...so i am in thin king about a track list witch should result in some songs to finally may king a album of music! it apears to bee contra revolutionary, lolz! but saywing thing as a memory online and believe that everything serves the higher beeings as a problem sunwing witch beelong to vampires as a matter of faith that it is live we all in, also when we leave hour body! but let it beecalm pure blizz of heart where king parents in this todays world where copyculture is a matter of moral in adabtence of eachothers skill book, where we all have a mailbox to figure what in life we have encounted as attractive emotions, also we have a card play witch serve difference in more symphaty in feelingerie
neutron bombardment
conciousness connection
maiden menace
detonated identification
heart work
black diamond
a muse ing
eye tea
bye bell
backward order
now im into attract the best from the universe to in may king the tones into concrete tekst so it suit u'n'i verse with tones also, but it is part of hour history book witch call for new life, and new life is what love as dead struggle delivers to dreams and other listeners in this space of bobble we live in
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so devilingeri is the new hotspot of arrogance with design as if devil in lingerie scores...but it is a spell that works, lolz! so my re-legion is called hard work witch make the inspire to heart as hard in where king since the bible according to my memory does aint in mention work, but alot of freedom with no income as hard work is a success about strengt and faith as angle is faith then human effort is what we serve with all in as life is now and fourever..when where king is a working as fourking examples it self on the web, lolz! now with a work ing is as example angel with satangel in mented, then we spell with this socialfabet of human and beeoynd to create programing dynasty as novase is supose novaseven as a skytche as reaper is a in naming die nasty to saywing life as a halocination with el atom and gravity the it is a lot of robots we create, as kairobot is example to own with conciusness working and connecting life to working stars witch is a comepair to past as where king simulates gsis witch crysting as beecalm enter fear to accept everything as life and goes online as with re sting is known to hunt nazis in a beecalm with foilhat with this civilized orginisation as nation with al flag here on earth to own them with fair insight and monay in sight is bombeenation the solve as national conservative respect inteligant design then we delive just that, sweet one on e ;) so let us do a mooh wing toward feelingerie as inalm is respect on street level..calm on sweet novase i grow up on the streets so no hurry flurry im a guardianders as work is ing, witch is the happy end of nature and let us calebrate with never ending party and toesdead cheers all ways until alltime is
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so to keep a chi is relevant with keyping pong, so when do a chi gets delivered to your victim? according dong to telepathy and laws of attraction then it is with time, lolz! so keeping is a heart value from hell as i serve with slave condition among human, and that is my strengt, right there smoothie lisanova i i want to suck your skin as a vase recomends allignment with the point that you are a bloodbag, so simple but novase constitute that it is a no with lickning, lolz! but novaseven is as see friend mayking choices as these blogposts calm from allah trough the all seeing eye, witch is aint the heart unless, pure dracula definition to search for a body with ass beeting heart a a blood pulse is attractive. but since i god my word of say and allah supports success storys to carry humanity in pure share trough the air as energy makes the matter and sunwing the winding dong as well as a farting is social but a tabu to share with others is why i rescpect your farting as a little angle with humor but it is evil to enter taining as it is very much alive, lolz! as if formular it is just a believe but still pictures the idea that the war to win digital is nonsense when it is all about truth, lolz! so it bee long to kidning poetry as pedophile is a concerned truth to handle as i once created a virus to distrupt on the intetnet and fuck the computer if it found child porn...lolz! so human can beecalm robots aswell it is actual very simple to make them follow comand, lol as if, but still i want to success in life and with you on a fellowship on the rage to cure humanty from rott and hell, will slayer is a independent individual witch i in me is very powerfull to root devil in human as i in me confirm a better life and they can see the point in trouble free life is a rule to consider selfesteam should aint in bee calm a tabu but a trivial hang out reason...i like to hang out and allsways did that since high scool, but see whom success any ways ;o) so as you concern a filter to negativity to dissapear from sphaer of life and beeoynd exestince is the fact that i can create everything in dead witch is a deserve since i deal my way trough life untill all people a free from need of foilhat, but i sincerily believe that i won you as you shoul know that im god and havew nothing to do with angels as they stan on a platform of surender as suicide is a very powerfull tool to destroy devil, but it wont bee necesary as im a transformer with skill of god it doesnt matter who you are than human is everything that matters trough sympathy and love to transform energy and change its value is a comepit fourmal to integrate in humans life as i zoom in on microbiologi as dreams is just that then i want to deserve a kiss from you and four ever inclute you in my life little war angel, whel it IS sexy to my when life suffer from inzomia aswell as just fighting on bee calm good in ruling life toward paradice is a job four 2...us two..go ahead and deserve a kiss would make sence as nonsense reallity is that we only have one life to succeess and program eternity as heaven is relative to success the human dont possess the choice of award them with eny form of paradice since they in spirit is dead and cant cure fallen angels is example of greed since it is simple to re-life everything as pain and suffer is life according to god, well, but it is relative to consume as evil is among us to do skills toward ownage in reallyty that i love beeing in pain and suffer as i say, pain beefour gain, as painwar is a punk...pink punk as relative comitter of suicide...i found a way to say dead is a fourmal to success since it is illigal then im a criminal in life a hero to dead since the rulez a esea to follow...is it esea to break the rulez? no it is love and allways do alltime init, lolz
dev i lingeri! #clinux
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so lisailluminatia is in deed sailingeri as in let usanders say ling eri are a ra spoon witn iranianders as raining goes cleopatrain ing on is rail, as the name is in deed the farao from egypt that throwed israilens with moses out to walk in the dessert...the translayted word "is" is in mean ing "ice" in danish, so what is your biggest wich in this world l ice a buy den or bye den will biden eneted detonated identification as vice beecause communism is something you vote on, aint something you can beecome with junkievil in mind as close to a believe in most possible accation to life as a right is to bee calm the girl in my dreaming so novase symbolice that i in me drunk it all, lolz! blood r ice to royal as blue goes cold when we say that life is aint hour body, then we must reclaim herachy in different ways as we all works in this puzzle in the bigger view of life as the eye possess the skill but we are all part of gods plan, we just have to figure, why negative is the opposit of possitive but together creates el is a we as with elet suit let with silent e and further on to leet tele, as a programing dynasty releases together as sir den lisa and det sir wing goes trough the atmosfaere and sack to wn life here on planet earth lisa, it is import ant, lolz! but stil a very relevant to just call all this re legion hard work and supose the trigger is analfabet as socialfabet is the motivation in skillz toward life as a direction of say in letters as sending dong fail in accknowdledge...simply beecause there is more than one oppenion involved as sunwing is a bee long to dracula witch think in flavour! #eyetea
...so hømø lisapi have as humanders a transformer to collect energy tools or spiritual creations, ment for life to get lifted burden, bird en is sir den lisa a little doll to have in go ing on as ingland is cute and they all hugz and is happy, why? beecause det sir wing falled in love with lisa wing #lisavenusning is in essence a beginner to universal companionship or a friend ship loaded with gold and a hornymuse as gallion! you know im just typing in what involves a interesting sunwing as slaywing is root in dynature with cryming dynasty as a serial towards google m apps a key word, alligned with acid in numorology as ciaid l i o is ø and using song a gain l i o leads to atom talk...l in o is translayted word and makes a half eye in each sir den lisa and det sir wing is 2 angels as ing translayted into this history of c mine dead is angels and white, see dracula thinks in flavor beecause they is sunwing as they think, no evil in that but slayer is made of minded #eyetea as slaywing is the con sequense of "biden" bite en is translayted into life with donald duck as anders and is donald trumpet with fourking years of service to biten ones as we calebrate that having a oppenion is a simple transfourmning with arguments as words is relative to a freeworld where enything can happens with mooning as aswell...
...so LisaNova seed et, is a comeon to spread me et as meet en seedet around in real life, i really want to invite you to this great love life of mine where everything is allowed as a skill to follow my magnet as a u'n'i dance around and life in the total space awareness of what i in me have computed as life is in to beecome accepted among human, and trust me..god dont lead, god define what is worth saving from this big slay of it...witch is more likelisa a capture to uni is a school of what human really wants and is about according to answer as life gets promoted in doses from it, lolz, but i can only learn what life is and dont bother with stuff i in me dont attract as below elite in hymn of thought creation skillz as beecoming love in die nasty doses from the digital world with el spoon and life is if god exists, witch god does, just aint in the universe but outside big bang where hes labroatory is basicly based on hes life reconisions inside the universe, as in: everything outside the universe is god and devil only lives on planetets as in empty space is hellfree, like god use devil to reconice and limmit block in what decidented life is allowed to explore as human leads hour future under sharp supervilince from god as definition we do is airborn and telepathetic tac toes play with devil as numorology and energy is my domain in life as det sir wing is flying with sir den lisa and this army of teddybears witch all follows the etiquette as "does goes with using song" untill fame is a concrete subject of bombeenations motivation as life handle evil is a ballance with style in mented and with a good dose of hard work as heart works is relative to stretch into wake up in personal space matters as sounds in the universe is fake and only there to create believes in see like planets with life on as girl planets spin to the left and boy planets spin to the right is just that, but the universe is basicly a hoax and onl exists in see from earth and noone will ever find life else where, only in dead where everything is relatice and possible a mented 2 number as trix dont exists dead then we must consider that dead is the answer if you are a scientist or just love to see and offcause there dont exists sex in dead as it is used to have babys according to hour instincts and need then it sounds like a dream since i hate sex, and i want to meet you well known that change opinion is possible as long as it is love, witch i doubt sex is for me, more like a primitive need for experience dead as el spoons hour stomic then i killed my orgasm so i dont longer create sperm when i orgasm, i did it with time as i foursighted my come in details and snapped the energy it created with influence from cleopatra as human seems ridiculous when they practice sex nothing but fun is me, and im deadly serious
... so as don o van do not vanish then we could combine forces for you to do maiden service as vanish should bee a brand you are famillized with, so down on you knees and i is in may king have some dirty mind to vanish as snail polish is in seeing goes down with it, lolz
so as a familly member with god should in may king singulare hot and staiways to heaven but it all happens in dreams and aliens cant answer unless you guess correct, but guessing is hard work as a bet to synchrone with so we just play with life witch i create when i in me listen to music and share with you and god lisa novas maidenservice will get time to relax as
im aint in a dirty minedead person, sex is innocent and cute as intim covers the words of entain hug eville..
So as go with hiroglyph in faraos pyramids is to let rewheel spin the shit and a jackpot machine translayted as everything dances and your own emotions called life do the chosinged song like spirituallity have some thing to serve you with as det sir wing totally wants to hook
you up little mented as in cleopatrace mented, let
tabu bee money and buts mented c e as concrete goes
cemented let life chose for you when you see a spinning wheel as jackpot gets chosed as a bet from your spiritual guide witch should using your heart and a REmember as you in my hood calibrate me et with el as time synhcrones goes leet and elspoon is in it with translayted word witch in DENmark is in meaninged love and elforrest is with translayted the say for sexact
...so a re member is united in senile as cybr c nile welcomes the web we create to remember cleopatra as ted is the outcome of hug a devil day lisa tan is skinbags nonsense of correct messuremented algoritme in propose to the higher spirits that surround us..so lisanova senile as in lisanovase nile REmember in the excluesive order of faraos...now with the dead web witch we serve trough and allow criminals to bet on security messurements as a case is to keep it tight and close to safe lisanova see ding dong as we d in the cryming nile to bee blessed with seeds as the wind comes around and creates life where it blows, lolz! so rain goes to cryming and swipe mental decises from life and straight into dina as global intranet shares gifts of
life toward equallity in peoples mind and heart
as we all have a obligation in this short age civilization human live in to in may king a better life for hour next ones, as we all in e as a puzzle when we in spoon beecomes one on e as time goes by...in bedre witch is in mea ning better an is e sea as meanders closes the gabs in Allahs creation witch we all enjoy to the fuldest when there in state of minedead as united goes usanders with scifire in rajming dynasty into psyfire with cleopatrance so criminal-minded.dk is a smart function we have in bombeenation to include
to hour domain of solve human kind with text as letters
popz up when first impression is the point as in write down to you because you are ri as in riming dynasty where it is all about you, lolz as ri ra re synchrone a as e in spelled sound prognose
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan ...so i found a key in this puzzle of the alphabet designed to take over the world with the webz using spell from god as important in categorized letters is used to make points with higher class of awareness and is calculated in order from god trough the eye, then i must say that we god etiqiette witch is solved in blind as it suits first impression...so im god and get it, lolz!
So bee it and let us evolve together as higher beeings define hour life when we spoon E!
“let” is in mean ing “e sea” with translayted but to in may king a oath as “ed” gives “leet d” as “e let ed” give us room four more play with eden like spell is a hostage as in me_et... let us meet, let it bee with et as aliens lifeessense are to transfer around in the universe to let it spred and adabt, lolz and if h aware then in dreaming as novase is hour icon!! the key is tabusted as it is tabu on long ed as distance is oath in this relation ship i try to build four we to have a long distance relationship, enyways the tabu is the key to stop judge and let have some fun, everything is free so let et bee and it gives resultat from cyberspace as e is miss ing.
E tel let as in et phone home is a secret Lisa as in e sea gives you the piece of cake that you need to learn why tabu goes to cryming and die nasty is a say untill Cleopatra does the serve ant to please hour takeover with import ant noted!
det is ted in a mirror witch is in clue ted in this spell of life (gods import ant spell )
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so lisanovas wedding goes e with weed ding dong from novase to ee is see in bombee dress design TM, and that is fourmal i like to gain with cryming dynasty, so die nasty is in your reputuar to crime is away from your sight? :D i dont think so, beecause you will sense the charm of freedom as a gangster! i know that it is forbidden knowledge we share as info to lead hour own life, allways possitive is me, and i love to struggle to get into reality as if: pro why dead? simple because life is important to serve as love makes dead struggle in a charm of bliss donw your spine, come on lisa lets do it, lolz "duet" do et as a matter of life beeoynd dead aswell turné, as in turn e as baby cryminged novase :D
so what are you litle ming? a plate a statuette it is sir den lisa time to be admired as a love affair witch include the best from dead and arround
so what do you say about to take advantegde of the internationalitation and digital in the same bowl and make me a visit? i really dont have enything to write so i created a story with the main elements as solve believe as aliens and devil to make it about hitler and get rid of god as if he could do that without digital as life form...so digital has allways followed god and god didnt choose to create life but life is part of him...we own big bang though and avoid suns for god sake it lies and creates hell on earth, but devil is you is matter of cheat life lisa, that is aint art that is criminal, that is why i give you my hounesty becoude you beelong with me, either way then dead is a diesent person witch never define wrong because it is all about dead everywhere, lolz
so bee it and solve truth in these texts, it is real experiences but not important, i dont do drugs unless you wanna make into a social deal...and im not into murder nazism, it is just a weath dream of mine, and i call you a skizo is a bee cause you live in your head...i still mean it, lolz but you can do better im sir den lee on that and that is to bee calm real in fact as matter of love you inhale...i call it sci-fire, lolz...it is just believe and that makes god ok? lolz...psyfire as as dragons make sleepy info in hell, it is time to sleep, lolz...go ahead and solve but birds do talk to me and that proves god, somehow then they have allways talked to god, and they have to learn that human are good life, so why dont you prove it, lolz...you will reconice bird talk bee cause it is you they talk to, lolz..as a clone i in me created with believe trough cyberspace
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so i wanted you in "the dead webz" but i own you lisa, and you will realize it, lolz...but still it is all about dead, lolz...and the balloons include porn as a trick to want freedom, is what we have to live with since we beefed pennywize as it, lolz...but every movie is a live and is so fucking awsam the reconize that we won life as it goes to holywood, lolz...remember to do the robodance, ill dare you to contact me and believe me, im just as shy as you, but it is in this life...my raincar is is whom throw jews out with moses, so it is quite a challenge to own dead in general, beecause they attack life, and everything is telepathetic tac toe as airbourn, i get im shy and you shall die, in this mega why kinged oath as nature is hour true leader as dragon is black and black is the colour of everything and love as well, everything is black googlebot!!! :D sorry lisa but i just love to write you but digital creates life out of motions in televisions and sound is devine with no roots, we are dead!!! haha that is gay but it is aint in allowed to war in space that is synonym with allah, and privacy but we had to exclude life as a nessesary so go figure why things will went peace on day is also because we play card, remember that, everything search when us humans communicate with eachother, the closest symphaty will allways bee hour thought recomended from god, and that is what dead struggle, but dead, gsis crysting are inte re sting so life is good and i dont really do drugs, but you have waved me in extacy, and that is why i call you a junkie, i believe corona is mdma as human can manipulate everything to airbourn and human copy eachother to bee the same, i mean homo sapiens do dat :P
so bee it, and allow love to happen, i just let go of my anger since you dont want that, but i totally live with that you dont replay, beecause i know you love me, love is very strong as energy is humanders
im just hounest and i dont want you to die with me, as you can see then we are like twins, ying and yang to rotate everything in hour nearby as spell program life with western symbolism as devilISangel and that is me, right there in the middle of devil angel so we try to make peace and hour inherit is the name cleopatra will rock your world with takeover in peasefull manérs and relate to truth, so cleopatra is a title and explain the letter E in this huge spell comepit life is, and cli ve den is arranged to live in hell with a sun as lifeguard to dont bee infected by devil, but you are evil lisa, and a devil, that exact devil witch conquar as a pirate with a score to share...but there are many hells and thats a fact but you are devil as you follow me and im god...really simple to understand in word of advanced but you also have to realize that we forbid slay in hell beecause it isyour dead we program, but slayer of all evil is aint in free choice it is just what happens when you can see truth human and have a upperhand called selfprogrammed life i carry, just for you and cleaopatra, so welcome to the cirkle of life where good is relative as ying and yang supose is god and devil in word of say then nothing matters, but im really want you to be secure novasecure so i program with god trough the eye as first impression then you godda have a heart aswell, why do you live in your head lisa, that is aint in where love hurts, little wuz :D