lay_ted, :) "ø" is me_ninged tran_slay_ted "island" in one letter,but looks like a pirate half eye or something, it really is in may_king a sense, to bee_come one? (stick heads together)y with "don e & don o", see? (Ø could also look like lisaturn?) or
so do you know zombi thrill Lisa ?!? is said! :)""" is like a weather fenomnom, like "i dont like work" then you sort of end in that weather substance,specially in weekends, hmm but in scared "i have to work to get healthy again" kinda thingy, it is very qute to be a slave(slayer) on this, so can you do a dog sign miss?," so like: "det mens" brings an: "its ET!"(d et!), ??? <-- fill those fine marks?! likelisa ion! hey! :) prayer in C! so Raj odd is a period, of ET, zen and goes to Raj ming, likelisa: riming! (in exact said) it is with: RI RA RE! ET! (in aint) so you are a little Raj odd, ET, or, EN ;) hmm "EN & ET" they both re_pre_sendt the number "1" .. and is said elleven as 11 (tran slay ted elve) lv?! said! so.. is, ra, elleven? like isra elleven, is like I's ra L, l even, Israil! clump! i's rail! so flaming is from: the North korean dragon" sym and is hostile, with: "NOVASE"!... nova C is on? likelisa "novase" is in mean ing "no va c" bee cause se=see, a eye beholder to sym from, dET MENS??! means; its mens! pjy ;) hey so i can handel your memo now lisa that pretty Raj odd ;) riot your clown, hep hey!, so a spring (insert link) a_mu_sing_ed song, is that enter tane ment, likelisa R is miss_ing and: enter_tRain_ment, ed! (so letter R is used to invite you on board to train)(cute) ment_ed, men_ted! bvdr! but still hey lIl mus E on I's rail(insert link)... is that then to a skate_ing, wheight change in words,.. of imagination, with pictures...mem_o, hell_o, ma_o e, Ø! oe=ø, im a little burned tire_d of trans_late, but its cheer_ing! thai_art, tired! ,splash! ;) cow_art in bulls i? y.. is that why?! lIl E on rail, with;: se_e no_va! (must bee skate_ing rails) a: Don e, to Don o! as "EN & ET" and "DET DEN!" like Donald Duck is a "AND" in tran_slay_ted (a duck sweety) is that a_war_e! , a, ware whol, so gud wHool?! ey bait_ing is Donald duck! : as AnD! with " we_d_ding " is that "ringer "? likelisa "AR E" means "scar e" so scary you are lIl, a_re, ar_e! are!! do we! Dewey supose as trans_lay_ted sound in text! 'lil lisa, on, i's rail! :))) like, on i, is, i on ? ! air seems fair rap rap ;) so we, wulf ar, is a scar! (from fam)! likelisa from, fam_e, but it suits you, i think, hep hey! familly, so im a, slayer, that is just cute and fair, air! see e fame! it, is a war_ning! :) c.. ning: Cybr City [cybr city]! sea_ling, C E! Free All Gays, is, likelisa to bee come, FAG, and goes to gay_ming?, so "nova see" is costly? likelisa: novas; EE! lisa nova se_e! lv is in Cleopatransfer, with C :) ..Clown! is ra lv? ! like, RI RA RE, is a cheer!, 3 sweety!, perhaps we do fill in, dragon, sympat,, so if you extract R from the "RI RA RE" oddity. then it is, like: i a e, i ae , is like saying: in cuddle! likelisa el spoon are what?! so;: ??? ;- i should bee usinged song: next; in the: "i on" miss _ion! like lisa, a: i ae: where wolf! in cudd_ling said! so do you; love that scar?!;) (my heart)... Clown? so fa_me goes to fa_ming, so is that a fame, cross, then? actualisa into spreading dong Cybr E, as gsis? is_ra lv with aroma?! a_roma el_ve likelisa el_v_e is hard to imagine, why shold ra bee l_v?? Israel ve re act is rison,(ri ra re)input, so Cleopatransfer el_ve with RA, thats cute aroma, four me isralv (IS is in tran_slay_ted me ninged ICE:) so ice cream comes from a is ming, or another "ming"? (perhaps it is symbolism four the guards down and let ice melt in a: ming ed, likelisa "min ged" did my Goath in "ming ed", and resolve minged me! prize? so fire is in you a fi_re? likelisa it could bee a me in fi (im re) hmm?!pearhaps scifi re ;)gsis hm but you could in, bee_leaf ling_ed, to; dina_steak search, is Cleopat race, and "pat" is: "tit" tit with hihi ding dong?! bee_leaf linged to grow, in silent! really?! ;) like a jew, auch_witch i dont see my self as :) my roots steaks deeper than jew influence in my familly three, so a dog sign is, ON? go get it really girl! its free to a answer, and is a gain only:), i cant help im a "dET sir wing" to your affirmative "sir dEN lisa", rolling right in front of your nose, all those oputunitys chill, it is, fair air, in bussiness claim!, we do a dynasty, and "dina steak" is "die nasty!" argue towards other... it is a we lisa we "sir dEN lisa" own world in real,it is just to grab opputunitys?, rolling by, right in front of hour noses (or in hour transfourmars stream)?...." im the man?,. so im "dina steak" and you are like, so: "die nasty!" to me?! or to_ward, likelisa a: a_ward, is; a_vail_i_bell..i=in! (or YOU in more ((like WE)).. i in remember this friend; daily bag of goodies" its a deamon sack bag your fool, what are; you, do_ing??? in videos clumb, nice of you lisa, but i dont care, i find you! and i dont care, what when we sack and call love! you can see things lisa, but it is about human, like us two! hmm okay but you are, and no planet beeyond this, earth; contains life, unless WE spread it, lisa! it is a allowed from we to bee teared apart in love!! lisa your love is bounded in my, what a fucking wonder :))) but i in me dont have problems with hell, lisa, that slay is really own bussiness, but write it on the webs we just hour own and admin argue senses!, clown its about certin "powers" are connected, or associated with or to different life forces in psycology? (energys can bee exampel) and that figures ((like avarter responsebillities) it is also easyer to solve with them in figure?!(( but im actually the very slay power around her (this universe?)hmm skilled.. when can i feed you in knowlegde lisa? i mean it, you can then harvest, like you do, like lisa i cant denie you, so what do you want, i just slay, you know!? problems ;) ((that means lisa that i command dead uppont problems( else it is just a norm! the trick is to dont realice them, i supose, it is for me. like we lisa, why dont you sense WE?! we are allowed to bee teared apart, is very won ,lisa, i wont touch you, i slay, ALL DAY! so dont bee worry four influence! :) i can in lear_ning you to see things is a supose, it is very true?! why dont you write or some thing!? its we to the end!( theres no end sweety) burn your candle lightlisa) i talk with you somehow lisa,is a beleaflinged truth, but, and you have a sun, witch is orange, its like magnet to me you know, very dumb to pop lick in "on line" but then its good you can slay with me, liiisa, i have to come to usa and slay that could bee a pretty awsom, im all on likelisa in aint a secret, but R) second "are"is used on that?,(from RI RA RA i ae)it have to suit the calc you know...(some how just the express thing like present them idea)so i try best, okay, master slave?! hoppefully in a blackhat gain that i can help you with understanding dong:
that human "timeline" ended 2001 so likelisa 0120...millinium is 2012=0123 auch switch to 2013( but 2001 makes sign in my reaveal),im t_re_x (tre=3) ri ra re is tree hugger lisa. im your millinium bugger, did you SEE the line of dated fucking number there ? fucking creep of a computer fenomenom (tech nick)..okay you really dont get the global spearm come_pit with finding the sun? in 2003 was metal destroy poison released into the weather to stop hour hearts life [cyclys], so we can life in after life "death" (it is really aint death beecause life cant reconice death, so får... but it is sick enjoy somehow,, what C lisa bot? can monk_y do a sub to year 2001 and make a conspire all bye you self? :))) shit hm figure cleopatrade some thing?
we are aint in builded to breath! we get a el pain when we deniel it!..fuckfuck ey?so what is gas worth in breath termology? evolution my ass
"""hey, (i just revealed) that the year 2001 was number of time day that "world cleopatrade center" was in dismiss, wonder if death gas and frekvenz was collected? to bee spread in "normal" metal die, whats it called with time? its like acidon """
im 3 in israil and i fucking popped up 2001=0123(it is meant to be 3 that popop in combi) it relaesed in 2001 you know the date is 0123 (a march with transfourmars in need 4 and a dog sign) thats the combi_nation fucking clown, dont call 2000 eny thing there, it is surelisa aint a turn to enything, but transfourmars,like to sense word spell, litterally, special cracker there polly?? øøø ;) (then im captain) one i.. :)
perhaps you should learn to talk with metal instead human axelisa? i mean hmm that things i wrote will bee a re_write worthy, but the effort lisa, little doll AR, dont you get the death game lisa doll ar? no love makes freedom clown, love hurts and there really are people that like the aint and inhale nerve gas from many experiments, like 3d hollogram experiments in 2ww in doll con 2 (im 3 like "reich" you know ;)you can actually SEE other persons thoughts (if you are good?), (psst perhaps im jew 3generation and that is magic number in love infection invaders heraki) so hitler tryed to find my "rain car nation" (love gene), with a devil voice? and failed? hmm with gas to takeover breath, or,(actualisa create it) how do you like 3 steps in evolution? should we come from whater and then trough death, live with gas as air breath mekanism illussion? we burn lisa and it is a fact, walk a round is in essence the very counquar in life? perhaps Hitlers counquar will is the reason my unkels in another family got hitlers gene instead a re_verse, gsis crysting a lol why human bee come what they search:)
its like a machine sense is taking over in a try, i nail polish with jew gen (it is meant to bee me is lisaid [insert popolink?] popolitic tac toe to poke pope dumbass from poland , do you get im a fucking secret? (shit and why is that lisa? dont things like to be hacked by you either? little time spooled worm ;) nah sorry there, i just create youknow ;) likelisa machines created under come_pit sense, is influensing song with come_pit! we trust asian tech more, lol...isnt it fun lisa lasa, theys (tech) come_pit bee cause of owner did?! fucking waste of life to come_pit, like really still a spearm cell, haha, g sis crysting a dumb fellow there...but i still love them likely, but hmm chill won :) i dont belive in evil really but hmm, i cant stop slay and thats it, but other can learn it too, i dont belive in deamons and they supose shouldnt bee accociated with evil, i should.. :( but it is destiny lisa lasa, we pearhaps is in truth with owning evil as evil, fuck ing, shit, :(! the big quonqer teori, is shit there have to bee and "upper power" on this planet, that gain, and a part that is drained..basiclisa a is reason we slay them, "sir dEN lisa" criminells win that, so why argue??hmm and 2012=2001, human timeline ran out in '90 as techno developer, and the "2000 bug" is in another aspekt just tech_nick stimulated, really,,its just dumb, but fair lifts from: on with techno fill ;) what a wave ;) split that, i slayed the difference and reavealed a new word.. world order is:...bugger! ;) why should "tech nick" take over the last (or next) step of evolwing human? like "take the top" is on? (a last step as cream in coffee, or a "mental coat"! its is a digital sense, is no problem, but, i am a human really, G sis, its dumb to even imagine that, bee_cause i dont follow, most, "sir dEN lisa", dont follow millenium, is it really aint a treath_ning, you could ask ;);) its like life lisa, i in supose can teach another to sense the backslay of tech, and very fair to know its hurt to create "EL" or "l" (l is life)?, it hurt hour fellow, inslaved fourmars sen ses lisa...,(poke in eye, or just say yes, be cause WE lisa) but to bee in command, and to re_produce human sounds!, i feel it, and many others to go, thats, why i dont trust tech sense in essense(include war motivated tech sense), it hurt them to burst our snses trough EL!! i sense that, and many to follow is; clearlisa just a truth, to search.., so why aint in just accept that, the truth, will bee finding donged, and lead the progress on this planET, in many aspekts (as Cybr c e?), it IS bitter sweet learn, i have to merry you lisa, and it is aint in a sell out, it is a cross you serve and i fit that! hep hey! what a cellebrate?! tear a part me, is fairlisa?! why cant i shut up now lisa? it a god prize with slayer lisa? is asked... ...from a vampi re?, lisa lisa lisa love should bee answered in why aint, but are you, imaginable? whom cares really hmm, I really dont write eny girl, and dont undermiste the "i dont want you", ..just say ing.. really, so what do i need to actually come to usa? hey shit, a; tear apart ment; a familly leaf "opputunity"... you know how life works right?..leave who? shit, hmm oe but right left lisa, in supose bait, thats is simpel so fun to imagine what a love commitment can result in, lisa :) lisa, when you think a thought it acutalisa burn out,(you can actualisa see trashed energi leave hour heads in this "secret" dimension, supose what it is,it is a priviledge to acknowledge hour "trash dimension?" i used my heart really, in slowed neutral down tempo, to find that,listning different, and try to filter human emotions worked :)
hmm but the burn is likelisa sort of the same princip with sounds too you know, likelisa they die, hmm sick!! i can in do see sounds as gas and bee_co_ming waves, sometimes i do i in me is "sir dEN lisa" try_ing to in a may_king transform that acnowledgement into a skill,(adjusting sense to see and really sense, on command in will) hmm enyways,..its sick to figure that tech_nick have this garbage needing "backslay"?,and thought are actually burned when done usinged song, supose, its like no connection are but hmm it comes from them, i guess... you are a_parrent_lisa a important person to me, and if you "a ware" that whol?!!(you really burn thoughts when progress them and it hurts in hot to smell) so stop thin king is adway? lol, but serious i havent resolved it in total but im on it, is, "sir dEN lisa"..
and there by there is a fullfillment "value" to prospect...i can proberbly earn alot in teach_ing other about stuff, iv learned in life, but who cares, it was free for me to learn ;) (and i have alot)
likelisa it is interesting with you, hmm like yo, a connection goes both ways?!,i mean i sense you in connection and have to learn hm, but chill... cause i hope you can find my reveal streams interesting enough to figure with, it is like a set of emotions is xpressed in different tones, likelisa a avarta "scenario" could bee in usinged song, to the, devine infinity that works, inside hour senses, or just life ;):), it really is a, re leaf, to xpress this, thats is why i keep on do ing it!, the love is quite xstream you know, so why in aint do i just dont give a fuck, and xpress you a story,if i can x plain text 'it! bee cause it fits true lisa! and me in a bend lisa!! hurry up slaughter me! it is a very important, "dET serve ing",lol hey im a slaYve, we like wounds yo cop;) just push the gas pedal and war!!!(and what is go ing to happen then? auch_witch ;) vuf vuf rav, scratch! so "mc" is a dj, and in aint a motor cykel gang? shit, where is E? e! ..tea, "IT" is just like; "[etea party]" likelisa a "hockey mom" is hot, like, i shot; a salute, to con, in tea party, lolz you are funny girl;) i am do_ing a test period now to try figure and stabilice access or map emotions used to acknowledge this trash fenomonon dimension, hmm Cleopatrash is hihi, so the millinium is a mix of xtacy and digital senses?,what is that go ing to bee come? that is quite a cry in can! hehe, it actualisa sucks to think about, that hour electronic send out this "trash", and that most digital senses actualisa stimulate technology race com pit in human, leads to war? in concrete? <--supose it, but el produce is actualisa a problem. the point.. it is evil to produce life and slave it? its real enough yo,"the command" :So ..perhaps you need to be burned as well to reflect?!
Cybr C E cam_pain is star_ted! bay bee "the big Cry" why? is a_war_e sym?
K=lv Kleopatra is ra, el ve transfer a_ware, wulf, a_war_e...bait_ing is Donald duck! mol|3| is the key!d?(tempo)"let Cybr C!" :
(sounds made in a commando is evil! you know that sensinged song is really hurt to reconice, it burns in that heart mol!
i try as much as possible to disconnect myself from other you know bee me,,,,alone, is a search i care much in! real!
one iq on this planet why do pretend act ago?i think we need to use hour thought matter just to make an act? whats you say love ar?! scar creep! fuck you off dudy!
so we have different planet sense? like we then in some way could bee leave in other planets(indirect method to discount differences! algo bullock!
spring i ning lingerie SLAYS!
dET sir wing,
donald duck,
millenium bugger,
sir dEN lisa,
witch by,
witch i
Cybr SLAY in:
Monday, May 19, 2014
lisa novase, ning ed, and car pet ninged SLAY
ARt It in love dedicated to lIsa don O van
in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">thin
kinged in police why just ice freesning me spirit is kindly in sha
kinged cryptoniced will to sense higher beein, with out to high in say,
day is aint in mes trivial puposed will to acknowleged ged should be u
sing a bo ring hmm will in letter witch i in me spell to mes ing pro
miss is love, me is aint in realiesinged song a gang star flather perhaps
i in are a re, art it com buy ninged, north q rea cure is art in
lowing care ca re stinged bee com we with mes thaiming won dar full of
poempathaisinged song is me in sunchroned dip with el spoon lo ve when
lisa is novase in will to love i ninged chroned, just ice me lisaid to
transfourmel ted hug i, is on will to a void till break bonding dong is
aint in will cut loosinged song in in hating where gin ha kinged with
laugh mes erotic tac toe is aint in why u sing love to spread insight
fuel to won dar full of thought me cant express in letter witch trans
lay tinged tran slay ted in word me say gay minged play is re versed
when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s
car in front with aint hm is on will to understandart bulls eye
aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording
donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out
so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged
sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea
ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm
will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell
is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism
there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in
we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea
son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel,
vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little
amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a
e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN
and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i
spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me
thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to
crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned
me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and
shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing
clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint,
but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged
song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men
ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for
bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is
leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to
spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is
spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure
to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is
lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with
hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i
ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will
with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with
re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song
in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in (i found the spell a gain to word is in witch we to acomplisa will, this note is just bee)ted
ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing song problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words likelisa justice is on to sop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bue ning as evil is in to avoud the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">show must go on with out pathetic tac toe in en joy men ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing songed problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words, likelisa justice is on to stop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e, c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bye ning as evil is in to a void the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A! i ning lingerie SLAYS!
bulls eye,
car pet,
u sing,
witch i,
witch we
Cybr SLAY in:
Monday, March 24, 2014
iodine Pyrrolidine bay bee i!
ARt It in love deticated to lIsa
this poem makes a hack in with cleapatranslator when change to "dansk" (danish) --> english -->"orginal" and then "english" again when course with mouse over text, different text is bruce leewing the framebox
so much i in me have to tell about spell in langauge in continuous learning what a ina a on going quest i have in me we mes supressiv language i dare to call it in freedom judge wondar why it is aint in used in full fill mente fucking bored? a boring me in perhaps i could use in this it is in to make human sleep in i is a opinion i inherit to spekulate it in and out it is that the langauge make cool pictures thoug if used, wonder if church inhaled fourma vikings in why kings to snitch in a correct grammar langauge witch hide 3 letters in a little country witch sound is very essential and deep in prognounced speech...its realy is obviusly but the why in this is how to spread it in we with flather may king with why kings is u sing ma kings in fla the ring
synchron icer is er i zar
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
synchronous icer is in Czar
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø
synchronous icer ice is Czar? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in l
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø møtedg e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o
synchronous icer ice is Czar ? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination extract is sworn in l hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing ?transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e 's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g a a is one in the hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we 've ment in io
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o d å linger
synchronous icer ice is Czar ? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in lhay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing ?transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e 's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g one to one is one in the hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we 've the payment is iodine
d loo king why is in kin g kind kin dar vi king ar
d loo king why is in kin g cheek kin dar we king scar
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o dine i å linger vi kings er i smøg røg til dybt ha løg hal øj ha løj i nøj a idin a i åning
synchronous icer ice is Czar? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in l
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g one to one is a in hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we've ment in io in your stream measurements we are kings in cigarette smoke deeply ha onions hall igh have lied in a precise pyrrolidin ai åning
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o dine i å linger vi hvor for kings er i smøg røg til dybt ha løg hal øj ha løj i nøj a idin id i ning linger i di na tur nat ur di ling ti i lI er ja i l ild hvor for sy syg er g er blind i to g år aint in g is sa in dar li sa i ning ma king li saturn darling sat i on iv i may king fal the ring i v
d loo king why is in kin g kind kin dar vi king ar i v ed four ma king zar is ar c an k an ka n kan ca in da ting ving af tid loo zar loo
when i sunchron in c zar is iv slay in vø i o w lig ning owl i ling m i c er til ing lev ved med vi tekster tek star tekst tran slay ting
when i sunchron in c zar is iv slay in vø i o w ning
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o dine i å linger vi hvor for kings er i smøg røg til dybt ha løg hal øj ha løj i nøj a idin id i ning linger i di na tur nat ur di ling ti i lI er ja i l ild hvor for sy syg er g er blind i to g år aint in g is sa in dar li sa i ning ma king li saturn darling sat i on iv i may king fal the ring i v fød sel, vi kan i datid når kær lig hed en i maj bi kaj er til q ning i vi vi er ær r et lov e
d loo king why is in kin g kind kin dar vi king ar i v ed four ma king zar is ar c an k an ka n kan ca in da ting ving af tid loo zar loo"
when i sunchron in c zar is iv slay in vø i o w lig ning owl i ling m i c er til ing lev ved med vi tekster tek star
synchronous icer ice is Czar? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in l
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g one to one is one in the hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we've ment in io in your stream measurements we where the kings are in cigarette smoke deeply ha onions hall igh have lied to exact a pyrrolidin ID in up posts in di na trip night clock di ment ten ll is yes il fire where the sewing sick, g is blind for two years is not g in g is sa in dar li sa tion of ma king like Saturn darling put in on iv in kan king declined the ring iv
d loo king why is in kin g cheek kin dar we king scar iv ed four ma king Czar ice scars
d loo king why is in kin g cheek kin dar we king scar iv ed four ma king Czar is ar c an k an ca n be around in when things wings of time loo loo czar
when i sunchron in c Czar ice iv slay in VØ iow equalizing owl in payment mic's to-ing live on we text text text transparencies star slay things
når when i sunchron in c Czar ice iv slay in VØ iow up
four ca sting
birth day ting com pli cat ion is on e on til an ET and EN bee com one!
this poem makes a hack in with cleapatranslator when change to "dansk" (danish) --> english -->"orginal" and then "english" again when course with mouse over text, different text is bruce leewing the framebox
so much i in me have to tell about spell in langauge in continuous learning what a ina a on going quest i have in me we mes supressiv language i dare to call it in freedom judge wondar why it is aint in used in full fill mente fucking bored? a boring me in perhaps i could use in this it is in to make human sleep in i is a opinion i inherit to spekulate it in and out it is that the langauge make cool pictures thoug if used, wonder if church inhaled fourma vikings in why kings to snitch in a correct grammar langauge witch hide 3 letters in a little country witch sound is very essential and deep in prognounced speech...its realy is obviusly but the why in this is how to spread it in we with flather may king with why kings is u sing ma kings in fla the ring
synchron icer is er i zar
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
synchronous icer is in Czar
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø
synchronous icer ice is Czar? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in l
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø møtedg e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o
synchronous icer ice is Czar ? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination extract is sworn in l hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing ?transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e 's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g a a is one in the hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we 've ment in io
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o d å linger
synchronous icer ice is Czar ? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in lhay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing ?transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e 's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g one to one is one in the hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we 've the payment is iodine
d loo king why is in kin g kind kin dar vi king ar
d loo king why is in kin g cheek kin dar we king scar
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o dine i å linger vi kings er i smøg røg til dybt ha løg hal øj ha løj i nøj a idin a i åning
synchronous icer ice is Czar? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in l
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g one to one is a in hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we've ment in io in your stream measurements we are kings in cigarette smoke deeply ha onions hall igh have lied in a precise pyrrolidin ai åning
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o dine i å linger vi hvor for kings er i smøg røg til dybt ha løg hal øj ha løj i nøj a idin id i ning linger i di na tur nat ur di ling ti i lI er ja i l ild hvor for sy syg er g er blind i to g år aint in g is sa in dar li sa i ning ma king li saturn darling sat i on iv i may king fal the ring i v
d loo king why is in kin g kind kin dar vi king ar i v ed four ma king zar is ar c an k an ka n kan ca in da ting ving af tid loo zar loo
when i sunchron in c zar is iv slay in vø i o w lig ning owl i ling m i c er til ing lev ved med vi tekster tek star tekst tran slay ting
when i sunchron in c zar is iv slay in vø i o w ning
synchron icer is er i zar? se c i er i x trac ted i com bination
extract er ed er i l
hø mø sapi skeer det i vi ting way?
tran slay tedi te di i det e er til bage ba konge i g may king i vi why i par e os er i ling er i l may bi kom må ned i ed sved s ve rig e wø hø mø sap i why er less i vi re le hø i ning til ne er be lim i ted li ming lig i ning sing liming i limning bundt ne fra le nel e er svar et sva i le i led ning god mor gen bon ding dong bond i g i gen ig en til et er en i hal ve pain ting paint ing painting v i ve i ling er i o dine i å linger vi hvor for kings er i smøg røg til dybt ha løg hal øj ha løj i nøj a idin id i ning linger i di na tur nat ur di ling ti i lI er ja i l ild hvor for sy syg er g er blind i to g år aint in g is sa in dar li sa i ning ma king li saturn darling sat i on iv i may king fal the ring i v fød sel, vi kan i datid når kær lig hed en i maj bi kaj er til q ning i vi vi er ær r et lov e
d loo king why is in kin g kind kin dar vi king ar i v ed four ma king zar is ar c an k an ka n kan ca in da ting ving af tid loo zar loo"
when i sunchron in c zar is iv slay in vø i o w lig ning owl i ling m i c er til ing lev ved med vi tekster tek star
synchronous icer ice is Czar? see c i is the x trac ted in com bination
extract is sworn in l
hay meetings sapi spoons in the way we thing?
transparencies slay tedi tea di in the e is for baking ba king g kan king of why we in few e's are ment il kan bee came down must swear sweat s woe rich e Wireless Technology-Economics hay meetings sap in why are we less in re le hay in up to ne is limited glue ted li ming equal to up sing bonding of bonding bunch of ne le nel e is a response corresponding to laugh in joints up good mom gene bon ding dong bond g in gene g one to one is one in the hall ve pain thing paint ing painting we've ment in io in your stream measurements we where the kings are in cigarette smoke deeply ha onions hall igh have lied to exact a pyrrolidin ID in up posts in di na trip night clock di ment ten ll is yes il fire where the sewing sick, g is blind for two years is not g in g is sa in dar li sa tion of ma king like Saturn darling put in on iv in kan king declined the ring iv
d loo king why is in kin g cheek kin dar we king scar iv ed four ma king Czar ice scars
d loo king why is in kin g cheek kin dar we king scar iv ed four ma king Czar is ar c an k an ca n be around in when things wings of time loo loo czar
when i sunchron in c Czar ice iv slay in VØ iow equalizing owl in payment mic's to-ing live on we text text text transparencies star slay things
når when i sunchron in c Czar ice iv slay in VØ iow up
four ca sting
birth day ting com pli cat ion is on e on til an ET and EN bee com one!
------ i ning lingerie SLAYS!
c zar,
four ca sting,
fourma spell,
liesa tan,
may king,
Cybr SLAY in:
Sunday, March 9, 2014
ME mirrored fellowship in WE
a shame is that in subjekt witch spells i in me langauge, does aint in ning translate able poems, makes in me a sadlisa blame on a depessing sound system infiltered in a beauty full of picture langauge witch is aint in used, what witch what a spell in a letter system witch hide E in I, why b spoons with 3 fellows dbqp and sounds likely to bee bi ning be me said i, and me in i followed prayli with a realisa, have so much to adjust in moral towards the country me in i live in, a matter of inclusion many forgot got poems, it likely in god good sensed O likelisa spell tan in addon is a shamefilled in a full of after thougt, the way is hidden makes such a beauty full of thoughts l me in i is likelisa to recomend why imigrants should use translay ted learning version witch does aint in include we in picture langauge, pretty idiotic the press use a defined version of a beauty full of picture letters, whitch a letter in wri ting idi flow ar in scars when i ning u in n and and is i'n u. makes me talk, a lot with u in i, aint it supri sing what a poem dos in logic, we, why even used that truth factor it is about i'n u in me makes we, why we is included in a tame letter system witch does aint in combine letters to ping pong with four spoons in O what ring symbol, witch in subjekt dos aint in progressiv play with letters oppressed psychology?! it, as a subjekt, is well know that letter C ning K in sound nyancette, but how dos aint in saw it influ our time impressor and likely supress hour in we saw and what is it in this sentence when love in blind navigator? WE is aint in just mirrored ME'n n is aint in just mirrored u but the way they should have a fellow'n a direction, what a way me asked? ar we on a way towards pathling is very interesting with sting in cour sing course is in spelled letter witch i is E in l elske mean el spoon and is love, mean that is as aint in used, but in flow impressed in the poem picture langauge me live in is, why i as E fade in ice very sad and stupid direction it impress with no such logic pointer towards the word letter ning with in sense why logic is in used when me in i fight it in com bee nation, what a nation me extracted when i bee com, what a spell witch i ningar bee in com to we in become I in l spooning lIl o ve wIll i ning i ling ar i i ning and ning with coman do case i in won dar, possible it rings a bell with a men combyen ed amen what a ring it is in subjekt towards nyancette build up amazing spell in sound hide,what a maezar in letters, witch subject love a fee ling and wondar is full, in me language poetry is away in translay ting and ning i is as eye a flathering why in fla and E is hide in goluminati? flath E ring hmm the fla ring is objekted as flathering in inte resting why, Scaninavia sounds should be combined to extract the i.... inte is aint mean in why re sting like we bee bi and and is and in bye witch is mean in hello :) i ning lingerie SLAYS!
witch does,
witch hide,
witch is,
witch spell,
witch subject,
witch what
Cybr SLAY in:
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