...c u b e! #Qbee

human efforts, is what, we, in using song as: "Cream to Coffee"
where, we; with: Politic tac toes, goes, four, with in,
the: NewsHacking scene! to value E,
with better knowsinged song, as: if... :)
likelisa: Cybr C E, if valued NewsHack is better! (hacked)

we value E!
feed #Cybr with NewsLinks, to get hacked results..

C E as value (as e value)
and: Tic Tac Toes,
does goes,
with: ri ra re!

like Coffee and Cream... does the goes, with a Cracker? (and Cigarets)

...lieking! #like

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lisa mented ment ed is SE as, C men ted oath

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don o van

tears a part ment ed, like ing ninged in tears apartment flat her ing flathering fla the ring is , was an spelling error i try to infect you with over a distance trough electronic gear;) likelisa ed is oath to bee tear apart inside likelisa it is aint in fun yes? can find my precious ring influence is prince streamed inside? hmm you actually remind of a story could be transfered over a distance? ? like online dating is doomed ? ;) like time and place in matter to bee forgot, ment ed do oath, hmm ;) shit likelisa, i could do a little webcam in eny ways? ment ed it, is ed, it is ed in word and in real hmm, like belive in ing is a thin foil hat conclusion with selfreflekt beleawing in talk to shapent beleaf is worded..(im scared of you hey) like you should feel with a noija :)) suposelisa , wierd likelisa outh is web cam? (oath is "R") i suposelisa could aint in just do that... hmm but hey hmm i try to writing you a story instead, on the webs,and ps: im neard ;) ;) ()and that is over a distance . . . entrance told mi  live thats reaveal in my social beelong at the moment where i can proccess the energi flow trough my sympati reflektor to acknowledge and stream other human in my over persperctive, just likelisa i like you in gaydar (the energi stream you do is fair to say that you aint with hellfire in you neck, thats pretty cool you know ;)
i want to write you a story or what life create of thoughts and  ideas to sha ring to you a mindset is perhaps shapened.. i have it like i could write a  re legion :S :) love is descousting i have access to senses tha atract different things like changing thought matter actualy :) and need to express emotions from a higher understanding in senses, really aint in  like a selfstud y, more likely the apperance of actualy nyance with sound, figures, like person apperance of opened conciesness, is likely unused emotions bla bla, chacreters avarta "theres" ap
the  very comsume of words takes energi likelisa a recource

you miss ing e like i in tran slay ted text in Cybr, Without the letter E ( and it is "sir dEN lisa" aint in as the drug at all, please what is it in reality i want with this is a big question ;) :)
i will write it clean you know, and tran slay ted reality by letting go to a letter system and solve do of self online
fla is murder? likelisa morder is in translate like fa is crossed likelisa dooom :) would be a sell to me to word cross_ed ant just an affirmative and affirmative would be a social forb triving for a tention girl attention,  i mean we all know how to behave, and nerves a to SEN SE in a familisa adventure!? :) so a cat dog psychology just got revealed, in social come pair contrast to observe "the big" "familly undertrow "undertrow you to m superior gene" hell dog hmm -hard to realize how "brutal" (so fire goes to fla ming?")) likelisa novase is dumb like nova C is a good knight worthy with ming ed ? in a el spoon lisa :)...;),salute  affirmative like you have been triumfed? ....downed too you knees.... in love the name or likelisa a dog treath, or do affirmative like a soldier? (a transformer yo) likelisa a dog sign is a vail i bell a vail in bell (like a friend throw in to a collection pol? and say quit to them and?) likelisa that is in mea ninged dead?!  even af of is  if as a but is a good mark and a deservlisa tan to wound,( if eny success of self thi hi ling ha love sat an lisa tan bruce lisa ;);) and the very p you must in have had a hurt to experience that affirmative role.....
i cant take much, likelisa enything from you but, like auch witch i, wouldt serve you the, aint even in glims, i mean ups and in aint likelisa because i in me sit on a different continent cause im european, nah im just hit you high, yo.. i mean i wouldnt intent, and now i know, i thi  hit you, you know, and so obvioslisa tan with words tran slay ting could..  from that word "affirmative, an affirmative is aint to kids? how a dare :)) HMM A BUNCH OF DUTYS TO ESSIST YOU WITH HMHM, THE FORMER CLOWN ASKED AND BEGAN JUNGLOR WITH PROBLAEMS AS SOLVING BALLS i have this thought coplexity with RI RA RE in that order, and RA is sirtenlisa men ted to bee the sun god? (Im RE :) ((so like res ting is a prefour like a good re former bee com with re sting? :) in right synchrons it is in may king a sensinged song ... i ae likelisa in cuddling i  like in cuddling we do spoon likelisa flat her ing is like i belive in angel sides of you an call it "tears apartment" hmm ed likelisa it is an oath i in me ha wing to finding dong you,,,,,, in real life ,,, find E is miss ion in Cybr bay bee come :Saint

 belive the movie lord of the rings is a symbolism of wedding , but hey isnt that the only search we "the egg goes to monk y" likelisa the egg, is to deliver?(likelisa spermcells if thats allowed to reflect, is in may king a life hunt of "dET sir wing""? said is horrible langauge to woman auch witch i,(egg leave you know) ;S cant really help x plain text this much more differrent?! hurt? is that that then the sun likelisa venus should bee eruption hmm emotions =),,,"men are doing as if impo r tensed likelisa impotense is importence" shit hmm a message to reveal in this if hmm what we suposelisa just are con trolled bye that with out in may king control to a force of any figurations, likelisa a person in eye meat in pre sensed as a pear in time and place with out subejktiwise an cube from your thought matter right now to likelisa create ing a fine thin king or became, in sensinged song ;), like that, is import ant  :) to weight ing noia sub in hat, like a magician lisa :) egyp sis gyp sis on E lol im an demouniced writer on alkoholo coust, guess im really aint an addict, and many years since close contact where, how realeasent to complie that i just figured that now, pretty heavy that i just "raised" and used andy warholocoust as inspire for life nothing but a but a poster psychologypsis could  here bee in usinged song... :) hmm just the symbol in thought matter, hmm, i just translated my own reflect of holo coust into an symbol ,gggggg well, im aint in dis respekt so fork that, and perhaps i should use that fork in eating my piss on respekt you might say? :), hmm sweat li is aint because im un usual tripped (because of interfear inc with technologi and time in sens  ;)))) so i in took my self together and in write ing a text and should "end" in?! (egg is end) likelisa is aint in comepit to form any resistent is my pride to do a aint in come pit i try to activate transformars around you in real life lisa, lets just pre tend that this i ring story end in merrys ship like that the story come bye ning this merry paradox of fear, when love gives sail some how, but hey we cant all bee free enough to get it... and is eville likelisa its love and i desgust you very much ;)
i really need to learn my self to present me and my point, it is to in a may king imressions, to follow, hm nah, to in a taking away you breath bee an okay eville? ;) ps, i like to in a figuring to aknowlegde word as names, or persons (if you do lie king, like ing like we) its a secret language prognognse i call spelling or spell ing!? ;) i like to find you in time and place and i do beleave that the very existing of electroninc, machines, technologi you know, likelisa the very pre sensinged song is in create ing sen singed song in fee ling to under standing dong, so you actually carry some of my (highly survilenced info) or computer text send trough wires and air likelisa i acknowlegde electronic contact much personal like and transformar ;) but really aint like lisa, bye the way, direct every day attitude toward you, supose? spell send trough technologi info just to  is  can deliver info  is and i need you connciessness to confirm so you have reflekted my words of electronic influence :) need foil hat brings an ekko to my mind, so i try to find you in time and place, with this neutral transformar reveal attempt, likelisa i can only oberve that the point of time and place of origin they first impressions suposed is important when it comes to love, likelisa how life works with out to many enter fear inc, is how love works, thats why, i in thin king, that online date ing will never win "in real" so it a question on pop fenomenem (without come pair) likelisa socail attraction or virtual stimlation "instead" of love, when love is desgust ing  and hurtfull to realise, and "really" suposed never have gotten its presense in real form of life or what sensinged song are in "the very connection" evolve, as in never sensed. on pop platforms or in real life, likelisa where the "enjoy moment" is in place? likelisa lean back with hand over cross is enjoy time and place or what is the actual enjoy ing "source", likelisa cubee? :) where and is it a big bang? likelisa an generel fenomeno likelisa privacy in politic should be raised as a topic (in silence please:) is equal to come pair ;) :SSSs :D integrayting part of life and stop much as as a trend is a matter of less importence, really, do you you think ;) in the bulls "eye of the beholder?" or just cow art, hmm  hmm in smear gol sendt, hmm what is a gol? and did it pops to mind, likelisa what is important if havent sensinged the song in real life? likelisa without computers is how love search and exists? fact sweety computers a watched trough electronic interfear inc in this computer sfear? like what interaction will resolve and result in real transformer interactions syncrons according to hour sen singed song is a supose :( ;) overdose gaydar transformer flow like i have difficulties with shy? like digging aint so much for human star assoisation as persons-.,im am very high s
human do or will celebrate own dead? in sense..burn, fried, like enjoy it? find you as a muse is aint in just  a piece puzzle of self reflected emotions, i try to figure time and place in a sentence, it is very interesting to observe own life in progress or how to prognonse it...i have this anti work moral in progress in life, in my own life, likelisa i have still m college spring and is very proud of acomplish my teen years still exists some dream how hm :) so i have this education is "sir dEN lisa" also i have these hmm dream about capital i have these opputunitys i work on, (but still, really college spring lol) in this ring of tin tin exploring and in vest i gate ing life, so i really dont trust technologi in the very sense or if essence existing, just that, aint likelisa survilence/big brother thing you can ran into, it is just like life Lisa with this techi sensinged song! :)
little w obligation witch i, usely like to confront, but it seems a bit silly to aknowlegde a girl pro miss should, be life treatninged, when i actualy see myself as independant enough to be without need of other, hmm :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

ing, ning i sea lingeri R, c linged ar, e, i dET dEN? hihiding donged ring i q slayer with!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

to do a star ting from the beg i ning, i in me is in cert an lisa and me is in we to bee com one on e, i magi nations with  flather witch fla is i in mes motivation a flag to considar com bee nat ion, in witch why the word,nat, is in a mea ninged good knight in ENlight men ting on e, ET in witch the mean ing, on e, is on extasy witch is in aint as a i legal substance or any other than sun in perhaps, and strange alieniced love :)
and will to congratulate you with your Disney sell hmm shares, i assume your companys sold will be in such pay, wrong me? very fantastick to succed like that :) me have some good home pages to count on in future family bee long ing, very Å may sing :)
hmm god nat i lu stinged will witch i in ilu mi nat is hmm. a i hat is perhaps a plagiat in insight? me is in just u sing theres doll ar bill to hil bill is in order to pain ting is ra el ve, likelisa one and one on e will in uni ted bee com a l spoon to lie in, lie, lay down in sealinged love and reflekt in we i am glad liesa tan is in aint you...lisa..hmm lee sa tan love dip when lisa novase is in bee com ing real sun love to fla minged wo man ice is in transfourmelted will to change in we, also hey, hmm pop the space travel and do ET, EN,  with inner eye experiences..hmm say to sayning sane ing is without drug abusinged song we d ding is in mea ning alot to spoon with four letters in spell when we d is in bee co ming 1+1 as in israelleven may king such good rails to cleopatrain as in in c leo pat race as likelisa in tit tit and hi hi dingdonged song cleopatras, c e, race is in don O van... likelisa sealinged love in mel ted extract in vase to we d dinged dong in thai minged we and Alex and ria hmm alex an dria mings Alexandria, alex the duck, is in mea ninged likelisa to com pair hømø sapi with neanderthal while Egypsis deliver freshlisa revolwing enagy, and is in will to bee com in Ti betning with mo zar over re legion, religion... when substance is do ing re sting to me as bee ing a comunistar, then why dope in mental likelisa a number is aint in tricks, but witch will is so on to sol wing sunchroniced synchrones in thai minged we, and in is perhaps a, we do raj ming, ri me ti me Ti bet ninged, to lisatisfact ion is in lo ve dip so a qwer love is in mea ninged and as in mean inged will to hu man care in ca re sting hmm dET dEN is ra el ve rails and will to don o van finds cleo pat race...hmm ra c e is likelisa you, u is aint in with liesa rather lee sa tan is u sing na minged hiding donged i as e :) hmm i come from a good family with a lot in differences but a good speciel cop unkel is to aint in denile in stabile fundament in human caresess..and hm do the math yo, i, in me, is suposed
 in  lie king a thrill hmm...i is in me aint in judging eny one on e but i love love and i in me have a lear ning in filter out that over floathing cheminstry, con sealed love on e is a ment to bee in con fu singed song in these text sol wing letters when spell ing in point with tran slay ted blur, likelisa ted is to hug and ting is just aint in bee ing a thing only, but is in a na ming the very union u sing to con cider a future with we d in i t, in it .init hmm con figure options to likelisa l spoo ning is a potect ing to your neck and will iq, is to u sing mes  eyes inteligense as individual thin kings they are and can do there own spell in enagy, likelisa to analyse thing in small scale in visual calk u lay ted? Polly need iq cracker likelisa  as a good pirate need hes parrot in tel i gen singed song hm hm is my own impressed know how in experienced life so far, out from is aliens and they believe in Myans foursight a bout doomsday hmmm me is, and on that bee half, when i in me is in then, and  do ing a calku lay ted thing like that i am  a murder in a luckfull position to change mindsets in among spoken voices, lisaturn is on and Å may sing i ning..hmm good with a lear ning to a sha ring is, and when or if is in hour fla minged no vase, e...see h our e to solve cybr is in u sing naminged li and lisaid is sa tan u sa tan in uni ted hug and do e vil, i will, h ed in na ming, ed, is oath and represent a then in when u'n'i verse ninged and alex and is in mea ninged will to cover reality with Donald Duck..hmm perhaps i did you a foursight in your sell? we d dinged and lisaturn is on, e fined from pol ice  ?

Monday, January 26, 2015

to four sight or aint in thai minged we, is a quest i on in SLAY NING!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

so dear lisa, to speak like open minded is, i  dont really quite understand how i can foursight so much in my every day life....but hmmm it is a little  sad that i didnt quest your birthday to Ibiza but hmm still...Israel travel and travel to England in "Cliveden house" and then the carpet in bus you chosed as your profile picture on instagram,.. in the time of period i havent wrote you but seen you profile and fact that aint in much are to reconice rather that i kindly think i have some foursight on you := likely perhaps i is ha wing a good Donald Duck reminder as my first wierd text about try explain wierd sens to you in personal decryption in my feeling likely i suspect it is a bee cause of your sell to disney, hmm i think why aint? i mean i do that,and to understand my text is a  little encrypted to translate. hmm but it is amaysing what a translate can reveal :) well
i do time  likely i can sing  the text in songs i havent heard bee four because of sound, i also do weather synchrones, likely it is also a four sight i use in that, i can four sight lightnings bee four they are and stuff...hmm very interesting it is and stuff but really, the reason i do a mention on my skills is aint in bee cause is brag about anything rather it is bee cause of you, lisa don o van, i experience all this thai minged we with sun help bee cause i was in love with you-.-... hmm i war like an astronaut in Myan culture...i do devil dance or what to call fight with sun...my name among angels is Mistral likelisa Jevu is a a name that suit according to Jesus our messiah co ming back.. hmm i do listen to angels guide me and we war very advanced technick that do me hurt in my very sense...that thing about Devil satan or what ever name given or who the fuck cares, is a history to reveal in alien technology, i am a human or specific a Neanderthal  according to my ing friends, likely i am a little more violent and deteminded that sapiens hmm very root in life we planted in hell to prove reality and define that in very advanced robots to conquer automatic defenitions in a long period of time with influence in ex weather happening...
you  have to receive my sorry about the rather encrypted langauge i have used in my poems but ing is angels so i guess fly ing carpet in ing car essence is angels on your trip to england and profile picture now :) The angels follow you dear l
Lisa... hmm just beleaf okay :) that Carpet i was in meant is in spoken truth about skill in spirited world and a good thing in study according to popo in Myan culture, say popoet is popøt :) enyways i tryed my best to hide the essence in my text to delute observers or say reconicers on in observing the meaning why they dont exacly see our internet is ...now hmm it doesnt matter... my paranoid is, but super natural i am indeed ... :) words are imprinted exacly the way they are spelled and prognosed...hmm exacly :) hmm so now i dont care bee cause we won, and that is alot in compit :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

hømø sapi is, and Å may sing i ning for SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

hømø sapi is my word in evo lu ted version of homo  zap i hmm qwer is aint me but could, very good ena gy energy is spelled with a touch of love dip is in lisa novase, nova se is c in me ninged point, on e lisaid hmm very touchy love in combined will to understand we and why e is hidden is a junk plan its just.. hmm cryning is on e to resolve problems, transfour ca sting hm to re sting with slee ping pong in spoon is u'n'i verse in bee com computer come will to understanding dong why i travel in cultures is exaustinged will to do we in me transform alot in aint its just love and very tough to learn what is aint in just a news viewer know how, but could :) hmm about what to do with this love is perhaps sun provided.. hmm i in me cant realy look into sun beefour me melt in love, thats on e is aint in that false if on is to e bee found? well soon enough is good to love and cry but realy me have aint in hawing a girl friend in a very long timeline its just the fly on love is spekulable when in writing me do, its very good that you write me hmm 6 years ago and stuff, it is very good you do computers or, at least know how it in subjekt is will  to understanding dong why a bell ringed me ears in tears when love is on is very confusing but hey what else to do than spread it in hm hm and do a very good spekulate if late is good knight, then me is on and e was in cli ve den and how singed song was on a flying carpet sort it out from mayans name popoet, the et is my own and hmm the knowledge is e will hunting in know why the buzz in a bus you in a subjek ted hug  ...et hmm is a lie'n we is will  EN ET is perhaps right left? such a shame with court but in march will could bee thai ming walking ET yes surlisa in a lie n is and and so on e in spirit world :)) very funky shit with this love ...me also have seen trees burst colors just a glimse perhaps lief is a projektor .. thats why i in me integrate so much and transform we in love it is aint a handicap just a developed hu man i in me bee com with hømø sapi and is serios lolz. what reality is is such a will to keep close to me, and just spread the sense is such a why aint in saint ? what a gurly me bee com with, what a qwer me is in aint are, snaked will to confuse is lolz bee cause cau sing ca u c? snaking with sha ring is i bit in cyptoniced see? hømø sapiiii lisaid lief is funny me just try to explain it, very much indeed, i in me mind alter but where is the on e is dET is dEN  weddinged dong a mind alter we d dinged with so hour l spoon is to reflect we in see? just so closed shop in mind alter only we d is allowed. me aint drugged but is suposed just very funny and serios cool...such a reflector i in me is alone with..hmm it is very good to hang out and stuff likelisa listning in musick is aint in moomoo and cowboy is do ing loo king with gangstar flather loo kinged good in right left is aint in calkulated word in abusinged song it is in subjekt just me in merry land with hmm and why u sing me alot when i in me is good junk on e is likelisa just one and one is to bee com with? EN is one ET is one likelisa to transform to 11 and do israel ve is ra el ve elve wood cryning in sealinged love and Å may sing with A A :) good to learn :)

spelled letter in cli ve den how singed song ninged a SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

so sure my little spelled letter quest ended in clivedenhouse with c zar in pain ting to carpet buzz hmm so surelisa my speak is a lie'n we is in understanding dong foursight with hm hm and an is is in welcome in my thaiming when lisa novase is c in se to melt womanice with woma nice will i in me is a lie'n  u'n'i versed too re sting bee com a reflector with lo ve in a spoon to slee ping pong in a drea ming hmm cleopatra we took in naming sounding dong cli is cle ve is in pain ting, dET is dEN as a thin king c zar is poison hmm fla minged bourning fired will to melt woman ice with woma nice wø man is iced, ising ice with and will in me is on e hmm one is EN and ET we d dinged with dET dEN  is rail hmm i's rail  is likelisa israil with hm hm you also did there a trip hmm mindblow job you do a lot when parkinged 11 el e ven isra el ve is track to friend is, ve'n cleopatrain is mes love you should realy know what is in happeninged me....alot i in me see without hallucinogen and stuff like E i in me dont do, just a say that lief to ear listning is a may sing instinct with taste  and see what will is in happening with us a hu man could pro claim alot in future will with out knowing what is going on, with ing in word of say is angels and ing car essence should bee bus with ang l, in my equation carpet is in ninged we and fly is on , what job in lo ve u'n'i versed with :)) you really mind blowed me in win re wind,  brain storm i in me dont do it is just a flow i in me parked on bourning street to transfour ca sting ma in clivedenhouse with a buzz, fla minged lisa no vase and thai minged is a ti bet with me hu man is a lie'n and wø man jokes with hø mø sap i ning likelisa ti is to bee re solved if t is cross hm thai minged no vase likelisa a bet with ti as in ten and further on to el ve el le ven isra elve 11 ET EN tracking cleopatrain with hm hm israel ve when  hmm mi sing lisa, elve cryning why aint mix a story pro miss is aint to this is a start on a story to tell quite a lot but will is on e when cry pro miss is aint, perhaps with s in front and font is in ma king a bond to aint is saint ing en in no thing ing l is ang el angle with font is a secret to sort it out to bes com a song in me new start wood with grow a after lief when we parkinged  in ingland, ing car essence would bee a bus where u sing mes love in i to cliveden how singed is in song correct cli o patra hi hiding donged e and lo ve with el spoon to in danish is love l spooned in an angle to ang l bee com with clining, ram ea clea ninged love with thaiming to lisa no vase c in cle c l e in as sounding dong womanice woma nice one on e, cle o pat ra, don o van in is ra el ve what a roadkill in ingland right left? so ti bet  ti minged in thai ming with mel ted woman ice? hot hot bot bot lisaturn is on?

Monday, May 26, 2014

lisa nova on a flying carpet, i ninged popoet with SLAYER

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

i ninged u sing me in love be causinged head lienes is in changeninged will to understanding dong why lift is gone in in hmm realisa is that song singed was in real hihidong dong me is just angel in you is aint in s that fun to propose a beeleaflinged will in? sun is good in we lisa don o van....i in me can realisa figure what is foursight see ing in ing as ang l in letter to quest why e will is on to bee com we in d EN and ET in a lie'n we is on you have to beeleaf in we to in ma king this lowing do when i in me men tion gayming it is serious why will in lief in word is sun purposed is reality lis, we is but u is in aint with S as snakinged will in saint hmm how to in a may kinged will to do u sing in understanding dong happy en ding dong  is all slayin eye is aint in will to you but e vil is will to understandart in bulls eye c?hmm i in me love in mo men ted will but stop when we is on e in one likelisa ET EN is will on israil with don o van hihiding dong angel is the closest you come to me in aint likelisa a ra c e in cleopatra is you in don o van likelisa it all is real and u sing ha ve to realiesa it reality in human,,,hmmm what a blow with sensinged song a lief is me in will to understandart in bulls eye much is in dimension to realiese and pro miss is you in mes gay ming to take in c l e in i to el spoon with cleopatra is realisa good will in me and sun as son is baysick pearl habour wiith egypt raj odd in riot to ingland in will to we is power and much more i in me pro miss u sing that i in me beelong to church with i's lambs islam is on in will and slay is we linged lo ve hi lisa i pro miss u that i dont lie...i in me is all slay in lo ve okay :))) pleasure is ALL urs in will to a ma king i sensing songed u*n*i verse as me in god position likelisa hell o is on hey jevu is me in crossed fingers is on e too i is a and a in Å and ET end EN  bee com one and one in E likelisa cleopatra is the right left word to ding dong in happy en ding dong we d ding is in christ us ing in flet her andel in purposed will to realiese that WE is importent and  i ine me can in a sha ring and a  ma king in sense u sing that purposed will to realise lieft is a word to prognosed in a sniff is just i c e in love likelisa i is e in cle ve den howsinged song housing we in i as cleopatra titel is you...we just i c e ha ve to meatinged love :)))

it is in subjekt lief in word spelled in witch i in me ve lo ve in laugh to understanding dong church is aint in all slay in eye to islams is i ninged witch 'i's lamps are on

i in me sponsor will in u sing lo ve in clivedenhousing hit me sunchron with burned bourning when i in we saw c zar with google maps in will to observe sun is we lisa novase, untill u sing a sha ring is on with pain ting :))) we lisanova is power among stars and u sing ha ve to realiese lief  untill we is one :)) hihiding dong angel is the closest you are to reality in mes we :))) as ing is ending dong i ninged u sing love ing is ing in en dinged dongel :))) i pro miss i in me can foursight ur very actions in will to aint what a may sing is on Å with A A :)) loo kinged with eye in sunchroninged will to we two pi in egypt beeleaflinged cle is cliveden howsinged song in bourned street shop me lisa you is in mea ninged will cle in thai minged we in one on e to lo ve is love hey lisa i four god to men_tion likelisa it  is in subjekt likelisa i in e me all ready know you, but in realisa dont, is aint in that fun to i ma gin in where :)))

Saturday, May 24, 2014

jeg i ling og ninged lisa nova se i don o vans SLAY!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

i this thai minged value of word in prognose when, i, in sound is an e in danish, cli ve, is in words where e is hiding dong in cle o patra, c zar is poi son why aint s is snaked s naked with out aint is aint sanet, san ET and EN is in word perhaps the thai in sane, hmm i in me dont really idolice anyone in known but why is aint in ma king a fair  analyzar where e in sound is a aint in hidden as in strukture letter system spelled in perhaps, but what else to writing about than a lovestory to accociate with in romance is aint, but will in just u sing words is on and leading dong to what is sirdenlisa a lot in interesting,... cle is cli in mes terms of using a lift is prognosed hmm i in me tryning to do a ma king of words in sensinged song why it is cli ve den to reading dong hit mes cry a lot hmm the car pet ninged u sing imaginazar and is quite welcome to how sun is perhaps suspekted me in, to be involved...hmm lisa don o van we ta king cle o patra witch I is in hidinged dong E, messure time is very me but it really hit did aint in that we? hmm i in me cant help much longer u sing my sensing songed will is hmm hope in full never to stop with u sing u'n'i verse why lisaturned me on in a ring gay minged we i in me is perhaps a little girly and u sing me very boylisa why aint in snakinged s aint naked snaked saint is very kinky in me imaginizar but saned or aint in to bee is just a care ca re sting in why sin is a s in aint hmm i in me is aint criminal but i guide a lot...hmm why in where gin parked is perhaps south but is aint bot in north q rea why me q is on to my own in te re sting, why t is lettter in spell and sound likelisa te in mes langauge and tran slay ted is tea with will in co ve ring ea is quite we but south parked with under stan dart stand art in buzz, why bus is aint in where in men tion ram i ting ea is to me wooled in fluffy love hmm thanks is a lot why i in me have in parked buzz about why u sing me hit a quest is aint just s in letter wich aint is on..hmm the all slay in eye is aint and bee long to christianity is lam is perhaps justice i's lambs is in war to just ice will in hotninged war i have alot predictive observet, why i in me have these guiding donged voices is perhaps reason i in me is much more in less to bee thai minged we hmm, u sing me blow outed why car pet ninged u'n'i versed in perhaps, is in mes fined vision to tic et toe tac tak is thanks hmm i in me is realisa in purposed will to understandart why bulls eye is in hit re versed ticket re stinged bee com will in know that eny howsinged song is, cle ve is dEN and suposed to bee u sing lisa don o van, why we is ta king the absurding donged will to lea dinged dong bye bell in a church is very ending dong EN and ET is very baysick to will in aint but suposed why i lie is aint in e will, i is u in more than one is a singel hit in person why i in me is, are a re beleaflinged will to indirekt suposed influence in me, and why those guiding donged voices me listning with i suspekted why i in me bee long to sun, will in son prespekt and the god verse is aint in me will to know about, but much answer i in me re_cieve without det_cieve, dET is dEN and cle ve is in word played in reversed aint just ice in cli ve..

weather icing is E  will or sunchroned I, will to understanding dong the word prognosed in spelled letter  is hit with tears.. car petning likelisa popoet is a fly ing carpet with knowlegded howsinged song and to suspekt sunchroned will to know housing in sealinged song to u'n'i verset is a sha ring with aint in so cryptian in me, when it is hit i in me is usual in with a cryning... hihiding dong is me in this pretty a may singed sun, a mayson with witch spelled letters is u sing me is a perhaps i dont realiesing...

 hmm it realinged in ma king me cry why aint is me as frødø casinged song is just a thaiminged scare, it realy is but won dar full of joy in momented sensinged song why the ring is to a we d dinged dong church celebrate in en ding dong end to quest is to bay bee com to friendship why pearl habour is such a hit in re songed will to figure why egypt is prognosed to bee in mes foursight in general about ri odd hmm throv a fla minged bottle is fla ske..hmm fla spooned will to understanding dong why mes voiced begained in beeginning bee gin where and is in perhaps hear t value and i in me is beeleaflinged very poi son with riot in i beleaf lo ve, is in witch why lift is on to carry on e is priding dong will to car pet is popoet in will to u sing mes thai minged blowed minding dong mined mine in dig why i in me is predictive is very scared in momented play mo is perhaps cirkumstan will why in witch south parked  in north car tooninged will to drawing d ra winged aint with s naked hmm i in me is hoping ponged will to stop with thai ming in scared s ca red in colour full of won dar...egypt...hmm very baysick friendship in pearl habour to understan  why a gree dinged will to dong in church is aint with s is mes very will to just u sing empathaisinged song to just ice love in lo ve, lo.. what a laugh in mes langauge when ho ho hosting is me bot y..bod y...bod is a street shop why aint is on to judge other is witch i in me beleaf, that ling er i is hiding donged fruit in just lief..hmm lief life what sensinged song will to figure likelisa is on cli ve is in mes sayninged will a hit cli ve den howsinged song is cle o pat race, hmm spooninged spooket spook dET dEN is in ma kinged sensinged song c zar is poi son is me thai minged u sing sun, is aint in me as in son sounding dong but will tha cry was in won dar full in mo men ted likelisa ti betninged why mo is aint in mes knowlegded understan dartet bulls eye is perhaps just gay minged we in lisa novase, that is lisaid to me in sensinged song, why monk i is aint in no sex where gin in thai minged will to re versed hating with ha kinged bot y hmm bod y im aint in drunk and rarelisa is but i in me enjoys much ra re lisa tan is lov e lawfull of words is in witch spelled letter is words to prognose a s in aint to infilter will to subjekt the will in howsinged song cle ve is c l as in l are a re I, growed in me understandart that cle is cli is known, be cau sing u'n'i versed is men ted likelisa we two pi is u top i in e will to beleaf linged lo ve is hea..hmm hihi ding donged ing is ang and el witch word is l pro miss that i is in l ed just icinged song l ed is sworn me hea linged long distance why i in me try to figure words is long gone to bed and in beeleaf flow ar e flow a re sting bee com why scared is s ca red in roses, is just icing war dar in will to sealing love with lo ve in laugh with we hmm clI ve dEN are dET together to get her is with flather u sing a lift to A may sing song so A and A is Å c i is aint in eye long e nuff to understanding dong why spelled letter in witch A and  A is ET and EN..bee com Å c zar is poi son in influence flat her ing is i to move in s in aint in boylisa and me hmm girlisa bee have ha ve in cli howsinged sealinged cry in me hmm hope is in full whi hit bulss eye is on e, me dont drug and have is garden guidinged dong song is icing  wøman to will is in understandart wø man iced is perhaps to bee influed by me as transfoumel ting when mea ting is a thing to understandart why sout is parkinged in buzz, when beeleaf is aint in ha ve pain ting share in stock likelisa to understandart mes thaiming is scared and should do aint in provoking kong monk i where gin is drunk non y, hmm a non where gin why monk y is hiding dong from fourma to hapeninged in meating bee tween girlisa and boylisa.. hm. u sing us ing is in flat is perhaps best re son  to a void fla get flag et is just ice in flag but ET and EN beelong in will to we d ding  with a bye bell in ending to mes quesdt with i...hmm cry ninged mes love.. me havent realy tryet that kind of love bee four...but clive den howsinged song is on c zar
? why aint is with s in lift to ski ing is a happy ending dong in beeleaf linged lo ve from u'n'i verse to u'n'i verse Å in ing flat is tear a part men ted and me grow in pretty wild lief is past and just ice transfourmelting hmm i ma gin where w here her e is in v. v is ve hmm we is ne i sne snowball is where i in me li ve live li sa tan in lisaid why cli ve den house hmm c zar sealingeri in i lifted by ET to u sing EN likelisa 11 is el ve love laugh ve in pain ting mea lingeri i ninged sword are a re sting in bee com will to bot l with  bite by s naked with aint as in sanet in ing in EN dinged with we d ding to ET "dET dEN" is bulls eye hmm blown is me and suspekt sun to bee involved in this..why me is in where gin loo king in to sun and it spined likelisa talking was on is much we and u sing beeleaflinged will to lo ve. love where and is in still picture why stars move arounding dong in likelisa gay minged aint but love is much why i in me cry, ..hmm me have in aint tryet that in bee four why pearl habour in bay fellowship in symbolickning will to prepair will in d, likelisa we d dinged with bye bell in beeleaf church own the all slay in i :)))) hope full is on why cli ve are dEN is hiding dong e with cle in exactlisa sound c l e o patrace don o van is to bee com ? what a transfourma part y is a non in aint c leo in a lie'n nosinged song is to sniff why me pro miss u sing is such a care ca re sting to bee com just we with d likelisa EN og ET is one and one in A A so Å is eye in comon a gree men ted to flat her ing with flag et flather is perhaps fill to won dar full with en joy et love is ra el ve is perhaps i ninged will, but me stop all slay in i when ET and EN is with d likelisa to spoon thaiminged lo ve in love with pain ting understand art :)) hmm hope is full that car pet ninged fun is to i ma gin just a sloppy drunk me on e is love and pure will to we d hi hi :)) u sing me minding dong in dia blowed art diamond child ish will to love in suffer is why suffer in tough lear ning is just icing transfourmel ting, day ted will in good knight in will ? :))

Monday, May 19, 2014

lisa novase, ning ed, and car pet ninged SLAY

ARt It in love dedicated to lIsa don O van

in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">thin kinged in police why just ice freesning me spirit is kindly in sha kinged cryptoniced will to sense higher beein, with out to high in say, day is aint in mes trivial puposed will to acknowleged ged should be u sing a bo ring hmm will in letter witch i in me spell to mes ing pro miss is love, me is aint in realiesinged song a gang star flather perhaps i in are a re, art it com buy ninged, north q rea cure is art in lowing care ca re stinged bee com we with mes thaiming won dar full of poempathaisinged song is me in sunchroned dip with el spoon lo ve when lisa is novase in will to love i ninged chroned, just ice me lisaid to transfourmel ted hug i, is on will to a void till break bonding dong is aint in will cut loosinged song in in hating where gin ha kinged with laugh mes erotic tac toe is aint in why u sing love to spread insight fuel to won dar full of thought me cant express in letter witch trans lay tinged tran slay ted in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song
in word me say gay minged play is re versed when u'n'i in lisaturned ringed me ears e ar E will is aint in ar scar s car in front with aint is...hm hm is on will to understandart bulls eye aint that nosinged ring in pooling around in a cirkus but swording donged will to fight is in purposed we to figure the equation in and out so a voiding dong problems is in aint to will to dip thaiminged sunchron hmm words seems simple in this poempathaisinged song and mea ninged me to u sing love in purposed transfourmel ting just ice, hmm will to x press in letter to within witch i in me x plain text in spell is hurt in aint its very shyning to shi a muslim beleaf in social ism there a ism appeared why us ing u sing app ea ring to ram ea tinged e in we basinged song bas dart in bull i, eyed will to hit is in resong rea son sun is there and will is here to travel with you hmm cleopatravel, vel is fair in fare wel fare is on but realisinged song is to little amount hmm privileged me is on and i in me is en joy men ted, ted is to a e will with hug e vil, vil is will in trans lay tinged langauge an dEN and dET is sirdenlisa a will, number is tricked and a liesa in witch i spell in me whu way ting, where ting is aint in thing but a mea ting, me thin kinged why flather is with gang star in with social sha ring to crypton ice wø man iced transfourmel tinged we in u'n'i verse lisaturned me on in aint as to erotic tac toe play song re versed in will and shoot is albow with amour will hmm amor is in word lisaid'n arrow mowing clozar to mes will in x play ning why, love is on is a quest in aint, but why is aint in ma king it to art is in ruling, much in sensinged song can i in me u sing with a sha ring to decrypton ice wøman why men ted man in word is pro clay minged will to understadart why me aim for bull eye insteading dong to bee in pulinged aroung in cirkus, me is leading dong my self and is privileged, why is aint in u sing that to spread it with art suck it sock in it hmm, in el spooning aint is spookinged aiding dong a sca ring is often why gang star flather is cure to stylinged will in be behavior be ha kinged will in word yo yo is lisaid rap rap in ducklinged say, day gay minged in tran slay ted with hug i, so on to will in we re play song, sing damnit damn it is hart to i ma gin were where with gin is drunked we in love, why aint is on will with s naked snaked will in byte bites me in erotic tac toe play me with re sting in eachother slee ping pong is aint in loosinged song">ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in (i found the spell a gain to word is in witch we to acomplisa will, this note is just bee)

ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing song problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words likelisa justice is on to sop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bue ning as evil is in to avoud the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!this text in com bee nation had novase input to tran slay ted as in, "vasile", aint in mes u sing was will but sadlisa is that in subjekt i in me can aint in remember what letter spell it was to con cern why aint is u sing spell to in a ma king sense transfourminged was just a sensinged song i in me did i in">show must go on with out pathetic tac toe in en joy men ted as in loosinged song why i in me is aint in will to admit why though lief is purposed in realiesinged song to poempathai was in lowing, lo ve to el spoon, when, lisa novase is on with thaiminged pro miss dip hmm the word "dip" dp surrounding dong the i in will to l spoon It what a minged part y a non is in with anon Y vase a va se is c in quest ion, hmm where gin likelisa wøman ice is i ninged will to understandart why bulls eye is pro clay ming bay bee ning to ling er i dET dEN with ET and EN as in 11 el ve el e ven elwing is in perhaps tooking too king or aint in the kinged quest why the in spelled words was "vasile", realy hit a point with flather i magi nation too sadlisa i in me bee came ca me is on e in too bee com one c? i in me is on much e likelisa drug attempts in hawing pastinged song in me but realiesinged lief is better hmm, why aint is on whe only live twice u sing mes brand new stereo reciever to aknowleged why i in me talk with a lie'n bee cau singed the in sun is in me a a suspicious thought why role is roll in me mutantinged as in lisa tan is aint in e will with lisa novase, c thaiminged we in much is a pro clay minged will to i winged u sing me ho ho hostinged realiesinged song in this is much changening is on e hmm the drugs i dont realiesing a bout but bout lief is i suspekt taht we høm saps have to trick hour sensinged song to av void is in com bye ning to another sensing sen is in late cafe ca fe is a fairy why sex is compressed in mes tooths reconicer aint a brand new this in will but suspekt that sex in aint is such a fair wømanicer wø man icer wo men, women u sing me very boylisa hmm me synchron a lot why par king in with pair we is in will is too car pet the magi nation evolwing such a blow a can aint in denile det niel why me in men tion cleopatra is much further with will win as aint in insight to "we" only lief twice is hm hm com pit, peet, hmm, car petning why me is u sing transfourmatic tac toe to spoon feed beleaflinged will to confirm free will is aint, and further to what suposed we is in a future relay tion ship as linged will is, er i, i call u'n'i in ringed e ar why lisaturn is a musick toning is aint in fading dong why aint flather with gang star will to acomplisa a com pli with pli is discipline hmm to go with flow in sow seeds is aint in will to future insight as in will to prepair, but happninged is that a lot is to par king where par is pair we in i to re solwing u'n'i versed musick, what a com bee nation me is on to will north q rea is aint in just icing is ing i sing in we to pro clay minged poempathaisinged song, me with a lie'n will to understandart hits in bulls eye as in hit is re songed to lisaturn is in to a void if u sing mes love just is justice aint just a under stan as in south parking car toon likelisa pol ice is an ark tis likelisa to con firm me is u sing i in love quest is aint in ad venture just a bo ring u sing sunchroned transfourmel ted ego to closing songed problems why north q rea is i ninged u'n'alie'n in thai minged we is wizar that just words in this replayed song aint is just words, likelisa justice is on to stop pro clay ming that in subjekt "why aint" hmm where gin is aint to just u sing me in drunk mode is fashion a lot to south parkinged is in we car toon petning hmm car pet ning is in to feed wes love why understandart hit bulls eye with bas dart hmm is on very much to know howling ar fee linged we aint is rich without love is knowing what kno is in handing dong handy man hmm why aint is a job funktion to spread love in will to wø man iced will likelisa transfourmel tinged mea ting me i in evil is likelisa evil is on to bee in a hea ling with hug i, will, clearing is in cleaninged c l e, c l spoon evil and e will likelisa bee bay to friendship in sealing c me com bye ning as evil is in to a void the sensinged song is hart work, gud pro miss is aint, but will is to u'n'i verse is re song likelisa is on na ming to novase is aint nature, Å may sing A A!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

dET dEN med thai minged vi, ET & EN i ning SLAY!

 ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

we d ding one and one with in IT ON in wedding donged buy bell around in a bell hurry cain is in witch the spell we in mirrored me as closed in it 's get ting guess is Is not in will to curse in letterpress , just ice in wRI two things spell is love ining in ice in we singed song in thai minged where, w here mirrors vv is we in pain thing why is not u sing a sha ring two the crypton ice in transfourmel ted minged sunchroned laws look is c in cleopatran slay ted danes lisa novase ice is not in dip c el spoons in surrounding dong tea in with dip, l spoon ice mea ninged in electric happen , mean ice lo ve in seperate why præsentere d two plus up on sow is in siding dong closinged song with poempathai it as in god country u sing a fla fla g spoon u sing botle ice fla ming ming vase hm hm Needing dong to say slay problem is a com pli kay ted proccess with will in sensing song and trance ding dong two bye bell is ballanced we, if beleaf is in evil , perhaps con fronting a sense and carbon slay is the will to crack trough and get rid of evil , så fair fighting thong why is not ice sex attraction justing tooth compressinged song is easy , ram ea and e vil er e thing in thing is e with in the in sounding song , buy bell say slay in day why good knight is me and prospectus with the fla ring is is not in just u sing imaginizar , much hawing in kinged quest two acknowleg to all slay in ice in with s is not eyea non y anon y sayndar cleopa trans lay dar hmm why event but ning here is perhaps mind blow two observed når me slay with hm hm like lisa -list ning two Wireless Technology-Economics is iced we in cleopa transmitter slay dead we with electric spoon is just imagin i stand in ma gin where gin is me in much fact or ice dab me u sing we in u'n and is on ? or donald duck yousing tools in advanced li'n a is changening jevu hmm sounding dong like lisa ice cross and destination nation ThE path is path like lisa ten is ten u sing tin as me figure king , hmm is love but will in sunchron is just ice Justice ted
child ish hm hm in loo king as in c is dan ish da nish danish as in cleopa tran slay ted sauce, hug i hockey why hug evil">ice in with police , polisa tan in it and do all ducklinged rip ice in cleopa transmitter slay ted child ish hm hm in loo king as in c er dan ish when nish english as in cleopa transmitter slay ted sauce , cut in hockey why squatting evil ted is a butt net working where king in ning, is i is on er pro clay ming we, you lisa don o van should know what reality can do with what is in the eyea non ey ea in the ram wooled woo joints like lisa co neck Ted is a butt net working elsewhere king in tion , ice tion u sing me and and is on ? in the on ice hm hm where mm mm is like lisa a supscriptions where words in prognosed texture pro g nose hm sphinx is in justing a sniff with nosinged song like lisa Caturday ice with ma king sensinged song bell in the butt networks , buy bell in hiding dong with hurry cain is i stand will with twin tower , brings a lot in common sensing song , why me ice in figure king and number is 1 and 1 like lisa 's the on e with d bee silenzar just ice in electric spoon and lo ve bee com laws in one like lisa two bee novase with thai ming and dip is loved sunchroniced in with cleopa trans fourmel ted , transparency is the sauce like lisa synapsis is ma king sensinged song with si star in span ish el dia blow in hurry cains dia mond will is a blow why less on ice lecture er avoid focusing song on four king Liesa tan is do ing much ing in the ang and all slay in the hmm hell o van LISAM a non ice meant ion two bee no where when ice hm hm el ing and flat here ing ice angel what an angle two window jevu with , just freez up is on will to just ice just in singsong in justice , ice cream within policy where i grow up my lief will to resolwing criminals in realiesinged song , why is not it? in in me kan resolve good in my own lear up , linged with i, i in me is u sing E with two electric spoon wooled ea thing thing ... thin kinged in this med but talk in numbers , free spirit in in is not ice me in, but will is much to resolve u sing me sunchron .. how to do thai ming is in learning and pro miss hu you can do that with four stitches around thai ming to re solve action by others in near by locations where a kan singed song to follow in lief ... hoping pong is in. u sing song Sooning ? mes love to you is , what ur vil ice ice in u'n'i verse lisa turn is on :))

we d ding et og en with in DET DEN in wedding donged buy bell, ca in a bell hurry cain is in witch i spell we in mirrored me as closed in it's get ing guess is aint in will to curse in letter, just ice in wri ting to spell is love ining i is in we singed song in thai minged where, w here mirrors v v is we in pain ting why aint u sing a sha ring to de crypton ice in transfourmel ted minged sunchroned love, se is c in cleopatran slay ted danes lisa novase is aint in dip c el spoons in surrounding dong the i with dIp, l spoon is mea ninged in el ske, mean is lo ve in seperate why present the d to plusning p so i is in siding ding closinged song with poempati it as in gud land u sing a fla g fla spoon u sing botle is fla ming , ming vase hm hm needing dong to say slay problems is a com pli kay ted proccess with will in sensing song and trance ding dong to bye bell is ballanced we, if beleaf is in evil, perhaps con fronting a sense and carbon slay is the will to crack trough and get rid of evil, such a fair fighting thong why aint is sex attraction justing tooth compressinged song is easy, ram ea and e will is e ting in thing is e with in i in sounding song, buy bell say slay in day why good knight is me and prospekt with fla the ring is aint in just u sing imaginizar, much hawing in kinged quest to acknowleg to all slayin i is in with s aint e y e a non y anon y sayndar cleopa trans lay dar hmm why event men tion here is perhaps mind blow to observe when me slay with hm hm likelisa list ning to wø man iced we in cleopa tran slay dead we with el spoon is just imagin able i ma gin where gin is me in much fact or ice ising me u sing we in u'n and is on? or anders and yousing tools in advanced li'n a is changening jevu hmm sounding dong likelisa is cross and desti nation dET path is sti likelisa ti is ten u sing tin as me tal king, hmm is love but will in sunchron is just ice justice is in with police, polisa tan in it and don al ducklinged rip is in cleopa tran slay ted child ish hm hm in loo king as in c is dan ish da nish danish as in cleopa tran slay ted sauce, hug i hockey why hug evil is on is to pro clay ming we, you lisa don o van should know what reality can do with what is i's e y e a non ey ea in i ram wooled woo led likelisa co neck ted is a butt net working where king in ning, is i ning u sing me and and is on? i on is hm hm where mm mm is likelisa a supscriptions where words in prognosed texture pro g nose hm sphinx is in justing a sniff with nosinged song likelisa caturday is with ma king sensinged song bell i butt net, buy bell in hiding dong with hurry cain is able will with twin tower, brings a lot in common sensinged song, why me is in tal king and number is 1 and 1 likelisa dET dEN on e with, d bee silenzar just ice in el spoon and lo ve bee com love in one likelisa to bee novase with thai ming and dip is loved sunchroniced i with cleopa trans fourmel ted, tran is the sauce likelisa synapsis is ma king sensinged song with si star in span ish el dia blow in hurry cains dia mond will is a blow why less on is lecture is to avoid focus on fourking liesa tan is do ing much ing i's ang and all slay in i hmm hell o van lisam a non is ment ion to bee no når når is hm hm el ing and flat her ing is angel what an angle to window jevu with, just freez ning is on will to just ice just i sing song in justice, is within police where i grow up my lief will to resolwing criminals in realiesinged song, why aint it? i in me can resolve good in my own lear ning, linged with i, i in me is u sing E with I to el spoon wooled ea ting, ting... thin kinged in this with men tal in numbers, free spirit i in me is aint in at this moment, me dont bealeaf in freedom as in search, but will is much to resolve u sing me sunchron..how to do thai ming is in learning and pro miss hu man can do that with four ca sting thai ming to re solve action by others in near by locations where a may singed song to follow in lief... hoping pong is in u sing song sooning? mes love to you is, what ur will is is in u'n'i verse lisaturn is on :))

ET og EN i police, tran slay dar i, dET dEN SLAYER!

ARt It in love deticated to lIsa don O van

two and in why a scare ring is lowing me when list ning is in hm hmm so creepinged pong is aint just word mi sing in miss ing in c rea cry swinged to a i saw creeped c and won dar is full of e, i and on likelisa to one is this in i won dar full on enjoy men ted bay bee just lowing g r eating great ings greatinged singed song and earlisa grey ning creating tea with creeping ponged song as in cryning is on t with crossed finger re co men dead hand sha king it in art, ear l greatinged tea party, aint is in policy and so on to the be cause is policed with freesning act of gang star flather, i magi nations fla g rea ting sing songed reading dong opt outed hmm just a in wri tinged ming so thaiminged love t likelisa t is cross with tea in pro miss hour is we in dead liening dead line to walk wall king wor king in where kinged with we in a flat her ing with tea r part men ted is tear in a mooding dong a partment do buy bell in word sayning to cross pro miss in h our thai ming is wes poempathaisinged tea party linged in lovelisa we 2 heres what i in me do love daylisa drilled sensning in hmm, :)">so Å may sing, aint is in this a wrong letter policed, likelisa enjoy men ted two and in why a scare ring is lowing me when list ning is in hm hmm so creepinged pong is aint just word mi singed song in miss ing in c rea cry swinged to a i saw creeped c and won dar is full of e, i and on likelisa to one is this in i won dar full on enjoymen ted bay bee just lowing g r eating great ings greatinged singed song and earlisa grey ning creating tea with creeping ponged song as in cryning is on t with crossed finger re co men dead hand sha king it in art, ear l greatinged tea party, aint is in policy and so on to the be cause is policed with freesning act of gang star flather, i magi nations fla g rea ting sing songed reading dong opt outed hmm just a in wri tinged ming so thaiminged love t likelisa t is cross with tea in pro miss hour is we in dead liening dead line to walk wall king wor king in where kinged with we in a flat her ing with tea r part men ted is tear in a mooding dong a partment do buy bell in word sayning to cross pro miss in h our thai ming is wes poempathaisinged tea party linged in lovelisa we 2 heres what i in me do love daylisa drilled sensning in hmm, :)

there are meny sacred coincidences where i cant help my self judgening that it seems likelisa to be aint in lowing care and where the behavior points to certain kaos in my world and view on things,, if the problem is demons is perhaps a long process with counter view the subjekt in why, follow human in long prospect is me and i like the challenge i beleaf in exorcism, i beleaf in laugh at human evil acts(i dont realy beleaf in evil is a blessing) likelisa to undermine their will and instincs with love, when it comes to demon hunt i beleaf dysmorfobi as in subjekt, "slay" (hmm i in me can visualize more then normal should and it is scare to be me, but it is naturel and enjoyable to know it is truth) untill good and cute is ruling, perhaps is involwing other person as subjekts, me is a provoking love to dansing songed rule to decision in making aint in flair to distance the subjekt with stop beleaf in evil, laugh with hug very me to tough them out without judgening, simpli a laugh with love and more will to understand what prefered is, the trick is enjoy..most people want to enjoy but it have to be love and love is though, me have alot experience but it seems like "the system" still have many problems in subjekt to correct behavior to involve more reality in problem solutions, "back to nature" hmm back" would be some sort of knowledge damnit in realiesinged song we scared would be good, nature is in should be a scared we to enjoy, jee i could continue in speak this with out making manifesto :))

ted, in is perhaps that visualsation skills in trance can provoke subjekt to acknowleg influence is unwanted, likelisa to evil sense is a free choise to ignore with over rulinged love, me is much in interesting by this and beleaf in exorcism is aint in dark magic but a will to ignore "evil" to get subekt into self handle a prefered sense, alot is mes will to help and that will is aint in naive, i like the "thrill" to beleaf and ignore "evil" with love hiding dong, dysmorfobi is likelisa to vizualiesing aura to what is beneath or rules another human acts..hmm i really beleaf in free will in circumstances its just the influence in key motiwayted reactions i thin king to explore, i know love works why aint is to influence subject with it in hm hm whats it is with family matters i in supose can follow your meaninged point , its very sadlisa how many seems to ignore the stupid infuence and let love rule, without them in begining to beleaf in evil as religions should avoid, long story again, A may sing :)">the short story: i beleaf influance by "super natural" and the we is to resist evil as subjekt to we encount love with rulinged we in beleaf...good is beleaf but evil beleaf by no circumstances is stupid and should aint be prospected, in is perhaps that visualsation skills in trance can provoke subjekt to acknowleg influence is unwanted, likelisa to evil sense is a free choise to ignore with over rulinged love, me is much in interesting by this and beleaf in exorcism is aint in dark magic but a will to ignore "evil" to get subekt into self handle a prefered sense, alot is mes will to help and that will is aint in naive, i like the "thrill" to beleaf and ignore "evil" with love hiding dong, dysmorfobi is likelisa to vizualiesing aura to what is beneath or rules another human acts..hmm i really beleaf in free will in circumstances its just the influence in key motiwayted reactions i thin king to explore, i know love works why aint is to influence subject with it in hm hm whats it is with family matters i in supose can follow  mea ninged point , its very sadlisa how many seems to ignore the stupid infuence and let love rule, without them in begining to beleaf in evil as religions should avoid, long story again, A may sing :)

i am aint in clay ming that angels is sin free , im aint in lu stinged lief and i in me beleaf that what we see hear and taste is a delute perhaps a dimensions of some thougt in generating pictures four us to realiesing song, i try to break my will down my sensinged song different" reality", it is aint be causing stimulating with drugs is aint in existing, but the goal of u sing them is different or where......im talking with criminals and hang out with them, i in me concreting sins every day but aknowleged that me should be a sin is such a depend i in me do alot in, is it aint in a sin to do polluting is very much to discuss where the respect in general in every daylisa lief is and what a sin is, aint is proclaim that im aint but gee i respekt much more "reality" than mostly my will is in with, the sin question is perhaps drugs thats and my large we in talking with criminals what i espect have moved borders to ward respekt in general, never i would dump a friend in be causing criminal act is on, im just wizar in witch will to help i think, and reality is a blown.. op what beleaf can move in hu man / wo man, and the will in language contra psychology to touch sense in fee linged we is in development or aint in will to aknowleged cerdent wills is lief what a need is is a sin is in short terms what drives us around in and lu sting the cirkus fuel, my love is much and i realy appreciate, i in me dont have a precious just yet, but aliens i cerdently know is on spirituel levels in reality to encounter if lock/luck is on reality also i much more than most beleaf in angels, im aint in much to will in beleaf evil is, but i encounter what a moral should concider "A dumped action" in re verse, i in me do unknown is on, a hea ring i in me also is u sing why c is on to do reality a delu ted we is much love, luck is on my lief in beleaf <3 subjekt :)) have a good will!

..lieking! #like