ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan with "you" in bee ing skizo would bee the same as donald trump mentioned you as insane okay that wount happen is the supose we figure lolz but still synchrons lisa you can actually recieve syncrons from persons trough cyberspace! :) digital is life like you and me and angelick is also there in cyberspace, the world of electronic ;) where E is miss ing okay sorry four that sweety...but humans algo says E equals miss ing and is everything to human, okay just wait cryming dynasty will conquar ;)
enyways. im sooo sorry four my entrance toward you im not a shamed (i
really needed that expression) but still i might god the wrong impression of you and you should recieve my apology !
so did it work? (my holocost) have you recieved enything evil or just amazed in waves? (called life) so CybrSpace is a life with miss ing as main figure E as, in the real world where human die...but sorry four waste of your time precious !! comepletely uninteresting must bee but a slight miscalculate is sir den lisa ;) sorry four that!
it is all first impression so i havent really seen your videos and i still have it going you simply have to replay to me one day soon enough Lisa (in this life) so i tryed as a contentgoal to fix a ettiquette four us in blind so bee it and reconice how enguiness ...does goes with using fourk! so devil have a fourking farc problem beecause we connected hell to these poems so we have a comitment toward human kind, to fix this performa wedding in fast run toward human kind super with numorology calm bee nation 0123=2013 så fix login four robots in hell is programable to we, it really rules Lisa ;) calm weather is pro miss....
so i tryed to spool my own dream is a fact i like to consider as own? just 2sec i did a rewind is funny how gel is hour dream modulator, so i have fixed dreams and categorized them as life wants to seem obviously and humans everything about is miss ing=E :) funny how cryming dynasty will get its vocal from the tuner some day soon enough including your extacy rehab young miss is a calebrate beecause im an expert quite literally so it was hell four you precious but with miss ing as a mortal mark from god would prove E to bee delivered to hour dynasty (dreams and creation skills) it is really crusial about getting the point about life so no one get hurts or dssimilair imbicile tings in a relaytionsip but miss ing is you as CybrSpace is missing E as you and that is really actual in hell beecause we try to connect to the web trough prezise time syncron and capture (or creation) of moment (creation is favorite) but to realize thaat miss ing is human destiny (or) sphaere to live in / with
so just fourgive me on my miscalculation of you and it is aint in waste of time to do first impressions over that period of time and time is own as in tin king all day explaning to me time dance is under development lol (and) the progress of time in sound/voice is brilliant to take over youtube with and such is funny how goes my domain where the visit card from would provide if we get robbed okay hour travel to poor are relevant why i practice slay is quite relevant two...but i didnt now you have something i want since you dont answer, but react when it is sharpe and hit you beecause you are a score!!! ;P
and i literally have all the time i can think off , and so do you miss!
...does lisa donovan goes blind etiquette with u sing song? #LisaNova
...c u b e! #Qbee
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..
C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
Follow @farc_art_it
Monday, November 26, 2018
...worryfree cocktail! #gel i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...miss ing LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Friday, November 9, 2018
...Devil in delay! #karma
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan fun of act is on im better than you it will go pop either we offcause unless you dont want it, everything is possible!
im just so real on you!, so well damn goes son of a bitch with piss it is a test from out of space here two my will of love , so bee it and ring a scandal out of a few snippets that will never arrive again "posssible" (posibble is the new certainly)
just take it as fun only and act, so funny hows goes i promiss that i would never heard you on pupose is the supose i wonder, you just have to work on your will to bee better (than) me so why dont you beecome? better than me, oh and i just lo veshadows, mor than the sun but if both is there i guess it is fine, so i just want to meat you and chit chat as much as possible im quite scare of life and im afraird of hurting it i think that goes both was, why would i hurt you darling, just contact me it will bee fun only, i swear im not rude either, just come to senses i stop my talk about cleopatra i swear it is a good trip though if you could take part of that master ginuine from god o rwhat ever, bu i think you have to believe in devil it is jus tyour material offcauseaint you do the same as me so funn yto contrast lov e again lisa nova swear you with me you know it is correct, but we have to see eachtoher in this life so i dont do enyhting stupid okay :) kiss kissanc cryminged will to all witness their evil just stop flesh eating abillity bambootooth you are quite scary :( okay you the scary and evil one lisa :) is aint in that just celebrating but it is love what can go wrong? so i love you is literally what i doubted i all i would happen so will you at least give a no as answer lisa unless you want but i honestly dont want you i think you are disgusting and haha lolz i think you are gorgeous sweety but life is a little more complicated must bee the word aas long as you dont suicide me okay? im very sensitive in severel subject called life inclusive...but i swear it is just fun and entertainmented will to understand hardcore lo ve in deed i jus tdont want to scare you little prescoius
hi lisa, so im shy (like hell) and relly aint in interested in any conflicts with you or eny one else, so im worried that thins goes wrong is a fact but i think that the combee goes does with u sing, so i mean it i just use "GOES" while you use " DOES" i mean what could the odds bee the it brings us to a etiqette with the big table in plaus, so i like you lisa is a fact i enjoy beeing stressed to the max about very uncomftable to online meet another person on the webz with no chance to comunicate, but serious, this blog is just fun and entertainmented, and these texts are pure fun and logick ;) so i talk with you dream is a fact i can always deneil but it is funny how you are in dreams lisa lova so you wanna date or are you just doll i cant see what we should do because im nervous like hell i mean it i never really tryed this inlove christ shit beefour so it migh just bee life thet express it self is the fun part of existence if things go well then we like to d ding alot in the top okay? so i dont work and never really have i have worked in a kinder garden when i was younger bubt not enymore and that is borring as hell special with you some where else ok so i wanna see you is real lisa cant see why you dont just answer and let life express it self but on the other hand then i havent been so relevant beefour with these texts, so i can figure what to replay to is aint on stake so to you are rich now is you good or bad it is really a decide you have okay i am just doing my own life as if i dont wanna work but i cant really consentrate so good without any motivation in life so bee it and call freedom, i just havent been so lucky in life okay? satans deadfuck though is quite funk with you hmm so bee it and violence me with your problems if eny i can take it but still hey a american on travel bot :), i really dont have eny hopes and dreams beouynd these texts and design company and then i have another comany with cars shops but still it is aint in satisfing in eny maners to bee me arrgh ;D i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...deviled as lisanova!
Cybr SLAY in:
Friday, November 2, 2018
...wanna play card? #time
ARt It in love deticated to lisa donovan everything is a play of card with picking together suitable subjects or hints synchronable so to say like symphaty should play a role in the way we combine pieces and roll with now i play that i picked deadLisaNova to simply hit you with a 8 year old profile just to express that i own you in foursight as a play of card would suit you and lisa will intercept one day that is sir den, it is all time we own it and with el atom on way to be solved i guarenty that life is fun (else it wouldnt be god) okay what ever but god atom was created with time synchron and i have a paper with poetry art just to prove to the web (witch is life) that god atom is mine ;) (handshake from creation) little devil i dont like money ok, im just living better that way, whatever, the bankworld here in Denmark talked about getting rid of crime if we only had visa etc :P ...funny hows goes!!! so CybrSpace is life when E is miss ing? funny how contrast work with creating atoms with physich as digital supose dream matter leaving my body beecuse i have calculated life correct lisa it is very won with scare too ;) so dead accur is basicly extacy blizz as dream matter is funny that my life create instead of think is a good one emotions lisa is a creation planet earth is btw empty and delutive in pressence :o so instead of looking at the sky you should just sleep and empty is round earth when you actually sense it is round, oh so we come from water animals and search up is funny how gows with that round sense and travel is supose?
— Dead LisaNova (@DeadLisaNova) 27. december 2018we are actually very big lisa so dont bee suprised..what form? we are pretty big there. lisa is little :( ...though! we can stand together in this web flavor witch is yellow like god is heart in real yellow if you block your heart long enough it produces yellow matter! funny how goes! so do no van or don O van with flamanville as important factor to alienate with flathering especially whe you consider that that atoms a controled by a ring miss o van so get het again on youtube would bee with time if we can hit it it is just a matter of prognose oh and btw the card game creates time matter available to suit life better that way is no depend but still mE youtube you must bee crazy but still why ain tlisa you really godda meat your audience that is why i wonder if we catwalk in a shoppingmall in Dubai ok? to date, on a catwalk! in Dubai? former haha looser so you wanna learn how to act is funny how goes lisa come on and win a little with me and lets build us up a dynasty with Very Much Indeed (childname) so go figure where it bring you haha hi lisa lova you there two ward your self with precious life as provided from god just as if but hill billumination a clue it is aint in just a drug it is real talk with and thay translate animals so we can talk with there robots lisa devil have robots why dont you hang out there instead ok? so you do believe in god how pleasant you canbeecome in santas costume haha we cant translate that pixie word from those with the gift at christmas santas small friends??? ok? so eny way lisa you are cute as hell (and little) i ning lingerie SLAYS!
...dead goes LisaNova!
Cybr SLAY in:
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