ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan by visiting Denmark (the) contry i live in ,is to provide knowledge to a firm arm of mine (the) criminals is on to you lisa and want to inhale some of your american sexual freedom, so bee it and call me a wuz but i believe in freedom and if you think about it then im onto avoiding you to think possitive about another or aint that is way toward lisanova is secret to me beecause i live with criminals lisa, so inspiring it is to bee me, i think that you should aint in chancel your video production simply beecause you need that work for when you die, or similair whatever lisa, but i want you to continue and i have practiced act of life in many years and by that mean is that im very good to value act but providing it to using duet is difficult but supose im just like you and if we have to catwalk together we can all of a sudden make sure that you stay on the stage untill you die, but it doesnt matter lisa it is paradise to work and you are good at it ok? but catwalk u sing? i think that bombeedress design could provide you with a "behind the scenes" glamour with filming the actually show is a promotion in the middleeast where bombeenation presents, is equal promote bombee as a criminal homeless solver that love human to much and so on to a short story will bee provided to mantain that bombee have a personality bee it and the short note says, that bombee is like robin hood if you know what i mean then we have to educate muslims in no deadpenalty so bombee is criminal or steal to help poor and so on, okay, see the picture lisa? do you is leet it on lite et ;D so bee it and value it different but very much in deed is a name to consider very much perhaps about what family provides to challenge their kids okay. so i aim for president is truth and relevant we all do that but many quit simply beefour they even think it is a looser familly that provides to vampires, real slayers allways goes four the top of everything and stick around lisa you will provide me with baby materials sweety ;) (e) very thingy about dressage so bee it and call it training with homeless "providing a better mirror to consider" bombee is a hero among national communism members of red front and so on to accept that anarchy miss a system but anarchy will win when democracy fades into the big solve and so bee it but in the past anarhists didnt know about computer and how you can conclute and moderate to be substians toward human kind is the truth to provide anarchy with liberal socialism as a fade out turning point to fact is that we have many different server connections in farc but anrchy is one of them , but we are all cops when anarchy wins is sir den lisaturn untill criminals takes over and consider your stuff as income is why i incorrige homeowners to prepair to make your own furnitures to simply beeing respected by looting gangs is simply to provide why mexico is miss ing 200.000 soldiers from the street, (would) have made a important factor of hour alien war upgrade is sir den lisaturn aint to sit still to the fact that some liberalists believe in changing time purpose and strip alien upgrade right beefour and in the middle of the date 2012 mayan doom provides with a comet and that is you lisa i swear little alien you deserve to know truth and that is with me and very much in deed, okay? so very much indeed is a name to consider if valueing it different is on to nile is sir den lisaturn toward pram is a boath and you where in beeing made pregnant by sun trough me so in basic we have a sun baby and that boy is very much in deed to work the solve out to reality it is a sun planet we live on lisa nova and you are a alien whom gave hers egg to a stranger in the blind believe that love exist, oh so im attractive lisa it is okay but embarrassing if we dont meat simply because it reach a higher level of understanding that is why the sun have provided us with a baby is real and confirmed by dreams but hour love keeps solve is fantastisc and everything is plausible is truth and e very thingy about capslock is funny hows goes to christianiallah with rabatman see i have to sononyms in order to name give elementary school lessons is to pro white elemetns with knowdledge about reallity and that is so far stabil words that makes sense not just spray to amount is easy , but it is difficult to pro white people with sononyms when it is synonymous that rules muse #nymuse have to bee much relevant and providing in reality to bee relative to real and that is truth to provide allah as creationist on christiania and rabatman is uniqe two okay see the light? so money and slogans is the future to own this little contry i just have to figure why it is a good theoretical discussion and relevant is how to take over a contry is funny somehow to bee a jew among criminals is where it all goes with accepting eyecontacts as prove of knowdedge is to beecome warriors of the internet again in substance to give upo criminal carrer in order to provide better to society is perfect acknowdledged to wrd providing till among criminals is superior like aryan is with hillary toward human kind is how to arm criminal gang with the right to take over population is naive to believe that you can just hang on the street corners when it is work many human have begun reflect in eachother and there we have apartheid in obs focus with my god reveal, the norm simply have to consider that life is much more than important and cryable to see the point is cry minged will to see eachtoher as equal is providing tea with self excuse toward human kind can bee alien free is fact the way i like human is human and very attracable to provide babys with grrr :D haha funny hows goes lisa lohan, so by enyways in that particular moment i wrote it in i thing that bying army among criminals leads to the speculation about slogans to a highly theoretical discussion on how to take over the world in order to make anarchy by revolution is sir den lisa just a good one to provide that i can allways sue the system and provide a voice to obs how criminals are beeing treathed as ill members of society just beecause they dont perticipate in work moral and so on to where to revolution started the arabian spring is Denmark still on okaY? og so arms and headlines is in confront to why allah trys to take over human is beecause of me, me and my lies, is sir den lisaturn aint in aware why turn leads to porno but im not that much in astrology by the given way more like star synchrons can work as a time portal is hurry in cain hurrycain a mean it lisa it is about win human and you are allowed to think god, simply beecause everyone have to bee alloweed abord the possible friendship too big but still on to and if heaven have the results then human have to take them selfs together and solve damnit SOLVE!! haha #angel is providing truth in porno pictures is fake but it could have been very nughty to share energy with beeing first of all can bee contrasted as robots witch work as security as evil (including) birds simply only have access to hour robots but they act in evil believe and that is a tough one to sympathize with rape and crussification all day it really drains my mind but it is a good deed so bee it and lets take over human kind as flesh jackets to hold up? (against) the win wedo...we d ding dong okay?
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
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Monday, July 9, 2018 and slogans! #worldorder i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...slogan is lisanova!
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