...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like

Monday, May 26, 2014

lisa nova on a flying carpet, i ninged popoet with SLAYER

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

i ninged u sing me in love be causinged head lienes is in changeninged will to understanding dong why lift is gone in in hmm realisa is that song singed was in real hihidong dong me is just angel in you is aint in s that fun to propose a beeleaflinged will in? sun is good in we lisa don o van....i in me can realisa figure what is foursight see ing in ing as ang l in letter to quest why e will is on to bee com we in d EN and ET in a lie'n we is on you have to beeleaf in we to in ma king this lowing do when i in me men tion gayming it is serious why will in lief in word is sun purposed is reality lis, we is but u is in aint with S as snakinged will in saint hmm how to in a may kinged will to do u sing in understanding dong happy en ding dong  is all slayin eye is aint in will to you but e vil is will to understandart in bulls eye c?hmm i in me love in mo men ted will but stop when we is on e in one likelisa ET EN is will on israil with don o van hihiding dong angel is the closest you come to me in aint likelisa a ra c e in cleopatra is you in don o van likelisa it all is real and u sing ha ve to realiesa it reality in human,,,hmmm what a blow with sensinged song a lief is me in will to understandart in bulls eye much is in dimension to realiese and pro miss is you in mes gay ming to take in c l e in i to el spoon with cleopatra is realisa good will in me and sun as son is baysick pearl habour wiith egypt raj odd in riot to ingland in will to we is power and much more i in me pro miss u sing that i in me beelong to church with i's lambs islam is on in will and slay is we linged lo ve hi lisa i pro miss u that i dont lie...i in me is all slay in lo ve okay :))) pleasure is ALL urs in will to a ma king i sensing songed u*n*i verse as me in god position likelisa hell o is on hey jevu is me in crossed fingers is on e too i is a and a in Å and ET end EN  bee com one and one in E likelisa cleopatra is the right left word to ding dong in happy en ding dong we d ding is in christ us ing in flet her andel in purposed will to realiese that WE is importent and  i ine me can in a sha ring and a  ma king in sense u sing that purposed will to realise lieft is a word to prognosed in a sniff is just i c e in love likelisa i is e in cle ve den howsinged song housing we in i as cleopatra titel is you...we just i c e ha ve to meatinged love :)))

it is in subjekt lief in word spelled in witch i in me ve lo ve in laugh to understanding dong church is aint in all slay in eye to islams is i ninged witch 'i's lamps are on

i in me sponsor will in u sing lo ve in clivedenhousing hit me sunchron with burned bourning when i in we saw c zar with google maps in will to observe sun is we lisa novase, untill u sing a sha ring is on with pain ting :))) we lisanova is power among stars and u sing ha ve to realiese lief  untill we is one :)) hihiding dong angel is the closest you are to reality in mes we :))) as ing is ending dong i ninged u sing love ing is ing in en dinged dongel :))) i pro miss i in me can foursight ur very actions in will to aint what a may sing is on Å with A A :)) loo kinged with eye in sunchroninged will to we two pi in egypt beeleaflinged cle is cliveden howsinged song in bourned street shop me lisa you is in mea ninged will cle in thai minged we in one on e to lo ve is love hey lisa i four god to men_tion likelisa it  is in subjekt likelisa i in e me all ready know you, but in realisa dont, is aint in that fun to i ma gin in where :)))

..lieking! #like