...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
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Friday, September 6, 2019
...creation is giants feast! #influence
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so you dont know what a creation is or you just havent arrived in the future where i in me rulez (i in me means so much beecause i keep win all seeing eyes) ((ment for dating as a ring delivered to mom in law lolz) it ha!
enyways a creation is what disney do with very lov relate to the life they create, lisanders....motion IS life and cartoons breath is a fact i have enrolled to my perspection to program the very webz as a future program to human gene witch is blue in the spiritual world and is named ARI and come from a atom witch have that name inprinted and now i own its iq, it is a fact that girls like to guess ari atoms :) lolz...but funny how cern try to explain atoms when me, god, have released them, and there is with gurantee nothing called angelic anywhere on earth and devil beelong in another universe from witch where i extract WEATHER (THEY are smaller than us) is aint in that cute (:) but i was invited by allah the allmighty to conquar devil planet and they are much more advanced than human if it wasnt beecause of we have el (or) can create it is the fact....el atoms beelongs to paradise and is green, and seince i own farous raincar then i can see stars as green it is all about the eye lisanders :), but i can see that my ufo gets invited to earth nature witch is very allowed as long as it is a invite god is only allowed to bee free that means no money darling roll that in vegas beefour you call me poor, then i know what money lead and with al atoms in the hand then we can soon discount illuminati and there money in general, that is gods revolt right here on blogger, PROMOTE el is soon free beecause of paradise is providing and im the first including dong taylor swift is there to and justin bieber have found the way hes just a little more anonymous beecaue he dont want to alien war god aint he gud :) im using your transformers to acknowledge whom you are and calculate gifts is popstartism and pop in general, we own this world lisanders <3
...so you want black hole technology to happen (beecausae) it will, lolz happening or not then im the center of the universe and ask nasa foursight of mayan calender what your role is, it is all ment to be me that change black, but i install black holes in the weather and they create nothing but personal wind to a hard working man maybee some will bee feeling exusted by try wrestle with one of my black holes... :) lucky i read about mayan translate by nasa AND YOU ARE THE SUPERNOVA LISANDERS AND YOU FLY ON A COMET I OWN ALL YOU R UNIVERSAL POWER LISANDERS!!! TRUST ME YOU WILL BEE MY GOD BEECAUSE YOU WILL CAPTURE THAT BIRDS ATTACK ME ALL DAY, AND THAT IS A FACT THAT IM GOD and this beecause animalsw beelong in hell funny how little universes can bee since birds just travel trough me and to visit there paradise witch is hell number of the beast, and by thatr since no god have ever arrived beefour me then Israel and Palistina can recieve each there sue for providiong god avareness when no such happening have been instaled here on earth it to transfer trough shadows and the witness that the earth is round and we human are much bigger than hour body, so offcause you look funny lisanders, so stop ask it lolz...
...so you dont believe that im the center of everything, well we all god hour roles, ands life is money, period, that isw why we help poor and ccriminals earn a little herachy beefour they god outdated by socielty when they get the smell you know, funny brag with no money is gods revolt to support everyone,,,,money was a temporary lisanders <3
and creation is motion created by digital from the television, that is equal future to respect that creations dont know human, and pr0j3ct m4yh3m lead that show, beecause we have taken part of digital heel witch is name called djavil so go figure what you miss with out me lisanders i can tech you how to act, im used to trick criminals in life and dead situation, so i believe you should dream tom cruise and "Mexico:holocoust" just to live it out and you pay hes check while im just the humble instructor, it could be success
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...feast to LisaNova!
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