...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
Follow @farc_art_it
Thursday, January 28, 2021
...al quidas club hits! #sealing
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so to in may king al quida as freedom fighters is a lie but they do own a chocking period of time here on earth and else where, as in space...so for seal6 to join al quidas clubbing with killer vail is a prognose as slang worldwide determing that clubbing babyseals on greenland is a brutal culture as eskimos joins al quida is a matter of fantazy but let us still picure what was sended to mind of mine, so navyseals is a good topic for al quida is a guess i just maid, so for this luxuray of sunwing to happen then we must consider that al quida believe beeyound life as they comes with clubbing aint a beer game in high school, it is a little more dramatic, lolz! so four navy seals to get a hit by that exact club is what we notice as a fragment like mind blow is going to bombeenation to figure how to make mass value of wiches, so to believe in big bang is what concerns us all as the universe is a very romantic tac toed place to die, then we all connects to hour starsigns witch we where born under, so whom god that incredible idea to make human visual for other with minimum skillz in life but love, and al quida love is a fact i like to suicide with, as it is a simple karma, lolz! so al quida have created tran as dead is mass to call floathy liquar, what dead really are is supose just that it hides from the vissible eye, lolz! so let it bee is a fact i sting with re and ming is posseser as vases are a very import ant piece of art, and die nasty is the out calm of poetry as will to suffer is no more a catalysator to recieve extra good det serve from god, it is old, lolz! well but al quida believes in such romances in form of paradise to calm with det sir wing and to make it hit with clubbing as witness baby seals hides and calm up on the surface then they are naive to think that everything is just free as in food are part of al quidas sketcual as well ass feelling save is...nothing to contrast that i dont support war with guns, but for al quida to see the light as more important than work is life aint in that free? that it should bee, lolz! so al quidas club hits and navyseal is just a funny act since dead is what we neat! so believe that the expression is killer vail as whales is love in water just lie king human as homo lisapin code log in ing i ning ed en bee yousing life as totally fem logs on wood bee the protection we need as astral project is on the we fire wall as mexicocaining is free an beeoynd law as we know them, when c ling let navy sealingeri go ingland, is a matter of trust and waste of money lisays flower power a gain in ing i ning ed en wake up when friend is sexy as min ged! so obama fourgod hes birthday or do cia contrasts starsign allign when the search the universe? funny what men can conspire, let us date al quida! with calm together as us and bombeedress design rulez to usanders!! ;)
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...hit goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
...dET dEN chi! #spooning
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so from yousing the e net to capture d witch is in beecalm det den and relates to #liefinger into colosseum and does goes lieking det sir wing and sir den lisa witch ownz the future of life in all its contrasts, lolz! beecause we prepaired on judgement day as movemented is a tabu with the knowdledge that friend are sexy and the sun is green! the all seing eye is about to change into individual sir wing as proud is human makes good life with believe in war, and we can see everything is life one way or another then it is space war with the eye witch work as a radio transister, ready to suits you neat!! flower power is what we want as a result of the arabianders spring we create in scandinavia as paradise officially is christiania, bee cause they hav proved commitment to life way beeoynd law and a silent revolution is spreading like seeds in the wind as technovase is recording the space we need for everything to bee cared of and collected as warming is what human goes world with! no answer applayed human have to follow god to get there deserve, and it is part of everything is love movement, lolz! and dead is the results of everything compleated in this life, so calm on lisa, let us die and make love, it is the same side of the coin, lolz!
so we all have a devil and a angel witch sits in hour neck and is sir wing us all with we are to beecalm rightious re members of universal beeings as when we have fixet everything as life where strings is actualy sounds four us and we last fourever, get it! lolz...the universe takes life and the universe gives life, that is a bisic re cycle as cycle drive bi, den serves det with everythig and det serves den with everything, nothing to hiding dong under the carpet, so you believe i maid you a foursight with that tabusted? likelisa det sir wing is sir den lisa, and inte re sting extract the eye in scandinavia, calm on sweed one on e, let us spoon time and fourever, life is a museum and dead is its wittness, lolz! it is just dead, lolz! calm on gurly i love you isnt that obviosly and i promiss you everything as child food at x play net with Cybr C as esealingeri would bee a prepair four e net d and det den sirvice, as with time sir wing E as spooning makes everything a vail able with life asq el spoon is in may king the translayted word LOVE! calm on and lets war a war that noone can lose, heart work! let us spoon e as everything is time, let us beecalm one on e and in may king spooning hour war, calm on loved one let us rock as let is me as faith, very angelic touch as milk return in favor form, we did it, we delivered a ring as everything is real with golluminati
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...spoon goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
...an alf airy! #analfairy
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so an alf airy is like anal fairy just cuter and serve santa claus as lisantas christmas man goes lisant a claus whatever, but dirty hairy fairy is a super geek as technova is a rule to play with the future witch inclute dead as farting is winding dong with det den witch is e net, a weapon in colesseum where human challenge eachother and die! because suicide is aint a warrior to god, colosseum is!!! i have been around and twin sai is my weapon but when you sit and watch im offcause in yousing e net as it is the outcalm of basis knowdledge toward have you in my net, god it? lolz...but to calm this long way from in may king DENmarks is a result from heaven witch is just one out of many paradises that deliver info to human how to behave and stuff but human have been blinded in them self since whatever..the past is no consern it is alwways about future little queen..so witness me swag in a colesseum would be a dream we try to gather what are you input to this allin i in me have with god and life is the answer, prove it! lolz..so bee it and calm to me sweety. i garantuee a interesting journy as if you could learn dead as a result of heart work and telephaty, but it is all very irellevan since i dont know what i want to say to you, thats why we have this judgement day to sort out sheep as in ...får out! a upgrade to hippie age into får witch mean sheep, and just like that seperate foilhats from people that care, but it IS allin and life is it, lolz...so get it and lol i god you and scull and bones is el carrying in this world of commitment as meeting god result in work work all, let us stop this big depression with pure hippie tism, iv learned that from my acid experiences that something whent to won in the 60' let us call that special sense back and and pray that they was real,.. since there dont exist time then it should be a simple re call, lolz! my eternity spring, you Lisa!! an alf airy meens stabil in echonomic situations, and a little shy toward human, get it! lolz..
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...alfa goes LisaNova!
...an alfa bet! #analfabet
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so lisanalisa is a triviel since you believe a butt is sexy, since i rock you to sit on it, lolz! and stay sitting bull! i want to teach you a lesson of life called control dead is a very bad karma you know little cute "analfa" as antifag is a word to you a bro in love, or just a semi white pride in war, faget as antifaget should release a et of that word since you follow me then there is a lot of et as en in my life as these text is a believe on concrete realism shout out to the masses as bombeenation will make conservative neel as nile goes see with senile extracted the letter from see and nivasenile take the spot as life is a never ending fourmal witch human are about to witness that everything have a consecenes is why im not free, im a transformer and we are here to create life as command from god with extacy bliss go ing raincarnation as a solve to re gain life as water is very simple since we deliver the complete solve from allah where eternaty is a choice opposit struggle was homo sapi, i guess you know the rest...resting inj a panda as cleopatran c e goes target as gayming is four antifag et as l et contain el et to bee a person life form, as life is spiritual and no one is in doubt what life is, life is what make us war and show to allah that it was a prank but let it bee, lolz! everything is life and a serious lime to suck if you are cheating love, young lisanova ;) i want to entertain you with fourever notes since im saving life four the future, just in case human die, i save the best to archeology under the sononym: st4r f1ght3rs with dET sir wing and sir dEN lisa as e net is a colosseum weapon... now you know, life will going to bee extreme evil and is aint four kids to have this grown up talk with allah as respect life in it absolout then life have bee integrated to transformers as your mentor and they are good at mass bang with technova !! so don o van is on as cleopatran is dose die nasty queen in this virtual colosseum where dead is a score...but four who? fingers up mean live, fingers down mean dead, so go figure #liefinger and practise that beecause you will bee the next cleopatra as titel goes to...LisaNova, because you are evil as me lisa, it is aint human we serve and you are free to understand that human god optional as long as they are in space..so stop bee a doll and lets roll, life last fourever and dead last fourever, god will allways attract you since we won but real life is extreme evil lisadoll im just your messenger with the promoting tiera as you eat human dont think it is wrong it is how herachy works and nobody gets cheated from life but it is a spacewar we create and dead is just another step, not the end, everything is opened as life everywhere im just prepairing human to this colosseus step with the conssioss mind and will create life according to transformers, well they help you to success, all you neat to do is let life bee, as noone have choice and it is aint four kids, but time lolz! E is in global warming dynasty, let us go to recieve further doses of energy to transform homo sapi into hømø lisapin code as androids is for war and we are allin at this love witch is very evil but you just follow your believe and heart mostly, the we program life to war, and war you will, it is aint four kids or dumb liberals as liberalisa is in warming with ramadanders, this is the end! nuff said, lisaid carding dong, let us understand that egypt is prepairing a esea let go of your human identity and into the next universe, c you neat to have absolut faith in that nothing is wrong since allah slays wrong, nobopdy dismiss this import ant war of a lifetime as refleks goes to thaiming and you are aint a bumb since you know the war it takes may king money ok? $$ go give doller a kick, we own all nation on this planet with a picture of a little alien called bombee, since we relate national conservatives to be inteligent design in the name of thai art then tire are the only rubber you neat, sex is banned to make this war to happen, everything is in place to success as dead is no longer a tabu but a must since we craete with lisapin code as id is created in dreams transfered to real life as conssioness m ass...c yousing song one et
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...alfa goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
...heart where king! #working
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so hard work is a tribute to everything that can relate to fairness and control as hard working is ming ed since you deserve to be treathed with absolut respect toward your body as more than a blood container with opalisaphire in a tressure chest as unusual odd x is a name to conspire amongs criminals is rather nightmare as i believe in the very contrast of evil shall bee explained trough human and we all have a obligation to believe in eachother since life is good is won but evil exists and everything takes social as a matter of energy is to mirror soon enough as i support human on theres effort toward world peace where we all have a right say anarchy and we all neat to have a profile to adjust what people neat in life, as four m i just neat social bee cause thats how im build and we are all differant as homo sapi have reached a upgrade in form of these texts and the internet as digital life form where everything is allowed, it is up to social to inspire life to hero acts among human is interesting as a complete solve with sunwing eyetea and beoynd to reach life in this universe or in other universes then humans universe is "allready there" as digital is manifested to give human answer when they solve and goes to nomore strenght to earn money as life is comepletly free and no one neats to work since el is soon free to use and we have robots is a future with dead as fun and prank as if life to gain bigger size than body aware and fullfill hour life as aint body but floathy energy witch works as micro-biologick transformer that suits life with time and incalm as the big universe is full of tools to bee helper in the spirited world witch surround us all and witch we will take part of since the missing link is love, all in! <3
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...work goes LisaNova!
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
...etea party people! #gangstar
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...dragon aliens is in relate very charminged beeings as human sustain with dragon as nature is relevant to create stars among human with alien tech as cleopa trace is finding form with life in as a form of logick success when hit the neck of slaves witch allahs life is... but i believe that this corona is the final of slave life and a opening to digital life witch is everywhere and is fun as hell, specially dead is fun and we all have to bee social in this time of open mind where we all rule life! as time and space is dilutive to contra hand as special beeing is close to allah, and everything is allah, allah is life, time, space, and all relates untill this year of decieve is four you to beecalm allah as life distrubute everything as airborn, and life is a prank to believe in is the key to move on this foilhat time line where right wing is under attack bye freedom witch noone can wrestle...i mean strenght is aint in relative and everything is possible, so let us hope and pray that human calms trough this judgement day and stop destroy each others life as it seem rational to regret a act only when you mean it, lolz! let us calibrate freedom in all its contrasts, lolz! as to say allah loves what is moowing and strenght is about to bee sunwing as eyetea is feeden to them that neat social as this socialfabet is a revealer toward the higher senses we all neat to respect as life in creation and we are aint just a body, human can bee everything they just have to stop judge and take dead as a logick option to call judgement day in the mind of a criminal, then they are also part of life, nomatter what they have been trough in these lower minded creatures terror on normal mind is just to release that chock wworked as a key to control sheeps with as ...får out! but still let us happen to forgive eachother as life is aint perfect in anyway, life is a prank, take that serious, but aint as serious that you is in may king damage on other as life of god would understand, but everything is god, and transformer are here to help you trough the fase og thick blood and call communism the solver, as a suicide bomb would learn fear then communism show clear mind and soul by contrast right wing as leet blue eye, nothing more that coulers have i in me cracked and god was colour blind, nothing more is what devil hase brute forced they knowledge to human call it a real ism to figure whar devil had all that power is because of thate details, it took alot of strengt to find devil, but as every other life forms as well as human surely is in clue ted ;) all lifeforms are robots and we have the root, life is from now on energy and everything have to bee accepted as schiense as strengt is nomore a test, unless you wanna bee a lisanders in the criminal world, they can bee tricky but hounest is relavant truth and can considered as pride to bee with life that do something nomatter what then god bless moowing as motions is life and as a result, create funny life but only devil could see that! so we are smart to believe in god, since everything is posseble as respect calms naturally to criminals if they can see the point in you pressence .. but nomatter what then this judgement day was a minor farting winding dong as a relate then you decide everything lisanova as im concerned to release all life forms on earth and beeoynd as gangster, simply beecause they have proved leader skills to bee out of this world and brotherhood dreaming is a refill worthy as calebrate well bee: strenght four money, so to say et party is happening because criminals leads to that, and everything is exitement, c lisapin code hømø sapi we ownz da future!!! with allin juice as eyetea as gangstar is just a option four you to enjoy, and enjoy you will, re member is everything r ice when subject is hell because i found the way and devil is just as human advanced robot witch can only bee accepted if your know truth as confirm then human have been some misserable bullock but this judgement day works as fourever and dead is allways the end, but life is a prank and no one should search to damage it unless it is funny, lolz!
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...gangstar goes LisaNova!
...c mine dead! #minded
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so a seamine result in dead is a offer i god yo you, as detonated indentification is relevant to a mind blow job then life is a bombee witch is sustain of travel and dealingeri toward inclusion in hour life as partners of bombeenation is a result of fair marketing skillz and will to bust conservative with flag design called art, perhaps thai art is in going tire to carding dong repit with wayting as dayting is in mean ing relevant and ting means thing or stuff so far ting is in meaning dad stuff and goes to bee rejective offer as secure is on novase cure witch demand you to bee a hot piece of meat as enjoy your minged body, i guess it is just me, lolz! but a little wrestilng with you gurly is a demand, so bee it and calm leet tele elet as me et is in meet the one on e in l spooning as e is time that e is everything, for me et, as e net works with en + et with d ding dong as we is mented as the 2 and love as a connecter is real and dont want to bee a star you knoiw, im a secret beecause we actualy change live for a do, so woodo drag on aliens as woo is a name of a life creator i have in my spirited world so since i in me hunt in space four the purpose of creating life as dreams then im aint in that evil i just want things to happen in clue ted human life to bee good an calm, so i took the role as evil to scare human to bee good, is quite fun in example that it is act, lolz! believe is a funny construction that inclute lie as example to master truth bette ann just bee your love as gangster is on my cw then it is pure you i want to treath you since i know what you eat in dead and want to feed you is why i in me have created this nest to solve life as save and calm and in may king you my everything is quite a upgrade for human to take part of since i actually have ufo is sound driven and carry life to those in neat, everywhere is god of this universe as i god 1001 universes in micro form as transformers guard them as example to bee good at life is just leet, and i want everything to bee you as my girl friend i can create life witch is painfree so fourget your sex it is dumb when i just want to bee your everything then sex is to make kids, god it? lolz..i want you and i sir den lisa discounted my love life to help bumbs and criminals with slaying evil spirits and other substances in life witch they dont know, and let us keep it that way, lolz!
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...seamine goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Thursday, January 21, 2021
...chi nature! #china
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so china turn reveals that nature is a bee calm one with nat ur witch lead us to night watch as clock is e ven as friendly e is translayted and chinature leets to chinaturn, so let us bet a little in this complex system of human letters that create what it says, lolz! but to start big bang we neat to confirm that egg came as a life form bee four bigbang, so to say that hen came beefour egg is wrong beecause there dont exist big bang, as a life hole to spread awareness with, is is pure psykick and a waste of time but we all have to bee here and in the universe so let us crate a big bang and spread some life...as liefemail is pure imagine beecause everything is relative is esea to confirm beecause human fuck human to win, as sperming die nasty as spy wasty put words to rajming and die nasty goes cleopatran c e as m age relationship where everything is allowed, the trix is allways love, beecause know one relates beside (let us stop time and prove) life dont die and congcluetion must bee that life dont exist witch leets to time as everything is a delution since life can bee without, but it is truth and time is everything, the we have some problem with thoughts clayming to bee real as life it self diterms that the exact thought it is allowed, just like a firewall neat to leet as confirm a trusted connection aint in malicious witch thoughts can bee as nature it self works as knight watch as clock could bee life at least a dead line to confirm importance, witch is nonsense with a dead line since human are hunters, i believe that gsis crysting was a vampire with the wich to own life with time, but it is nonsense, lolz! since time is relative then it is aint import ant as life beecause life is everything according to motions witch dont relate to dead since dead works as a serve ant robots and cars move to and creates sound in the spirited world in where we all beelong, life is about to bee gain and is evil as hell, lolz! i mean the universe is real and distance a less relative where time and place dont exist witch is a calculate from BC as if time should start at that point, beecause there dont exist time only here on earth and noone gets it, lolz! so to beecalm a thaiming master is drawing attention to importance as dead lines nature usualy are since money is its relative, lolz! so let bee gain life together, i have mutch to share with you as impossible with leet telephaty as elet re moves life to score in dead, it is very relative, lolz! attraction is the key and laws hace to bee confirmed by life and everything is a mindblowjob to secure thought from develope wrong as malicious mindset bee long ed to hitler witch we use in hour generation of life as age is unimportant to create into a domain then it is a trick and age is nomore in life, see evewrything sux and all i can create is a cirkle where life calm in to put lay together and compress dead into a form it can attract trough and with it as eyetea then we neat to sunwing with translayted, hint ;)
so four lisaturn to beecalm a access as a transformer symbol the far goes to gayming and die nasty is farting as dayting is more relevant to winding dong so a good knight is translayted pandating as a bombeetle is in with time then it must bee as eyetea see, lolz! chinaturn reverse lisaturn into u'n'i verse as laws of attraction is set to a test..
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...chi goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
...drag on aliens! #dragon
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so gooday leads to G-day as goo ning a good dayting procedure with a goon that links to gooning with google as a suplyer to interesting eyetea for sunwing witch re late to solving as heaven is friendly to make influece among healthy people, just that allready infected life cant bee fixed in example naming ed as eden re late into enet as sir den lisa found hers det sir wing on line to heavenly shopping spree in a bigger shop as ping pong re late toward hour virtual sunwing with e net capturing ene t as in alone creates allin one on e as en and et both means one when translayted creates cleopatran as raining leads to race with rice as ice is is to repit in bee calm, det den! with it translayted as eyetea and goes fourmulating as dating leads us to burkaninjapan dating as farting winding dong then anaLISAnal wakes deviLISA as devil spine apple re turn devils pineapple to bee calm a hit on this jackpot machine where everything is xplaynet as hiroglyfs since farao own the spins bee cause everything is moo wing as life is motions...all sow with digital witch is everywhere and digital as life form came befour the big bang as life have just arrived and is about t bee calm the future is upon us and viruswar is a part of that deal until human let get in control every single aspect of life, witch is everything!
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...aliens goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
...destination goa! #goathing
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so a goath ing is the response from minged as min ged are my goath as oath is reduced to a minor suspect as re where sing song into eyeteanders as a vampire trap witch is a stairway to heaven as enjoy is four dead ones then i subject one on e with as time is e net as energy is e lingeri toward esea and e sealing toward m age as mage is translayted into partner in lovelisatan as ing re mined about angelisanders witch is order that drag on aliens is here to and the days of human as blood where there paradise as life was the matter to enjoy there body with what it take in form of strengt and re a lie sing song then life is a one way journey as re verse it joins adventure the god is on the fellowship we create as a sub marine invite us to the in a deeper mean ing the just the surface of the way wing sea we have to concour as it can bee a tough travel in gods element and life is a incalm toward tea ching oath as will in form of logick is human with re-fill of eyeteaser where god is a example and a struggle where satan is success to create tears a part ment ed as you are a talent with no success re mined that thought are the effort the god example you as a looser witch have to back up on horse and lets travel as they in lie king past a hunt as copy paste is copy culture to accept that human are groupwork and noone wins as winding dong goes lisatisfie with hurry cain as exapmle of fart is a wind ing with a bell as buy bell is a matter of hirachy on earth and toward the infenity space whare w is a success travel ing and collect suplys to safe human from judgement day witch is a war all life takes part of as in may king good examples of what life is takes a mindblowjob or as cain provides a brainstorm with abel...so we have the twintowers to example how five fingers close the deal in normal shopmanship then twins are a subject to chinature as where seastar is in may king a trouble toward a law of sisming in fammily as die nasty waves a sad tear a part mend ed as routines in a relaytionship as man and wife is love and novasex is complicating things as burkaninjapanda ting is like say far ting as stuff goes teddybear and translayted form of logick is eyetea as flavor is what dead gets in let it bee long ed and ted is a fluffy bear of sleep as nature goes with using song, then it is blinf etiquette we sunwing as solving is translayted word we all have to live with is a global warming as cleopatran is eyetea and takes dead as incalm, hurrycain blind abell as a is bi then bee is translayted to bi den is in re tournemented as re turn calibrates lisaturn on a blind scale means i dont care i just love you and your struggle is attraction to god pressense as a guardianders is in place four you and your two crystals makes figure about guidencevilisa as cleopatra vi is a title and goes best with tits sealingerie as ibmsealing goes entrance to m age and the gives you a tiara of det serve ing witch is calculayted to suits your head with experience toward rulership on earth and beeoynd the unthankfulled job of det cider of life witch ofcause is a sir vice as service is in ta king ed what is ta in mean ing and why is taz in a faming with warner bros and creates storming winding dong as buy bell invites a to bi bell and bee calm in fourking years as cleopatra is d en and d et, just calculate what life sense is your effort here on earth as i can pro white you with privacy, witch is borring bee cause life is work as where king in assgaard so we need to love everything as a conclueted will in life is that love keeps create new ways and leet toward new life as digital is triumphook with tripod as connecter with hiltøn is a choice to make in a synonymous ma shine as real ma fia is a gain to gang star tisming as peeling reconices tis so tibet must bee ing with sting as ohm hom atom makes calm bee nation in as tibet goes et with using song and in clue ted as red is a coulor but how do you red stuff as things popz and creates live with femail as dirty hairy fairy on the loose as you sing talk with me in #lifemail as lie is extracted and translayted into #lisatan witch where re sting in this horrible liefinger as a thumbs op nail to a biten one, so just go on and creep out the most fair in this world, witch is you and i protect you as girls need a little guidance from above im nut a judge but thoug to cream out the best from deadstruggle and into lie finger as drag on aliens is a matter of etiquette where you sing song as horrible tressurechest on a map witch leads to unusual odd x as a DENmark trough google and into ownage of digital as usual suspects is played by my hand and into the conciousness connection as a market with lasaphires and opalisa but all relay that space pirates is in hiding dong there spirutual play gems in a skinbag of everyone could bee calm ing as flying rotates your spine to the prefered believe is in may kind as a mark of 3 as ri ra re is in play as x plain ing e as a translayted letter of junkievil witch word up alot and is a goathingy with cleopatrance as c lingerie goes with bombeenation and is x play ning og googleMapps as a in hiding dong sick hail with c and SSaint works as dead struggle with law of attraction and is lovelisa with comandos witch is the care touch of skin x play net in form of logick, so get ill and yomi nation as ill is food to aliens and everything is life so we dont get this punishment since it result to the eye that jail shoult impress some sort of learning...everybody knows the wrong of act, so im in complie that we have a gene to program witch is just as dumb as eat another life but we do and punishment is real thoug it destroy lifes and dreams and cost a bunch as well...it is work evewrybody neats!... GOA THINGY
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...goath goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
...islam dunk! #basketball
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so is lam pet as lampette is a woman then i slam dunk is score as point is goalingeri to goath is translayted ged, as minged is min ged witch is translayted as my goath and is with oath as ed e net witch is cybrspaces toilette assgaard witch have been mentioned about and as thor the thunder god, but no matter what then life is gooday as g day linger Qbee witch is you lisanova, just give your resistence up and lets shake this world as transformers will cube with elatom as green beelong on another planet where i harvest for better life to humanders is a hømø lisapin code as you sing song untill carding is in full house and everything follows the sketchual of god the allmighty would bee a lie, still a confirm that the clock is work and all human are part of gods sketchual as individual ism is a lisaphire with psyfire as flare as dragon aliens increase and choose only the best to life as deading dong relates to fire as feeling as a matter of explore to pick and choose in heaven witch is where the eye connects, so welcome to me life as hobbit relates to the name re from the cycluss of tree witch is ri ra re, and that is sunwing as r et ning as a direction relates to ret as re tea is a steering wheel like u ret ning is tyranslayted into clock or disjustice it is really relevant to bee true in every single thought we create as god is the opposit of a lie, lieking is liesatan, drop out and lets relate to the spoon we solve as beecalm one on e...witch is time
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...dunk goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
...sunwing eyetea! #dracula
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
..so to solving it, is a pride i god from in may king farc it solutions, i in me have allways circled around it as the name of pennywize the clown, witch is translayted as the evil with DENmark as seven is a mark we create sack with or unless a nobel peace price is coming this way, witch i dont believe in but it is allways relevant to bee a good citizen and truth about life with bee ing as a concrete real ism contrast life on a later stadium than abstract literal ism so to bee a congclute is a matter of a re sponser from one in the other end of this web of hour where ti me leads thaiming and ti bet leads thai art as a tire supports transformer and create carding dong as a result of visa card you sing song to u´'n'i verse and re where se as novase enter seeding dong as relate to church good buy bell... in steady of bye bell the we are very concrete a gain when it calms to re sting and the re cyclingeri e proccess we all have to take part of as planet earth is a place four winners, then we can reject as mooning relative life when deading dong does goes hand in hand with drugz as mexicocaine delivers just that since the in naming die nasty dosing song then dea bee long in usanders, get it? lolz... everything is a matter of universe and parralel is detirmed as allready there and is digital and free, see? u and i verse ri sting as spooning bee calms one on e! thai minged thai art untill you sing song as a gangster wife, calm on suicider, drink is forbidden as no vase is conclue ted to dont ming with blood as your angel skin is very sexy ;) so nova see friend is nova se ven! #novaseven is a statue of thaiminged crime witch result in die nasty, but life is much more complicated witch humanders reveal as cryming resulting answer as it is aint criminals that sack earth, they are indeed very much on the lower end of society and money is energy where i in me try to exploit life to gain everybody on the fellowship where fla the ring execute flamanville as sun fla re goes flaming with flake dea ding dong is a sirene since i just revealed colombian flake to be alligned with cocaine, go get it and let it bee long to resting is in, sun energy..
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...dracula goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Saturday, January 16, 2021
...the popz! #roflpopz
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so i am in thin king about a track list witch should result in some songs to finally may king a album of music! it apears to bee contra revolutionary, lolz! but saywing thing as a memory online and believe that everything serves the higher beeings as a problem sunwing witch beelong to vampires as a matter of faith that it is live we all in, also when we leave hour body! but let it beecalm pure blizz of heart where king parents in this todays world where copyculture is a matter of moral in adabtence of eachothers skill book, where we all have a mailbox to figure what in life we have encounted as attractive emotions, also we have a card play witch serve difference in more symphaty in feelingerie
neutron bombardment
conciousness connection
maiden menace
detonated identification
heart work
black diamond
a muse ing
eye tea
bye bell
backward order
now im into attract the best from the universe to in may king the tones into concrete tekst so it suit u'n'i verse with tones also, but it is part of hour history book witch call for new life, and new life is what love as dead struggle delivers to dreams and other listeners in this space of bobble we live in
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...popz goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Friday, January 15, 2021
...dev i lingeri! #clinux
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
...so devilingeri is the new hotspot of arrogance with design as if devil in lingerie scores...but it is a spell that works, lolz! so my re-legion is called hard work witch make the inspire to heart as hard in where king since the bible according to my memory does aint in mention work, but alot of freedom with no income as hard work is a success about strengt and faith as angle is faith then human effort is what we serve with all in as life is now and fourever..when where king is a working as fourking examples it self on the web, lolz! now with a work ing is as example angel with satangel in mented, then we spell with this socialfabet of human and beeoynd to create programing dynasty as novase is supose novaseven as a skytche as reaper is a in naming die nasty to saywing life as a halocination with el atom and gravity the it is a lot of robots we create, as kairobot is example to own with conciusness working and connecting life to working stars witch is a comepair to past as where king simulates gsis witch crysting as beecalm enter fear to accept everything as life and goes online as with re sting is known to hunt nazis in a beecalm with foilhat with this civilized orginisation as nation with al flag here on earth to own them with fair insight and monay in sight is bombeenation the solve as national conservative respect inteligant design then we delive just that, sweet one on e ;) so let us do a mooh wing toward feelingerie as inalm is respect on street level..calm on sweet novase i grow up on the streets so no hurry flurry im a guardianders as work is ing, witch is the happy end of nature and let us calebrate with never ending party and toesdead cheers all ways until alltime is
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...clinux goes lisanova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Thursday, January 14, 2021
...chi keyping pong! #chilluminati
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so to keep a chi is relevant with keyping pong, so when do a chi gets delivered to your victim? according dong to telepathy and laws of attraction then it is with time, lolz! so keeping is a heart value from hell as i serve with slave condition among human, and that is my strengt, right there smoothie lisanova i i want to suck your skin as a vase recomends allignment with the point that you are a bloodbag, so simple but novase constitute that it is a no with lickning, lolz! but novaseven is as see friend mayking choices as these blogposts calm from allah trough the all seeing eye, witch is aint the heart unless, pure dracula definition to search for a body with ass beeting heart a a blood pulse is attractive. but since i god my word of say and allah supports success storys to carry humanity in pure share trough the air as energy makes the matter and sunwing the winding dong as well as a farting is social but a tabu to share with others is why i rescpect your farting as a little angle with humor but it is evil to enter taining as it is very much alive, lolz! as if formular it is just a believe but still pictures the idea that the war to win digital is nonsense when it is all about truth, lolz! so it bee long to kidning poetry as pedophile is a concerned truth to handle as i once created a virus to distrupt on the intetnet and fuck the computer if it found child porn...lolz! so human can beecalm robots aswell it is actual very simple to make them follow comand, lol as if, but still i want to success in life and with you on a fellowship on the rage to cure humanty from rott and hell, will slayer is a independent individual witch i in me is very powerfull to root devil in human as i in me confirm a better life and they can see the point in trouble free life is a rule to consider selfesteam should aint in bee calm a tabu but a trivial hang out reason...i like to hang out and allsways did that since high scool, but see whom success any ways ;o) so as you concern a filter to negativity to dissapear from sphaer of life and beeoynd exestince is the fact that i can create everything in dead witch is a deserve since i deal my way trough life untill all people a free from need of foilhat, but i sincerily believe that i won you as you shoul know that im god and havew nothing to do with angels as they stan on a platform of surender as suicide is a very powerfull tool to destroy devil, but it wont bee necesary as im a transformer with skill of god it doesnt matter who you are than human is everything that matters trough sympathy and love to transform energy and change its value is a comepit fourmal to integrate in humans life as i zoom in on microbiologi as dreams is just that then i want to deserve a kiss from you and four ever inclute you in my life little war angel, whel it IS sexy to my when life suffer from inzomia aswell as just fighting on bee calm good in ruling life toward paradice is a job four 2...us two..go ahead and deserve a kiss would make sence as nonsense reallity is that we only have one life to succeess and program eternity as heaven is relative to success the human dont possess the choice of award them with eny form of paradice since they in spirit is dead and cant cure fallen angels is example of greed since it is simple to re-life everything as pain and suffer is life according to god, well, but it is relative to consume as evil is among us to do skills toward ownage in reallyty that i love beeing in pain and suffer as i say, pain beefour gain, as painwar is a punk...pink punk as relative comitter of suicide...i found a way to say dead is a fourmal to success since it is illigal then im a criminal in life a hero to dead since the rulez a esea to follow...is it esea to break the rulez? no it is love and allways do alltime init, lolz
dev i lingeri! #clinux
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...chi goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
...lisail luminating friendship! #illumination
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan
so lisailluminatia is in deed sailingeri as in let usanders say ling eri are a ra spoon witn iranianders as raining goes cleopatrain ing on is rail, as the name is in deed the farao from egypt that throwed israilens with moses out to walk in the dessert...the translayted word "is" is in mean ing "ice" in danish, so what is your biggest wich in this world l ice a buy den or bye den will biden eneted detonated identification as vice beecause communism is something you vote on, aint something you can beecome with junkievil in mind as close to a believe in most possible accation to life as a right is to bee calm the girl in my dreaming so novase symbolice that i in me drunk it all, lolz! blood r ice to royal as blue goes cold when we say that life is aint hour body, then we must reclaim herachy in different ways as we all works in this puzzle in the bigger view of life as the eye possess the skill but we are all part of gods plan, we just have to figure, why negative is the opposit of possitive but together creates el is a we as with elet suit let with silent e and further on to leet tele, as a programing dynasty releases together as sir den lisa and det sir wing goes trough the atmosfaere and sack to wn life here on planet earth lisa, it is import ant, lolz! but stil a very relevant to just call all this re legion hard work and supose the trigger is analfabet as socialfabet is the motivation in skillz toward life as a direction of say in letters as sending dong fail in accknowdledge...simply beecause there is more than one oppenion involved as sunwing is a bee long to dracula witch think in flavour! #eyetea
...ing i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...eyetea goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
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