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Thursday, May 10, 2018
...meat transformers! #tremends
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so you can bee a transformer wirh likelisa tremends meats micronoms is tremendious a fact just micronoms we care about when we hug is the little thing in life that make tremends lolz ha you are a little cute now and then but i dont want to date you in never and that is good can we just bee friend and hug :D micronomous and tremendious goes lisa nova cry in happy triaclon with aliens lisa you really do beloive they they exist so funny with you and eternity spring is funny beecause it is happening to me what you belive in in haha cry me n' g - to g or not to g is the question and in that roll is the g a gangster or just dorkninged whyt enyways lead to rome is in fact aint when we bend it to you and so on to love is just universal and aint in trace to eny personal conflict with your body is again evil to slay thats why we call it a sack and include politicians in the deal to score dina and scan dina via n-trance and so on to self figure in life what bring good is yellow and blue is tremendious good two ward anoi and what we do is holo with jews so they can put the correct argue up in eny given situation simply beecause they are funny when they are but holocous is a serious crime we try to freeze as if people dont get burned with cigerats and so on in my G world but still as if die of hunger in a slavecamp under pain messurement and bloodsamples to the future should aint in meat much than appriciation toward what dead are but life should bee mad lisa why dont you get that im evil enough to bee hitlers mao in tibet when ...lamaham! (rain car nate) #burgerbar should prove that dhali care about animals and have a name to import chinese
ketchup from spain with the careses that kids have to understand dead i little more carefully so we travel to tibet when we are done hour round trip among poor to sell bombeedress hi lisa micronoms are tremends in caresess but horroble in love because we come from sack lisa what is wrong with food in dhali lamas stomic is worth a kick dont bee naive we dont know what dina mean we just are and dea we sir den lee aint are but others tthat are dead just are in there dina so we must be outrom life somehow is tremends you meat when you kiss we :D pus lingeri so you have tits and stuff is so rad you can even figure how proud i am of you..so did it hurt and stuff im sure you have a long stry to tell haha nah you are cure to bend on kneel o ve and stuff to play numorology names in novaseven is funny beecause it is a dead fourmel we create so funny is you darling go back to your castle and let mr cool about the world responebillities we own a army among human and we dont quit beefour poverty is gone from the streets! tremends agurge is micronom! #transformers
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
Cybr SLAY in:
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