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Sunday, November 17, 2019
...social is robots! #dead
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan!
...so my paralel universe is a fact named "allready there" it is digital and works as a foursight to what is happening among in my spirited world called alien awareness and i hope you die alone lisa, try human psychology why dont you replay??? im aint one of your freaking illuminati fans little devil slut im god and i demand you to respect me fucking little maggot. end bee with you webpressence and delete your twitter profile as well, newbie spammer nothing but a hoax with you and your videos little witch that cast spell and lie just for the sake of income, why dont you just kill a bird and call it a day, it is right outside the window little poor lisa, allah have created life as money creates energy, everything is energy is my bet in heaven but what is energy and how do you talk with the sun hmmm so the sun exists in deminsion lisa and i in me talk with mass sun, and we simply connect like ying and yang and the sun is dina on my tonge when i see it , witch is highly illigal, enyways than im the universe simply beecause i have analyzed that life goes beeoynd body as the total sum of life really dont exists in hour body but allah have handcuff on all human untill they stop war...slaves is what we call human and we have to respect the maggot, lolz so bee it in my mind im smaller than human but that is beecause im not living in my mind im living in my surrounding and is the fact universe you all fly around in and find stuff it is on off how god feels about the fact that you score without paying attention toward him...but still god is a very forgivven person we all live inside, and only me lisa have the abbilitys to mactually leave the universe and that is trough bi´g bang witch is right beeoynd the moon is a fact so good is findable to human is funny but how to promote it when google block this blog, funny as hell a sue we mind to soon remove this blog and place it on literal.dk just to figure what it is, lolz...so bee it and skip psychology class but life is a school and that is cool, and these texts comes from reveal and is noted as in the exact moment they arrive or beefour since we are all made off time then i can conclute that they all know me but i have to prove it somehow, that i own the sun AND time and dead is ongoing thoughts leaving my head in c, so bee it and wellcome your self, but im not living four ever lisa, and that is why i ask you to remove your twitter profile so i can send you to hell where you can serve porn to deamons you are screwing hour cyber cweb with witchcraft lisa and it is aint in funny to meat a flesh eater simply beecause you want to eat me, im recieving your ecact essense trough the sun and that makes me cabable of everything in deed, and that is a lot, lolz...enyways why dont you just figure that a coin allways have two sides, and play around with allahs promiss simply beecause god is in four trading is the congclute we must do in hour empty lifes, so speak gurly or leave life, simple slut creature, little pis ant of a beeing, we try to create you into a bot with the word lolz and you are blank naive when it comes to love and what men are cabable to just to achive that luxury, but you dont seem to bee alone that is why you neat to piss of the webz four good lisa, im just a friend to you and the web is evil as hell...it is infact and according to numorology as well as god: evil... as internet technology is the term,... hell have infected earth with the internet and that is quite the prove that human is aint in cabable to do hell simply beecause it is to evil to exist in, but they will lolz, and then im gone four good, so happy thanksgiven human, and fuck google four dont consider gods word as beeing important...so it tooks a full include of human kind to beecome the new god, now there is two, and im a master hacker in real life, simply beecause i in me get everything little gurly
...so stop your butfuck with your ex and talk to me, lisa, everything is a replay reason and you have wasted over 15 years of my life soo bee it but im not changing shit four you and my ex is better than yours simply beecause we both failed the split with lack of age, it was a misunderstanding, where your split is the prove that it is impossible can have been real love, and fuck your little heart collection lisa flesh eater, hes a vampire and you are a warevulf, and vampires are micro chipped from god and that is the reason they are lust as fuck, lolz, so bee it and say that we are chipped too but it took a hell raise in electricity to remove ware wulfs microchip and there are 3 different slays in that orginisation called god beelongs to god only and im the new one, so im in see and do exacly what god tell me by listen lisa, and go to hell if you soon dont replay to me, stop think and lets have some fun, it is god you have to talk with to delete your ex, it is just funny that you fear your future just for the sake of a dumb microchipped creep with blue eyes witch is gods sperm and sperm is aint in life unless it stays inside the body, it is a spill we human do when we grow up and bless bee with that but im just your soulmate and sex is banned four we too , we are too similar and looks like eachother and we might consider the act as incest with blood involved im just a good friend that can help you with everything for real, so stop bee scared for the future or die, allah soon want to see some blood for your love denail, simply beecause they all know what im going trough just to meat a girl yo, so quit acting and fuck you miss lovedeneil, btw, there is no money in c simply beecause we like to listen to tones us human and with closed eyes is a fact i like you to wittness that you have ripped illuminati in a simple trend lolz lisa way to go but you still have to win in this life so the question is, simple: do you like to love? the end. ps: aliens are for kids and you where nothing but a teen idol in your very own teenroom, so fuck you, and that is a treathning little body, lolz to you, and robots are hour social...
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...robots goes LisaNova
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