ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan sorry four my talk about should result in life creation this blog shit work
and i see you passing human psychology, why dont you act dummy? are you shy or you are you seeing your whole life passing
trough the front ofr your eyes, playing revy in front of your eyes beecause relationships are a huge deal for a little
pirate, well you are in hell...(a pirate) bee carefull lil sis, perhaps you loose a leg..(you tendense it)
so you are a nurse in space suits me well since i own is raincar and other faraos? but still what ever as long as you are
health, so rain car nate is ill??? funny thin king is on anoraxi or what lolz to0 angles: beeneath all that pain and
suffer rooms power to slay you lolz it lisanova beecause nothing really matters (; so i try to program the webz according
to reveals i do, dont you just sense it? lolz and holocost dime lisanova, bitte shön lisa so farao island is suspected to
pirated view on the world lolz and Denmark actually own that island including greenland and iceland two is sir den since
vikings... cross fingers lolz they all bro around and cant seem to find the internationalaltation whatever lisa a bitte
shön and so on to why aint in raise you as a little where wulf in vampire telepathy so classy pussy attraction little
slup, what do i know im just in reveal but farao island is without minerals is a funny supose how you sail around and
discover new stuff anymore is el atoms found in paradise and it is all green with aliens and stuff, Very Kinky lisa, bitte
shön two...and we goes to heaven lolz and stuffing alot ted with tran you know, too make it a little egypt and style, like
loto lisa ;) acting, is like going away with whatever comands goes best with that utopi must bee the outcome of all
reveal lisa it is just funny with life okay cuty so sorry there it does aint in may king any sense enymore lolz... so free
is aint with these poems, it is matter after importance to create life lisa... (:
so knight is actually a important step in europe with castles everywhere hmm so why aint in do that and talk about dead
goes to ghosts ;)
enyways castles and own ghosts alot ;) @camalot
so directing you in holocost and talk with dead cleopatra is essence with discovering how to apply el atoms to criminels
only free, just for the mayhem ey...heavy dude free ;) i can see in a zoom lisa, (atoms in c) m sea.. and transformers
goes to hell where they beelong okay metal nose? does ghosts with vip #lulz ^^ but since everything is open and free with
el atoms i think we have a poor mans formel okay? power to the people anon sense? nurse... is (:) monitor hertz with time
synchrons and stores in cybrspaces e sport lolz no lisa it is in hertz though from monitors is and life creates frekvenz
when devil is around simply beecause i leave hell a gain for the sake of invite and aint in curious to trap is hell is trap!!!mouse trap
sorry four that but hell is just digital and fun four me as you far so good, to define that everything is fine
and mouse trapped four your plessure hmm just a regular guy with a unregular sickness called love and im sure it
last fourever, with or without you in see as in beecome two in one would bee the outcome scared of self is a
relative miss? im scared of all this internet coming to live in my mind (like a little kid) just there but still it is a
believe i try to figure why we only have what we can see and eachother in form and shapes to memorize in symphaty and what
you have to forgive in me is offcause Very Little (lol)
so what is there to bee scared of than scare it self, lolz? okay im not loving scary lisanova but still...hows?!
(translayted) went usa with believe in doller as god...hmm so what makes god lisa? the handling of god atoms surely and
good for that, dont, but a short believe in that mass wealthy to actually own...hmm god offcause lisa how do you want it?
how do you want is a good one it is just hour scare Lisa pro (; it is good to figure...dont you think?
it is just so fucking hard to explain things over the webz dont you think lisa? it is hard to understand? or does
everything just make sense to you then you would be in a marrige with me lolz but still....marry hows and get Very hmm ;)
so devil wears prada? funny how life goes...little one oh so precious skinny bitch oh so skinny labby sense oh so labby
sensy quick, so you actually left the webz while im conserning you is very priviledge to me as in say fuck off have make a
work and i god my will? to what lisa really, it wasnt part of my plan to let yu know me over the webz with my game and
stuff but i try to figure weather digital is alive or nut it have a free will to understand, so you are part of labby
sense quicky!!! i thought you where worth something lisa...just a hello who do you really think you are, im not into your
status so will you replay, im better than you lisa it is just a fact, so please step out of it while i can write okay?
lolz im better but to what lisa, everything is fine, so lisanova did everything? (and cheers to anoraxi) four accepting
woman form senses in toesdead... cit cat cameltoe! hows, lisa nova gone trough, the #needleeye ok..that wood bee me in
your show "needle eye" like a jew sitting and fixing diamonds then you are just lazy lisa ;P and poverty is a constant
matter in population speak then third eye is interesting ok just that...and i love to aint ssaint
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
Follow @farc_art_it
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
...nurse and carryon! #priviledge i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...nurse is LisaNova!
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