ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan i do drugs will never bee a point when it goes four the better, i just think it is funny that you ate devil that is sign of companionship in large scale if that is happening what is devil is leader of hell and was incaubsled with ritalin, so that you have a speed absense either way since you listened to my tape somehow have infected you, because you want to, morron, life is aint in that cruel, or is it, i just want to take you serious like a grown up .. but enyways hows goes? funny hows goes is here i trip i explain how good life can bee but i doubt it will bee relevant with my own search of life when you are very hard on my humor :D just the way it goes i guess, so funny hows goes as long as you dont believe that i do drugs then im suposely fair but you are funny so bee it instead of warming tonight you could bee cool as ice and understand what i do when i take chemicals,is that i like to walk in the forests and listen to techno trance all night, so bee it and just accept the fact that im not a junkie at all, but life, lisa it is aint in just a negative it is the way it is, im just a human with a special position to confront evil , i like to fight evil in all sort of maners lisa, as long as it is peacefull then im on so what if it takes medicaments is a supose but it makes sense, and i couldt care less it is a choice i do and if you like it to stop then dont worry but i believe it is common interest to make evil believe again :D it is a do and it creates a relationship i could be proud of inviting another on, but it is dream matter that result in voices to accomplish outside the head is funny how goes? so i like to breath is actually truth it just very annoied when my eyes try to calculate it ! funny i dont know what to write so i try to calculate, what to say im honestly aint in aware, perhaps i should clean these texts and create a story, could be rather a timewaste since im just ready to go with you or without it is interesting what future brings very much in deed, is to value as if is ment to bee providing truth and only truth as if a name is given to a child aint of mine seqvense to the inhaling of drugs, but i believe i need it so far so good, to under stand that it works like shampoo in a shower why would i use shampoo okay? nothing is more irrelevant than my use of medica and i offcause just stop if you want me to but i cant figure why i should :) but you should know that i contrast it as black market value and aint a drug ok? so bee it and challenge that but im useless at the selfconsiderabled inteligence enyways i just like to release energy and that is basicly what i do i dont like to bee high is a supose i dare to challenge in all its glory but if you gore then i will stop execute enjoy in heaven, cant see why that should happen ;) it is just the way it are so thank you very much four enjoy, so you do believe in heaven i do in dont know why aint but there do exists dead as living could relate, we just have to challenge that, it is enjoy or aint is the problem we do a try to consider that life is fake and about something witch it aint are so dead is plausable to consider point when it is ment to happen is the most obviosly if you can think and we all can think that far that dead will occur, so i died is a supose what happened when i beggun listen to voices is quite interesting in consider life is unemloyeded, beecause it is a luxury to recieve those tine dots as sound, it is time i think is talking, enyways it is hard to figure beecause it relates to me in different challenges and that is where devil showed up, is like calling deamons in the middle of the night but with all that administer of sayings and catalog them then life have beecome fairly easy to comply as the want to defeat evil will increase then im aint in aware weather or how my dream solve is shared it should bee interesting four others to remember their dreams better is like waking up and continue the dream with voices on, so they (the voices) came after i "meat" you i dont know if they are related but they neutralize them self when we are done cunquar is said, but it is quite a scientific question what they are is believe nothing more than life confirming is what we do nothing more than a believe, but it is pop figure that is god with poem, so bee it four this time and i think you can is interesting with creation, but nothing in comepair to you..hmm...i will is on in miss ing as e provide energy to life is as brint something cars synchrons i, dont know but it is a experience and i try to bee honest i believe this love thingy can grow wild and big .. so what, and stop call it love..but i believe it is and so what, just answer allright..hmm so aint but i dseriosly cant keep writing these texts either way im in want to, so bee it and be eyour self but it is important that things works right? but it is a little exeptionel that i try to explain what happens in this extra dimension of voices it is a catalysator to success is sir den lee, but explain it is a good one how that should heppens when it is live mind drop it does, oh so i try to infilter your dream is truth, so if you have a pain in the ass then it is probebly love ;D nah im okay on you im sure and everything is fine is a motto i will live up to :)
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
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Sunday, July 8, 2018
...nova see ding dong! #novaseed i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...everything is lisanova!
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