...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like
Showing posts with label muse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label muse. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lisa mented ment ed is SE as, C men ted oath

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

tears a part ment ed, like ing ninged in tears apartment flat her ing flathering fla the ring is , was an spelling error i try to infect you with over a distance trough electronic gear;) likelisa ed is oath to bee tear apart inside likelisa it is aint in fun yes? can find my precious ring influence is prince streamed inside? hmm you actually remind of a story could be transfered over a distance? ? like online dating is doomed ? ;) like time and place in matter to bee forgot, ment ed do oath, hmm ;) shit likelisa, i could do a little webcam in eny ways? ment ed it, is ed, it is ed in word and in real hmm, like belive in ing is a thin foil hat conclusion with selfreflekt beleawing in talk to shapent beleaf is worded..(im scared of you hey) like you should feel with a noija :)) suposelisa , wierd likelisa outh is web cam? (oath is "R") i suposelisa could aint in just do that... hmm but hey hmm i try to writing you a story instead, on the webs,and ps: im neard ;) ;) ()and that is over a distance . . . entrance told mi  live thats reaveal in my social beelong at the moment where i can proccess the energi flow trough my sympati reflektor to acknowledge and stream other human in my over persperctive, just likelisa i like you in gaydar (the energi stream you do is fair to say that you aint with hellfire in you neck, thats pretty cool you know ;)
i want to write you a story or what life create of thoughts and  ideas to sha ring to you a mindset is perhaps shapened.. i have it like i could write a  re legion :S :) love is descousting i have access to senses tha atract different things like changing thought matter actualy :) and need to express emotions from a higher understanding in senses, really aint in  like a selfstud y, more likely the apperance of actualy nyance with sound, figures, like person apperance of opened conciesness, is likely unused emotions bla bla, chacreters avarta "theres" ap
the  very comsume of words takes energi likelisa a recource

you miss ing e like i in tran slay ted text in Cybr, Without the letter E ( and it is "sir dEN lisa" aint in as the drug at all, please what is it in reality i want with this is a big question ;) :)
i will write it clean you know, and tran slay ted reality by letting go to a letter system and solve do of self online
fla is murder? likelisa morder is in translate like fa is crossed likelisa dooom :) would be a sell to me to word cross_ed ant just an affirmative and affirmative would be a social forb triving for a tention girl attention,  i mean we all know how to behave, and nerves a to SEN SE in a familisa adventure!? :) so a cat dog psychology just got revealed, in social come pair contrast to observe "the big" "familly undertrow "undertrow you to m superior gene" hell dog hmm -hard to realize how "brutal" (so fire goes to fla ming?")) likelisa novase is dumb like nova C is a good knight worthy with ming ed ? in a el spoon lisa :)...;),salute  affirmative like you have been triumfed? ....downed too you knees.... in love the name or likelisa a dog treath, or do affirmative like a soldier? (a transformer yo) likelisa a dog sign is a vail i bell a vail in bell (like a friend throw in to a collection pol? and say quit to them and?) likelisa that is in mea ninged dead?!  even af of is  if as a but is a good mark and a deservlisa tan to wound,( if eny success of self thi hi ling ha love sat an lisa tan bruce lisa ;);) and the very p you must in have had a hurt to experience that affirmative role.....
i cant take much, likelisa enything from you but, like auch witch i, wouldt serve you the, aint even in glims, i mean ups and in aint likelisa because i in me sit on a different continent cause im european, nah im just hit you high, yo.. i mean i wouldnt intent, and now i know, i thi  hit you, you know, and so obvioslisa tan with words tran slay ting could..  from that word "affirmative, an affirmative is aint to kids? how a dare :)) HMM A BUNCH OF DUTYS TO ESSIST YOU WITH HMHM, THE FORMER CLOWN ASKED AND BEGAN JUNGLOR WITH PROBLAEMS AS SOLVING BALLS i have this thought coplexity with RI RA RE in that order, and RA is sirtenlisa men ted to bee the sun god? (Im RE :) ((so like res ting is a prefour like a good re former bee com with re sting? :) in right synchrons it is in may king a sensinged song ... i ae likelisa in cuddling i  like in cuddling we do spoon likelisa flat her ing is like i belive in angel sides of you an call it "tears apartment" hmm ed likelisa it is an oath i in me ha wing to finding dong you,,,,,, in real life ,,, find E is miss ion in Cybr bay bee come :Saint

 belive the movie lord of the rings is a symbolism of wedding , but hey isnt that the only search we "the egg goes to monk y" likelisa the egg, is to deliver?(likelisa spermcells if thats allowed to reflect, is in may king a life hunt of "dET sir wing""? said is horrible langauge to woman auch witch i,(egg leave you know) ;S cant really help x plain text this much more differrent?! hurt? is that that then the sun likelisa venus should bee eruption hmm emotions =),,,"men are doing as if impo r tensed likelisa impotense is importence" shit hmm a message to reveal in this if hmm what we suposelisa just are con trolled bye that with out in may king control to a force of any figurations, likelisa a person in eye meat in pre sensed as a pear in time and place with out subejktiwise an cube from your thought matter right now to likelisa create ing a fine thin king or became, in sensinged song ;), like that, is import ant  :) to weight ing noia sub in hat, like a magician lisa :) egyp sis gyp sis on E lol im an demouniced writer on alkoholo coust, guess im really aint an addict, and many years since close contact where, how realeasent to complie that i just figured that now, pretty heavy that i just "raised" and used andy warholocoust as inspire for life nothing but a but a poster psychologypsis could  here bee in usinged song... :) hmm just the symbol in thought matter, hmm, i just translated my own reflect of holo coust into an symbol ,gggggg well, im aint in dis respekt so fork that, and perhaps i should use that fork in eating my piss on respekt you might say? :), hmm sweat li is aint because im un usual tripped (because of interfear inc with technologi and time in sens  ;)))) so i in took my self together and in write ing a text and should "end" in?! (egg is end) likelisa is aint in comepit to form any resistent is my pride to do a aint in come pit i try to activate transformars around you in real life lisa, lets just pre tend that this i ring story end in merrys ship like that the story come bye ning this merry paradox of fear, when love gives sail some how, but hey we cant all bee free enough to get it... and is eville likelisa its love and i desgust you very much ;)
i really need to learn my self to present me and my point, it is to in a may king imressions, to follow, hm nah, to in a taking away you breath bee an okay eville? ;) ps, i like to in a figuring to aknowlegde word as names, or persons (if you do lie king, like ing like we) its a secret language prognognse i call spelling or spell ing!? ;) i like to find you in time and place and i do beleave that the very existing of electroninc, machines, technologi you know, likelisa the very pre sensinged song is in create ing sen singed song in fee ling to under standing dong, so you actually carry some of my (highly survilenced info) or computer text send trough wires and air likelisa i acknowlegde electronic contact much personal like and transformar ;) but really aint like lisa, bye the way, direct every day attitude toward you, supose? spell send trough technologi info just to  is  can deliver info  is and i need you connciessness to confirm so you have reflekted my words of electronic influence :) need foil hat brings an ekko to my mind, so i try to find you in time and place, with this neutral transformar reveal attempt, likelisa i can only oberve that the point of time and place of origin they first impressions suposed is important when it comes to love, likelisa how life works with out to many enter fear inc, is how love works, thats why, i in thin king, that online date ing will never win "in real" so it a question on pop fenomenem (without come pair) likelisa socail attraction or virtual stimlation "instead" of love, when love is desgust ing  and hurtfull to realise, and "really" suposed never have gotten its presense in real form of life or what sensinged song are in "the very connection" evolve, as in never sensed. on pop platforms or in real life, likelisa where the "enjoy moment" is in place? likelisa lean back with hand over cross is enjoy time and place or what is the actual enjoy ing "source", likelisa cubee? :) where and is it a big bang? likelisa an generel fenomeno likelisa privacy in politic should be raised as a topic (in silence please:) is equal to come pair ;) :SSSs :D integrayting part of life and stop much as as a trend is a matter of less importence, really, do you you think ;) in the bulls "eye of the beholder?" or just cow art, hmm  hmm in smear gol sendt, hmm what is a gol? and did it pops to mind, likelisa what is important if havent sensinged the song in real life? likelisa without computers is how love search and exists? fact sweety computers a watched trough electronic interfear inc in this computer sfear? like what interaction will resolve and result in real transformer interactions syncrons according to hour sen singed song is a supose :( ;) overdose gaydar transformer flow like i have difficulties with shy? like digging aint so much for human star assoisation as persons-.,im am very high s
human do or will celebrate own dead? in sense..burn, fried, like enjoy it? find you as a muse is aint in just  a piece puzzle of self reflected emotions, i try to figure time and place in a sentence, it is very interesting to observe own life in progress or how to prognonse it...i have this anti work moral in progress in life, in my own life, likelisa i have still m college spring and is very proud of acomplish my teen years still exists some dream how hm :) so i have this education is "sir dEN lisa" also i have these hmm dream about capital i have these opputunitys i work on, (but still, really college spring lol) in this ring of tin tin exploring and in vest i gate ing life, so i really dont trust technologi in the very sense or if essence existing, just that, aint likelisa survilence/big brother thing you can ran into, it is just like life Lisa with this techi sensinged song! :)
little w obligation witch i, usely like to confront, but it seems a bit silly to aknowlegde a girl pro miss should, be life treatninged, when i actualy see myself as independant enough to be without need of other, hmm :)

..lieking! #like