...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like
Showing posts with label sadlisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sadlisa. Show all posts

Monday, May 19, 2014

lisa novase, ning ed, and car pet ninged SLAY

ARt It in love dedicated to lIsa don O van

in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">thin kinged in police why just ice freesning me spirit is kindly in sha kinged cryptoniced will to sense higher beein, with out to high in say, day is aint in mes trivial puposed will to acknowleged ged should be u sing a bo ring hmm will in letter witch i in me spell to mes ing pro miss is love, me is aint in realiesinged song a gang star flather perhaps i in are a re, art it com buy ninged, north q rea cure is art in lowing care ca re stinged bee com we with mes thaiming won dar full of poempathaisinged song is me in sunchroned dip with el spoon lo ve when lisa is novase in will to love i ninged chroned, just ice me lisaid to transfourmel ted hug i, is on will to a void till break bonding dong is aint in will cut loosinged song in in hating where gin ha kinged with laugh mes erotic tac toe is aint in why u sing love to spread insight fuel to won dar full of thought me cant express in letter witch trans lay tinged tran slay ted in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song
in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in (i found the spell a gain to word is in witch we to acomplisa will, this note is just bee)

ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing song problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words likelisa justice is on to sop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bue ning as evil is in to avoud the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">show must go on with out pathetic tac toe in en joy men ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing songed problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words, likelisa justice is on to stop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e, c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bye ning as evil is in to a void the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

in spoon we could ask whats refleks love in that

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

i won dar, how love works quite amazing with your inspirer :\ with a little alianizar in
work you have tripped over a year now thats very sad and pathetic of me in regard i in me
have in aint really seen your videos, also i began won dar how my tears is influed by your acting
or just wondar full in love, sad me won dar all over with why aint just make my own secret
but can realy stand the why much longer, finished my provoking on police on inter net
causing a little hack sorry almost aint :D grow up me said and wondered if a soon enough
wemaster on car-sales.domain in me home lang could attract just a lie in love wondar me said...i
realy listen alot to me also i look alot in tracing causing my silly sad amusing ego to won
dar.... why are the police on my computer and why do they hide E in I in na ming police, it aint just
words its the very expression, me aint over beliver but letter is heden hided lIsa no leesa
liesa police me dont work with but pedofiles i recomand in jail, sadly long timeline abused
with no love why i in me is aint in writing u is aint in won dar what a loo zar   just me just you just the
imaginizor i used to complete a text about...loved your profile pic from haiti. and your
picture from a cafe so sad me in u sing with won dar ring, my alianizor is why aint in two, combined with
love be aint on e one likelisa ET and EN in com buy ning is mea ninged one on e  :D what a wird me me said why even listen to me me said me is just
sadlisa, and inlove it was but now keeps me in won dar aint much further why just a little sub
in thrill from me to you won dar why loves in me keeps grow from you very much mes infludar
in shy sadness hope just a sub intrill from you why ain roll it me asked i R in ling er i
er R are love is rare lisa sad me i's even looked into the sun regarding donged love to you, and it spinned
very real and stuff but now synchron with shadows a maze its very real and stuff and now me
sun synchron is kindly away on prepare like me on avoidance love love, it  is in me won dar why
you protected my eyes so well you realy did and now...with my alianizar, it works a may sing and
i really hope to share the sense with you...i aven begang talk with a lie'n so to speak aint me
human friends wonder how to share that with you..me aint in sane with love but really, i in me is aint in a mazed of
human but suprising me how sweeet they are with an empathaizar in work...it is just human me said
and there they where cute and sweet, me even love them criminals its really power, your
love break so many barriers and have been in working over a year now...aint trust alians
me said sadlisa me began talk, talk it is in subjekt just me and transfourma ego on share in pain...your love
really works and i wants to share it with you, even began believe in different time
experiences so much to share on life in progress i figured it out and in realisa tripped my
heart, much thanks on that sadlisa me said just had it looked into the sun and it spinned...very
real you inspire protected me i´s there again with the  eye me wonder how Å u sing that in
danish very wierd sound they hide in Danmark alfa bet me aint perfect but love i know in aint, you
protected me I i  eyes likelisa a hope hobit won no val ....what a game with words we said leeeeee
what a lie sa id lie sa tan what i creami hidar me lisaid wondar why i in me love u, i even did a looking
into the sun and it spinned, you protected them and now i in me list ning to alie'n it is just me
won dar why i is hiden in me language den R det, EN  & ET, 11 en en makes el ve elve makes rivar
such a define mented why they hide the I eye in my lang (-) won dar why love is called el spoon
is such a share P-] polisa is such a lie with lee sa tan lie said tan what a lIiL with four
spoons in fellow ship:D qpdb such a wrong presentation of our letters why aint ball game it
me said i and whops, po Oed I in witch way me said O such a qwer sound me just play O aint a ring
wrong lisaned in all c why even turn u in n like u turned me in and love is lI why me hide I
is a qwer quest lisa don O van makes flair, do no van makes aint?, just my thoughts on litle scale why me eyes looked into  spinning sun
and with the belive in love is such a qwer we such a re claim of we but aint liesa, but
re co men ted what it is is, then we is in perhaps aint? so is aint well enough on text to aint
re claim? re claim what me said love is, love aint in just a projecdar won dar why i in me love :D i again
whoops such a spoon game with po is in I looks like l me want to share el spoon qp or db me is
asking ?! its just so imaginable what i is what u is depends on a letter n with top down said
me'n in asking why aint? its just imaginable to start a revolt with no in love what a creative
mind me imagined what the heck is love alone and took the bet, the bet isnt but is likelisa
no va don o van such a pure her herrismen is on it is alot poems you have qualified in me
me my ego is such a sell in love aw hat a TransFourmNing i call it what a intelligens i have
said me i what about that u n spoked, what about lo ve ego spooked about the the bet what
love is its just me and i in cap Il i is in in langue looks like l won a el spoon with a q
love i l me spoked I what a hideout we'l seek just in spoon we could ask whats refleks love
in that, l I in lo ve is ining i in ing lingar? sadlisa me just love part y won rarelisa i on
sound is e what a hiding dong wish is you opinion on this

why sad is spoken isnt because, its just me in love, helpless in i power in we, logik vanished, my ego merged a song and asked why aint compile a stereo love song? it aint a build in consesnes it just me melted ego, very deluted on love cau sing poems to flow

..lieking! #like