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Sunday, May 6, 2018
...mini black holes! #joke
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so the most obviously thing in the world is in contrast i releaf to know that cern is deviliced with the point of view that a black hole dont gron in size and dont eat two but still what do hawking knows about warking in prognosed sound is afraid of spanking to so a mini black hole hmm some one have read to much donald duck! i mean it i dont want to brag but i created the black hole (among human) and i soon put a password on this homepage simpply beecause it is all to one and only one little fame fucker haha we a likely allready married and sun is jaloux on natures pschology contrast according to hows!? you are funny but life is funnyer :) huhey lot of lay that was it with balloong way? to day with slay would bee gay to delay more than a contrast sway swear i dont lie lisa but you obvioulsy cant read my cybr c i read your and is will be ea colorfull world if you stop use my ring little gollum hahaha i swear i die you in real if you come simply because you have to deliver you life as a contrast to contract witch is bound to way to powerfull to you context is cleopatra in black matter you have to regret you life to get in to sauer cunt little alien slimy littrle creep you are to dumb four cern they say they dont want american whirling around on there planet without some sort of a contract to life , just work lisa what is there else to talk about so you just wanna sit and stare in my wall you offcause have to pee to but it is called a apartment in the future simply beecause i dont want to miss you just like a little dog lisa have to regret her marrige haha lolz of an american do great and make trump proud again obama sux and hillaryan clint on revenge is a simply matter of jaloux and dont get manpower, just like you in aint lisa it was fun ofcause it is called hillary clinton drugs ;) funny how we ruleus in aint simply beecause you are part of demacron cyanid is hitlers favorit so go figure what i aint in do more is slay lisa we won we are allowed to love by allah simply beecause i do the opposit just like you do to me funny gurly little friend as assample to trigger and you dont want guns to happens i see that so come live here in Denmark we totally own just like you on your first toilet visit haha i will learn what it is all about in relation ship and make it last fourever suffer doll is ain t but wee don t do sex again when you have used my toilet simply because you are no more a alien and im no more a god haah you were dismist where i was regreted see im powerless when i visited the toilet to unusualy odd x is confirmed good company but there is noone to brag to when yo uhave meat you very first north korean in th entire galaxy ;) how can yo uthen be jaloux when you have zero clue whom it might bee =) funny gurly she left me in regret in i own all her power inclueting her bird afraid witch is funny because they try to make human scare isnt they cute :oD just like you in away will never meat her and you wil never have eny reason to bee jaloux unlees you take me on travel hmm lisa girls are the only beein that like me and im vergin whyyy?!?!?! simply because my orgasm beecome green energy and i have allways beeing forced to bee with a girl simply beecause i never really contrasted pain beefour i meat you and im not going to watch your videos i really dont think you are that fun simply beecause it is doll okay smartass ;) so holy shit on you or black hole in one as en & et as 11 is a number to contrast with cleopatrace on israil :D is farao good on jews is is funny how cleopatras gods name isis is her own suicide as snake and fake as hell when she was murdered and captured in a statue alive li sa just cry your mom is dead but noone gets it simply beecause someone cheated life as a suicide and that was me lolz ;) hmm love is evil lisa just cry okay? she is still around as a robot like everyone else, is is is is like i er i i i lol c u b e qwer spring! #egypt loves black matter of fact as me l fourmel is pretty leet it lite et on en is 1 & 1 in Denmark as contrast to langauge the everything is a fourmel huhay lite it is leet et see figure and cybr c dragON diemond as a recourse ain your anything just move on to the toilet visit and call it etranaty spring will you puha ;( :O holy shit! #likelisa never choose enjoy on beehaf again simply beecause god cheat so be wize and chose love and where does love sits lisa correct so stop stop your engine and we just have a second doubelt contrast is like lisa to say with sfinx in mind that nose 4 money and jews took both is fourmer fun see or i on booth rest in peace house mom orion tranformers is jews little isralien just call it holy shit w c toy letter! ha iran laugh at you in never jew as clown how can they now could lisa how do you dont have a memo like juice? they do have a history ohlala he story is like sheman two ant a world war stop belive in that two :)) #lisatandemonanis -lisaTanders! ...byte me please! bitte shon lisa @teaparty
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
black hole
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