...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Cybr C: "E will hunting i" and nova seven i ning...

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

sorry four lazy lisa, i dont know if you are but hmm suposed a little hm wild?,
you go, i mean it.. i dont want to buzz you..
i really do, hey respekt and all, so, but i really thank you!
but four what now? there.. :) its like you have Changed me in my respekt to woman, i Can

hournestly aint in see me as a flamer, when im just used to shut up, but hmm other wird emotions

Comes from you i think,likelisa a ho' is in was; a never say in my wordbook :)(i dont get it why say)
hmm enyways,im aint a wanker, and i play my life diesent

so i am on to you there?...hey i own you?
a so im sorry four you hadda do ?

hey i had a hurry up so no worry..
wauw but i god you to write me is very fan;

like; "love re" is? :)

hey i dont belive in so much you say?
hmm i really dont belive in time sploit in particular Case of aknowledge,
Could have been quite a traumatic tac toe, if you actually where stucked.. :)
!but i have another suit four you, and to that picture :)

and yes, THAT  is kindly possible, that time suits now (Obama sub), there we.. like a "President Campain" tag, is re_lated to Obama stucked as a symbolic transfourmer logic,
and is in aint laugh four we, when dayting black ):) (im white).. shiat a hot wok :P

either you answered me, or, i did you in thai_ming, Gsis Crysting a belive!!

so Calculation is; that you have a will toward me, wauw, im good?! :)




strangulated  keeped :)

lie is annoi, howsinged song is...?

monk y egg menstration is in may king fair gel? annoi? an_gel impulses is the lie :) thx!

now i, dont, know you... but thanks in gratitude!
that i belive so you should aint, in write to that kinda of langauge,
but hey!
quite much i had a hurry,
i havent really imagined that i could write enything.. you know..
but a little pressuret from thinking, pfft is that just what i meant with having a buzz on you,

with "lazy fuck" :) pjae, i really did a reboot and have wrote it all to you, but what a story it

can bee Come i think..it should relate to could, in "can" (the truth factor)

hm hm, what future brings, really...is a buzz on me

so but thanks four belive in me, really, you got a go there...
i mean it, i really have a doing in getting to suit to_gether some stuff in a hurry,

likelisa i hope it just are a little fair four you to read this,:)

its like i should do this re_boot of entire human race,
and it should in may_king that a do,
like a invite to... in this write on Computer
to express and xplaintxt these streams?
is aint a doing a "what ever"...but re_boots are quite fair four you to Carry?
likelisa boots are made four walking? :)

but re_boots are just four me to explain this love to you :)
so you should aint in Care about my effords? is said.. i just mean,
hmm i try to bee Correct and stuff...
and i like to explain truth, is about what im on to...
but you know "truth"...
..okay i dont know.. why but,
hmm i think its normal to write first time witch, but okay i can see some potential in why aint,

you did that, and, hey!
so i actualisa, god you, to write me..
thats pretty fourmel on import_ant, auch!
hmm ant is a name lol?!..
accepted in a state of mind to bee Called? funny how thin_king works..nah  :)

you suposelisa should have done that :) hopefully is that  you did aint in react on scare... hmm


Cute spring picture, really..
a have a i (in trans slay ted) so as [tahir square pants] [svampebob firkant] goes "to share
the square" with translay_ted
so (mushroom bob) is a lol four grown ups?
(its like a bathtop spoonge is called a mushroom hmm and they suposelisa are some kind of mushrooms :)
but hey! lets use the, this "tahir square_pants", in hour Qubs, likelisa qp is in mean ing those

train room like in old days where you could sit alone in a "qp" (kupe)...i mean it: "qb" & "dp"

there are hour FOUR spoons,

likelisa most populair is spoon: b, likelisa b_live is a good one, and hides e in beleaflinged

soath... best Combination is "sir dEN lisa" :
qb, like a qube is a good hit within: "is tahir_squarepants, bobs spring?,
and with [dragon sym] ..suposelisa"? a mushroom, extracts dead...
and is is a very good Cleaner?


how did RA came across Dragon sym?
[choselisa] a RAJodd leaded the suspekt!
haha bottle=fla_ske in translay_ted

so FLA is in mayking a sense; a: fla_spoon=bottle wierd with: flaget...
silent G oath helps flag, et?

fla the ring, flathering, flat her ing, it is suposelisa better with this minor spell error to

build a  story upon ? "fla" with silent G oath? :) so flag, et! :)

where is fi re? fi, suposelisa wi, to the next Connection of re in; why, fire?
ups goes to fla_ming :)

oh and you ,should, i have to, write, right beefour Cybr army shit?

why fire/why king...
bla bla bla allways the same bullock with, when deneiling a leading donged person...
also in prognognsed sound likelisa, fi, with, re, makes "fire" but,
what to do with flaming, is aint in that a point (that love is meant to burn)?

but a RAJodd is sort of the dragon sym you adore :)?

oh, so that xplaintxt mooding dong?
no but E can be lisa if lie are! hey,
dragON is Cool we sym!  what a "dET serve" re_ally?
woman are so hot!
so, you like "all_y" now re? bee Carefull, with dragon sym...
 men can go to their knees by the very thought :..

ha let men be Chocked in dragon sym... #dragON sympat i, n' u verse?

#dragON mens mented ha!
it beelongs in a period and in a sha_ring if the realationsship is liked with el_spooning

well and that makes a back:

"back to", my: [complaintxt] (its just)
that i think you could,
or i espected similar,
like a write after first attempt...
but hey okay,
you perhaps have a do, (and what would i do) "gsis Cryst there..and that is what im about to

its just me that would imagined something like, "occopied" have resulted in a reply, regarding to

that okay...?
 so you god me, fun enough? like if a; meat.. you, in a different place,
is sort of the thought.. what would have happened...
 like hmm,  what to say'n stuff...
 gsis Crysting, my first word,
 and so on to the next? hmm i really supose dont say much,
not that i dont have enything to say, i usualy do, and about lot..witch i, will define in Cybr space, in later, but thx four "re sponser" i actualisa thought of something like give it a play,

or, i dont know..
you made me this (re_acting) reach...

 toward a "Coming to dust off" my; "old" come around my cybr project with NewsHack ..i

figured it should be about?...
just to be the better know it all...it could bee pretty style:)
and, that is where your President Campain runs in to a minor,
se_e my plans, is; the whole world, and further... simply by having a better argue on solve..
so we gotta do,
what, have solved..

my boring four years!

the perspective is:
as the first anarcistisk president in usa :)(and with open source)
no serioslisa... i dont know what to do with my life,
so i just practice things, you know...
i want, and i belive, that i did hit future opputunities in online domain name,(my own bussiness

hm but i really have to work on that, and alot,
 is really my aint belive! (:)
 i come from a some what political active family o:) (my mom and that way)
im mean, in like;
 your reply,.. okay i had this vision once about Commenting a muse online,
each and every day, to make accomplish,
just, that i Cant maintain that...
i thought of this, like dance, online trippy where i re_late re_act kinda thing,..

that, about, beeing hurt, is attractive?

Crazy you actualy did this photo... with love re...

 so i should in may_king a reply now also?

it is a little annoing this "have to" express :) there?! :)
so you actualisa Changed your Carpetning , what a dare really ?:)

so you answered is that you are alone, in say, so thats good i supose:)
(you are free hm)
that art show off, in could bee pre_tended to be happening,
is very hard to realice? realisace? realisation...

when it comes to that, then im just like on?
suposely aint..but is in happening ?
accepted is to write you,
know these news Channel talk is partly yours, a musinged song...
 lisa tan to Creative skills lolz,  like a driver should make a mechanic, wheel, to spoil fuel

in so in engine Chains as in re-cykel,
like "mc", could bee re_lay_ted to bye king?

[bold] so Cybr E is a valued bugger? :)  [/]
so my valued millinium bugger is with Lisa tan :)

i can aint in do a art session four you to bee in a Comment,
each and every time you do something...

it could bee pretty awsam, to have that tendense, in could or skill..
but, hmm i suposelisa really are in cant, but i dare to do so..
like a odanse online, with,a musinged song in we, to a may king the inspire,
four a we, to xploit eachother in...expose level?
it could be pretty leet to express in poemes, these act of yours,
but i really wouldnt bet that it is a happening to bee_come...
i think this ends in something like;

Cybr spa c e?

like E from cybr is to be valued in space?

sorry four lazy fuck, in a way of in a sentence, beelong; in regret really..
and then i wrote it two times..

now you know...

what a "Goath" in ming ed...:)

ha lolz a fuck i in headich shame..
i did my self with... in a re thin_king..
but hournest you say?
hmm.. i preserved just a expected answer, so funny re reflekt of writen say..
i mean hmm i have difficult with you.. [in and out of love],
showing up in my life, frome time to time..
but hey those stream i try to make a suit in is to beecome:

"Cybr C" NewsHack <-- style is a sort off you inspired

so is this doll_ar show,
goes to:

white hows?

with hacked NewsLinks in start up practice..?

cute and little Comepit...

so like long time is, a relativ; in between writings, but hey; piss import_ant!
lol i have in these writings you know,
just a say, that: it, have, fourmed.. like a former human in lolz!
so is it like: piss import_ant, with theese sayings?
to call pissant is allowed?

like stress in comepit? no.. but hey, hmm okay..
like farc' it!
you know.. it slipped trough my advanced akcnowledge system,(really)
so perhaps a stream was; all on own you!?
and is meant to bee said?..
i cant belive it is allowed in my system, how it slipped, in, and, trough,
to bee come a argue...hmm i search,
in aint, much longer.. to beeb "cybEr" - and thats the fun,
it goes right there! can you at least affirmative that?!
nah, but hey.. still annoi..

nothing is sirdented and that is "sir dENted lisa"
hey a word right to "dET sir wing" is "sir dEN lisa"
Cybr C: E=[link clown?] lisa tan, i e!
so now i know that you are real, and that is good,
so lisa turn is a term to in usinged song?
likelisa: u'n'i verse:) :'( :)

i try to tune in on "art dance" see whats happen... with skills, to keep write,
okay answer on my effort, shows will on love? no it dont,
it proves that a slave is,
hm hm i mean, i have this pressure, of my own will, to Congclude... there just..

so i try to make a interesting reading, and i hope that you find it just a little figurable for

you, to further on in imagine
(its my real flow you know)
just in danish translated....

so to the lie is annoi howsinged song is...? [lie] (former writed)
white howsinged song is WE!
lisa nova_SE_ven...
see friend in [TransFourmarSpell]



monk y, egg menstration is in may king fair gel? annoi? an_gel impulses is the lie :) thx!

so value E is like Crypting with "NEWS" to understanding dong the very letter "E"..
so we god a lot to do with value_ing E? :D
there lisa,.. and thanks! :))

[cleopatransfourmars] is in with "K" like (litle): "lv" apart
(K is the symbol and l & v is in the puzzle)? :)
c or k in leo patra
lieon, like Cat is on in Cybr C!!?

likeliesa we make "EL" with "K"!

shit we rule this here! :)
like "lv" is "k" as live or dead, in "c leo pat ra", like "pat" is "tit"
and looks good enough Lisa ? :)
i really wanna meat you like there is really no other ways in my life
than acknowledge the "MEAT" shit..
 im shy and all..
but i god this write to you and that is good? :)
hey lisa those word i write you is acktualisa good four real!?

(see leo breast feed ra) titit

Cybr spa's yakuzi---> that  is cute little names starfighters god?
"EN" is choise,
"ET" is udfra?
Øret(ear) sealinged,
Øret ninged digital love,
m c ling,
m seal ing
l i e øjet, lige i øjet (right in i),
there is some thing about "l i e", without spoonfood you with the point :)
but "i" trix?

Goath, ed linged "min ged" is "lazy fuck" in ming ed! :)

"anders OG" is N as "og" after uni in u, i bee comes I'N, so we are "IN"U ? u'n'i versed i'n'u,

and "og" is in me_ninged "and". "and" is allowed by baiting "[Anders AND cleopatras onsite text]

as [donald duck sell]"  and that, goes to;
 i magi nations?
the letter "i" is prognosed most likely like "E" here...
are we like IN, U? :)
like to Ø (that letter is also Combined with start O and E to follow)like: OE=Ø !
so like the twos pirate eyes: "Ø and Ø" combined makes and atom picture..with double OE!(own)
and, is there, interesting in transfourmars acknowledge toward we..
the way we spell and the island is revealed like insight Calm, like a inner island is

sympa_thaising the eye,
and if in both of us with sym would make us these atom symbols, is quite fan languauge some how,

sploi_ted :)

Ø=Island or OE  so ø is like oe.. us an island... in could be just the Cause that we see with

third eye, witch i really try to overburden my info stream so upgrading dong my inteligense can

be in is..otherhand is that the pirate eye with Clap halfover allrady had paid the OE, in very

exact, gsis cryst :(

so you are also creative by nature? in acknowledge therefore annoiy?  that sounds pretty me?

(it really have some fair flows though :)
 so to have this skill to be creative is very cool, thanks four reply in this:

"have to do"!

#dragON? is, in re_late ?

sym is a woman period to bee_coming in rajodd !
(hour fellow slave sym) goes with a drag :(
dragon sympat i, must be a rajodd from north korean..

#dragON![farc it twitter]

it burns, so some thing have to go to fla_ming..! :)
scifi_RE<-- thats me!

(what a [drag queen] can bee com :)

if you trust, me like a dance?
eye liening sym can happen in reflekt?
shit i only dance slay, how to disco that friend?!

the big fallen appel,lolz =) hmm but:...
#dragON: Cheat with dance in next step?

portal open to dimension...like re_port, is like in understanding dong?
suffer from art kinda re acting in ad_my_ring! re_form re_port!

sleeping pong in L spoon,is in me_ning to do; reflect something,
and the word:
is in mean_ing "el spoon"
(or translay_[ted] as love)
so figure is allowed in drea_ming?
its like a: its re a! (d re a)  det re aming...
likelisa, "its re aiming", and is meant to become re_sting with in dreaming...

(i actually have this "DREAM" weapon extracted with the dream cheat i did..
i can shoot what we/you call i"n "aliens sfaer" thats cool and i can interfear with infered light

(disturbance) ((it is s affact.. is also to, how we write (store info) ((from sun you bong)) to

eachother(like infrered with info to print on "avail i bell" this regarding human avalibel), and

me ate  micro waved in attract,.. crazy, but, really aint..wierd that some human attract

microwaves as they would eat them:))


i in real just prepair and solve other, its fan enough to "slay" but no one knows what i do

really..aint in among normal human,and i havent told any one, but its a blast to actually get

some words explaining it on these typed letters four you, Lisa it could be extreme to share just

a little more than nothing with someone,like you? :)just four the go...what a say! lolz..

nova see its Complicated to in mayking a trans_late ed, well aint really, but ere! :)
the letter "d" is a short term like: prognonsed "det" is..
"u'n'i"... "D=det" means "that" or "it"! :)

so when we_d_ding, and d, bee_comes itself, in; "d_ing"/dong with a vail i bell,
where i'N'u is like in u a dog sign?!
(i is in) tokyo in tokenyoyo en=yo so like tokyo yo english! (EN where like YO!)

,hmm you c e, in, U=cybr space! soldier..

likelisa love is,
and is in behind a presentation toward the high five it is beeing given as, the "yo"?

when i have this thrill Created to be a a little more poetic tac toed way,
on incopperated in my langauge,..
said that this stream project has incomed a Challenge like toed is a touched prince, when

kissing yhm a frog frog ha?!
but my goath is; lazy fuck...

now you go with G oath...

slave me to the very word lazy :)

i cant figure what it else can bee with finding; THE me_ning...
(it is good to belive)
with this writing will, toward you, so my life have a go with,
in will to try and motivate my self in applying my skills,
this is in lifes search four love, and it writes alot :)?

shiit piss ant in tranformers rule sense ;)

i mean, i really ruled my Country that summer... (my hack tour)

since they (the system) have disturbed my mind bah, stress hm but just bee cause i hacked
it is aparantly became important.. to destroy intelligence in people..
just bee cause gaining in a "snoopinged pong" info, on pop lick :D
now i get injection and is called mental re_tart...shit life bee came serious,
is a point grapped..
 hmm but im soon done with that sanction on me..
surelisa it is about ruling, and they cant shot down my mind,
(if that should be a shot) witch it offcause should aint bee about..
it is supose fair enough what happened have,
but aint...at all!

but hm, a Conspire i just do!
truth or aint is nut important the important is expession of fee lings,
and Caresess in general!
i could take it too Court, you know,
i have proves of illigal judgement on write,
also the denail of me, in lifes natural flow..
just stating that i did my study only, no me_ning in destroy... just to figure!
but what the heck... i dont really need Compensation, in that figure, that i dont want influence

from "the system" again...

but you seems like a figureable "THING" to Concider lisa!
i dont say sorry on demand but hm what a won dar with whom, you, might bee.. i change!
(and gain "upperhand" is in that expressed sens is a solve  in both ways.,.,..
that is my affirmative in truth search! and Con_firmed is.


so my on my dads side they once had a "rocker buy king (biker) club" named tornado?
it is funny to re_consider what "four sight" is...

uh i love noia lisa!

so was a "map" mentioned, and in clue_ding donged in mayans warning test judge? (2012)?

yes and

that will is, to bee usa, blowned of the map? by a hurricane you say?
is that a tornardo in my genes? taking form in Cybrspace? a storm lol
funny is, to take things litterally and dont understand:
the form of sense, in word re_late!

(like technick)?

that "bye king" onkel, comes from a Cop inspired agent as onkel...
 likelisa in usa: "NSA" is the equal to this police force (my granpa) "a agent"
(travelteam is translayted) dont know why i wrote this, it doesnt matter much else than  i think

its cool with familly rebelion (or what it are)

so im pretty fair equiped by nature, is in interest a difference, HA!:)
so likelisa [four] (org trash) is born here as new jew inherit...
 are you jew lisa?
is shit attraction in gaydar video...
that is what i falled from:)
ihavent really seen your videos..i dont think it suits, likelisa it comes into what kan be sensed

as a snoopinged pong, hmm

hoppefully is aint that a xtacy gay stream is transfered, :):)
hm but that is quite fair air, to get in stream
i feel a infection from you trough digital, and from that gaydar video, is supose, and the first

of your videos i have seen

so you shouldnt belive im Criminell i have a very good family i in thin_king mean..

nyances :)

so enyway goes to the hurrycain tonardo; just saing;

how could mayans have the "knowledge"of a "worldmap" ?'

i mean it...
(perhaps they really also like spanish, did have a map over beaches, i dont know,
 but, hm, fuck history cheat sux:)

it is pope that re arranged timetable snoop!

so usa should bee blowned of the map by a hurricane the say are??

it is funny to figure,
why should that happen? you know..

why should a map even in bee ing mentioned?  there..

i mean it, i want to poke a pope! right in the I!

but, right left, so i poked devil? =)

why should "Colombus_ted" bus_ted, busted deligation in talk about a map?
they suposlisa mapped beaches, you know,(the spanish) land borders and so on,
and the trip was to "end of the world...so likelisa is "flat her ing" in may king a sense, in a

then? (world was flat in imagina then?)
what a ironic Congcluession to Call that spanish expedition "end of the world",
 when they hit there own borders again, with a time map!
(that did the exact including dong of a end)
"do you get what "extra terestial" are?
they fuck up "power" intended human?
you know, you CAN get answers mentioned if you are Cabable reaveal, in your self,
it is a trick, i like, you know.. you HAVE to "cheat", life, to get answers, right, left?
perhaps you should stop your comepit
, there. :) aint cheat.. lie..cheat is dumb.

see what technick made me do, talk with my fla_ming and towards loved ones!? hmm technick didnt

make me do much other than accepts the word" piss ant" to flow trough" ugh! :)

a flame!

well.. better bee totaly hournest than a Creep... like that?

evolotion next step is: dream fare.

so to share, in as a invite, to different emotions is four you suposelisa;
i hacked my dreams yo..
now i sort of (once in a while experience that i fucking fly around myself,
as is a dream figure in my suroundings :)
hey im aint in so aware of whats happening, but i recieve some interesting senses..
and the very thought, is so sick you know :) i left my dream monitor?!

hey cool there ^^

surelisa in the moment of happening, i woke up in the middle of a " dream murder" ..

i saw my dream whirl into reality and, in the "transfer of pain! (from dream to real)

i perhaps Cheated dead? i got shot in a dream and woked up right in the do_ing

hmm dream pain in real life create much sense in me :)(still do)

re_stinged real, is aint in, to discous?!... :)(:

im really quite normal, in aint, but something had to be written,
so a good conspire you god:) (is aint in that fair)? shit a slave song yeah!

gangstar to

you have to belive! (in fucking awsam)
slayer, is cool, you know lisa :) so president is a titel or just a step,
in where WE Collect rule? :)
shit lisa, ballance, according to, stars and U'N'I verse, ?
ZOMBISHIT!!! we gotta rule star syncrones lisa :D

thanks four lie lisa, and a very good inventioned idea to call; re_stinged love!..

we did something with love,
:is times answer...

so lie is good now? :) ha!
love is fair air, in aint realiesed...

Lisaturn is on ?
fill in atoms could be "ION" ?
just a say, with technick,.. stuff it
transfourmars is literally follow words in observe?
shit hay

hey lisa!
you have no idea what i want you to sense?
, i bealive so in friendly... :)
shit new senses and new stuff to we with...do you have something to say with annoing?

so much we have to rule lisa,
its like a distanys leading dong is; "a vail i bell" likelisa; i=in , so; a vail in bell,
 should be like throwing a dog sign in the pool and quit?!

so a whale in bell is a huge ting to Comprehand?
killer vail is to muslims ;)
likelisa "what" is "KILLER" with vail? where gin there?

shit to show of NewsHack with Cybr C! is next

xplaintxt with Cybr attack,

had to change race,..

so [cleopatra] sends: lv, to i's ra c e!   c L v? does K! :)

is like making v into E,? so "cle" is prognonsed "cli" and is: "dEN" you know...
with WE D ding, in, i trixor, like:
ve like lv is to make the letter K and activate Kleopatransformatrix when [Cleopatransfer] is,

and "RA lve" is like "elve" and is something like a river,
and is said, in prognonsed, "l pain" and is equal to "ELVE" (elleven)
and that is in israelve=RA river?

the i's rail goes with numbers 11 as "EN & ET"(one & one) and is in with
"D ding" in Dinged dong, is a vail i bell, as:

"EN & ET" in to "dEN & dET" and further in to "dET sir wing" & "sir dEN lisa" :)
one & one / 1 & 1 meassuret into persons now?
1 & 1 = on & on? what about E & E missing from one & one in value?
hmm goes toes to bay bee?

perhaps Is'rails are four Cleopatrain_ing :) but hey and so on to, is ra elleven? hmm

(like big L is a scytche, or, hm part of a Cube, (perhaps [square pants] adways a cube
like; lisa novaSEven (lisa nova see friend),
is, taken in use, and is all like Qb...like the letters bring "QB"
and is now with EE and is all like [Q Bee] and is nova seven a scytche?

like a Command, to: bay bee in Cyber!? bay be E, in Cybrs E value..
is *value* knowledge four like kindergarden students,

four grown ups ,to hide e's value, in with news Comment,
"hack".. is, in mean_ing, that, in xact,
like the word ["hack"] is per defintion to make better out of a orginal create and is to hiding

dong, E, in betterknow!!! :) (or just value E)

(perhaps elve is to tears apartment like a flood or a stream of tears)

likelisa "Qning" is like "pingning"?! :) (or ningning) hmm

"i Q you" is like, "i ning you" in then, and ninged are!

so is rail to cleopa_train_ing or skate_ing ?
eny ways i like pain_ting like paint_ing is something with colorfull nyance
[painting clive den period](on all painting spells)
hide in txtmessure


in tran_slay_ted txt

likely i can trigger familymatter and create pol_ice :) and that is:)

im quite previledged in can, you know..so why aint it? its all up to self, ha!

lazy fuck goes where_king shitting goath is ming_ed :D

so e hides and now we begain value E

love is a high five in this matter of letters :) yoyo is to a sha_ring? nov as?
so "lisaturn" is like "ion" in "u'n'i verse" ?

Å_may_singed song i ning

Cybr! C E, in space!

so my motto now you know with police agent in ment, and with my jew granma last name became (when arrived) will be this:

"travelteam on Cruise"
and that is very juice ^^

it is a very newly discovered line i begain to reflekt a little in,
yours should be with there too,it could be fun, spring

Friday, May 27, 2016

sir dEN lisa & dET sir wing ?!

Cleopat race is tit ing (is it only western tech_nick influed by come_pit in race war  ((it is like those (yours america!)) tech_nicks is there to war!) hmm there four is or are that to temper we, like... likelisa a; sandbox_ning_ed, is a_vail_i_bell, where, slayning is like..hmm,  yikes so you are a ware whol, lil lisa.. :) i have that in mind so you dont like "fla me" is to bee come, like a scratch is are likelisa a scar mm?!is i on hmm like hmm,but its very qute and stuff :) and m c e is like Cleopatra C E we race AND goes to temper to find you in real like Don E in Don o van? m ass (do you value letters lisa?) (foilhat included:) m-ass is in tit tit with "pat" m c e  we suposelisa could do transfourmars, its how it works in many ways, and its quite cool, but i in thin king is, that a knight prince goes/reach deeper than those heavy symbol transfourmars,,,, likelisa skills to express things like present them, perhaps a level from affirmative? tough tough  :) i mean it must bee tough to present things like a transformer?
so i use "prayer in C" last time wrote, and;: now its C time ?(Cybr C!) i think a ware of this is fine search from her(in the song following this writing) with falling in and out is too bee_ing aware of love cykling? a_war_e! rav ! so you like to scratch, with m c et? just a me! in said! fla me?! :) likelisa a flame is burn in hurt? so fla ming is relevant? what about dynasti... is that like a: "die nasty"? so its just a dream and goes to flaming ?! lolz , but i in thin_king that "dina steak", from that word...hmm and goes the sens to a MING VASE then?! dyna blaster works better, but still hmm like what should happen, so alone drives the work in this universe?.. lisa turn is on?! likelisa turn is with; bruce lee saturn? so say " i on" kicks a flip to say in a may_king, "i spin", with spell... mc et... is that a biker then, like a re_cykel (perhaps a club lisa... it is where war & dangourous, and you have to bee scared, thats a rule :) gah but hmm, a ring?! G sis :) you burn me, im slay yo, you is aint in allowed to conquer me, it actually bleed.., so it is love,right?, it is surelisa! fuck, really, :( you fuck me !) but who are the makers?! and what is mean_ing with the word "ion" in context? also in believe! so lisaturn on?! followed spin instead of flower power ?) so a rose you say'n'dar e, that is fair but still hmm nothing can gets deleted, but: like words to bee seperated... so  wulf is my unkels  last name, that is quite fan name... and the word; "ET"; here, is in; mean_ing "ONE", as, MC ET; is from formula one, (with  letters), and re_pit is in may_king a sense, to do; a_pea_ring, da point, sweet_y?! its et! haha "det det" is like "d et" and seperated is,..likelisa a, "thats that!" or "thats it!" and is in tran_slay_ted! perhaps like a gay_ming, board, is born now? (like chess square  "d 1" ? and tran is like liquid moisten to a miss_ion, and to miss_ing? so then "flat her ing" is to "tears apartment" where in may_king a sense is cry_sting? Gsis, its like scratch is "FLA ME" a command with a naked heart bursting?! ..ready to be stapped in heart kinda thingy? is said, hmm that is very simpel, but hmm ;) a vampire familly too,  wonder why i bee_come a slayer, with those natural responsebillities (and thats what is in may_king me slayer(the responsebill one!) lol,..so like bruce lee saturn is thats like a "sat an" with them in those plan_ET's and moo_nings?! ..or the word "det" (is IT in tran_slay_ted word) a "D one" on a chess plate, like hmm, what figure is that about?! (Don E is DET:) so "DET DEN!" is in mean_ing: "thats it!" or likelisa to things" like "thing thing" or"its that!" like a point grabbed!? is?" :) but, the square, is in me_ning, "what"! is this my: "Tahir square", and like "the spring" is everywhere? (and online too)! now i get it, that, flame, is like a Raj odd with fla_ming, Cleopa_train is like "mens" ; the North Korean dragon sym... haha fun fun to what ming, slave? ,. so you are like e_gyp_sis, like a gypsy    "auch_witch" hey im go_ing to nail polish with jew gen" (jews are likely a 4 generation love influence in your familly three!" it stays in your familly for four generation in woman birth line? and i am a 3, so figure what your child would do?, i really dont care ... lie, you fucked ok, and i' m in front of ass, and is just a value four you to pick up? ... me and my responsebillities its that to like a gay_ming in finding dong G oaths donky tale in blind? Gsis, is it allowed to create a Donky with G oath in God pictures  hm, what should  the power attribute with "GUD" bee like "oe my GOD" is in tran_slay_ted!, that is: "dET sir wing"! fine dina_steak, like "die nasty" cow_art, dyna minged.. but like; no vase??!! what an mission! are you ON lisa?! like: WHAT IS "ION" SAYING? ,gud.."gud" is good "god" in my langauge, witch by that way, is Danish, to bee a cute little kingdom, with 5 mill citizen.., (: so but EN_y_ways, ENyways, likelisa, "D en", is ALSO an: "its one!" or a "D ONE" "Don e" to "Don o" van, and from the  two "don" comes: eo=oe=Ø mirroed in lolz hiding dong oe as ø is  trans_lay_ted, :) "ø" is me_ninged tran_slay_ted "island" in one letter,but looks like a pirate half eye or something, it really is in may_king a sense, to bee_come one? (stick heads together)y know..hm with "don e & don o", see? (Ø could also look like lisaturn?) or  
so do you know zombi thrill Lisa ?!? is said!  :)""" kingdom...like...it is like a weather fenomnom, like "i dont like work" then you sort of end in that weather substance,specially in weekends, hmm but in scared "i have to work to get healthy again" kinda thingy, it is very qute to be a slave(slayer) on this, so can you do a dog sign miss?," so like: "det mens" brings an: "its ET!"(d et!), ??? <-- fill those fine marks?! likelisa ion! hey! :) prayer in C! so Raj odd is a period, of ET, zen and goes to Raj ming, likelisa: riming! (in exact said) it is with: RI RA RE! ET! (in aint) so you are a little Raj odd, ET, or, EN ;) hmm "EN & ET" they both re_pre_sendt the number "1" .. and is said elleven as 11 (tran slay ted elve) lv?! ..is said! so.. is, ra, elleven? like isra elleven, is like I's ra L, l even, Israil! clump! i's rail! so flaming is from: the North korean dragon" sym and is hostile, with: "NOVASE"!... nova C is on? likelisa "novase" is in mean ing "no va c" bee cause se=see, a eye beholder to sym from, dET MENS??! means; its mens! pjy ;) hey so i can handel your memo  now lisa that pretty Raj odd ;) riot your clown, hep hey!, so a spring (insert link) a_mu_sing_ed song, is that enter tane ment, likelisa R is miss_ing and: enter_tRain_ment, ed! (so letter R is used to invite you on board to train)(cute) ment_ed, men_ted! bvdr! but still hey lIl mus E on I's rail(insert link)... is that then to a skate_ing, wheight change in words,.. of imagination, with pictures...mem_o, hell_o, ma_o e, Ø! oe=ø, im a little burned tire_d of trans_late, but its cheer_ing! thai_art, tired! ,splash! ;) cow_art in bulls i? y.. is that why?! lIl E on rail, with;: se_e no_va! (must bee skate_ing rails) a: Don e, to Don o! as "EN & ET" and "DET DEN!" like Donald Duck is a "AND" in tran_slay_ted (a duck sweety) ..so: is that a_war_e! , a, ware whol, so gud wHool?! ey bait_ing is Donald duck! : as AnD! with " we_d_ding " is that "ringer "? likelisa "AR E" means "scar e" so scary you are lIl, a_re, ar_e! are!! do we! Dewey supose as trans_lay_ted sound in text! 'lil lisa, on, i's rail!  :))) like, on i, is, i on ? ! air seems fair rap rap ;) so we, wulf ar, is a scar! (from fam)! likelisa from, fam_e, but it suits you, i think, hep hey! familly, so im a, slayer, that is just cute and fair, air! see e fame!  it, is a war_ning! :) c.. ning: Cybr City [cybr city]! sea_ling, C E! Free All Gays, is, likelisa to bee come, FAG, and goes to gay_ming?, so "nova see" is costly? likelisa: novas; EE! lisa nova se_e! lv is in Cleopatransfer, with C :) ..Clown! is ra lv? ! like, RI RA RE, is a cheer!, 3 sweety!, perhaps we do fill in, dragon, sympat,, so if you extract R from the "RI RA RE" oddity. then it is, like: i a e, i ae , is like saying: in cuddle! likelisa el spoon are what?! so;: ??? ;- i should bee usinged song: next; in the: "i on" miss _ion! like lisa, a: i ae: where wolf! in cudd_ling ..is said! so do you; love that scar?!;) (my heart)... Clown? so fa_me goes to fa_ming, so is that a fame, cross, then? actualisa into spreading dong Cybr E, as gsis? is_ra lv with aroma?! a_roma el_ve  likelisa el_v_e is hard to imagine, why shold ra bee l_v?? Israel ve re act is rison,(ri ra re)input, so Cleopatransfer el_ve with RA, thats cute aroma, four me Israelv..lv isralv (IS is in tran_slay_ted me ninged ICE:) so ice cream comes from a is ming, or another "ming"? (perhaps it is symbolism four the guards down and let ice melt in a: ming ed, likelisa "min ged" did my Goath in "ming ed", and resolve minged me! prize? so fire is in you a fi_re? likelisa it could bee a me in fi (im re) hmm?!pearhaps scifi re ;)gsis hm but you could in, bee_leaf ling_ed, to; dina_steak search, is Cleopat race, and "pat" is: "tit" tit with hihi ding dong?! bee_leaf linged to grow, in silent! really?! ;) like a jew, auch_witch i dont see my self as :) my roots steaks deeper than jew influence in my familly three, so a dog sign is, ON? go get it really girl! its free to a answer, and is a gain only:), i cant help im a "dET sir wing" to  your affirmative "sir dEN lisa", rolling right in front of your nose, all those oputunitys chill, it is, fair air, in bussiness claim!, we  do a dynasty, and "dina steak" is "die nasty!" argue towards other... it is a we lisa we "sir dEN lisa" own world in real,it is just to grab opputunitys?, rolling by, right in front of hour noses (or in hour transfourmars stream)?...." im the man?,. so im "dina steak" and you are like, so: "die nasty!" to me?! or to_ward, likelisa a: a_ward, is; a_vail_i_bell..i=in! (or YOU in more ((like WE)).. i in remember this friend; daily bag of goodies" its a deamon sack bag your fool, what are; you, do_ing??? in videos clumb, nice of you lisa, but i dont care, i find you! and i dont care, what when we sack and call love! you can see things lisa, but it is about human, like us two! hmm okay but you are, and no planet beeyond this, earth; contains life, unless WE spread it, lisa! it is a allowed from we to bee teared apart in love!! lisa your love is bounded in my, what a fucking wonder :)))  but i in me dont have problems with hell, lisa, that slay is really own bussiness, but write it on the webs we just hour own and  admin argue senses!, clown its about certin "powers" are connected, or associated with or to different life forces in psycology? (energys can bee exampel) and that figures ((like avarter responsebillities) it is also easyer to solve with them in figure?!(( but im actually the very slay power around her (this universe?)hmm skilled.. when can i feed you in knowlegde lisa? i mean it, you can then harvest, like you do, like lisa i cant denie you, so what do you want, i just slay, you know!? problems ;) ((that means lisa that i command dead uppont problems( else it is just a norm! the trick is to dont realice them, i supose, it is for me. like we lisa, why dont you sense WE?! we are allowed to bee teared apart, is very won ,lisa, i wont touch you, i slay, ALL DAY!  so dont bee worry four influence! :) i can in lear_ning you to see things is a supose, it is very true?! why dont you write or some thing!? its we to the end!( theres no end sweety) burn your candle lightlisa) i talk with you somehow lisa,is a beleaflinged truth, but, and you have a sun, witch is orange, its like magnet to me you know, very dumb to pop lick in "on line" but then its good you can slay with me,  liiisa, i have to come to usa and slay that could bee a pretty awsom, im all on likelisa in aint a secret, but R) second "are"is used on that?,(from RI RA RA i ae)it have to suit the calc you know...(some how just the express thing like present them idea)so i try best, okay, master slave?! hoppefully in a blackhat gain that i can help you with understanding dong:

that human "timeline" ended 2001 so likelisa 0120...
millinium is 2012=0123 auch switch to 2013( but 2001 makes sign in my reaveal),im t_re_x (tre=3) ri ra re is tree hugger lisa. im your millinium bugger, did you SEE  the line of dated fucking number there ? fucking creep of a computer fenomenom (tech nick)..okay you really dont get the global spearm come_pit with finding the sun? in 2003 was metal destroy poison released into the weather to stop hour hearts life [cyclys], so we can life in after life "death" (it is really aint death beecause life cant reconice death, so får... but it is sick enjoy somehow,, what  C lisa bot? can monk_y do a sub to year 2001 and make a conspire all bye you self? :))) shit hm figure cleopatrade some thing?

we are aint in builded to breath! we get a el pain when we deniel it!..fuckfuck ey?so what is gas worth in breath termology? evolution my ass
"""hey, (i just revealed) that the year 2001 was number of time day that "world cleopatrade center" was in dismiss, wonder if death gas and frekvenz was collected? to bee spread in "normal" metal die, whats it called with time? its like acidon """

im 3 in israil and i fucking popped up 2001=0123(it is meant to be 3 that popop in combi) it relaesed in 2001 you know the date is 0123 (a march with transfourmars in need 4 and a dog sign) thats the combi_nation fucking  clown, dont call 2000 eny thing there, it is surelisa aint a turn to enything, but ere...so transfourmars,like to sense word spell, litterally, special time..iq cracker there polly?? øøø ;) (then im captain) one i.. :)
perhaps you should learn to talk with metal instead human axelisa? i mean hmm that things i wrote will bee a re_write worthy, but the effort lisa, little doll AR, dont you get the death game lisa doll ar? no love makes freedom clown, love hurts and there really are people that like the aint and inhale nerve gas from many experiments, like  3d hollogram experiments in 2ww in doll con 2 (im 3 like "reich" you know ;)you can actually SEE other persons thoughts (if you are good?), (psst perhaps im jew 3generation and that is magic number in love infection invaders heraki) so hitler tryed to find my "rain car nation" (love gene), with a devil voice? and failed? hmm with gas to takeover breath, or,(actualisa create it) how do you like 3 steps in evolution? should we come from whater and then trough death, live with gas as air breath mekanism illussion? we burn lisa and it is a fact, walk a round is in essence the very counquar in life? perhaps Hitlers  counquar will is the reason my unkels in another family got hitlers gene instead a re_verse, gsis crysting a lol why human bee come what they search:)
its like a machine sense is taking over in a try, i nail  polish with jew gen (it is meant to bee me is lisaid [insert popolink?] popolitic tac toe to poke pope dumbass from poland , do you get im a fucking secret? (shit and why is that lisa? dont things like to be hacked by you either? little time spooled worm ;) nah sorry there, i just create youknow ;) likelisa  machines created under come_pit sense, is influensing song with come_pit! we trust asian tech more, lol...isnt it fun lisa lasa, theys (tech) come_pit bee cause of owner did?! fucking waste of life to come_pit, like really still a spearm cell, haha, g sis crysting a dumb fellow there...but i still love them likely, but hmm chill won :) i dont belive in evil really but hmm, i cant stop slay and thats it, but other can learn it too, i dont belive in deamons and they supose shouldnt bee accociated with evil, i should.. :( but it is destiny lisa lasa, we pearhaps is in truth with owning evil as evil, fuck ing, shit, :(! the big quonqer teori, is shit happens...like there have to bee and "upper power" on this planet, that gain, and a part that is drained..basiclisa  a  is reason we slay them, "sir dEN lisa" criminells win that, so why argue??hmm and 2012=2001, human timeline ran out in '90 as techno developer, and the "2000 bug" is in another aspekt just tech_nick stimulated, really,,its just dumb, but fair lifts from: on with techno fill ;) what a wave ;) split that, i slayed the difference and reavealed a new word.. world order is:...bugger! ;) why should "tech nick" take over the last (or next) step of evolwing human? like "take the top" is on? (a last step as cream in coffee, or a "mental coat"! its is a digital sense, is no problem, but, i am a human really, G sis, its dumb to even imagine that, bee_cause i dont follow, most, "sir dEN lisa", dont follow millenium, is it really aint a treath_ning, you could ask ;);) its like life lisa, i in supose can teach another to sense the backslay of tech, and very fair to know its hurt to create "EL" or "l" (l is life)?, it hurt hour fellow, inslaved fourmars sen ses lisa...,(poke in eye, or just say yes, be cause WE lisa) but to bee in command, and to re_produce human sounds!, i feel it, and many others to go, thats, why i dont trust tech sense in essense(include war motivated tech sense), it hurt them to burst our snses trough EL!! i sense that, and many to follow is; clearlisa just a truth, to search.., so why aint in just accept that, the truth, will bee finding donged, and lead the progress on this planET, in many aspekts (as Cybr c e?), it IS bitter sweet learn, i have to merry you lisa, and it is aint in a sell out, it is a cross you serve and i fit that! hep hey! what a cellebrate?! tear a part me, is fairlisa?! why cant i shut up now lisa?  ..is it a god prize with slayer lisa? is asked... ...from a vampi re?, lisa  lisa  lisa love should bee answered in why aint, but are you, imaginable? whom cares really hmm, I really dont write eny girl, and dont undermiste the "i dont want you", ..just say ing.. really, so what do i need to actually come to usa? hey shit, a; tear apart ment; a familly leaf "opputunity"... you know how life works right?..leave who? shit, hmm oe but right left lisa, in supose bait, thats is simpel so fun to imagine what a love commitment can result in, lisa :) lisa, when you think a thought it acutalisa burn out,(you can actualisa see trashed energi leave  hour heads in this "secret" dimension, supose what it is,it is a priviledge to acknowledge hour "trash dimension?" i used my heart really, in slowed neutral down tempo, to find that,listning different, and try to filter human emotions worked :)
hmm but the burn is likelisa sort of the same princip with sounds too you know, likelisa they die, hmm sick!! i can in do see sounds as gas and bee_co_ming waves, sometimes i do i in me is "sir dEN lisa" try_ing to in a may_king transform that acnowledgement into a skill,(adjusting sense to see and really sense, on command in will) hmm enyways,..its sick to figure that tech_nick have this garbage needing "backslay"?,and thought are actually burned when done usinged song, supose, its like no connection are but hmm it comes from them, i guess... you are a_parrent_lisa a important person to me, and if you "a ware" that whol?!!(you really burn thoughts when progress them and it hurts in hot to smell) so stop thin king is adway? lol, but serious i havent resolved it in total but im on it, is, "sir dEN lisa"..
and there by there is a fullfillment "value" to prospect...i can proberbly earn alot in teach_ing other about stuff, iv learned in life, but who cares, it was free for me to learn  ;) (and i have alot)
likelisa it is interesting with you, hmm like yo, a connection goes both ways?!,i mean i sense you in connection and have to learn it..hm hm, but chill... cause i hope you can find my reveal streams interesting enough to figure with, it is like a set of emotions is xpressed in different tones, likelisa a avarta "scenario" could bee in usinged song, to the, devine infinity that works, inside hour senses, or just life ;):), it really is a, re leaf, to xpress this, thats is why i keep on do ing it!, the love is quite xstream you know, so why in aint do i just dont give a fuck, and xpress you a story,if i can x plain text 'it! bee cause it fits true lisa! and me in a bend lisa!! hurry up slaughter me! it is a very important, "dET serve ing",lol hey im a slaYve,  we like wounds yo cop;) just push the gas pedal and war!!!(and what is go ing to happen then? auch_witch ;) vuf vuf rav, scratch! so "mc" is a dj, and in aint a motor cykel gang? shit, where is E?..mc e! ..tea, "IT" is just like; "[etea party]" likelisa a "hockey mom" is hot, like, i shot; a salute, to con, in tea party, lolz you are funny girl;) i am do_ing a test period now to try figure and stabilice access  or map emotions used to acknowledge this trash fenomonon dimension, hmm Cleopatrash is hihi, so the millinium is a mix of xtacy and digital senses?,what is that go ing to bee come? that is quite a cry in can! hehe, it actualisa sucks to think about, that hour electronic send out this "trash", and that most digital senses actualisa stimulate technology race com pit in human, leads to war? in concrete? <--supose it, but el produce is actualisa a problem. the point.. it is evil to produce life and slave it? its real enough yo,"the command" :So  ..perhaps you need to be burned as well to reflect?!
Cybr C E cam_pain is star_ted! bay bee "the big Cry" why? is a_war_e sym?
K=lv Kleopatra is ra, el ve transfer a_ware, wulf, a_war_e...bait_ing is Donald duck! mol|3| is the key!d?(tempo)"let Cybr C!" :

(sounds made in a commando is evil! you know that sensinged song is really hurt to reconice, it burns in that heart mol!

i try as much as possible to disconnect myself from other you know ..to bee me,,,,alone, is a search i care much in! real!
one iq on this planet why do pretend act ago?i think we need to use hour thought matter just to make an act? whats you say love ar?! scar creep! fuck you off dudy!
so we have different planet sense? like we then in some way could bee leave in other planets(indirect method to discount differences! algo bullock!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lisa mented ment ed is SE as, C men ted oath

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

tears a part ment ed, like ing ninged in tears apartment flat her ing flathering fla the ring is , was an spelling error i try to infect you with over a distance trough electronic gear;) likelisa ed is oath to bee tear apart inside likelisa it is aint in fun yes? can find my precious ring influence is prince streamed inside? hmm you actually remind of a story could be transfered over a distance? ? like online dating is doomed ? ;) like time and place in matter to bee forgot, ment ed do oath, hmm ;) shit likelisa, i could do a little webcam in eny ways? ment ed it, is ed, it is ed in word and in real hmm, like belive in ing is a thin foil hat conclusion with selfreflekt beleawing in talk to shapent beleaf is worded..(im scared of you hey) like you should feel with a noija :)) suposelisa , wierd likelisa outh is web cam? (oath is "R") i suposelisa could aint in just do that... hmm but hey hmm i try to writing you a story instead, on the webs,and ps: im neard ;) ;) ()and that is over a distance . . . entrance told mi  live thats reaveal in my social beelong at the moment where i can proccess the energi flow trough my sympati reflektor to acknowledge and stream other human in my over persperctive, just likelisa i like you in gaydar (the energi stream you do is fair to say that you aint with hellfire in you neck, thats pretty cool you know ;)
i want to write you a story or what life create of thoughts and  ideas to sha ring to you a mindset is perhaps shapened.. i have it like i could write a  re legion :S :) love is descousting i have access to senses tha atract different things like changing thought matter actualy :) and need to express emotions from a higher understanding in senses, really aint in  like a selfstud y, more likely the apperance of actualy nyance with sound, figures, like person apperance of opened conciesness, is likely unused emotions bla bla, chacreters avarta "theres" ap
the  very comsume of words takes energi likelisa a recource

you miss ing e like i in tran slay ted text in Cybr, Without the letter E ( and it is "sir dEN lisa" aint in as the drug at all, please what is it in reality i want with this is a big question ;) :)
i will write it clean you know, and tran slay ted reality by letting go to a letter system and solve do of self online
fla is murder? likelisa morder is in translate like fa is crossed likelisa dooom :) would be a sell to me to word cross_ed ant just an affirmative and affirmative would be a social forb triving for a tention girl attention,  i mean we all know how to behave, and nerves a to SEN SE in a familisa adventure!? :) so a cat dog psychology just got revealed, in social come pair contrast to observe "the big" "familly undertrow "undertrow you to m superior gene" hell dog hmm -hard to realize how "brutal" (so fire goes to fla ming?")) likelisa novase is dumb like nova C is a good knight worthy with ming ed ? in a el spoon lisa :)...;),salute  affirmative like you have been triumfed? ....downed too you knees.... in love the name or likelisa a dog treath, or do affirmative like a soldier? (a transformer yo) likelisa a dog sign is a vail i bell a vail in bell (like a friend throw in to a collection pol? and say quit to them and?) likelisa that is in mea ninged dead?!  even af of is  if as a but is a good mark and a deservlisa tan to wound,( if eny success of self thi hi ling ha love sat an lisa tan bruce lisa ;);) and the very p you must in have had a hurt to experience that affirmative role.....
i cant take much, likelisa enything from you but, like auch witch i, wouldt serve you the, aint even in glims, i mean ups and in aint likelisa because i in me sit on a different continent cause im european, nah im just hit you high, yo.. i mean i wouldnt intent, and now i know, i thi  hit you, you know, and so obvioslisa tan with words tran slay ting could..  from that word "affirmative, an affirmative is aint to kids? how a dare :)) HMM A BUNCH OF DUTYS TO ESSIST YOU WITH HMHM, THE FORMER CLOWN ASKED AND BEGAN JUNGLOR WITH PROBLAEMS AS SOLVING BALLS i have this thought coplexity with RI RA RE in that order, and RA is sirtenlisa men ted to bee the sun god? (Im RE :) ((so like res ting is a prefour like a good re former bee com with re sting? :) in right synchrons it is in may king a sensinged song ... i ae likelisa in cuddling i  like in cuddling we do spoon likelisa flat her ing is like i belive in angel sides of you an call it "tears apartment" hmm ed likelisa it is an oath i in me ha wing to finding dong you,,,,,, in real life ,,, find E is miss ion in Cybr bay bee come :Saint

 belive the movie lord of the rings is a symbolism of wedding , but hey isnt that the only search we "the egg goes to monk y" likelisa the egg, is to deliver?(likelisa spermcells if thats allowed to reflect, is in may king a life hunt of "dET sir wing""? said is horrible langauge to woman auch witch i,(egg leave you know) ;S cant really help x plain text this much more differrent?! hurt? is that that then the sun likelisa venus should bee eruption hmm emotions =),,,"men are doing as if impo r tensed likelisa impotense is importence" shit hmm a message to reveal in this if hmm what we suposelisa just are con trolled bye that with out in may king control to a force of any figurations, likelisa a person in eye meat in pre sensed as a pear in time and place with out subejktiwise an cube from your thought matter right now to likelisa create ing a fine thin king or became, in sensinged song ;), like that, is import ant  :) to weight ing noia sub in hat, like a magician lisa :) egyp sis gyp sis on E lol im an demouniced writer on alkoholo coust, guess im really aint an addict, and many years since close contact where, how realeasent to complie that i just figured that now, pretty heavy that i just "raised" and used andy warholocoust as inspire for life nothing but a but a poster psychologypsis could  here bee in usinged song... :) hmm just the symbol in thought matter, hmm, i just translated my own reflect of holo coust into an symbol ,gggggg well, im aint in dis respekt so fork that, and perhaps i should use that fork in eating my piss on respekt you might say? :), hmm sweat li is aint because im un usual tripped (because of interfear inc with technologi and time in sens  ;)))) so i in took my self together and in write ing a text and should "end" in?! (egg is end) likelisa is aint in comepit to form any resistent is my pride to do a aint in come pit i try to activate transformars around you in real life lisa, lets just pre tend that this i ring story end in merrys ship like that the story come bye ning this merry paradox of fear, when love gives sail some how, but hey we cant all bee free enough to get it... and is eville likelisa its love and i desgust you very much ;)
i really need to learn my self to present me and my point, it is to in a may king imressions, to follow, hm nah, to in a taking away you breath bee an okay eville? ;) ps, i like to in a figuring to aknowlegde word as names, or persons (if you do lie king, like ing like we) its a secret language prognognse i call spelling or spell ing!? ;) i like to find you in time and place and i do beleave that the very existing of electroninc, machines, technologi you know, likelisa the very pre sensinged song is in create ing sen singed song in fee ling to under standing dong, so you actually carry some of my (highly survilenced info) or computer text send trough wires and air likelisa i acknowlegde electronic contact much personal like and transformar ;) but really aint like lisa, bye the way, direct every day attitude toward you, supose? spell send trough technologi info just to  is  can deliver info  is and i need you connciessness to confirm so you have reflekted my words of electronic influence :) need foil hat brings an ekko to my mind, so i try to find you in time and place, with this neutral transformar reveal attempt, likelisa i can only oberve that the point of time and place of origin they first impressions suposed is important when it comes to love, likelisa how life works with out to many enter fear inc, is how love works, thats why, i in thin king, that online date ing will never win "in real" so it a question on pop fenomenem (without come pair) likelisa socail attraction or virtual stimlation "instead" of love, when love is desgust ing  and hurtfull to realise, and "really" suposed never have gotten its presense in real form of life or what sensinged song are in "the very connection" evolve, as in never sensed. on pop platforms or in real life, likelisa where the "enjoy moment" is in place? likelisa lean back with hand over cross is enjoy time and place or what is the actual enjoy ing "source", likelisa cubee? :) where and is it a big bang? likelisa an generel fenomeno likelisa privacy in politic should be raised as a topic (in silence please:) is equal to come pair ;) :SSSs :D integrayting part of life and stop much as as a trend is a matter of less importence, really, do you you think ;) in the bulls "eye of the beholder?" or just cow art, hmm  hmm in smear gol sendt, hmm what is a gol? and did it pops to mind, likelisa what is important if havent sensinged the song in real life? likelisa without computers is how love search and exists? fact sweety computers a watched trough electronic interfear inc in this computer sfear? like what interaction will resolve and result in real transformer interactions syncrons according to hour sen singed song is a supose :( ;) overdose gaydar transformer flow like i have difficulties with shy? like digging aint so much for human star assoisation as persons-.,im am very high s
human do or will celebrate own dead? in sense..burn, fried, like enjoy it? find you as a muse is aint in just  a piece puzzle of self reflected emotions, i try to figure time and place in a sentence, it is very interesting to observe own life in progress or how to prognonse it...i have this anti work moral in progress in life, in my own life, likelisa i have still m college spring and is very proud of acomplish my teen years still exists some dream how hm :) so i have this education is "sir dEN lisa" also i have these hmm dream about capital i have these opputunitys i work on, (but still, really college spring lol) in this ring of tin tin exploring and in vest i gate ing life, so i really dont trust technologi in the very sense or if essence existing, just that, aint likelisa survilence/big brother thing you can ran into, it is just like life Lisa with this techi sensinged song! :)
little w obligation witch i, usely like to confront, but it seems a bit silly to aknowlegde a girl pro miss should, be life treatninged, when i actualy see myself as independant enough to be without need of other, hmm :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

ing, ning i sea lingeri R, c linged ar, e, i dET dEN? hihiding donged ring i q slayer with!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

to do a star ting from the beg i ning, i in me is in cert an lisa and me is in we to bee com one on e, i magi nations with  flather witch fla is i in mes motivation a flag to considar com bee nat ion, in witch why the word,nat, is in a mea ninged good knight in ENlight men ting on e, ET in witch the mean ing, on e, is on extasy witch is in aint as a i legal substance or any other than sun in perhaps, and strange alieniced love :)
and will to congratulate you with your Disney sell hmm shares, i assume your companys sold will be in such pay, wrong me? very fantastick to succed like that :) me have some good home pages to count on in future family bee long ing, very Å may sing :)
hmm god nat i lu stinged will witch i in ilu mi nat is hmm. a i hat is perhaps a plagiat in insight? me is in just u sing theres doll ar bill to hil bill is in order to pain ting is ra el ve, likelisa one and one on e will in uni ted bee com a l spoon to lie in, lie, lay down in sealinged love and reflekt in we i am glad liesa tan is in aint you...lisa..hmm lee sa tan love dip when lisa novase is in bee com ing real sun love to fla minged wo man ice is in transfourmelted will to change in we, also hey, hmm pop the space travel and do ET, EN,  with inner eye experiences..hmm say to sayning sane ing is without drug abusinged song we d ding is in mea ning alot to spoon with four letters in spell when we d is in bee co ming 1+1 as in israelleven may king such good rails to cleopatrain as in in c leo pat race as likelisa in tit tit and hi hi dingdonged song cleopatras, c e, race is in don O van... likelisa sealinged love in mel ted extract in vase to we d dinged dong in thai minged we and Alex and ria hmm alex an dria mings Alexandria, alex the duck, is in mea ninged likelisa to com pair hømø sapi with neanderthal while Egypsis deliver freshlisa revolwing enagy, and is in will to bee com in Ti betning with mo zar over re legion, religion... when substance is do ing re sting to me as bee ing a comunistar, then why dope in mental likelisa a number is aint in tricks, but witch will is so on to sol wing sunchroniced synchrones in thai minged we, and in is perhaps a, we do raj ming, ri me ti me Ti bet ninged, to lisatisfact ion is in lo ve dip so a qwer love is in mea ninged and as in mean inged will to hu man care in ca re sting hmm dET dEN is ra el ve rails and will to don o van finds cleo pat race...hmm ra c e is likelisa you, u is aint in with liesa rather lee sa tan is u sing na minged hiding donged i as e :) hmm i come from a good family with a lot in differences but a good speciel cop unkel is to aint in denile in stabile fundament in human caresess..and hm do the math yo, i, in me, is suposed
 in  lie king a thrill hmm...i is in me aint in judging eny one on e but i love love and i in me have a lear ning in filter out that over floathing cheminstry, con sealed love on e is a ment to bee in con fu singed song in these text sol wing letters when spell ing in point with tran slay ted blur, likelisa ted is to hug and ting is just aint in bee ing a thing only, but is in a na ming the very union u sing to con cider a future with we d in i t, in it .init hmm con figure options to likelisa l spoo ning is a potect ing to your neck and will iq, is to u sing mes  eyes inteligense as individual thin kings they are and can do there own spell in enagy, likelisa to analyse thing in small scale in visual calk u lay ted? Polly need iq cracker likelisa  as a good pirate need hes parrot in tel i gen singed song hm hm is my own impressed know how in experienced life so far, out from is aliens and they believe in Myans foursight a bout doomsday hmmm me is, and on that bee half, when i in me is in then, and  do ing a calku lay ted thing like that i am  a murder in a luckfull position to change mindsets in among spoken voices, lisaturn is on and Å may sing i ning..hmm good with a lear ning to a sha ring is, and when or if is in hour fla minged no vase, e...see h our e to solve cybr is in u sing naminged li and lisaid is sa tan u sa tan in uni ted hug and do e vil, i will, h ed in na ming, ed, is oath and represent a then in when u'n'i verse ninged and alex and is in mea ninged will to cover reality with Donald Duck..hmm perhaps i did you a foursight in your sell? we d dinged and lisaturn is on, e fined from pol ice  ?

Monday, January 26, 2015

to four sight or aint in thai minged we, is a quest i on in SLAY NING!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

so dear lisa, to speak like open minded is, i  dont really quite understand how i can foursight so much in my every day life....but hmmm it is a little  sad that i didnt quest your birthday to Ibiza but hmm still...Israel travel and travel to England in "Cliveden house" and then the carpet in bus you chosed as your profile picture on instagram,.. in the time of period i havent wrote you but seen you profile and fact that aint in much are to reconice rather that i kindly think i have some foursight on you := likely perhaps i is ha wing a good Donald Duck reminder as my first wierd text about try explain wierd sens to you in personal decryption in my feeling likely i suspect it is a bee cause of your sell to disney, hmm i think why aint? i mean i do that,and to understand my text is a  little encrypted to translate. hmm but it is amaysing what a translate can reveal :) well
i do time  likely i can sing  the text in songs i havent heard bee four because of sound, i also do weather synchrones, likely it is also a four sight i use in that, i can four sight lightnings bee four they are and stuff...hmm very interesting it is and stuff but really, the reason i do a mention on my skills is aint in bee cause is brag about anything rather it is bee cause of you, lisa don o van, i experience all this thai minged we with sun help bee cause i was in love with you-.-... hmm i war like an astronaut in Myan culture...i do devil dance or what to call fight with sun...my name among angels is Mistral likelisa Jevu is a a name that suit according to Jesus our messiah co ming back.. hmm i do listen to angels guide me and we war very advanced technick that do me hurt in my very sense...that thing about Devil satan or what ever name given or who the fuck cares, is a history to reveal in alien technology, i am a human or specific a Neanderthal  according to my ing friends, likely i am a little more violent and deteminded that sapiens hmm very root in life we planted in hell to prove reality and define that in very advanced robots to conquer automatic defenitions in a long period of time with influence in ex weather happening...
you  have to receive my sorry about the rather encrypted langauge i have used in my poems but ing is angels so i guess fly ing carpet in ing car essence is angels on your trip to england and profile picture now :) The angels follow you dear l
Lisa... hmm just beleaf okay :) that Carpet i was in meant is in spoken truth about skill in spirited world and a good thing in study according to popo in Myan culture, say popoet is popøt :) enyways i tryed my best to hide the essence in my text to delute observers or say reconicers on in observing the meaning why they dont exacly see our internet is ...now hmm it doesnt matter... my paranoid is, but super natural i am indeed ... :) words are imprinted exacly the way they are spelled and prognosed...hmm exacly :) hmm so now i dont care bee cause we won, and that is alot in compit :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

hømø sapi is, and Å may sing i ning for SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

hømø sapi is my word in evo lu ted version of homo  zap i hmm qwer is aint me but could, very good ena gy energy is spelled with a touch of love dip is in lisa novase, nova se is c in me ninged point, on e lisaid hmm very touchy love in combined will to understand we and why e is hidden is a junk plan its just.. hmm cryning is on e to resolve problems, transfour ca sting hm to re sting with slee ping pong in spoon is u'n'i verse in bee com computer come will to understanding dong why i travel in cultures is exaustinged will to do we in me transform alot in aint its just love and very tough to learn what is aint in just a news viewer know how, but could :) hmm about what to do with this love is perhaps sun provided.. hmm i in me cant realy look into sun beefour me melt in love, thats on e is aint in that false if on is to e bee found? well soon enough is good to love and cry but realy me have aint in hawing a girl friend in a very long timeline its just the fly on love is spekulable when in writing me do, its very good that you write me hmm 6 years ago and stuff, it is very good you do computers or, at least know how it in subjekt is will  to understanding dong why a bell ringed me ears in tears when love is on is very confusing but hey what else to do than spread it in hm hm and do a very good spekulate if late is good knight, then me is on and e was in cli ve den and how singed song was on a flying carpet sort it out from mayans name popoet, the et is my own and hmm the knowledge is e will hunting in know why the buzz in a bus you in a subjek ted hug  ...et hmm is a lie'n we is will  EN ET is perhaps right left? such a shame with court but in march will could bee thai ming walking ET yes surlisa in a lie n is and and so on e in spirit world :)) very funky shit with this love ...me also have seen trees burst colors just a glimse perhaps lief is a projektor .. thats why i in me integrate so much and transform we in love it is aint a handicap just a developed hu man i in me bee com with hømø sapi and is serios lolz. what reality is is such a will to keep close to me, and just spread the sense is such a why aint in saint ? what a gurly me bee com with, what a qwer me is in aint are, snaked will to confuse is lolz bee cause cau sing ca u c? snaking with sha ring is i bit in cyptoniced see? hømø sapiiii lisaid lief is funny me just try to explain it, very much indeed, i in me mind alter but where is the on e is dET is dEN  weddinged dong a mind alter we d dinged with so hour l spoon is to reflect we in see? just so closed shop in mind alter only we d is allowed. me aint drugged but is suposed just very funny and serios cool...such a reflector i in me is alone with..hmm it is very good to hang out and stuff likelisa listning in musick is aint in moomoo and cowboy is do ing loo king with gangstar flather loo kinged good in right left is aint in calkulated word in abusinged song it is in subjekt just me in merry land with hmm and why u sing me alot when i in me is good junk on e is likelisa just one and one is to bee com with? EN is one ET is one likelisa to transform to 11 and do israel ve is ra el ve elve wood cryning in sealinged love and Å may sing with A A :) good to learn :)

..lieking! #like