ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan to say then im a stabil man with addict to beutyfull including dead witch you will combrihand very notice simply because it takes my focus big time to go into these trance will of lettin go to life it is just funny but it is relative hard to live like that haha nah im motivated to life but still life would bee so much easyer if you also found a method to die, lol so bee mainstream soul block to beecome floathy energy is sick contrast to invite to score but it is won, big time, and kind, but it takes a nothing to livenormal it is like this selective choice to shut down witch just happens by the way hmm so selective! enyways come happy i wierd to invite someone into my life when i the last ten years have done my alone as a secret but im quite sure we will quikly pop trough and realize what it is i can lie, so to say it cost to much energy four dead to lie is a garant four good treathment (and) stabile in mind and focus so bee it you should rathe rlisten to all this the next day or just figure why i lik eto write to you ok i god you bad but you are cute, so everything is connected to devil is a rumor i havent heard shouldnt bee truth but rumors is four allah so why in aint just contrast the opposit at this very time to be nonchelant and allways truth in self, and evil might happen, so just truth, whom might that bee as the opposit to allah, sir den lee aint in wife material, i hide things to you is truth to bee come exelent trigger to conversations is factil i like that says devil "factil" so be it and factilice enything you can mind at this moment on to trigger conversation to normal eye is like telling you that jewcamp 13 is closed without a winner ;) so you found a jew friend little pal? so comprihand fame in space four me to challenge your starmatter with absolute imbicile so be it and deneil act is better with love on the menu but i kinda want to happen that i foursight beecause of love and aint something else but so i create ocd with time so human can learn to bee correct, just for the sake of better and real skillz in life, so hell comes to mind? all of a sudden we where able to call it bullock, with devil and stuff, but it is evil so to say was, the contrast is sfaer and what is available then it is annoing by now but the expectation to what could bee a wait i evil enough... i tjus twont happen with a devil takeover it possible end in good scial wuuaa!! slayer ownz! haha you are so funny girly, so im not telling shrink shit about my life i dont agree with them and can allways sue them for misjudging a normal but criminel minded, they suit a trend in denmark called apartheid in what you can follow among the people, beecause i can C lisa it is very scary and optionalt responsibillity to be that adviced, so i can c and smell illness is a conquar but why should i tell it i just take my punishement and call it even beecause i learn about how to treath human hi lisa is a alien and know enything about life :D cryminged novase, what is min ged with my goath ? the same lisa is very funny and a provoke to Cleopatra, so i talk with dead you say that can bee.. but life and time synchron is in highly valuable also beecause it is in high course i success by getting answers in replay contrast trade and success, but dead will allways be a succes so why dont you? just remember that it is aint in a brag it is a matter of privacy witch goes to right wing among poplick insitution where im placed at the is gold that i get my money from my ant and aint in contrast to the system(they pay though) it create so much life i couldnt bee more in agree to share it but not with you lisa.. cleopatra came first :d (high) value..remember that ;)we just try to screw life why aint? it is just funny to bee dead hahaha oh life is good to make scare to, so funny
you are cute,,,wuuaa, rape your self with a knife lisa just do is fun, right? right left you sick fuck how could you? by believe in love sweety it is so obviosly next life you conoquer by be with me, what it does, it makes you are secure we intend to spread all over the planet as long as they have a body they can be peace with new knowledge of calmness, so i hit the raise on commit so funny on the webz is actualy acomplishment i since hopelessness to but i think it is incarnate toward humanity witch we call usa, so funny is incarnate human kind but we belive in morr than human would be a north korean answer so i had to mix usa with north korean beecause my ex is north korean and what happens when they have nuuks? nothing lisa i also nuuk but it is brint we create beecuse human have to swim, oh so god can create nukes, try a love bomb of carat haha so funny to bee american where everything is allowed, else we cant prove it, but seriosly north korean should be responsable towaard usa and vice verse in contrast to meny thing humanity have showed great conwuar skill under this supervision of human solve i do beecause i had to interate nations and slay wing works with politic now lisa it is a fulltime job to be in that costody, so you wanna die? haha so funny to reach you now we get eternity spring is so funny but whom claims so cute you are littl edestructive fellow onced you could have been in my life but dead is more powerfull lisa, and im on comepit, so funny that human without a body can win , ahh ha you really didnt belive in that did you ? you should lisa we live pr competance and aint and that strive toward heaven and we install law and order else it is colloseum where RA fighted as a context won,,,else, lisa nova is so funny! oh so you a attracted to dead is where we beelong, so what do you wanna dia for? eternity is solved sweet young,,,im so gonna die for you sweety prick of a human haha lolz we plant aliens in tics it is so funny lisa you have to respond to that in ekko vally, so we filled you up with info from dead should make you tracable with cleopatrace on is rail (11) so numorology with numbers is in trick? just believe lisa we love you eny ways (you) really did it ;) so scary a contrast you have recieved me else god would aint in determain you as real in my life just die so we can hang out :)
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
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with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
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Wednesday, June 27, 2018
...everything theory! #scary i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...slay wing lisanova!
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