...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like
Showing posts with label sea lingeri. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sea lingeri. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2014

jeg i ling og ninged lisa nova se i don o vans SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

i this thai minged value of word in prognose when, i, in sound is an e in danish, cli ve, is in words where e is hiding dong in cle o patra, c zar is poi son why aint s is snaked s naked with out aint is aint sanet, san ET and EN is in word perhaps the thai in sane, hmm i in me dont really idolice anyone in known but why is aint in ma king a fair  analyzar where e in sound is a aint in hidden as in strukture letter system spelled in perhaps, but what else to writing about than a lovestory to accociate with in romance is aint, but will in just u sing words is on and leading dong to what is sirdenlisa a lot in interesting,... cle is cli in mes terms of using a lift is prognosed hmm i in me tryning to do a ma king of words in sensinged song why it is cli ve den to reading dong hit mes cry a lot hmm the car pet ninged u sing imaginazar and is quite welcome to how sun is perhaps suspekted me in, to be involved...hmm lisa don o van we ta king cle o patra witch I is in hidinged dong E, messure time is very me but it really hit did aint in that we? hmm i in me cant help much longer u sing my sensing songed will is hmm hope in full never to stop with u sing u'n'i verse why lisaturned me on in a ring gay minged we i in me is perhaps a little girly and u sing me very boylisa why aint in snakinged s aint naked snaked saint is very kinky in me imaginizar but saned or aint in to bee is just a care ca re sting in why sin is a s in aint hmm i in me is aint criminal but i guide a lot...hmm why in where gin parked is perhaps south but is aint bot in north q rea why me q is on to my own in te re sting, why t is lettter in spell and sound likelisa te in mes langauge and tran slay ted is tea with will in co ve ring ea is quite we but south parked with under stan dart stand art in buzz, why bus is aint in where in men tion ram i ting ea is to me wooled in fluffy love hmm thanks is a lot why i in me have in parked buzz about why u sing me hit a quest is aint just s in letter wich aint is on..hmm the all slay in eye is aint and bee long to christianity is lam is perhaps justice i's lambs is in war to just ice will in hotninged war i have alot predictive observet, why i in me have these guiding donged voices is perhaps reason i in me is much more in less to bee thai minged we hmm, u sing me blow outed why car pet ninged u'n'i versed in perhaps, is in mes fined vision to tic et toe tac tak is thanks hmm i in me is realisa in purposed will to understandart why bulls eye is in hit re versed ticket re stinged bee com will in know that eny howsinged song is, cle ve is dEN and suposed to bee u sing lisa don o van, why we is ta king the absurding donged will to lea dinged dong bye bell in a church is very ending dong EN and ET is very baysick to will in aint but suposed why i lie is aint in e will, i is u in more than one is a singel hit in person why i in me is, are a re beleaflinged will to indirekt suposed influence in me, and why those guiding donged voices me listning with i suspekted why i in me bee long to sun, will in son prespekt and the god verse is aint in me will to know about, but much answer i in me re_cieve without det_cieve, dET is dEN and cle ve is in word played in reversed aint just ice in cli ve..

weather icing is E  will or sunchroned I, will to understanding dong the word prognosed in spelled letter  is hit with tears.. car petning likelisa popoet is a fly ing carpet with knowlegded howsinged song and to suspekt sunchroned will to know housing in sealinged song to u'n'i verset is a sha ring with aint in so cryptian in me, when it is hit i in me is usual in with a cryning... hihiding dong is me in this pretty a may singed sun, a mayson with witch spelled letters is u sing me is a perhaps i dont realiesing...

 hmm it realinged in ma king me cry why aint is me as frødø casinged song is just a thaiminged scare, it realy is but won dar full of joy in momented sensinged song why the ring is to a we d dinged dong church celebrate in en ding dong end to quest is to bay bee com to friendship why pearl habour is such a hit in re songed will to figure why egypt is prognosed to bee in mes foursight in general about ri odd hmm throv a fla minged bottle is fla ske..hmm fla spooned will to understanding dong why mes voiced begained in beeginning bee gin where and is in perhaps hear t value and i in me is beeleaflinged very poi son with riot in i beleaf lo ve, is in witch why lift is on to carry on e is priding dong will to car pet is popoet in will to u sing mes thai minged blowed minding dong mined mine in dig why i in me is predictive is very scared in momented play mo is perhaps cirkumstan will why in witch south parked  in north car tooninged will to drawing d ra winged aint with s naked hmm i in me is hoping ponged will to stop with thai ming in scared s ca red in colour full of won dar...egypt...hmm very baysick friendship in pearl habour to understan  why a gree dinged will to dong in church is aint with s is mes very will to just u sing empathaisinged song to just ice love in lo ve, lo.. what a laugh in mes langauge when ho ho hosting is me bot y..bod y...bod is a street shop why aint is on to judge other is witch i in me beleaf, that ling er i is hiding donged fruit in just lief..hmm lief life what sensinged song will to figure likelisa is on cli ve is in mes sayninged will a hit cli ve den howsinged song is cle o pat race, hmm spooninged spooket spook dET dEN is in ma kinged sensinged song c zar is poi son is me thai minged u sing sun, is aint in me as in son sounding dong but will tha cry was in won dar full in mo men ted likelisa ti betninged why mo is aint in mes knowlegded understan dartet bulls eye is perhaps just gay minged we in lisa novase, that is lisaid to me in sensinged song, why monk i is aint in no sex where gin in thai minged will to re versed hating with ha kinged bot y hmm bod y im aint in drunk and rarelisa is but i in me enjoys much ra re lisa tan is lov e lawfull of words is in witch spelled letter is words to prognose a s in aint to infilter will to subjekt the will in howsinged song cle ve is c l as in l are a re I, growed in me understandart that cle is cli is known, be cau sing u'n'i versed is men ted likelisa we two pi is u top i in e will to beleaf linged lo ve is hea..hmm hihi ding donged ing is ang and el witch word is l pro miss that i is in l ed just icinged song l ed is sworn me hea linged long distance why i in me try to figure words is long gone to bed and in beeleaf flow ar e flow a re sting bee com why scared is s ca red in roses, is just icing war dar in will to sealing love with lo ve in laugh with we hmm clI ve dEN are dET together to get her is with flather u sing a lift to A may sing song so A and A is Å c i is aint in eye long e nuff to understanding dong why spelled letter in witch A and  A is ET and EN..bee com Å c zar is poi son in influence flat her ing is i to move in s in aint in boylisa and me hmm girlisa bee have ha ve in cli howsinged sealinged cry in me hmm hope is in full whi hit bulss eye is on e, me dont drug and have is garden guidinged dong song is icing  wøman to will is in understandart wø man iced is perhaps to bee influed by me as transfoumel ting when mea ting is a thing to understandart why sout is parkinged in buzz, when beeleaf is aint in ha ve pain ting share in stock likelisa to understandart mes thaiming is scared and should do aint in provoking kong monk i where gin is drunk non y, hmm a non where gin why monk y is hiding dong from fourma to hapeninged in meating bee tween girlisa and boylisa.. hm. u sing us ing is in flat is perhaps best re son  to a void fla get flag et is just ice in flag but ET and EN beelong in will to we d ding  with a bye bell in ending to mes quesdt with i...hmm cry ninged mes love.. me havent realy tryet that kind of love bee four...but clive den howsinged song is on c zar
? why aint is with s in lift to ski ing is a happy ending dong in beeleaf linged lo ve from u'n'i verse to u'n'i verse Å in ing flat is tear a part men ted and me grow in pretty wild lief is past and just ice transfourmelting hmm i ma gin where w here her e is in v. v is ve hmm we is ne i sne snowball is where i in me li ve live li sa tan in lisaid why cli ve den house hmm c zar sealingeri in i lifted by ET to u sing EN likelisa 11 is el ve love laugh ve in pain ting mea lingeri i ninged sword are a re sting in bee com will to bot l with  bite by s naked with aint as in sanet in ing in EN dinged with we d ding to ET "dET dEN" is bulls eye hmm blown is me and suspekt sun to bee involved in this..why me is in where gin loo king in to sun and it spined likelisa talking was on is much we and u sing beeleaflinged will to lo ve. love where and is in still picture why stars move arounding dong in likelisa gay minged aint but love is much why i in me cry, ..hmm me have in aint tryet that in bee four why pearl habour in bay fellowship in symbolickning will to prepair will in d, likelisa we d dinged with bye bell in beeleaf church own the all slay in i :)))) hope full is on why cli ve are dEN is hiding dong e with cle in exactlisa sound c l e o patrace don o van is to bee com ? what a transfourma part y is a non in aint c leo in a lie'n nosinged song is to sniff why me pro miss u sing is such a care ca re sting to bee com just we with d likelisa EN og ET is one and one in A A so Å is eye in comon a gree men ted to flat her ing with flag et flather is perhaps fill to won dar full with en joy et love is ra el ve is perhaps i ninged will, but me stop all slay in i when ET and EN is with d likelisa to spoon thaiminged lo ve in love with pain ting understand art :)) hmm hope is full that car pet ninged fun is to i ma gin just a sloppy drunk me on e is love and pure will to we d hi hi :)) u sing me minding dong in dia blowed art diamond child ish will to love in suffer is why suffer in tough lear ning is just icing transfourmel ting, day ted will in good knight in will ? :))

..lieking! #like