...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

...burkaninja! #bombee

ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan! so you with a burka amongs the worst criminal in mexico than it takes you to believe in kong fu "the dance of life", because that is god.. include other fighting lesson as boxing just regular as a champ is sir den lisa, but a burka with a litltle nation coloured bombee on each ignition site beoynd the ears okay just to revolt among criminal and show the way to respect that islam says no to paint on burka but if we start with criminal then it could only bee in the correct direction toward real islam with no bombee revolt, what we are talking about wounder about reaise main ship in dubai shoppingmalls to raise awareness and payments to ged rid of poor and create a story for them to create some success to read about in bombiz magazine...so bombeenation presents homedressage.com - how to date? on a catwalk! in dubai...goes right to the left legg if you play soccer so let save humanity and lets score a nobel prize okay sweetest but everything is availeable with god it is just a matter of grab okay cheat me? no, i lived trough hell and deserve a good life with you in clu ted so stuff it! but a movie: mexico - the holocoust - is on the figure how to make criminals more respekted for their share with eacthoher and the way they are forces to witness hell each time they get locked in is in sharp controversy when we live in paradise and why should one man live in hell? to just one raise it to hell then others follow and all of a sudden we have hell beyond jail walls , is aint in it mean to make them create paradise to learn them to respect hour others dream, seeriosly...just a guess on better respect in street view, so time is yellow two like the sun and god him self come from digital and have just arrived to cash in on my recomand (slayers) it is called capital and we are creating a dynasty with bombeenation.net and car-dealer.dk + criminal-minded.dk so to save hour butt among orginized criminels on hour travel when you read what it is all about, lolz a prank basicly but worth a shut with a nutcracker , remember criminal-minded.dk is hour savior if we get hijacked by criminels (they) must know what a bussines is okay lisa, everything is dime basicly life is money if you live correct else you are just a stupporn communismt that works all day (and) revolt lol...so my mom is actually a comunists aint like that is a matter, beecause she is very open minded witch other could learn off her, so but if Denmark is a socialisism country? is fairly yes and never changes, unless it beecause communism, and that is just the way we respect work around here...(and criminels) lolz...you have to act alot when you come here miss buts simple, it is just life witch you manipulated on the webz in front of cyber olala cybr took e and send it to miss ing and figured that im still just a porngod for you, but god is much more than your porn lisa, god is smart, believe it or not specially with spikes in hair and in technogear never grows old really,, it is just a matter of time allience that seems to outdate severel thing in hour psytrances religious expression wich highly contrast hell and heaven and everything inbetween! like elfs and lippercons and trolls so funny with transformers, they have translayted bird so we can coomunicate or talk sound on a deeper level, lolz and it is all perfectly normal okay? jesus christ a halleluja we have to murder simply bee cause people have to innvait there own light, so bee the fact than only the strongest survive in a god comepit, so what is human race with in believe now god takes care of loosers with hell haha lol, in you face, but whoms argh okay you are just cute lisa, make that a believe and you score!!

1 comment:

youtube donations said...

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..lieking! #like