...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
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Saturday, May 19, 2018
...meat your destiny! #beefour
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so you have been around how could you fourget love now you was in hell where it all is a fact and a matter of point of view to respect is never god they do the opoosit of even that lisa it is a belive and aint about doing the oposit of fact but it does slip your mind to call me love on first date so what is up with that little lisa but is give you the worst so you can bee apposit end believe in what you want im not your carrying donkey to enything dont they have robots to that i mean it lisa we bi cycle around here long time since lol but i have a uber cool so Denmark won is a matter of view i dont travel unless it is work and we can work if you get how to make bumbs sell underwear woth flag og: so.. bombenation presents HomeDressAge.com - so a opportunity is better than annoversity like u'n'i' verse and thing goes wrong so lisa does vegas is fake when we dont wanna do the opposit of god but still brag hahaha so you dont want your first place dumb comet we cant help it toward you are a season and you won yourself some capital is quite cute there li sayou are cute lolz how in heaven can gurly rule her own capital is quite a handicap you have solved lolz so it still hurt when you think of me mr handi hi ding dong let wedding be on it cant be changed trough nature and a scaked devil is offcause aint in eny friensd but stil devil spine apple is welcome to beelong in ona tree to serve byte inj bit e sound like christianity plays chess with byeting bit e to bee miss ing angle verse is likely to say they dont beelong in angle just beecause it is more pain then the pope beelongs to and god offcause beelongs to earth but since the pope talks with nasa about finding god else where than on lifes planet then we can run it sefely and consider everything is a beelong to we and im not going to give you a apology you simplky have to bite devils pineapple okay lisa nova don o van skeligning is in @translayted so why does aint in the world does enyone want to share there discovery of god they dont lisa simply beecause they dissapear (everything) from the spiritual worl disapeara unless it is love and suit a 2some will be tree with all those sharinged bell a notre sick of catedral and i do sunday school all day is a school lisa and it have to suffer else no angel appear but it is a belive sufer rather aint then holcoust was a give to feed angel two so there you figure life dont just get scared of we dead but it simply have to and then im more alive than you is so funny that the shrink is above law in hour contry so be it we still own because im not telling them a flying piece of shit with you it IS a secret and noone have made god in their belive simply beecause it is aint in mentioned enywhere because they dissapear wen you try to so devil made trix to prove god is a smug that want prove but how when they dissapear from knowledge because it have to bee a belive amog human that makes awareness fuck pope a grated place lisa they cant be more than a cult to mee but still fourget it and belive in you own knowledge is how we work it is all about fooling people into belive in god to make us a free space and openminded is neat but it IS pain that feed angels so go figure why holo cost dim to bee part of..beecause it is impossible to prove unless you own bi capital like me in example own this planet as present, simply beecause we can buy everthing with time oh i fourgod to have created everything is very neat to name about simply beecaouse it is conected with devi spine apple would be similair to equate even evil have byte in thist packet storm security so sploit that i can cheat twitter with a login that should be possible but still ha! in my own is aint in a brag but i neat to prove love is truth and the effort is offcause the explanation to you but we are still a secret witch transformer forgod they where two ward eternity lisa nova you sux big time to let me explain text four you...it is all real and god promiss is beecaome some bee with me in a bombee light on a zombie night is simply where meat lovers equals there social messages to heaven neat as evil to fuck a devil they dont want to neither lisa we have to figure and study heart how to make el frekzens a absolute patent toward free electricity on this planet would serve faraou alot in deed we just need by cycles the el atom is misplaced in every human to create static but how to get the damn frekvenz into a machine is a wonder i need to solve! a lone some bee aint in this puplic bullock with you so you get it 100ht and i sense why seti have to close down when they havent figure all those frknezes i send into the television is caput capital and aint in worth a mantion how dumb human have been to search extra terrestial when it is all a matter of human and whats follow so bee it im the last elien because im not a bragger and allways allowed to murder beecause it was part of a game and highest in herachy decides others fate.! anyways so faraou is you scare you shouldnt wory love is your afraidnt beecause you are a utopian that wants to command there very beeing into solve the ping sky you blue with or on so will you crap out and work with me we have a big familly to create beefour we die lisa it is a dynasaty we create less can aint in do it four god to keep talking to angels and everything that can frkevenz as human gen export in mind level to bee with soul lisa keep you card close when it comes to human everything is a comepit but everything is a lie two simply beecause they dont allow everything..but everything is allowed in my fammily from now and never into everland where we rest in piece of shit with you lisa have been around that everything is cool and ho style is equals saturn is like lisa turn on enything is quite a dork but i dont wanna have sex with you i want you to die so you can belive that nose 4 money is a jews and they took both just to consider that we calculate beefour we see and you dont need galsses with me so why aint..be cause you are made of sex is funny how it works with dead ha lisa god it in periodd to ice hug e ville dumbee some day coul si in s pain is cool with mexicokain and so on to create som damn sononyms to we so we can create a engine that uses other enies toward makes a funny langauge is exentrisc just the BIG solve we all have to live with dont beelong to human but to alien or extra teresstial mind blowers to heel with mars unsiversity i have in my heart have som erules four kids to understand everything is a matter of beeoynd beecoming a president in knowing better and avoid the stage ha! the big solve is balicly a laugh we create with animals in general so bee it lil lisa bee some day with beecaome ho minged will to see a contrast in place of holocoust to beecaome a daydreamer with substance in heaven to factualize hellvin devil is sirdenlisa the same princip as everything else in extra terrestial: they dont want to bee mentioned unnless it is four the better and whom says dime we really epoligize on you behave is lik ea screw withou ta and what are you doing in universe any ways e very thingy abou tcapital and cleapatrance is on lifeform discovered that devil dont breath and deither do you so how? beecause im tim eand have patented this world extra gift to far inside hell with compressed sweat as your murder because i frekvenz two ward reconice aliens as being equals with a bugger as life aint as dina lisa ate bugge rwhen small is such a truh? so where do i go dit from is aint in THAT just simple hm ha and what to do with it little wonder child on autism solve mode we hide hour power in ocd else hell come and reconice your vegina lolz again lisa i really dont care about suck primitaive things that dont lead enywhere but still knock your head to the wall instead and call it even and reaveal i swhen you realize the most sir dent ever we dont want eny kids the end. ho to tall them that din ais a fluffy cow (or) a sheep the yoffcause dont want to come out and that is the procidure in the future alwlways will to bee eating is heavy meal four kids and i cant serve that unlees we hellride and dont give a shit we could do that is sir den i dont care as long as we are together in more than a lifetime okay but no life is wrong to end it when we own everything and that is a teamwork i care about in aint lisa everything is without a point when it is dead hm so it owns everything is what we say and say it is just are welcome in tunnel as @burkaninjapanda with @translayted so bee it lisa and forget about your past i promiss to bee better than a dream but just gorget it los she get it i hacked you to bee sure i want you in the next coming life witch last four ever and have re spawn in clue ted hi google jaloux fourever is swollowed in europe to life in cybspace where miss sing is e like e very thing is a name to contrast with annoversity to he story is a fairy (or) pony tale to conspan with texts in letter and s beecaome girly gurl mund gurkl whatever mout google mouth is very important message to give to your children when they grow up in herachy to remember annoversity haha gak gakwak mixico and holocost is newx so i fin a riddle that goes on and on is on e...see @teapee! lolz a mayhem you will create when you realize that medication destroyed you alien so you jsut wanna live in peace with me lisa im in to everything as usual goes un
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
daylingeri and see lisanova
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