...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
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Showing posts with label cartels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cartels. Show all posts
Sunday, May 6, 2018
...el is criminals! #fact
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so criminals leads the el market is a fact a like to call contrast when it come to the matter of history (and punishment lisa) what and income puha is like say that they lead life it self is truth lisa is aint in that gay when you can just shoot them (or execute) is popular war to combine though in nasas brand new elmáchine what they do is reverse enginering in high class where it is ain tin aboutextract al it is actualisa about inject el (in a machine) lisa it is execute of highe profiled members of cartels andthe simply die like snot on the wall (if you clean) is sir den ted a lie i dare to call contrast and contrast it is..do you even know what contrast is? no you dont beecause you are a girl and girls dont get boys is a fact i like to call sex but in a electric chair is like where mexicans like to vote on god is aint in like life in that eccense ironic is like say i lead in the moment of dare is a cash in simply beecause i lik eto eata el too is where i know that they own next lifes incoming bee...hmm beecome el is a lie simply beecause it is truth but it is aint allowed to talk about dead li sa and cleapatra says you have to die so we god to figure what elemant you have beecome is die is actualisa a element i just releavled it like aa gud mexican is funny in hell but why hell when they all ready is evil simply beecause criminels is aint evil and it is funny to beecause they allready know beecause of holocaoust but first in the year 2020 will they come to the concluesion that they where all fair and the evil was market capital simply beecause they need fruit (just like) you (and alot) so god bezz you is funny gurly simply beecause you are dead in my favor and you have to die in real simply because it will make american great again ha! lolz you a blocking hour world view sort of thing truph actualy like you lisa (but you still have to work) do the tea party really success in heaven with etea rex an all them other funny sononyms we created that summer is hot and fud is rat but poison is like you on wedding why do you contrast rose when it is evil sort of flower power (you have to contrast tea) it is very important and though less of you to dont contrast your enemy so now we meat again lisa you enemy is black and is called obama simply beecause he contrast and that is you job to hunt cia to,.. when do you belive you are a world leader and aint in just a comedian lisa lohan , so contrat in life is you but in to enyone in particular just to bee a contrast hopefully aint lisa but you ar esimply beecause i belive in it ha! nah you are a cute little contrast (but aint in this life) (in next) is truth if you cunt cunt alot is you and you warewolf bee ing so funny gurly is finally reached and i won a important loss by contrast that i promiss you eternaty sprin with such fun is a moderated contrast i like to call link like cut over with bite chew on words is you in contrasted dina proposed wedding clown is aint in that obviosly that we are allready married trogh holocoust lisabut i really dont want to have sex simply beecause i swag to tease is aintin that funny gurly cleapatra is blue hm purple rain purple rainr funny gurly figured why muslim with blue eyes have taken a look beneath truth witch is belly bottom is aint i mirror i like to call pride simply beecause it is wrong with red tube like lolz know what you are talking about why are you drunk lisa we own the web but you keap leaving with your alien friend im alien you are telia but you are cute to eat pee when you are jaloux ha! lolz won a aimportan victory with calling you gay ming over li sa you are aint a geek but beutyfull in ponytale contry with yakuza acting twize in c cybr c d! and el is raincar is a lie lisa you should aint in belive in such nonsens as paradice it is foolish and you end up as a child, how dare you belive that life is good there dont exist a ment to if you die is a positive i like to call a lie in contrast to antivirus declare like say that is fact a negative ha you are a girl! belive in that or die!.. fact. so either way then the good and very good question is WHY dont criminal in jail with all that work out happening get hooked up to pure income when they example bikeride do their deed and create static inside jail so they have a amount of money when they come OUTSIDE jail again if ever hmm ever ...just a idea yoyo so how does history book goes in usa with the intend pupose to sue eachothers backround to hell where i like to contrast what dont exist in nature and that is god and digital have been here long time beefout´r your precious big bang isfunny how commercial works on the webz so do you relly consider i merry a spammer why do you even consider lisa that the webz should combineus two into enything inthatorder you respond just one time i swear i slay you fuckin glitlle pissanti have all the time ineverywherelisa to write you these messages but we all wonder how free you can bee over there to deneil love as it is and even consider preditor should beon my read lttle magot fucking cultivated hippe geek is you lisa i wan haha what a fucking laugh you are and it is aint funny shit ? but im am highly @privileged and i dont just consider you either beefour reallity knocks on my door from free will lisa but you dont seem to posses that either so how should it ever happens with a date you two get a room is offcause banned when i pr definition dont like american lisa is that you little faggot? fuckking cultivated wrong with you and you future pass comes from mayans is truth? and god dont wont to recieve thanks simply beecause they do there own, so why should god help human lisa answer that and just that just use a fake name but you anwser with all the depth you can find (and it last fourever) what is free thoug is a very interesting question we all consider to be e god but god is aint free lisa god have to eat to and what do god eat lisa? positivly aint life...but what then since you all belive you god served :) and then you are made of skin is a hm american lolz is great again what about you ? unkel sam need ´s you ha! im a better citizen then you and im aint in doing it haha little slut kid wuaaauuh nah just kidding obama skincare skinhead what a dare really? slut is aint nomore you on dope please (only me) simply because its holo time and it have to bee scary slut :) ha! you belive slut actualy mean send witch is a behind butt youare a little cute and highly deluted is vip it seems like you and cia have a date little spammer hmm may ham bee with you is only fair to mention that we are still secure simply beecause it takes a invite lolz! so a simple project may hamburger is a solve i like to take part of lisa lohan is a funny @sononym, create some damn @sononyms lisa else i cry hah! she respect cry :((( then you can be my mom ok? beecause she never took the phone when i answered lol hah! point ther shit you are hart to get on line and in line is like skates shiit lisa is drunk in her spare time so back to democracy lisa you simply have to take part it is the best ever :D lazy cow hah! so how do i take time to write all this simply beecause lisa it is aint your bussiness ok? hmm come hug instead!! :o funny gurly madea hug while mexican boil in a electric chair is like leaving las vegas in time trail i have made a won simply by asking allah but it is much tricky ha! now you are on two? hmm off sir den every thingi s free exept when you reconice devil then you better pray some more or solve do what you want we have to do vegas on time! specially the marf ha lol you god yakuzi right little suspect on e we can allways play preditor versus alien again but i god yo u big time little hobit! (it was a egg infection) ;) enyways then lisanova does vegas would bee a re-entry to take over the pirateship once four all okay looser? :O then you can bee a star like me okay a sun youbee fucking hippie should aint in bee a lonsesom star like me you are very popular in you own and very distrustet as a person see how star rulesw you live horoscope simply because you are skizo little fun love you ;D (as long as you dont get it) beecause you might get jaloux hmhm lisa nova on love #drug ha fucking junkie ahh time to bee teared apart ment ed g meats g cybrG is 3wheel to cybr c sex is hot enough botbot you are online little newb may ham bee with you hamradio is fun enough!
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
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