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...c u b e! #Qbee
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Monday, May 14, 2018
...bombee camping! #swag
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so bombee camping is where we have a new kind of cemetary where people can recieve a dead wich to sit up against a tree would be a salute we meet them in.. sick but tired of all these rules when it is about birds suposely stay away from death then we have wolfs is another thing a fecnce would do better than just sit up against a tree or lie on a bench would bee bombee cam ping pong to witness what plant can do with sick halocination on hour own cementary where it is allowed to bee dead. so the idea about bombee camping started with the acknowledgment that bumbs dont have a place to "hide" and a place where they can bee free without eny attachment to the system in says and prognosed way then they need a place to die like everyone else a life in fun where cam ping pong would bee a pleasure to install live cams in each shelter so everybody can see what is going on 24/7 and a secure against rob and stuff from outfrom center bombee camping is intiliverse against drugs but it is a personal responsebillities to be in nature (true nature) the nwe have these plant nearby witch could remind you about that nature is free (and evil) lisa it i simportan tto die how you want to and no ones responsebillity how to overrule anothers existence, so a cemetary where peopl ewill be left alone when they are dead sittin gin positions against a tree or in qualified bar with little coloured light turned on all day scar yas hell to trip around in hour cemetary witch will cost dime to visit (on drugs or simi) enyways beecause death have a right two you know and it is aint imbicil it is truth an dnature provise us with skill to capish? so a little shag from the 60' is on and idea i spronosed as wild and wicked or how you would spell right to die alive bombee cam ping pong is survilenced bombee camping, to prove evil wrong from @bombeenation production: ...hour own cemetary! neat lisa is aint in that a right to figh tfour to live in nature fourever happy fucking funeral with you castles newb! allowed to bee death in fourever nature and scary as hell to visit on hallocination medica to realize lisa what is life worth without realisa!? :)
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
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