...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
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Monday, April 9, 2018
...like bee ing Denmark! #utopi
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so funny you are to read my text and dont answer i offcause love to write to you but serious thins happens beecause of you inclueding holocaoust results witch is why i visit shrink to study medicare influence, see im in the openion (in my own is sir den lisa) that doctors under worldwar2 have knowledge abou human from the big sploit an d would save it to later and later is now beecause some liberelists belive in the blue eyes as if great mighty aryan still exist they are offcause dead and gone but sick to live in scan dina via n when you beelong in the states it simpoly is cute and fun but i really want to work hard and have my own income, so i give it a wreslte in this country and call it upgrade so my tone get fullfilles with go loud an clear trough like a soldier on a mission but they in Denmark seems to have forgot that unemployed self leaned students still work on findeing a job and have the right to a opinion to instead of reading eachothers background then it aint allways about being polite it is also about express yourself from the heart like as if hitler did the big sploit it is simply just as fucked as belive in devil but still prove me wrong lisa i will explain holocaoust as if(how to get rid of human) it is a good one and leads to alien fare come and visit me so you can figure also beecause it hurt to reveal those writing in the beginning beecause you cracked my sound open dumb israilen so im jew and they ba ain israiliens you know god says so li sa and you lie when you call youself that btw i started a come pit like a fourmela 1 scarace lols should bee about me instead of you.. so you can relate to the consequense of autism take things literally on the web it just deneil the fact that you want to be on come pit to race is on me among alien to win but they dont know you other options when you have it in mind and they retreave from cyberspace trough human eyes (like animals do) so i choose to you your autism is a comitment i swear i like to war so noone win you but the comepit is open and you have to live in a deneild (with burka lisa) beecouse you have a dumb shine but still we call it ninja then and that is privacy what muslim own that im a man and you shine like that you should die four wirting on my wall when i was a secret like that lisa and just there so you voided my wall to invite to come pit wasnt my first impression about come pit but your borrowed video about happy valentine from hell really contrast where MY video beelongs (i am in hell and that is my destination) it is about good meats evil in mind set and what respects hows to be to lead criminels you of trouble so my familly have a cop gene im proud of sort of aint when it is hurt to have that skill without enyone reconice so i had my rebellion deniel the fact and did a little credit card scam was simply part of learning cruise around schools to learn webz offcause it is my hobby and there it stays, beecause i cant work on the same subject all life so i topic different study (or did) alot and dragon is my confirm to all thosae school lesson s see you can hav ea life exam if you are to shy to meat th epuplic luckylisa netur also have a plan four life an dthat include school to hows work lisa you president demans work while you having a good time by your self money is really aint allowed according t ogod then we are only allowed to recieve gift from nature as if a hen leave its egg and similair it is quite logick that everything are when you meet god and what meat lisa you are just a lie on th e webz that dont want love so prove you disgusting exestince or die...and what body should i find to make that happen i beecame yyou when i saw you and that is beecause i own you domb woman without and hareart to contrast with i hope you die four your prank supi d little holo trash go live with it didi! #sex
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
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